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Re: Chicago Hancock Tower On Fire--Does Not Collapse...
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:34 am
by Dinsdale
Yeah, Phibes, but that doesn't make one superior, enlightened, and on to the Grand Conspiracy, so fuck that silly logic shit.
LTS and Co. are bound and determined to ride Occam's Razor until they fall off the end... or find a secondhand guitar, whichever comes first.
Re: Chicago Hancock Tower On Fire--Does Not Collapse...
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:44 am
by Dr_Phibes
He's shifting the argument, the 9/11 commision has nothing to do with the thousands upon thousands of professional people - involved independently, without contact with each other who have published their findings and they all have consensus. Ignoring those findings to interpret foriegn-policy motives is an entirely seperate, political issue.
Re: Chicago Hancock Tower On Fire--Does Not Collapse...
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:26 am
by LTS TRN 2
When do you toxic frauds begin to offer some actual support for the official version? Show us ONE actual credentialed and respected architectural engineer who suggests that the towers should or could have collapsed in perfect free-fall fashion from a fire. And a fire whose flammable agent--the kerosene-based jet fuel--was gone in ten minutes.
Let's see any kind of actual refutation of the credentialed (and non-whored) engineers who present comprehensive evidence of the obvious falsity of the ludicrous and pathetic 9/11 Commission Report.
You're aware, that most of the members of that hobbled body have since recanted their findings?
Re: Chicago Hancock Tower On Fire--Does Not Collapse...
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:32 am
by Dr_Phibes
In what platform have they presented their comprehensive evidence? It's a lovely webpage. One day they might cobble together a paper and present it to their peers. Or circle jerk.
Re: Chicago Hancock Tower On Fire--Does Not Collapse...
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:50 am
by LTS TRN 2
Excuse me? What refutation can you offer to the clear evidence offered?
Meanwhile, if you're in some question as to what really happened..
What part of the official--any ONE part--can stand up to basic scrutiny? :wink:
Re: Chicago Hancock Tower On Fire--Does Not Collapse...
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:56 am
by Dr_Phibes
Dinsdale wrote:
LTS and Co. are bound and determined to ride Occam's Razor until they fall off the end... or find a secondhand guitar, whichever comes first.
Re: Chicago Hancock Tower On Fire--Does Not Collapse...
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:13 am
by Moving Sale
88 wrote:It wasn't the impact that brought down WTC1 and WTC2, it was the accumulation of heat in the materials, weakening them over time, with the load unevenly distributed. Once you had the first catastrophic failure, the rest came down due the impact of the weight of the floors above. It is apparent from the videos and makes absolutely perfect fucking sense.
WTC7 came down in a similar manner. The debris from WTC1 and WTC2 damaged the structure near the center toward the bottom. As the fires raged there, and the building began to make sounds and show instability, the fire departments were pulled out. Again, the videos show a catastrophic collapse in the building, which caused the rest to fall.
These issues are as debatable as Poptard's flat Earth theories, which means they are not debatable at all.
You don't even know the government's theory do you?
Debris from wtc2 didn't hit the building, the debris from wtc1 didn't contribute to the collapse and any appreciable damage was not in the center. You don't even know the story your peddling and you have the nerve to say it's not debatable? You are a disgrace to the word Logic. ... s_wtc7.cfm
Re: Chicago Hancock Tower On Fire--Does Not Collapse...
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:16 am
by Moving Sale
Dr_Phibes wrote:
I think before building 7 collapsed, a supporting column was severed by falling debris from the main towers?
You couldn't think your way out of a colander.
Re: Chicago Hancock Tower On Fire--Does Not Collapse...
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:34 am
by poptart
WS wrote:You don't even know the story your peddling and you have the nerve to say it's not debatable?
Don't be surprised.
He will continue on this way.
Re: Chicago Hancock Tower On Fire--Does Not Collapse...
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 6:25 pm
by The Seer
Moving Sale wrote:
You couldn't think your way out of a colander.
Guess which midget could easily fall through a hole in said colander.
Re: Chicago Hancock Tower On Fire--Does Not Collapse...
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:19 pm
by LTS TRN 2
88 wrote:It wasn't the impact that brought down WTC1 and WTC2, it was the accumulation of heat in the materials, weakening them over time, with the load unevenly distributed. Once you had the first catastrophic failure, the rest came down due the impact of the weight of the floors above. It is apparent from the videos and makes absolutely perfect fucking sense.
WTC7 came down in a similar manner. The debris from WTC1 and WTC2 damaged the structure near the center toward the bottom. As the fires raged there, and the building began to make sounds and show instability, the fire departments were pulled out. Again, the videos show a catastrophic collapse in the building, which caused the rest to fall.
These issues are as debatable as Poptard's flat Earth theories, which means they are not debatable at all.
SS, your is perhaps the most lock-step simplistic explanation offered since--well twenty minutes after the towers fell, by an anonymous civilian who was interviewed on the Manhattan sidewalk (chosen for no apparent reason) saying basically just what you did. And it's absolutely bullshit. Let's cut to the chase--how in the scenario of "accumulated heat" and "uneven weight distribution" could there have resulted
molten steel pouring out of the burning floor before collapse?
Take a look ... muzyWC60eE
Now thermite, on the other hand, which burns at 5000 C, could very easily produce molten stell--lot's of it, in all the right places so as to induce a perfect free fall controlled demolition after only 45-minutes. As we all saw.
Re: Chicago Hancock Tower On Fire--Does Not Collapse...
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 9:05 pm
by Moving Sale
The Seer wrote:Moving Sale wrote:
You couldn't think your way out of a colander.
Guess which midget could easily fall through a hole in said colander.
The midget that is your brain?