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Re: Looting and robbing is just reparations
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 5:32 pm
by Innocent Bystander
Carson wrote: ↑Sun Aug 16, 2020 4:55 am
Time to post this again.
The world's richest man won it gambling, in that video ... that's a sharp observation. He then bought an infant with cash. That's also a sharp observation.
Big Al the friendly non-threatening weatherman stopped showing deference to his white co-worker. That was followed up with the Powell-Cheney story, to underline it.
The line about Chuck looking pasty and sick can be taken a couple ways. Big Al claiming a different speaking voice is different side of the same coin: neither of them can be their true selves.
Re: Looting and robbing is just reparations
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 5:43 pm
by Left Seater
Innocent Bystander wrote: ↑Sun Aug 16, 2020 5:19 pm
Left Seater wrote: ↑Sun Aug 16, 2020 4:57 pm
Bill in Houston wrote: ↑Sun Aug 16, 2020 2:19 pm
So you’re backpedaling on your “never” statement?
You’re ok with reparations and your only concern is the price?
And right on queue you continue to ignore the question.
But Bill is right. You do sound like your only real concern is cost.
Who was the older clone who kept saying years ago that a good plan was to pay nig.gas to get sterilized -- and thought $1000 was a generous enough pay-out for blacks to seize?
It sounds kind of like that.
Of course it is cost. If it were $10 per person go ahead and pay it. If it is millions per then of course not. We have been handing out currency of some form to the socioeconomicly disadvantaged for decades. What exactly has that solved over the years?
We have a huge spending problem and when Biden wins it is only going to get exponentially worse. No wonder Bill won’t put a number out there.
Re: Looting and robbing is just reparations
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 5:45 pm
by Innocent Bystander
mvscal wrote: ↑Sun Aug 16, 2020 4:48 am
Nope. Just own it. BLM does not and never has given a shit about black lives. It's all about attacking "the system." It's Marxism 101. Pull your head out.
The system
is broken, Red. You yourself curated the original juiced up badge monkey mega-thread at dot net.
BLM had a noble goal: black lives do matter, too. If black lives have no value, then no life can have value. Only when black lives hold the same value as everyone else's can all lives -- can life itself -- truly be said to matter.
If that's Marxism, I'm down with it. But this other shit has nothing to do with black folk. It's using black folk as a front behind which to cause chaos instead of positive social change. It's third world CIA bullshit, and it's funded by Jews (let's be to the point). That, I'm not down with.
If the three women are on their Mother Theresa, taking blood money in order to wash it, then ... that's their delusion.
Re: Looting and robbing is just reparations
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 5:54 pm
by Innocent Bystander
mvscal wrote: ↑Sun Aug 16, 2020 4:46 am
The ones who survive will get their "reparations" in reservations in North Dakota and Alaska.
In case you haven't noticed, we have the guns
and the numbers. You fucking idiots have no idea of what you're fucking with.
What's this 'we' shit, Red?

You ain't white. You look white.
Like this ni.gga:
As for ND and AK, you have scratched the solution without realizing it because you fear blacks. It's not the reservations. It's not jails. It's the natural resources upon those reservations, which is the Reparations resolution.
Give us Mars, Venus, Mercury, the asteroid belt, the comets, the moon and the Sun itself. Give us the moons of Jupiters, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Give us the Oceans.
That is how reparations can be paid, in perpetuity, until the last descendent of American slaves passes away.
Re: Looting and robbing is just reparations
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 7:11 pm
by Bill in Houston
Jsc810 wrote: ↑Sun Aug 16, 2020 3:22 pm
Before he died, even Martin Luther King was transforming to a poverty based message instead of race based.
I think our country needs to remember our history and have a massive reinvestment in our infrastructure, similar to Roosevelt's New Deal. Repair our schools, roads, bridges, plumbing, and electrical systems, create the best possible broadband system and so on.
Yes, that will create millions of new jobs, will strengthen our economy, and improve our country now and for generations to come. Something like that will do more - much more - for blacks than mere reparations could ever do.
This could be part of a reparations program. It would be a good component. Along with investment into education. But, the majority of payments need to be paid to individuals.
Re: Looting and robbing is just reparations
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 7:26 pm
by Bill in Houston
Left Seater wrote: ↑Sun Aug 16, 2020 5:43 pm
Of course it is cost. If it were $10 per person go ahead and pay it. If it is millions per then of course not. We have been handing out currency of some form to the socioeconomicly disadvantaged for decades. What exactly has that solved over the years?
We have a huge spending problem and when Biden wins it is only going to get exponentially worse. No wonder Bill won’t put a number out there.
That’s your self-admission to being a total racist POS.
How about the unborn, LS? Or are you only referencing white fetuses when you stand to champion them? What is the value of a white-parented fetus?
Oh, wait. Forgive me if I’m confusing your tiny binary-functioning brain. I understand how difficult it is for you to be asked to think broadly. But buck up a give a try for once.
You likely claim the white-parented unborn are priceless. Meanwhile you value the worth of multiple generations of blacks lives at $10 per.
You can go straight to hell asshole.
Re: Looting and robbing is just reparations
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 8:32 pm
by mvscal
Innocent Bystander wrote: ↑Sun Aug 16, 2020 5:45 pm
BLM had a noble goal: black lives do matter, too. If black lives have no value, then no life can have value. Only when black lives hold the same value as everyone else's can all lives -- can life itself -- truly be said to matter.
Of course they matter. They just don't matter to BLM and never have. The only time you ever hear from these racist hypocrites is on those rare incidents when blacks are killed by white cops. Those deaths are statistical outliers and the numbers show that blacks are not disproportionately killed by police. I did start the original juiced up badge monkey thread. I treat police shootings on a case by case basis as all intellectually honest people should.
If black lives actually mattered to BLM, they would be protesting in the areas where blacks lives are being taken and against those who are actually taking them. Naturally, that would require a very frank and honest discussion of race which woketurdz aren't prepared to have. I hate to break it to you, but "white supremacists" aren't the ones stacking bodies in the hood. White people aren't the ones who need the message that black lives matter. Your subhuman, ghetto hood rat culture is the true recipient of that message. It's falling on deaf ears, though. These same feral animals are the ones looting and burning under the cover of the Marxists running the BLM.
So, zero sympathy from me and they had best stay in their lane or they're going to wrecked.
Re: Looting and robbing is just reparations
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 8:49 pm
by Kierland
Red herring. Thanks for playing. Please return when you have taken logic 101.
Re: Looting and robbing is just reparations
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 9:19 pm
by mvscal
Innocent Bystander wrote: ↑Sun Aug 16, 2020 5:19 pm
Who was the older clone who kept saying years ago that a good plan was to pay nig.gas to get sterilized -- and thought $1000 was a generous enough pay-out for blacks to seize?
Hi! That was me. Why fund abortion when you can fund a spay, neuter and release program for a fraction of the cost? If $1K is too low, we could sweeten the pot a bit.
Re: Looting and robbing is just reparations
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 11:35 pm
by Left Seater
Bill in Houston wrote: ↑Sun Aug 16, 2020 7:26 pm
Left Seater wrote: ↑Sun Aug 16, 2020 5:43 pm
Of course it is cost. If it were $10 per person go ahead and pay it. If it is millions per then of course not. We have been handing out currency of some form to the socioeconomicly disadvantaged for decades. What exactly has that solved over the years?
We have a huge spending problem and when Biden wins it is only going to get exponentially worse. No wonder Bill won’t put a number out there.
That’s your self-admission to being a total racist POS.
How about the unborn, LS? Or are you only referencing white fetuses when you stand to champion them? What is the value of a white-parented fetus?
Oh, wait. Forgive me if I’m confusing your tiny binary-functioning brain. I understand how difficult it is for you to be asked to think broadly. But buck up a give a try for once.
You likely claim the white-parented unborn are priceless. Meanwhile you value the worth of multiple generations of blacks lives at $10 per.
You can go straight to hell asshole.
Clearly you are cut from the Screwy tree of stupid. I didn’t say $10 was appropriate, I was making a point that if it were a low number, pay it today to be done with this. If it is millions, go pound sand.
But you are far too dumb to understand this.
However like JSC said, reparations are a non starter.
Re: Looting and robbing is just reparations
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 12:40 am
by Jay in Phoenix
The regrettable fact that BLM is fully supported and funded by Russian Communists should hold some sway in those who blindly support this abortion of a group. They don't care about racial issues or reparations, they care about politics and ousting the Orange Man. Not a bad thing on the surface, but their true agenda is pure corruption of the Capitalist ideal.
Civil War and division is their true agenda. Blast these assholes to hell.
Re: Looting and robbing is just reparations
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 1:20 am
by Kierland
RussiaGate! There are no black people organized to defeat racists cops it’s all Commies and we kill Commies!
Welcome back. I see you learned nothing when you were gone.