Trump Rally in AZ

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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Goober McTuber »

88 wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:What I'm going to say is that your link indicates that a higher percentage of left-leaning news consumers trust left-leaning news services than right-leaning news consumers trust right-leaning news services. Or do you not consider Fox to be part of "mass media"?
That makes no sense. If the question presented in the polling was "Do you trust the news source you prefer", then your assertion might have validity. But the question presented in the polling was about mainstream news, in general. And, not surprisingly, since mainstream news generally leans to the left, left-leaning news consumers find it more to their palate than right-leaning news consumers. But the fact remains that a majority of consumers of news do not find them trustworthy. They find them biased, and part of the broken Washington machine.
That majority is skewed by the Republican numbers.
Republicans who say they have trust in the media has plummeted to 14% from 32% a year ago. This is easily the lowest confidence among Republicans in 20 years.

Democrats' and independents' trust in the media has declined only marginally, with 51% of Democrats (compared with 55% last year)
Mainstream news leans generally to the left but Fox has a 50% market share. The Republican numbers are probably so low because the mainstream news (other than Fox) will not tell them what they want to hear. And the Democrats' numbers are as low as they are because they know Fox spews so much bullshit. :mrgreen:

One thing I noticed about this article is this contradiction:
Republicans who say they have trust in the media has plummeted to 14% from 32% a year ago. This is easily the lowest confidence among Republicans in 20 years.
Democrats have generally expressed more trust than Republicans in the media, although in 2000, the two parties were most closely aligned, with 53% of Democrats and 47% of Republicans professing trust.
This is why 83% of Americans no longer trust polls.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
Moving Sale

Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Moving Sale »

88 wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:Left of what?
Their senses, mostly.
So basically you are full of shit as usual.
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Mikey »

88 wrote:
Diego in Seattle wrote:So now Cheetolini is threatening to shut down the government if we don't pay for the wall after saying all during the campaign that Mexico would pay for the wall.

:meds: :lol:
You have lost your balance. Let me reorient you:

:meds: :lol:
Healthcare <=> Border Wall?

Ponderous. Talk about losing your orientation.

How did the Dumpster do on his promise of repealing and replacing in the first week with a terrific plan that was 100% ready to implement immediately?

Really, dude, get over Obama. He's so 2016. Trump is your man. Try to find at least something positive to defend him with.
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Left Seater » ... SKBN1AD0DU

So coal exports are up to Europe. This is helping our economy while showing that the EU members only care about the Paris accord when it suits them. If the environment is in such dire shape why are the upping their coal use? Shouldn't they be adding more wind mills?
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by smackaholic »

Are you kidding me, 88? Those Euros have windmills every-fukking-where. Pretty sure they're using that coal just to backfill their old mines or something. I mean, it couldn't possibly be to generate electricity. They surely have enough windmill electricity to power the entire Eurasian landmass by now.
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Joe in PB »

The problem is mostly what they have is hot air, which rises into the stratosphere.

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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Left Seater wrote: ... SKBN1AD0DU

So coal exports are up to Europe. This is helping our economy while showing that the EU members only care about the Paris accord when it suits them. If the environment is in such dire shape why are the upping their coal use? Shouldn't they be adding more wind mills?
And tRump shows his appreciation to miners.
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Softball Bat »

poptart wrote:While he flashed his free masonic hand signs all over the place.
And of course, Buzz on the recent cover of Revolution magazine...



Pledging allegiance to their master.

Know it.
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Screw_Michigan »

88 wrote:Trump had the gall,
To promise a border wall,
Which would be paid for by beaners,
But was blocked by left-leaners,
Until the elections next fall.
Stunning, how in the world would "left-leaners" block Mexico from "paying for the wall?"

No wonder you flunked out of Gtown.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
Moving Sale

Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Moving Sale »

88 wrote:
Mikey wrote:Really, dude, get over Obama. He's so 2016. Trump is your man. Try to find at least something positive to defend him with.
Funny. Now you know how I felt every time you brought up Bush during the eight years the country suffered under Obama.
Those people were all functioning adults.
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Softball Bat »

Of course Don sold himself as the master deal maker all through the campaign.
Saying the gov was run by "stupid people," and that he, mr fart of the deal, would get things done for the people.

Now arguably the two biggest planks in his platform (replacement for Barrycare and the wall, with Mexico paying for it) have blown up in his face because he was not able to DEAL with people and get them done.

Don sycophants are sputtering, diverting, excuse-making, and blaming others.


Cut your losses and save face, conservatives.
See this for what it is.

Don is a master.
Master con man.
He duped you.
He's a classic bullshitter.

Call him out.

This has nothing do with Barry and it has nothing to do with liberals.
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Left Seater »

Obamacare will be dead by the next election, the wall won't get built, and hopefully tax reform is completed. That would be a solid record and I would be happy.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.
Moving Sale

Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Moving Sale »

The "left leaners" blocked the wall how?
You really are one stupid fuck.
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by BSmack »

But wasn't Mexico supposed to pay for the fucking wall?
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Moving Sale

Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Moving Sale »

Hey GFY. You won't even tell me WTF you mean by "left leaning" so you can take your snark and shove it up your orange ass.
Moving Sale

Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Moving Sale »

BSmack wrote:But wasn't Mexico supposed to pay for the fucking wall?
That was weeks ago. Try and keep up.
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Screw_Michigan »

88 wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:The "left leaners" blocked the wall how?
By not voting in the House and Senate to construct it. Try to keep up.
You're omitting a key part of the process, Georgetown flunky. Might want to take 9th grade civics again to learn about the legislative process.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Joe in PB »

One thing most Democrats have yet to acknowledge is how Bernie Sanders was running close vs Hillary in the primary........until Hillary received most of the super delegate votes. Then many Sanders voters chose Trump, perhaps in protest of a rigged system.

Democrats voted for Trump, that is why he won, and we all know most staunch Republicans didn't want him as their candidate, but rather him than Hillary.

Our system of government is broken. There is no compromise. Both parties throw the American people under the bus, then point fingers at one another. The fact our government can't pass a budget is a perfect example.

Our best & brightest don't want anything to do with politics, or serving their country. Most serve themselves.

Our government can't be fixed until most people understand & acknowledge reality. I believe our country needs several amendments to the Constitution, drawn up by the people to ensure Washington politicians put country first, constituents second, over themselves and their parties.

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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

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First thing I'd change is political contributions can only come from private citizens, and no more than $1000 total.

The second thing I'd want is everyone on Capitol Hill has a 401k and Obama care. Then perhaps we'd get rid of the gold diggers and get some honest legeslation.

The 3rd thing I want is more accountability. That would likely mean trimming the numbers on Capitol Hill, perhaps 100 congressman to match the Senate. I feel 400+ congressman and their actions hide in anonymity with such large a number.

I believe those would be steps in the right direction. As is, being elected to Congress is almost like winning the lotto, free medical and pension for life. It's hard for most under those conditions to not think of the American people as a substandard class of citizens, who can do with less.

Congress needs to be our peers, not a huge royal family.

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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Mikey »

What kind of drugs are you taking?
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Joe in PB wrote:Then many Sanders voters chose Trump, perhaps in protest of a rigged system.

The Bernie Bros are not that far ideologically speaking from Trump's more centrist positions.
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
Moving Sale

Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Moving Sale »

So to recap, 88nazis can type "left leaning" but he can't (or won't) define it.
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Mikey »

88 wrote:
Mikey wrote:What kind of drugs are you taking?
Tonight, it is this:
But I'm willing to explore boundaries.
Nice. I'll probably be opening some $10.00 generic stuff.

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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Mikey »

Kirkland has a Rutherford Meritage I've been buying a lot lately that costs about $14. The winemaker supposedly makes mostly top shelf $100+ wines but considers it as much of a challenge to make a decent $14 everyday bottle.
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Softball Bat »

88 wrote:In the bizzaro left-leaning world, you can vote against a border wall yet not be responsible for the fact that the border wall was not constructed.

In the bizzaro left-leaning world, you can be opposed to a border wall, you can support a president who refuses to enforce existing immigration laws, and you can actively court "undocumented" Americans for votes, yet you are still strong on immigration and border security.

In the bizzaro left-leaning world, the only way Mexico can pay for a border wall is if Mexico writes a check for a border wall. If it just turns out, for example, that by building the border wall and staunching the flow of unlawful immigration across the border the amount spent by the U.S. is reduced by far more than the cost of the border wall, and direct payments to Mexico are reduced over time, and businesses in Mexico relocate to the US generating tax revenue, that doesn't count.
In bizzaro nazi admin world, someone thinks 88 made sense.

Dude, the R's control the gov now.
It's their world.

And here the R's president is, not able to move his agenda.


If Tang can't deal and get things done now, he'll never be able to.

Total fail.

You're making a gigantic fool of yourself.

Not surprising.
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Mikey »

In the bizzaro right-leaning world you're supposed to vote for something you've been against from the outset, that you know to be an expensive and useless boondoggle, that your constituents are not in favor of, and whose main purpose is to be a distraction from the president's other numerous failures in policy and mental fitness and to throw a bone to his rabidly ignorant "base" - just because Herr Drumpf wants it.

Moving Sale

Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Moving Sale »

88 wrote:The R's are also the problem. Many of them are left-leaners.
You really are a stupid POS.
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Moving Sale wrote:Image
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Softball Bat »


Are you kidding me?
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Dinsdale »

Mikey wrote:Kirkland has a Rutherford Meritage I've been buying a lot lately that costs about $14. The winemaker supposedly makes mostly top shelf $100+ wines but considers it as much of a challenge to make a decent $14 everyday bottle.

Funny stuff.

There's 2 reasons wine gets sold to Costco -- it didn't turn out well, or the winery grossly overproduced. Period. Same goes for Trader Joe's. They are both very exploitative companies.

I know someone working a deal (through a distributor, obviously) with Costco right now. Gross overproduction (through little fault of his own, they grapes were dropped off on the pad and he didn't have to pay for them, beyond his original order).

And there's no such thing as "generic wine," although it can be under a "throwaway" brand (quite common in huge California producers).
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Softball Bat wrote:Wtf?

Are you kidding me?
Decent form and follow through. I'll bet Trump kills it at pop-a-shot.

Moving Sale

Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Moving Sale »

Dinsdale wrote:
Mikey wrote:Kirkland has a Rutherford Meritage I've been buying a lot lately that costs about $14. The winemaker supposedly makes mostly top shelf $100+ wines but considers it as much of a challenge to make a decent $14 everyday bottle.

Funny stuff.

There's 2 reasons wine gets sold to Costco -- it didn't turn out well, or the winery grossly overproduced. Period. Same goes for Trader Joe's. They are both very exploitative companies.

I know someone working a deal (through a distributor, obviously) with Costco right now. Gross overproduction (through little fault of his own, they grapes were dropped off on the pad and he didn't have to pay for them, beyond his original order).

And there's no such thing as "generic wine," although it can be under a "throwaway" brand (quite common in huge California producers).
There is only one reason wine gets sold at costco, $.
There are diff ways it gets sold, but only one reason.
Use your words you pathetic Grammar Nazi.
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Softball Bat »

Papa Willie wrote:Gonna have to agree with 'tart on that one. That's pretty fucking senseless and stupid.
I'm glad you do, because that scene (and his whole act in Puerto Rico) is one of THE most fucked up things I have ever seen.

I mean, forget about trying to be presidential.

How about just trying to be... human.

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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Softball Bat wrote: I mean, forget about trying to be presidential.

How about just trying to be... human.
We shouldn't be surprised. Like many of his supporters here at T1B, Trump has had his head shoved up his ass his entire life. He thinks he's acting human...and presidential. He thinks extorting dying and desperate Americans is presidential. He thinks Pop-a-Shotting paper towels in a crowd is human (he probably wanted to do it with canned goods, but was told no).

He also had the temerity to say "PR, you're really messing with our budget!" Can you imagine him saying this about Texas? Or Florida? Of course, because he didn't. This is the same jerkoff who has wasted over $72 million in 10 months on trips to his vacation properties.

I'm so proud to have a president whose sole skill in life was laundering money for Russian mobsters. What a class act.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Softball Bat »

Presidents are always conscious of providing "good optics" when they go into these public situations.

Did assclown in chief think free-throwing paper towels out at the distribution center made for good optics?

I guess he did.

That is how fucked up he is.
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Softball Bat »

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
"Puerto Rico survived the Hurricanes, now a financial crisis looms largely of their own making,"
says Sharyl Attkisson. A total lack of..

...accountability say the Governor. Electric and all infrastructure was disaster before hurricanes.
Congress to decide how much to spend.

We cannot keep FEMA, the Military & the First Responders, who have been amazing (under the
most difficult circumstances) in P.R. forever!


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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Left Seater »

Puerto Rico is a tough situation. As a somewhat frequent visitor as a tourist and for work I have experienced much there. Their power grid wasn’t functioning anywhere close to 100% prior to the storms nor was their public water supply. At times prior to the storm close to 15-18% of the island was without power. Water was similar. Infrastructure was crumbling and it wasn’t outside of normal for lanes or roads or bridges to be closed entirely that were in need of repair instead of fixing them.

Many of the nicer hotels took power generation into their own hands to ensure they had a reliable supply. Same for drinking water.

Given this background what is our responsibility to help post storm? No doubt people are going to die without outside help. This isn’t Texas or Florida or Cali where they could handle their own shit in a natural disaster even without the Feds. PR has huge debt and little in the way of an economy. They won’t be able to pay back loans and they don’t have the money to fix anything on their own.

This is a tough spot for everyone. Should we completely rebuild their power and water infrastructure? Should we help patch it up to the shitty level it was prior? Do we offer the same help that was given to Florida and Texas who were in far better shape and could handle more on their own?
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Softball Bat »

Those are valid points and I would rather have you as president than sir orange.

Yes, because I can't image that you would go on Twitter and post such things when the island is in the midst of a humanitarian CRISIS.

Good grief, man.

Instead of reassuring in the time of a major crisis, Don, the president, decides to publicly muse about why Puerto Rico was wearing such a short skirt.
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Moving Sale

Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Moving Sale »

Let's try this again, WHY do you think PR was in such bad shape even before Maria LS?
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Re: Trump Rally in AZ

Post by Softball Bat »

schmuck wrote:So making the same point is fine as long as it's sugar coated?

We didn't elect Willy Wonka, the president shouldn't sugar coat a god damn thing.

Puerto Ricans want to pay zero federal tax dollars, 95% of them refuse to learn English (our national language) but the USA is supposed to fix Puerto Rico better than it was before the storm just because? They were too corrupt to utilize the aide provided and it's the fault of the aide provider for that?
88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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