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Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:42 am
by Mikey
Atomic Punk wrote:Mikey wrote:
So you're saying that without all the cheap immigrant labor the lettuce and strawberries would get picked, the asparagus and broccoli would get cut, the alfalfa would get shipped to China, and all the fruit trees would get pruned on time?
I bet you wouldn't step up, even if they paid more than the $12/hr you're making right now.
Seeing you do stoop labor in your bikini panties would be something, though.
Not sure what kind of argument you're trying to make, since I already know who picks and harvests the stuff that is now on the decline in volume ---> due to very little Ag water available.
You really have no idea WTF you're talking about, do you?
You really think that all the water went away and that there's "very little Ag water available?" Crops all dried up this year?
My God and goD I guess I've been giving you way too much credit/benefit of the doubt all these years.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:46 am
by Atomic Punk
Mikey, there is SO much water available that much of CA's farmers randomly decided to let their fields turn into a desert and pulled out vineyards and orchards just to prove you wrong.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:29 am
by Diego in Seattle
Atomic Punk wrote:Mikey, there is SO much water available that much of CA's farmers randomly decided to let their fields turn into a desert and pulled out vineyards and orchards just to prove you wrong.
There you have it. Atomic Panties thinks that ag isn't getting enough water because his liquor store isn't stocking enough Boone's Farm for him.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:09 pm
by mvscal
Mikey wrote:
So you're saying that without all the cheap illegal immigrant labor the lettuce and strawberries would get picked, the asparagus and broccoli would get cut, the alfalfa would get shipped to China, and all the fruit trees would get pruned on time?
Yep. If not...tough shit.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:18 pm
by Carson
Alabama kicked 'em out during growing season, and all the crops were taken care of just fine.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:46 pm
by mvscal
Good. If your business model is dependent on the exploitation of illegal immigration at the expense of American citizens and legal immigrants, I'll pop a cork to celebrate while your shit business fails.
One fuckhead's sob story doesn't add up to a fart in a tornado, though. Of course you know that. You are simply an intellectually dishonest/catastrophically stupid piece of shit.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:11 pm
by Left Seater
Nice articles from 2011 and 2012. Those laws in Alabama and Georgia haven't reduced the tomatoes and blueberries, etc at my local market. Nor has it driven the prices up to the point that I have noticed and stopped buying or changed to a different option.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:24 pm
by mvscal
War Wagon wrote: the strong potential of WWIII
Based on what?
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:26 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Left Seater wrote:Nor has it driven the prices up to the point that I have noticed and stopped buying or changed to a different option.
What are the other options? Truffles? Caviar?
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:15 pm
by Diego in Seattle
schmick wrote:Im not anti immigration, if someone serves a need that this country needs and they come to this country legally, welcome them, but all illegals are criminals.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:16 pm
by Left Seater
Diego in Seattle wrote:Left Seater wrote:Nor has it driven the prices up to the point that I have noticed and stopped buying or changed to a different option.
What are the other options? Truffles? Caviar?
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:27 pm
by mvscal
Am I supposed to give a fuck? If you are in the country illegally, you need to be put out. If you run a business based on illegal immigration, you need to be put out of business and put in jail.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:19 pm
by Mikey
mvscal wrote:Am I supposed to give a fuck? If you are in the country illegally, you need to be put out. If you run a business based on illegal immigration, you need to be put out of business and put in jail.
Lots of farmers would go out of business because nobody else will do the work for what they're willing (or able) to pay given market prices.
Prices for produce in 75% of the country will go through the roof if you have to pay $30/hr to a bunch of millennials to pick lettuce
Tens of thousands would leave California.
The Central Valley would go back to being a Dry Steppe.
I5 to the Bay Area would be an easy drive.
Water crisis would be over.
I'll just grow my own.
Not such a bad proposition, actually.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:30 pm
by War Wagon
mvscal wrote:War Wagon wrote: the strong potential of WWIII
Based on what?
Based on the 'tough' guy mentality of a man with 5 Vietnam draft deferments who can't seem to pull his foot from his mouth but instead tries both at once.
I get you aren't down with McCain and that's fine, but at least he showed up.
You want Trump at the wheel, is that what you're saying?
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:46 am
by mvscal
War Wagon wrote:mvscal wrote:War Wagon wrote: the strong potential of WWIII
Based on what?
Based on the 'tough' guy mentality...
What tough guy mentality? McCain is the lunatic that hasn't seen an invasion he didn't like (including the one of his own state) not Trump. Trump is actually sedate compared to McLoon.
Do you support illegal immigration, Wags? Do you enjoy taking it up the ass in lopsided "free trade" deals? Because, if you don't, John McCain (War Hero, Shit Pilot, Weak Squirt), thinks you're crazy.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 2:51 am
by War Wagon
mvscal wrote:Do you support illegal immigration, Wags?
No sir, I do not, but I'm no expert on how to fix this cluster fuck.
I am fairly sure that taking cheap shots at POWs doesn't either.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:00 am
by LTS TRN 2
No, that was just the little tugboat. The real ship is sailing now.. ... .html?_r=0
and "globalization" is nothing more than the end game of the Zionazi Goldman-Sachs hyper criminal blood-sucking parasites who have so easily taken over.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:12 pm
by poptart
Where's your music?
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:17 pm
by smackaholic
So, did the d0nald apologize last night on the blowhard factor?
Not really. He sort almost did. I get his damn the torpedoes full speed ahead style, but I really do wish he'd simply say "I fukked up. I dropped a bad one liner that went over like a led zeppelin.
And yes, in case you were wondering, that is the origin of the greatest rock band in history's name. Keef Moon said they would go over like a led zeppelin. They purposely misspelled it knowing that mouthbreather colonists would misspronounce lead zeppelin.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:26 pm
by mvscal
smackaholic wrote:
Not really. He sort almost did. I get his damn the torpedoes full speed ahead style, but I really do wish he'd simply say "I fukked up. I dropped a bad one liner that went over like a led zeppelin.
Except that he didn't fuck up. McLoon is a worthless piece of shit and has
never been anything other than a worthless piece of shit at any point in his life.
He was a silver spoon cocksucker who barely graduated from the Naval Academy, was one of the worst pilots in the history of naval aviation and simply rode his pappy's and grandpappy's coattails to a mediocre naval career which was capped off by the loss of his fifth plane. He was a disaster as a pilot and even worse as a senator.
He deserved every bomb Trump dropped on him and then some. Maybe he should keep his fucking dicksucker shut if doesn't want to get kicked in the teeth.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:39 pm
by poptart
That's all true, mvscal, but Trump's Vietnam avoidance does not exactly make him a messenger with a lot of credibility.
If you're going to bring out the blow torch and mouth off about what kind of war hero is likable, it would help if you yourself had a record as something other than a rich daddy's boy who found a way to skip out altogether.
smackaholic wrote:Not really. He sort almost did. I get his damn the torpedoes full speed ahead style, but I really do wish he'd simply say "I fukked up. I dropped a bad one liner that went over like a led zeppelin.
Yes, he
should say that his quip was intended as a shot at Mclame -- and admit it was not a good thing to say.
Say he meant no harm at all to any POW or any service member, period.
The thing is, spur-of-the-moment bombs like this are just the way Trump rolls.
It's his game.
Look at the dude.
He's continually on Twatter, running smack like a damn troll, or child, or something.
WTFrick, man!
If The Donald starts apologizing whenever he goes a bit overboard, he'll be apologizing every-other-day.
Nope, he's gonna keep flaming and acting as if it's everyone else's fault.
I hope so.
I love it
So gimme a stage
Where this bull here can rage
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:53 pm
by Sirfindafold
"I don't buy the war hero thing. Anybody can be captured. I thought the idea was to capture them. As far as I'm concerned he sat out the war."
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 2:04 pm
by mvscal
poptart wrote:
Yes, he should say that his quip was intended as a shot at Mclame -- and admit it was not a good thing to say.
I thought that was abundantly clear. Other people (politards and journomaggots) distorted it to make it sound like he was talking about all POWs. Real POWs understand quite well what precious little McLoon has done for them.
So, no, Trump has no need to apologize. If one should find his remarks offensive, one may go fuck oneself.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 2:21 pm
by poptart
He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured, ok.
- Donald
It's a shot at McLoon, but what does that line mean?
He didn't think, mvscal.
He just flapped his hole, much like he does when he just slaps at his keyboard and send words off worldwide on to Twatter when someone has pissed him off.
Of course we could turn it around and notice that McLoon insulted the large group of people who came out to see Trump in AZ.
I've got a military son and I didn't find Trump's words offensive.
I just found him overly-bombastic, overly aggressive, and wonder about his temperament.
Has there ever been a presidential candidate pulling strong poll numbers who's game is to run smack and attack detractors?
I hope Trump sees this campaign through to the end, but I do have a feeling he's gonna end up burned out somehow.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 2:40 pm
by mvscal
poptart wrote:
Of course we could turn it around and notice that McLoon insulted the large group of people who came out to see Trump in AZ.
That's what triggered Trump in the first place. McLoon flapped his gums and Trump took a shit on him. I'm sure The Donald has already moved on to the next target.
Has there ever been a presidential candidate pulling strong poll numbers who's game is to run smack and attack detractors?
Obviously he has tapped into a very deep wellspring of withering contempt for the fuckups who are corkscrewing this country into the dirt. It would appear that only one GOP candidate is savvy enough to see that a populist stance on illegal immigration and trade is a big winner.
I hope Trump sees this campaign through to the end, but I do have a feeling he's gonna end up burned out somehow.
If he flames out tomorrow, he will have done a fantastic job. He has changed the narrative of the campaign single-handed and the establishment politards on both sides don't know whether to shit or wind their watches. The weak sisters are getting smoked out:
NUB Bush
Rick "Do These Glasses Make Me Look Smart" Perry
Linda Grahamnesty
Homo Rubio
have all been put into the wall.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:10 pm
by The State
Jsc810 wrote:
For all those who do not have their head lodged way up their ass, John McCain is an American hero.
Good god... you're an idiot.
Why is "McCain" a hero ?
I'll be waiting...
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:55 pm
by mvscal
Jsc810 wrote:mvscal, you're more fucked up here than your usual norm.
McCain went to a service academy and I don't care where he graduated (what do you call the guy who finished last from medical school? Doctor.). He signed up, served our country,
and had chances to leave early as a POW but didn't.
For all those who do not have their head lodged way up their ass, John McCain is an American hero.
Like fuck he is. He is an embarrassing mediocrity who has made a career off of his family name and his wife's money. If he wasn't a McCain, he would have washed out of the Navy before he ever got the chance to set an aircraft carrier on fire and then get shot down.
Nor did he have a chance to leave early. That wasn't his call to make. It would have been up to the ranking officer at camp. I'm not really sure how much much credit you're supposed get for obeying a lawful order. Doing to the minimum to avoid complete disgrace doesn't make you a hero.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:10 pm
by War Wagon
No matter where one stands on the current issues....
mvscal wrote:If one should find his remarks offensive, one may go fuck oneself.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:39 pm
by Mikey
schmick wrote:
A. I can buy produce at the local farmers market for less than I can at the grocery stores and it is not cultivated or picked by illegals
Highly doubtful on both counts.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:17 pm
by Moving Sale
Trump is a bigger douche. No Mcain. Trump! Mcain!
Both sides are making some very good points. Carry on.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:41 pm
by Goober McTuber
Francis Wilkinson, Boomberg view columnist wrote:Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, sure has a lot of money. Cruz's presidential campaign raised $14.3 million in its first quarter. In addition, a network of super PACs allied with Cruz raised $38 million. That makes $52 million in a matter of months. To put that in context, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum dogged Mitt Romney in the 2012 Republican primaries, lasting all the way until April, on about $20 million less than Team Cruz has already collected.
CNN recently reported on a leaked PowerPoint presentation on Cruz's path to the White House titled "Can He Win?" Given the origin of the presentation, which was birthed by a pro-Cruz super PAC, the answer wasn't in doubt. Nor, really, was the strategic path it envisions.
Cruz's advantage, according to the presentation, is his ability to exploit "wedge" issues much more effectively than a wimpy GOP establishment candidate such as Mitt Romney. The Texas Tribune, which also wrote about the presentation, said:
"The presentation lists five issues on which it suggests Cruz would be the most competitive GOP nominee in a general-election matchup with Clinton: 'Common Core,' 'Immigration,' 'Future Not Past,' 'National Security' and 'Foreign Money.' "
The first two — Common Core and immigration — just happen to be issues on which Jeb Bush (did we mention that establishment candidates are wimpy?) is crosswise with many Republican base voters. "Future Not Past" is already a theme of Marco Rubio's regular digs at Bush. On national security, Cruz is busy working to secure the far right of the Republican argument, more or less promising to bomb Iran at his earliest convenience. And while "Foreign Money" presages attacks on contributions to Hillary Clinton's family foundation, it might also give pause to a certain GOP candidate who began his international business career in the anti-American environs of Caracas. With his Mexican wife.
While Republican worthies fret about Donald Trump's tics, Cruz, who stands to inherit many Trump supporters when Trump teeters, may be the more dire threat. Since joining the Senate in 2013, Cruz has exhibited a steady disregard for the broader interests of his party. Indeed, he seems not only willing but even eager to damage his party in pursuit of personal advantage.
What does a man like that do with an opening bid of $52 million and the support of both small donors and some fabulously rich men?
Bush probably won't be Cruz's first target. The most pressing business for Cruz is to consolidate support on the party's right, which will require reducing Scott Walker from Destroyer of Unions to just a guy who talks out of both sides of his mouth. Walker's inconsistency on key issues — darned if we don't encounter immigration and Common Core again! — is the sort of story that can be easily explained in 29.5 seconds. And Cruz's money will buy a lot of 29.5-second blocks to tell it.
If Cruz succeeds in dispatching the unreliable Walker, he can inherit some of Walker's support and turn either to Marco Rubio, if Rubio has gained traction, or to the main event: Bush.
The beauty of Cruz's positioning is that it insulates him from lesser claims on his virtue, such as calls for partisan loyalty or Senate collegiality. If he annihilates Walker, Rubio and/or Bush — any of whom is likely to be more electable than Cruz — they will only be incidental casualties, the kind of sacrifices required of a true patriot. Some Republicans might wish that Cruz loved his country, or himself, just a little bit less.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:24 pm
by Wolfman
This was what was needed in 2008, maybe earlier. Someone to try to shake the Republican party from its position as Democrat Lite. Even if we lose next year, we should go down swinging and not cowering in fear that we might say something "wrong". I'm not a Trump guy, but I find it all quite entertaining.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:27 pm
by BSmack
Wolfman wrote:Even if we lose next year, we should go down swinging.
I'm all for that idea.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:32 pm
by mvscal
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:41 pm
by mvscal
Trump isn't a preacher, dick wrinkle.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:48 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:Trump is a dick wrinkle.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:54 pm
by mvscal
On GOP presidential candidate and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry:
"He put glasses on so people will think he's smart. It just doesn't work."
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 8:16 pm
by mvscal
Your idiotic predictions are almost as funny as an assclown sporting a Bernie Sanders av trying to lecture people on Barry Goldwater.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 9:12 pm
by Wolfman
I love how the "progressives" like quoting Barry Goldwater when he was senile. I'll always remember people telling me that if I voted for AuH2O that we'd be in a war in Viet Nam. I did and well, we all know what happened. That 1964 election if it had been vs. JFK would have been epic. Barry G. did not stand a chance with all the sentiment riding with LBJ after Kennedy's assassination. Come on, you really think the Republican party has been taken over by Pat Robertson? It's going to be a fun year.
Re: Trump.....Toast!
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 9:46 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Wolfman wrote:I love how the "progressives" like quoting Barry Goldwater when he was senile.
Yet you "conservatives" like quoting Ronald Reagan when he was senile.
X Infinity