Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

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Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Kierland »

smackaholic wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 3:15 am
Kierland wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 3:13 am
Rootbeer wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 12:29 am My greenhouse will lose approx. 50,000 btu per hour at those temps.
Unless you are using direct geothermal like from a geyser or something which most people don’t have access to even in your neck of the woods, the economics of growing has turned from heating to lighting. It’s much cheaper to raise your r value even if it cuts out sunlight and just add the light yourself. The variable spectrum lighting these days is amazing. They make thermal blankets for cold frames with super high r values, most even have motorized canopy mobilization. We crunched the numbers for a glazed house in Tahoe (not as cold I know) and it was a no brainer, at least with weed as the target crop as it obviously depends on the hardiness of the target plant. And we didn’t even factor in the hail resistance insurance value, which they obviously increase, since we don’t get damaging hail round these parts very often.

But what do I know? It’s not like you started a thread asking for help.
Wow, an informative post from douchebag that I pretty much agree with. He almost pulled it off without going dickhead at all, but he slipped up a little on the last sentence. Can't help himself, I suppose.

My guess is a mix of artificial and natural light would be best, so long as the natural part has some sort of shutter system for night time insulation/hail protection.
It’s all automated yes, but it’s a tad more complicated than just night or day now that lights are so cheap to buy and run. If it’s cold enough outside the house will just keep itself blanketed and run the lights because the heating is more expensive than the lighting. Or if it’s kinda cold but also kinda cloudy the system will do the same thing. It’s an algorithm, so it might decide to unblanket at say 2pm but still run some lights. And of course some plants like weed and poinsettia flower on photoperiodism so the lights might need to be on or the blanket on to prevent or induce flowering and that is factored into algorithm also. Growing is fascinating and even more so in a glass house.

Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Kierland »

smackaholic wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 3:37 am Never tried chocolate in marinara sauce, but sounds interesting.

Do you use sweet chocolate, in which case, you are still using sugar. Why not use carrots for the sweetness, then some baking chocolate to give it a little kick?
The sweet kind is best, but yes anything to lower the Ph and add sweetness works.
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Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by mvscal »

Rootbeer wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 12:29 am
We grew two raised beds and one in-ground bed of tomatoes. 12 roma plants in raised beds and 18 slicing tomato plants in the ground.

Grew bell peppers in fabric bags and roasted them for salsa. Added roasted jalapenos for heat and jarred 48 qts of salsa last September. I'm already half way through it :shock: Also jarred spaghetti sauce which reminds me of a question. Why does commercially produced spag sauce have so much sugar in it? It's tomato candy :gross:
We had 25 in ground plants. We did San Marzano, Amish Paste and Little Mama. I highly recommend Little Mamas. They started a little slow, but then went gang buster. They had an enormous yield. Perfect saucing tomatoes. You get clusters of fruit. They're about 4oz each. Amish Paste are large and are equally good as a slicer or sauce tomato. We also did Japs, poblanos, cayenne, tabasco, aji dulce and aji amarillo peppers.

I'm not really sure when anyone buys jarred spaghetti sauce. Even high quality canned tomatoes are cheaper than jarred sauces. If they're acidic, just add a small pinch of baking soda. That will actually neutralize the acid instead of just masking it with sugar.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.

Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Kierland »

What a dolt. You recommend three tomatoes for saucing and none of them are determinate. You know the best ones for saucing because they come all at once, from a compact plants that requires little staking and grow better in non-dedicated beds and small containers? You probably don’t even have any idea what determinate vs indeterminate even means do you kid diddler?

And go ahead and add baking soda to your sauce and take out all the complexity instead of adding complexity with a competing taste like chocolate or even carrots.

No wonder you like Bugaha, it’s bland and stupid. Just like you.

Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Kierland »

You are just making shit up again.
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Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by mvscal »

Hmm. Queerland adds Hershey bars to Italian tomato sauce. Nothing further needs to be said. He wouldn’t know complexity if it fucked him up the ass and stole his wallet.

Of course adding a pinch of baking soda does not remove any complexity. Quite the contrary, actually. Acid in the form of citric acid or lemon juice is added to canned tomatoes to lower the ph to make safe, shelf stable product. An 1/8th teaspoon of baking soda will take the edge off and let the tomato speak. Good homegrown tomatoes don't need any added sugar at all.

Mirepoix is appropriate in some instances such as a bologese not so much in a marinara.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Ken »

Kierland wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 1:56 pm What a dolt. You recommend three tomatoes for saucing and none of them are determinate. You know the best ones for saucing because they come all at once, from a compact plants that requires little staking and grow better in non-dedicated beds and small containers? You probably don’t even have any idea what determinate vs indeterminate even means do you kid diddler?

And go ahead and add baking soda to your sauce and take out all the complexity instead of adding complexity with a competing taste like chocolate or even carrots.

No wonder you like Bugaha, it’s bland and stupid. Just like you.
Fucking idiot. It is widely recognized that indeterminate varieties generally have better flavor than determinates. But yes, determinates from a PRACTICALITY standpoint are a better choice for canning, however, at the expense of flavor. If I had enough sun to have a proper vegetable garden, I would certainly plant some of each, probably leaning towards more indeterminates.

Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Kierland »

Look at the racist yellow ginger actually respond to me. What’s the problem freak? Cat had your tongue for 5 years? Not willing to defend racism and misogyny but you will stand up for a tomato? And still fuck that up like you fucked your life up so bad you had to move to a shithole inside another shithole? What a fuckin pussy.

Yes chocolate tastes good and it’s going to sweeten better than adding a shit ton of carrots which is what the question was. You’re probably the kind of idiot that won’t add red wine cause it adds sugar and flavor. The question was not about Ph which I added. So you still haven’t answered naziaholic issue. Nobody adds baking soda to sauce. And nobody said I’m dropping Hersey bars in all my sauce. You can’t even make it thru a tomato post without lying about me. And of course most homegrown sauce needs little to no help. Again that wasn’t the issue you chronically inept dick sleeve.

And you decide the best way to top off showing us how much you don’t know is by telling us to add celery but it’s ok cause you called it “bologese” (sic). Dude if you want the bite of the celery just make Gazpacho and get it over with. What a hack.

Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Kierland »

Ken wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 4:49 pm
Kierland wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 1:56 pm What a dolt. You recommend three tomatoes for saucing and none of them are determinate. You know the best ones for saucing because they come all at once, from a compact plants that requires little staking and grow better in non-dedicated beds and small containers? You probably don’t even have any idea what determinate vs indeterminate even means do you kid diddler?

And go ahead and add baking soda to your sauce and take out all the complexity instead of adding complexity with a competing taste like chocolate or even carrots.

No wonder you like Bugaha, it’s bland and stupid. Just like you.
Fucking idiot. It is widely recognized that indeterminate varieties generally have better flavor than determinates. But yes, determinates from a PRACTICALITY standpoint are a better choice for canning, however, at the expense of flavor. If I had enough sun to have a proper vegetable garden, I would certainly plant some of each, probably leaning towards more indeterminates.
So to recap: they suck but you would plant them. Your brain is a vegetable.

And no, garden determinates don’t taste worse. You’re thinking (using the term loosely) of the production varieties which are all shit.
Anahu, Milano Plum and Grushovka are all excellent. And the list goes on.

You thought you had an actual topic you could school me on so you, like pedokkkal, decided it was a good time to shed your yellow jacket, but YOU got stung. Sucks for you.

If you are saucing anyways the Ds are a better choice cause it’s easier and you free up late fall garden space which is important especially in cold climates which is where most of you mentally challenged “gardeners” seem to live.
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Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Mikey »

Mirepoix, in Italian cooking, is referred to as soffrito.

Just saying.
Last edited by Mikey on Mon Jan 30, 2023 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Ken »

Kierland wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 5:01 pm
Ken wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 4:49 pm
Kierland wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 1:56 pm What a dolt. You recommend three tomatoes for saucing and none of them are determinate. You know the best ones for saucing because they come all at once, from a compact plants that requires little staking and grow better in non-dedicated beds and small containers? You probably don’t even have any idea what determinate vs indeterminate even means do you kid diddler?

And go ahead and add baking soda to your sauce and take out all the complexity instead of adding complexity with a competing taste like chocolate or even carrots.

No wonder you like Bugaha, it’s bland and stupid. Just like you.
Fucking idiot. It is widely recognized that indeterminate varieties generally have better flavor than determinates. But yes, determinates from a PRACTICALITY standpoint are a better choice for canning, however, at the expense of flavor. If I had enough sun to have a proper vegetable garden, I would certainly plant some of each, probably leaning towards more indeterminates.
So to recap: they suck but you would plant them. Your brain is a vegetable.

And no, garden determinates don’t taste worse. You’re thinking (using the term loosely) of the production varieties which are all shit.
Anahu, Milano Plum and Grushovka are all excellent. And the list goes on.

You thought you had an actual topic you could school me on so you, like pedokkkal, decided it was a good time to shed your yellow jacket, but YOU got stung. Sucks for you.

If you are saucing anyways the Ds are a better choice cause it’s easier and you free up late fall garden space which is important especially in cold climates which is where most of you mentally challenged “gardeners” seem to live.
Not so concerned about 'schooling' anyone on a topic such as this. Seriously, it really is of little concern to me, unlike you. However, with that said, I know my shit regarding this topic, to say the least. I just returned from a weeklong trip reviewing spinach, swiss chard, and lettuce tasting/seed producability trials with some breeders. Last month, I did the same with one of our tomato breeders. That's because I do sales and product development for one of the largest vegetable breeding companies in the world. I got my shit tidied up.

Do I expect you to stand down? Of course not. Carry on.

Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Kierland »

Then why get all over your skis and try and say Garden Ds are somehow shit when you admitted you will plant them. It makes no sense. So that last post is basically a backpedal. You called me an idiot and I took you to a woodshed and beat your ass. It happens. Just take the L.

Swiss chard (deveined)
Butter (unsalted)
Balsamic (older the better)
Cast iron pan (seasoned)
Heat (high)

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Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Ken »

Kierland wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 5:37 pm Then why get all over your skis and try and say Garden Ds are somehow shit
Hmmmm, don't recall posting that.
Anything else?

Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Kierland »

That’s because you are an idiot. It’s all right there for people to read.
Stop on by again in a few years. It was great talking to you.

Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Kierland »

Yeah what about other things!?!

Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Kierland »

Yeah what about those things!?! Fuckin libtards!
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Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by mvscal »

I don't grow determinate varieties because I don't can everything I grow and like having fresh tomatoes up till first frost. It's really not that complicated.

Certainly not as complicated as Hershey bar marinara sauce.

:meds: :meds: :meds:
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.

Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Kierland »

Says the guy who drowns his sauce in baking soda cause his poor little tummy can’t take a little acidity. And you don’t grow determinates because you didn’t even know what they were till today.

Again super funny that you will defend a tomato but not anything meaningful.
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Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Sven Golly »

I think Kwierland was more offended by the fact you said he uses Hershey bars.

He's clearly a Nestle's guy...
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Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Meat Head »

Sven Golly wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 8:10 pm I think Kwierland was more offended by the fact you said he uses Hershey bars.

He's clearly a Nestle's guy...
Sven: which do you prefer shoved up your ass? Besides a pecan log.

And who do you think is more full of shit about their green thumb.

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Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Rootbeer »

Thanks for all the serious responses. I won't get to answer them tonight but I'll get to them.

I have an arctic tomato ready to transplant into a gallon pot. He won't get to go outside until after Mother's Day so I hope he enjoys grow lights and the sliding door.
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Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Rootbeer »


Just kidding. There is no update.
Ain't nothin' like the real thing, baby.
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Donnie Baker's Ghost
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Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Donnie Baker's Ghost »

Or move to a warmer climate. Think about it.
Shut up, Randy!

Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Kierland »

Whaaa Donnie Dumb is posting in too many threads!!!!
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Re: Your thoughts on Farmers Markets

Post by Rootbeer »

Donnie Baker wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2023 7:54 pm Or move to a warmer climate. Think about it.
Warm climates are popular and popular places draw crazy people. I'll visit your nice warm cities but I have no interest in living there. Give me a 10 mile line of sight without a car or building to be seen and I'm in heaven.
Ain't nothin' like the real thing, baby.
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