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Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 6:07 pm
by trev
Left Seater, I don't know what state you live in, but it would cost way too much to have those kind of services here in Cali. Plus the bathrooms can't be clean enough unless they have someone in there designated to clean and disinfect constantly.
At my kids' middle school the boys trashed their bathroom daily. It smelled of pee. They would pee all over the room, walls and everything. Savages. My kids would hold it all day and go when they got home.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:27 pm
by Left Seater
trev wrote:Left Seater, I don't know what state you live in, but it would cost way too much to have those kind of services here in Cali. Plus the bathrooms can't be clean enough unless they have someone in there designated to clean and disinfect constantly.
At my kids' middle school the boys trashed their bathroom daily. It smelled of pee. They would pee all over the room, walls and everything. Savages. My kids would hold it all day and go when they got home.
I live and pay taxes in Texas. Not surprised that keeping a locker room functional is beyond the capabilities of CA. And to Schmick's point we have the same issues with illegals. Each group was required to make sure dirty towels were in the bin, our athletic gear was in another, and any trash was in its appointed place. The coaches didn't let anyone leave until everything was in its place. Then during lunch period the janitors would deep clean the locker rooms so they were ready for the after lunch groups. CA does have janitors, right? Or do you guys unionize them so that they make $85K per year and allow them to exclude certain things from their job duties?
Sounds like you need to move your kids to a better neighborhood. Who the hell would pee on the wall? Sure there is usually one kid that rides the short bus that might do such a thing, but not the general population.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:51 pm
by Derron
Left Seater wrote:trev wrote:Left Seater, I don't know what state you live in, but it would cost way too much to have those kind of services here in Cali. Plus the bathrooms can't be clean enough unless they have someone in there designated to clean and disinfect constantly.
Or do you guys unionize them so that they make $85K per year and allow them to exclude certain things from their job duties?
We have a connection here. That is probably exactly what has went on. Our local districts have all finally got rid of their overpaid fat assssss janitors over 15 years ago. They all went to a contracted level of services from the big institutional maintenance houses. They hire I 9 verified of course messicans for $ 10-$ 12 an hour max. Contract says you clean the school once a day. Now with 1000 or more kids and staff in a school, a building is going to be in fairly rough condition at the end of the day, especially bathrooms if you have no mid day cleaning.
These conditions have been brought on by the need to keep paying the retirement benefits, and cadillac heatlh care plans.Keep paying the administrators, principal and above, around $ 110K per year minimum.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:17 am
by trev
They are called custodians here. I think janitor would be derogatory. I think the high school had about 1900 kids and 4 full time custodians and had trouble keeping the place clean. Kids here are lazy and unaccountable. Unless they are in private school, that is a different story. Kids trash the schools and don't care. I live in the best neighborhood in my school district. That doesn't matter. Yes, the custodians are union and some work harder than others. They make an average of $4000 a month and have a sweet retirement after 25 years.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:16 am
by Diego in Seattle
Does CA have any $70 million high school football stadiums?
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:08 am
by poptart
LeftSeater wrote:Who the hell would pee on the wall? Sure there is usually one kid that rides the short bus that might do such a thing, but not the general population.
You are Xtremely narrow and insensitive.
Some kids have issues they are dealing with.
I think Cali should build restrooms to accommodate the wall-pissers among us.
Just a 12x12 cubicle with nothing in it -- save for some drains at the base of each wall.
Let these individuals enter, piss freely, and have their dignity.
What the hell is wrong with you?
You can pay a living wage to someone to come in, hose down the walls, and disinfect the room once a day.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:59 am
by trev
I can't figure it out either. Why do middle schoolers pee on the walls? It's only the boys. The girls bathroom is much more clean and free of smell.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 7:22 am
by Atomic Punk
trev wrote:I can't figure it out either. Why do middle schoolers pee on the walls? It's only the boys. The girls bathroom is much more clean and free of smell.
Because in most middle schools around here they lock the bathrooms most of the day due to vandalism and no supervision once inside. Fights, graffitti, etc. and the "custodians" bitch to the unions about having to deal with it. So they lock down all bathrooms. Girls get a free pass to go to the nurse and use that bathroom all day long. They ask for a "pad" or bring up some other female issue and there you have it. Boys? Well, they ask the "custodians" to let them in to take a piss and they say no. Then the boys come to the nurse office to take a piss in those nasty bathrooms the "custodians" neglect.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:16 pm
by Smackie Chan
trev wrote:I can't figure it out either. Why do middle schoolers pee on the walls? It's only the boys.
Anatomy may have something to do with it.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:43 pm
by smackaholic
There is a simple solution for the vandalism problem.
Tell the little fukkers, smile, you are on candid camera. The video would not be viewed by anyone until some fukker trashes the place. The video would be erased at the end of each day after the bathrooms were cleaned by the jizzmoppers errrrr I mean custodians.
That has got to be screwey's dream job, jizzmopper with benefits and a sweet gubmint pension.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:29 pm
by Left Seater
trev wrote:They are called custodians here. I think janitor would be derogatory. I think the high school had about 1900 kids and 4 full time custodians and had trouble keeping the place clean. Kids here are lazy and unaccountable. Unless they are in private school, that is a different story. Kids trash the schools and don't care. I live in the best neighborhood in my school district. That doesn't matter. Yes, the custodians are union and some work harder than others. They make an average of $4000 a month and have a sweet retirement after 25 years.
So the adults and the schools are not holding kids accountable. Sucks for the kids and the state.
Can't wait to hear how calling a janitor a janitor is derogatory.
schmick wrote:My nephews school has over 3,500 students in it so other than varsity football, all of the team lockers have been moved to portable buildings
What does size have to do with this discussion? Unless the school was designed for 2500 kids then what is your point? If t is undersized then build a new school.
Diego in Seattle wrote:Does CA have any $70 million high school football stadiums?
What does the price of the stadium have to do with anything? ADA lays out much I what stadiums have to have anyway. A cinder block wall and extend a water line already required and you have a locker room with water. Tiny additional cost. Plus when the 70 million dollar stadium hosts 4 or more varsity games a weekend plus soccer, lacrosse, etc it prolly has a better cost per use than the 14 million dollar one supporting a single high school.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 3:02 am
by Cuda
smackaholic wrote:
That has got to be screwey's dream job.
more like DiS's dream job, although middle schoolers might be a little beyond his age-range
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 3:15 am
by Cuda
Left Seater wrote:
What does size have to do with this discussion? Unless the school was designed for 2500 kids then what is your point? If t is undersized then build a new school.
Do you have the slightest idea how long & how much it costs to build a new school?
First you have to identify the cheap land it's to be built on so that the "right people" can buy it for peanuts and sell it for a fortune. Then you have to make sure the "right architect" gets to design it. Then you have to make sure the "right contractor" is picked to build it. You have to do all this so that plenty of public money gets kicked back to the "right politicians". That way everybody who matters gets to be happy.
Then comes the environmental impact statement so that the "right interest groups" get to object and the circle is then complete. The school may not be built in the next 50 years- or ever, but all the "right people" get to make shit-pots full of money pretty much their entire adult lives.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 2:33 pm
by Left Seater
Huh...developers here usually work with the schools district to identify where schools will be needed and then they donate the land to the district for said new schools. Tends to make the new homes more valuable when the kids can walk.
But I guess that doesn't happen everywhere?
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 3:18 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Cuda wrote:...the "right people"...
...the "right architect"...
...the "right contractor"...
...the "right politicians"....
...the "right interest groups"...
...the "right people"...
You're talking about the
Jews, eh?
I never expected such anti-Semitic rubbish from you, Cuda.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 6:15 pm
by Derron
Left Seater wrote:Huh...developers here usually work with the schools district to identify where schools will be needed and then they donate the land to the district for said new schools. Tends to make the new homes more valuable when the kids can walk.
But I guess that doesn't happen everywhere?
What Cuda said. The last elementary school built in our district rolled in at about 18 million for a 700 student school. That was on district owned property, so that does not include land. If they had to buy the land, it would have been 2 million at least. There are the underground impacts of a project of this size. Where payments happen. It is just how good and slick are you at it. IN 1991 I project managed the construction of an 700 student elementary school. That school went in at 5 million.
Due to our Urban Growth Boundary's bullshit, buildable land is tight. Unlike Lefty's state of Texas, where if you want more land you just develop it. Put the roads and infrastructure in and have at it. Around here you have very finite amounts of property to work with, hence the inflated values, and wetland mitigation laws that increase costs as well. No way in hell is a developer giving up one square inch of land for anything other than building footprint, unless they are forced to.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 9:40 pm
by Cuda
Shlomart Ben Yisrael wrote:
You're talking about the Jews, eh?
not at all, comrade. i'm talking about the politically connected.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 9:50 pm
by Screw_Michigan
trev wrote:I can't figure it out either. Why do middle schoolers pee on the walls? It's only the boys. The girls bathroom is much more clean and free of smell.
This is a joke, right? Have another one, lush.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 10:31 pm
by Wolfman
The girls bathroom is much more clean and free of smell.
Reminds me of the summer that 2 other guys and I operated a local drive-in movie theater. I was basically ticket guy, but half way through the summer I ended up as clean up in the morning. The men's room you could just hose down and you were done. I dreaded doing the women's. I honestly would not have been surprised to find an abortion there. It was bad. Absolute PIGS!
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:13 am
by trev
Screw_Michigan wrote:trev wrote:I can't figure it out either. Why do middle schoolers pee on the walls? It's only the boys. The girls bathroom is much more clean and free of smell.
This is a joke, right? Have another one, lush.
Why would I joke about this? Urine smells. Idiot.
By the way:

Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:14 am
by trev
A drive in movie theatre bathroom is as bad as a roller rink bathroom. Old and quite nasty.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:29 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
trev wrote:Old and quite nasty.
You can say the same thing about Goobs.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:45 pm
by Goober McTuber
Shlomart Ben Yisrael wrote:trev wrote:Old and quite nasty.
You can say the same thing about Goobs.
You gotta play to your strengths.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 10:34 pm
by Cuda
I note the non-denial from Gobbles McTubesteak
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 1:39 pm
by Goober McTuber
I note the continued stupidity of Cooter.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:26 pm
by jiminphilly
Cuda wrote:Left Seater wrote:
What does size have to do with this discussion? Unless the school was designed for 2500 kids then what is your point? If t is undersized then build a new school.
Do you have the slightest idea how long & how much it costs to build a new school?
First you have to identify the cheap land it's to be built on so that the "right people" can buy it for peanuts and sell it for a fortune. Then you have to make sure the "right architect" gets to design it. Then you have to make sure the "right contractor" is picked to build it. You have to do all this so that plenty of public money gets kicked back to the "right politicians". That way everybody who matters gets to be happy.
Then comes the environmental impact statement so that the "right interest groups" get to object and the circle is then complete. The school may not be built in the next 50 years- or ever, but all the "right people" get to make shit-pots full of money pretty much their entire adult lives.
Not in Texas. Those fuckers don't mess around when it comes to building schools.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:20 pm
by Left Seater
As should everyone. Kids do far better when class sizes are smaller and they have real classrooms vs portable buildings.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:05 pm
by Cuda
Left Seater wrote:As should everyone. Kids do far better when class sizes are smaller and they have real classrooms vs portable buildings.
naturally you have some actual evidence of this rather than recycled teachers union horseshit?
I'll save you some time, Lefty: there isn't any evidence because it's nothing more than recycled teachers union horseshit.
Re: New bathroom law in Cali
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:17 pm
by R-Jack
Cuda wrote:Left Seater wrote:As should everyone. Kids do far better when class sizes are smaller and they have real classrooms vs portable buildings.
naturally you have some actual evidence of this rather than recycled teachers union horseshit?
I'll save you some time, Lefty: there isn't any evidence because it's nothing more than recycled teachers union horseshit.
ButButBut.....they need small classes! How else will they get prepared for a shitload of auditorium lecture classes in college?