Re: Stupid Whore
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 1:09 am
CanadianFTFYTruman wrote:Aw, hell, Marty, it won't be so bad as long as I have a Canadian humourist to keep me entertained...
CanadianFTFYTruman wrote:Aw, hell, Marty, it won't be so bad as long as I have a Canadian humourist to keep me entertained...
He only smells dead.Truman wrote:Glad you're back, Goobs. I thought you were dead.
I mentioned more than once that I was headed to Italy for a couple of weeks. Very hurtful to learn that you don't read all of my posts.Truman wrote:Glad you're back, Goobs. I thought you were dead.
I told you you stupid fuckhole that I read your first link and it said nothing about the pres lying in the first part and I'm not mining the net looking for it when YOU are the one saying he lied.Truman wrote:
He lied on multiple occasions.
Now that, my breviloquent barrister, is what can be catergorized only as nothing short (pun intended) of a lie....And although misrepresented by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice as a “spontaneous outbreak” of violence provoked by a “hateful” movie denigrating Muslim prophet Muhammad, he (Obama) and other high members of his administration knew full well and early on that this was patently untrue. Congressional testimony reveals that the White House had been informed on day one that al-Qaeda terrorists were responsible for the murders of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi.
For more than a week after the Benghazi attack, the Obama administration which pledged to be the “most transparent administration in history”, continued to maintain a ruse that the outbreak of violence was nothing more than a spur-of-the-moment protest in response to the offensive video.
Dinsdale wrote:Tru, worded correctly, it's funny.
Worded poorly, it's IKYABWAI, which the KC Contingent should be especially wary of.
While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants. ... story.html
[/quote]While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants. ... story.html
Liar.Truman wrote:I thought
Probably a better option that that "thought" dealio you were trying.Truman wrote:Lemme guess
Bullshit. Extremists and terrorists used the anniversary of 9/11 as an excuse to “attack a variety of embassies.”You had a video that was released by somebody who lives here, sort of a shadowy character who -- who is an extremely offensive video directed at -- at Mohammed and Islam, making fun of the Prophet Mohammed. This caused great offence, uh, in much of the much of the Muslim world. Uh, but what also happened was extremists and terrorists used this as an excuse to attack a variety of our embassies.
Objection to the use of the words obfuscate and incompetence.Truman wrote: obfuscate his own Administration’s incompetence and failure by ignoring the events that led up to the attack?
Objection overruled. The obfuscation was made clear by the fact that Obama knew the attack had nothing to do with the video yet he attempted to frame it thusly anyway in an effort to pull the wool over the eyes of the American public. This is the very definition of 'obfuscation.' The incompetence is self-evident in light of his failure to protect his own consulate despite specific requests to do so from that consulate prior to the attack.Moving Sale wrote:Objection to the use of the words obfuscate and incompetence.Truman wrote: obfuscate his own Administration’s incompetence and failure by ignoring the events that led up to the attack?
Assumes facts not in evidence.
He said the attack happened during the protest and it did.Van wrote: Objection overruled. The obfuscation was made clear by the fact that Obama knew the attack had nothing to do with the video yet he attempted to frame it thusly anyway in an effort to pull the wool over the eyes of the American public. This is the very definition of 'obfuscation.'
Name the last pres who didn't have a 'fed' die in the line of duty?The incompetence is self-evident in light of his failure to protect his own consulate despite specific requests to do so from that consulate prior to the attack.
There was no "hit" on your ambassador. Please stop perpetuating this idiocy.Truman orchestrated, pre-planned attack against our ambassador...
Incredibly weak...Moving Sale wrote:He said the attack happened during the protest and it did.Van wrote: Objection overruled. The obfuscation was made clear by the fact that Obama knew the attack had nothing to do with the video yet he attempted to frame it thusly anyway in an effort to pull the wool over the eyes of the American public. This is the very definition of 'obfuscation.'
...spin.Name the last pres who didn't have a 'fed' die in the line of duty?The incompetence is self-evident in light of his failure to protect his own consulate despite specific requests to do so from that consulate prior to the attack.
Pull your head out of your right wing ass.
Moving Sale wrote:Van,
Feds die all the time. Point to what he did that a "good" pres wouldn't have done (or the other way around)
or STFU.
Calling it weak and running is weak. Why are you so shitty at debating an issue?
That's the difference, and you're getting roundly pummeled light of his failure to protect his own consulate despite specific requests to do so from that consulate prior to the attack.
There was no protest at all, you stupid, lying asshole.Moving Sale wrote:He said the attack happened during the protest and it did.
it was quite comical watching Obama's lip tremble in righteous indignation in last nights debate. That anyone would have the audacity to question his ability to be CINC because after all, he killed Osama and has greeted the dead bodies returning to Andrews AFB.over a month after the attack, "we're going to get to the bottom of this and find out who's responsible". I'm sure that's of great condolence to Chris Steven's widow.
oh, but Billary has since stepped up and accepted full responsibility, throwing herself under the bus to salvage your meager chances at another 4 years of responsibility.
along with responsibility come consequences for using it incompetently. duh.
President Obama, you forgot to mention that part of being responsible, but voters won't.
The recent episode in Libya just illustrates in bold headlines what a failure you and your sycophantic administration have been for the past 4 years.
Pack your shit.
That's right, he should have cancelled all appointments and spent the next two days in the situation room where he could be in constant secure contact with Jack BauerWar Wagon wrote:
This, after he was greeting donors at a Las Vegas casino within 24 hours of finding out his ambassador had been murdered.
You seem to think that Government should run like a Hollywood screenplay, though.War Wagon wrote:It's so preposterously absurd, no Hollywood screen writer could make this shit up.
And you seem to think that "Government" should attempt to paper over its own staggering ineptitude by creating a fictitous cover story about a protest that never happened over a video that nobody has ever seen. And this from the self-proclaimed most transparent administration in history.Mikey wrote:You seem to think that Government should run like a Hollywood screenplay, though.
Not really... "government" is a cluster fuck infested with dip shits like you.Mikey wrote:You seem to think that Government should run like a Hollywood screenplay.
mvscal wrote: He then attempted to cover up his own ineptitude by creating a blatantly false narrative about protests that never happened over a video that nobody has ever seen. ... 35797.htmlWissam Buhmeid, the commander of the Tripoli government-sanctioned Libya's Shield Brigade, effectively a police force for Benghazi, maintained that it was anger over the Mohamed video which made the guards abandon their post. "There were definitely people from the security forces who let the attack happen because they were themselves offended by the film; they would absolutely put their loyalty to the Prophet over the consulate. The deaths are all nothing compared to insulting the Prophet."
He's a talking monkey who says what he's told to say, you pinheaded fuckwit.Felix wrote:yeah, what the fuck would the commander of the Libyan police force know compared with what you know?
There were no protests, dumbfuck. The ambassador walked out a Turkish diplomat at 8:30pm. An hour later, the consulate was hit by rocket fire. No protest. Just an attack. My source is the testimony of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State who monitored the entire incident from the Diplomatic Security Command Center....with the protests as a perfect cover....
and I acknowledged that it was a planned the immediate aftermath there was a lot of confusion about what went on, but I'm not sure how these factors relate to this statement...mvscal wrote: An hour later, the consulate was hit by rocket fire. No protest. Just an attack. My source is the testimony of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State who monitored the entire incident from the Diplomatic Security Command Center. ... FINAL1.pdf
Barry's stunning incompetence and indifference. How dare he!
Charlene Lamb, a deputy assistant secretary in the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, said at the hearing that a request from Mr. Nordstrom to extend the military team was only a recommendation and that the State Department had been right not to heed it. Ms. Lamb also testified that budget considerations played no part in considering additional security. Decisions on diplomatic security went no higher than Ms. Lamb and, in limited cases, Mr. Kennedy, officials said.
There was no confusion about what went on, you stupid fuckhead. That's the whole fucking point. They knew exactly what happened and they knew it immediately. The confusion you refer to is a direct result of a decision to create a cover story about some protest that never happened.Felix wrote:and I acknowledged that it was a planned the immediate aftermath there was a lot of confusion about what went on, but I'm not sure how these factors relate to this statement...
As a point of fact, we don't know where that decision was really made or what directives were provided to guide those decisions. We certainly know this was the wrong fucking answer. Honestly I have to question the sanity of the individual making it.Charlene Lamb, a deputy assistant secretary in the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, said at the hearing that a request from Mr. Nordstrom to extend the military team was only a recommendation and that the State Department had been right not to heed it. Ms. Lamb also testified that budget considerations played no part in considering additional security. Decisions on diplomatic security went no higher than Ms. Lamb and, in limited cases, Mr. Kennedy, officials said.
so tell me if security decisions are typically made at State Department levels, how does this equate to Obama "incompetence and indifference"....
This attack didn't happen out of the blue. There were dozens of attacks going back for months prior to 9/11. One would have thought the issue would have bubbled past State Dept. Security and into a Presidential Daily Brief. Actually it very well might have made it into one of the 53% of the briefings that Curious Barry was too INDIFFERENT to bother attending.a request from Mr. Nordstrom to extend the military team was only a recommendation and that the State Department had been right not to heed it.
Romney criticized the memo that the embassy in Cairo put out, you fucking idiot. He naturally assumed it went out with the blessing of the administration which may or may not be the case but, in any event, the administration quickly disavowed the statement as well, so they agreed with Romney.and why would mittens release a condemnation statement directed at obama with virtually no information to go on.....
Concocting a cover story to paper over your own incompetence isn't politicizing it? How dangerous is it for other people when you inflame ignorant savages with lies about protests over a video that was never made let alone aired?romney politicized it less than five hours after it happened....
better check your facts asshat, in a statement issued late Tuesday night September 12th, Romney said he was “outraged” by the attacks in Libya and Egypt. It's disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks” of course, he assumed facts not in evidence, but any way you slice it that's a direct attack on this what we could expect from romeny when he's faced with a crisis? he just starts talking before he has any idea of what the fuck he's talking about?mvscal wrote:
Romney criticized the memo that the embassy in Cairo put out, you fucking idiot. He naturally assumed it went out with the blessing of the administration which may or may not be the case but, in any event, the administration quickly disavowed the statement as well, so they agreed with Romney.
The Cairo memo was the Obama administration's first response to the attacks.Felix wrote:better check your facts asshat, in a statement issued late Tuesday night September 12th, Romney said he was “outraged” by the attacks in Libya and Egypt. It's disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks”mvscal wrote:
Romney criticized the memo that the embassy in Cairo put out, you fucking idiot. He naturally assumed it went out with the blessing of the administration which may or may not be the case but, in any event, the administration quickly disavowed the statement as well, so they agreed with Romney.
The fact that that memo was not approved and later retracted supports Romney's criticism.The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.
So what?but any way you slice it that's a direct attack on obama...
He was ahead of the administration.he just starts talking before he has any idea of what the fuck he's talking about?
romney immediately starts politicizing the deaths of four americans at the hands of terrorists within five hours of the attacks.....he's a fucking disgrace....
I expect that a Romney administration would have sent another security detachment or 3 of marines to protect his embassy staff when the request for more security was made in June. Failing that (which I doubt), I expect he would've pulled them out of harms way well before 9/11 was allowed to occur.Felix wrote: is this what we could expect from romeny when he's faced with a crisis?
The disgrace is that this was allowed to occur in the first place. The "fucking disgrace" is that mouth breathing pant loads like you are so incredibly naive that rather than demand accountability for incompetence, you cast the blame at Romney for having the gall to demand that very thing.romney immediately starts politicizing the deaths of four americans at the hands of terrorists within five hours of the attacks.....he's a fucking disgrace....
War Wagon wrote:
The disgrace is that this was allowed to occur in the first place.