What, you actually wasted twenty minutes...
Yes, twenty minutes is probably about right. Or maybe more like fifteen. But don't worry about me wasting my time on the board. When someone who has written over 6,000 posts tells another who hasn't even reached 200 that he's wasting his time, I have to laugh.
,,,writing that tedious nonsense?
Is it tedious nonsense? Compared to what? Compared to your own belief that the pyramids were built by aliens? Oh wait, that's what
my tedious nonsense was about too, except that I know better than to take it seriously.
You obviously haven't the slightest idea of you're even trying to say.
Actually, I know exactly what I'm trying to say. I'm trying to say it in a humorous way, rather than come out and say what I really think, that you're either dumb or very naive, or both. You seem like a nice guy, so I saw no reason to insult you. But honestly, aliens?
But please, amuse us and offer a practical explanation as to how the ancient Egyptians built the great pyramids.
People who know a LOT more about this subject than either you or I have offered detailed explanations that describe how the pyramids could definitely have been built by men, using the technology and manpower available at the time. The information is available to anyone interested in reading it.
You're aware of course that the highly organized culture of the Kemet (the Egyptians real name) kept extensive records about wars, commerce, ceremonies, etc., but there is not a word or hieroglyph that in any way refers to the construction of the greatest edifices ever built.
I don't know if this is true, or just some nonsense you've been reading. But let's say it is true. Tell me this. If the Egyptians kept such amazing records, where have they described in detail the little green men who came from another galaxy to build the pyramids in their backyard. Surely this event would've been worth recording.
But, you're sure that they built them right? So....go ahead, amuse us.
Yes, I'm sure the Egyptians built the pyramids. The idea that aliens came, visited our planet, built the pyramids, and flew back to their home planet is preposterous. There are a few questions you should ask yourself. Such as, why were the pyramids built in the first place? Do you think it was just something the aliens thought would be fun to do? Surely they would have had a reason for this undertaking. So, what was it? And why did they build tombs inside the pyramids? What possible use could these have been to a spaceship full of aliens from outer space? And another question is why do the pyramids fall in line with the progression of ancient architecture preceding them? Do you know what a ziggurat is? Did aliens build the ziggurats too?
When I was young I read a book called Chariots of the Gods. It talked about the pyramids, and made the same claim you're making, that aliens were involved with the construction of the pyramids. One of the arguments the book made was that when you analyzed the measurements of the structures, the factor of pi was everywhere. Wow, I thought, did the Egyptians know about pi. How would they know this if they didn't receive some highly intelligent guidance. Later I learned how the Egyptians marked off their measurements when they built. They used wheels. So, of course pi was present, since all measurements were made with wheels.
The pyramids are amazing, but not because they were built by aliens. They are amazing because they were built by men.