Jay in Phoenix wrote: I used them (the TSA) as an example of censorship or security control that is abused and goes to far. Does that make it a bad thing or a necessary evil? Or something in-between?
Are you that far gone that you actually have to ask? Censorship and police state tactics which go too far are "bad things." Always. No exceptions. The "moderate and sensible" response to such tactics should be immediate violence.
As to Dan Rather and Matthews...you're right. But in their case, those were individual choices.
No, they aren't. They're representative of a systemic, across the board bias.
And I have to assume what you're referring to with NBC, since you didn't specify. If you're talking about their apparent "rah-rah" cheerleading for Obama as an example, you are right.
Well, of course there is that. Then there is the editing of the Zimmerman 911 call in an attempt to smear him as a racist. Oh yes, and the attempt to smear NASCAR fans as anti-Muslim bigots. I could go on, but I believe the point is made. When was the last time Fox News ever did anything that scummy and dishonest?
Chuck Todd, political director and chief White House correspondent at NBC News, broke ranks (sort of) with his fellow journalists. In an interview with Politico, Todd said, “To me, the ideological bias in the media really hasn’t been there in a long time. But what is there that people mistake for ideological bias is geographic bias. It’s seeing everything through the lens of New York and Washington.”
Yes, I understand that Chuck is having trouble seeing daylight what with his head stuck so far up his ass. You share the same problem.
But Dan Rather was at one time, a well respected news anchor, and Matthews and the NBC examples are the exceptions to the rule, rather than the norm.
You're assbackwards.
In 2008, Oshitskin promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his term. He tripled it instead. Where is the mainstream media on that? How was that not a central issue in the campaign? How is he not hammered with that every single day when he goes out and blames Republicans for the puny, insignificant reductions in spending rate in HIS sequestration plan??
In 2008, Oshitskin promised the most transparent administration in history. Instead we get closed door negotiations on issues of tremendous public importance. The largest, most expensive piece of legislation in US history is passed with a parliamentary gimmick to avoid debate and his flunky, Nancy Pelosi, is sent out to scold the American people and state that, "We will have to pass the law to find out what's in it." Does that sound like the right answer to you? Where was the MSM on that? That was one of the most stunningly arrogant and irresponsible things I've ever heard in my life from a public "servant." Of course she said it because she knew she could get away with it. Her kneepadders in the MSM would ignore it and/or minimize it.
The Democratic controlled Senate has not passed a budget in four years now. Where is the MSM on that? Why is that not the first question Harry Reid is asked everytime he steps in front of a camera. Four fucking years without a budget. Sound like the right answer to you? Is that what you call responsible governance?
Benghazi. A United States ambassador and three other State Dept employees were murdered and a secure diplomatic facility was looted. This was an open and shut case of inexcusable negligence running up to the attack, total indifference during the attack and a media blitz of deliberate lies for a month after the event. The official response from the Secretary of State on this complete clusterfuck? "What difference does it make?" Where is the MSM on this? Well, they're busy puffing her up as the frontrunner in 2016 that's where they are.
I could do this all night long. Anyone who, by now, doesn't understand that the mainstream media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party is either a fucking liar or a fucking idiot.