Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
I find it pretty hilarious, not to mention sad, that so many who gloss themselves “Christian” cite these Old Testament stories about corrupt and violent monarchs to defend their felon in chief. Neither David or Solomon, or any other Old Testament character, were Christians. They didn’t know Jesus, who was born many years after they were dead (if they actually existed at as described in the OT), or any of his teachings. They’re not in the Bible as examples of what rulers should emulate, but just the opposite. Not surprising at all that ignorant dumbshit losers like JPGetiingbuttraped would not hesitate to pull out this ridiculous justification for excusing Trump’s behavior.
- Elwood
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- Elwood
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
This ^^^^^response.Mikey wrote: ↑Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:01 pm I find it pretty hilarious, not to mention sad, that so many who gloss themselves “Christian” cite these Old Testament stories about corrupt and violent monarchs to defend their felon in chief. Neither David or Solomon, or any other Old Testament character, were Christians. They didn’t know Jesus, who was born many years after they were dead (if they actually existed at as described in the OT). They’re not in the Bible as examples of what rulers should emulate, but just the opposite. Not surprising at all that ignorant dumbshit losers like JPGetiingbuttraped would not hesitate to pull out this ridiculous justification for excusing Trump’s behavior.
Are you really that fucking stupid???
You know NOTHING about Christianity.
That's the CHRISTIAN BIBLE you fucking clueless dumbass.
When you go to seminary to become a pastor, you study the Bible. The Christian Bible is made up of the old and new testaments.
You're a SHITTY low IQ troll.
Imagine if God were given a choice of two candidates.
One protects and defends Isreal while starving and sanctioning terrorist regimes sworn to DESTROY Israel and every Jew on planet earth.
The other funds billions upon billions of dollars to Israel's sworn enemies whose stated goals are the complete annihilation of Israel and every Jew on planet earth. Oh, and this candidate molested his young daughter in the shower, according to her actual diary.
I wonder which candidate God would choose.
Dumb fucks like Mikey would no doubt pick the candidate who funds the sworn enemies of God's chosen people.
The one's who OPENLY threaten to kill every single one of God's chosen people.
Congratulations Mikey!!!

Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
At least I can spell Israel.

You’d better go. Your mommy’s calling from the basement and it’s time for your daily bowl of Maypo.
- Screw_Michigan
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
I love having EAP on ignore because then I only see his really egregious shit when other posters quote him. Love it.
- Sudden Sam
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Hope you saw this one. Jeezus.Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:03 pm I love having EAP on ignore because then I only see his really egregious shit when other posters quote him. Love it.
- Elwood
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Sorry. I have gorilla sized hands, and one finger covers half my keyboard.Sudden Sam wrote: ↑Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:06 pmHope you saw this one. Jeezus.Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:03 pm I love having EAP on ignore because then I only see his really egregious shit when other posters quote him. Love it.
Congenitally stupid.
I suppose the left-wing members in here have tiny feminine hands and it's never a problem.
- Elwood
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Trump has consistently vowed revenge on those who have “persecuted” him, opposed him, or just not been sufficiently subservient, with the rabid approval of the entire MAGAt base.JPGettysburg wrote: ↑Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:46 pmOk, fair enough.
But don't ever question my Biblical authority again.
I've studied the Bible longer than you've been alive.
Do you agree with “an eye for an eye?”
- Elwood
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Mikey wrote: ↑Mon Jun 03, 2024 1:03 amTrump has consistently vowed revenge on those who have “persecuted” him, opposed him, or just not been sufficiently subservient, with the rabid approval of the entire MAGAt base.JPGettysburg wrote: ↑Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:46 pmOk, fair enough.
But don't ever question my Biblical authority again.
I've studied the Bible longer than you've been alive.
Do you agree with “an eye for an eye?”
Do you understand the HUGE DIFFERENCE between political rhetoric, and ACTUAL REALITY?
President trump says a lot of things.
Chants of "lock her up" 'lock her up" could be heard at his political rallies. That's called political rhetoric.
The corrupt left-wing press and media, including the criminally corrupt left-wing democrat party, ALL called him a fascist dictator.
Then as president of the united states, HE LET HER GO because he's not a fascist in any way, shape or form. He and his attorney general could've EASILY gotten the special counsel set up to indict Hillary for felony contempt of congress.
BUT HE DIDN'T, because he's never been a fascist.
The biden administration IS operating as a totalitarian and fascist regime by going after president trump. Merrick Garland decided to let his boss go free, even though he had classified documents in multiple unsecured locations for DECADES, and he wasn't the president.
You asked about "an eye for an eye?"
YES, the Supreme Court should strike down Bragg and that entire NYC left-wing kangaroo court.
Both the inspector General report and the Durham report came to the exact same conclusions, that the Obama justice department used unverified BS propaganda to take down the incoming president trump. Comey lied to a federal judge, then got a special counsel set up, all based on unverified BS propaganda, paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign. The Mueller investigation was run by Weissman, a long time Clinton friend.
Two bogus and partisan impeachments, straight through to TODAY, and the American people are becoming increasingly aware of this weaponization of the government against president trump.
At some point, republicans are gonna have to go after their political enemies JUST LIKE the democrats have been doing.
Once the Supreme Court unanimously overturns the NYC kangaroo court, an independent judiciary investigation should begin against Bragg and Merchan. And both should be held accountable.
An eye for an eye ? There are a litany of charges just waiting for former presidents, Obama and Clinton, should the Supreme Court not allow immunity..
An "eye for an eye" is the only option when the very government is weaponized against their political enemies.
At what point do we become a banana republic?
The soviet socialists and nazi socialists weaponized their governments against their political enemies.
An eye for an eye?
You bet.
- Softball Bat
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
You claim to be a Christian and an expert on the Bible. Or maybe it’s just the Old Testament? Do you know who said this (or maybe it’s just the liberal mainstream media trying to fool us)?
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
- Elwood
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Mikey wrote: ↑Mon Jun 03, 2024 2:53 am You claim to be a Christian and an expert on the Bible. Or maybe it’s just the Old Testament? Do you know who said this (or maybe it’s just the liberal mainstream media trying to fool us)?
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
Class is in session.
Yes, I know Jesus's teachings very well.
All you did was post them here.
But you don't "understand" them.
Yes, we need to love one another.
Turn the other cheek.
Give to the poor, the least of my brethren.
HOWEVER, you must LEARN from Jesus's OWN actions.
Remember when Mary the prostitute was washing his feet with very expensive ointment??
His disciples were OUTRAGED, saying that they should sell the ointment and use the money to give to the poor.
But Jesus replied,
There will ALWAYS be poor people struggling pathetically, BUT you only have me for a short while.
Yes. It's good to help the poor, however, the use of expensive ointment by Mary, is an expression of love and devotion to God.
When Jesus saw his temple and house of prayer being desecrated by thieves and fornicators, did he "turn the other cheek?"
He KICKED some serious JEW and GENTILE ASS and let it be known that you don't fuck with the "House of GOD"
Patrick Swayzee knew that as well, in the classic movie "Roadhouse", he said, quote.....
"Be nice, be nice until it's time to NOT BE NICE"
end quote.
Don't just quote Jesus. Read between the lines and actually follow WHAT he did.
- Elwood
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Turn the other cheek.Mikey wrote: ↑Mon Jun 03, 2024 2:53 am You claim to be a Christian and an expert on the Bible. Or maybe it’s just the Old Testament? Do you know who said this (or maybe it’s just the liberal mainstream media trying to fool us)?
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
Love thy neighbor.
Patrick Seayzee, "be nice. be nice until it's time to NOT BE NICE" end quote.
In other words, don't be a simpleton..
I brought up the iconic movie "Roadhouse" with none other than Patrick swayzee, as a way to illustrate exactly what Jesus meant by "turn the other cheek"
Jesus meant,, "be nice" "be nice, until it's time to NOT BE NICE"
From "Roadhouse" 1989.
When Jesus went to his temple and saw the thieves and prostitutes doing their business, it was time to "NOT BE NICE"
- Elwood
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Mikey wrote: ↑Mon Jun 03, 2024 2:53 am You claim to be a Christian and an expert on the Bible. Or maybe it’s just the Old Testament? Do you know who said this (or maybe it’s just the liberal mainstream media trying to fool us)?
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
That scene from "Roadhouse" with Patrick swayzee FULLY exemplifies what Jesus was teaching.
"If someone gets in your face and calls you a cocksucker, I want you to be nice". Obviously don't drop down on your knees and start inhaling cock.
Just be nice.
Be nice, until it's time for you to NOT BE NICE.
JESUS HIMSELF, knew when it was time to "NOT BE NICE", when he stormed the temple "Rambo style" and kicked some serious "middle eastern" ass.
So please.......
Use some logic and common sense the next time you quote the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS.
Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump

You’re A Fucking Idiot
- Elwood
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- Elwood
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- Screw_Michigan
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Dump keeps mentioning the "enemy within." If only he was talking about this
Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Maybe he's talking about the syphilis.Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:19 pm Dump keeps mentioning the "enemy within." If only he was talking about this
- Elwood
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
No.Mikey wrote: ↑Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:22 pmMaybe he's talking about the syphilis.Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:19 pm Dump keeps mentioning the "enemy within." If only he was talking about this
He's clearly talking about today's criminally corrupt left-wing democrat party. Face reality.
- HighPlainsGrifter
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
We just need to get some light inside him. Maybe a little bleach.Mikey wrote: ↑Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:22 pmMaybe he's talking about the syphilis.Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:19 pm Dump keeps mentioning the "enemy within." If only he was talking about this
Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:19 pm Dump keeps mentioning the "enemy within." If only he was talking about this

- Softball Bat
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Bidet is a joke and a disaster, no doubt.mvscal wrote:Most people are considering the alternatives. The menu is not particularly appetizing either way. Pedo Joe is an objective failure. The disintegration of the Gaza aid pier is a perfect metaphor for his entire administration: Horrible ideas executed with catastrophic incompetence.
Why doesn't the GOP dump the felon and run a real candidate?

88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
- Sudden Sam
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
This is their opportunity to get away from Trump.Softball Bat wrote: ↑Tue Jun 04, 2024 1:14 amBidet is a joke and a disaster, no doubt.mvscal wrote:Most people are considering the alternatives. The menu is not particularly appetizing either way. Pedo Joe is an objective failure. The disintegration of the Gaza aid pier is a perfect metaphor for his entire administration: Horrible ideas executed with catastrophic incompetence.
Why doesn't the GOP dump the felon and run a real candidate?
Should be able to beat Biden with virtually anyone. A cadaver could beat him.
- Softball Bat
- Eternal Scobode
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
An incumbent has an advantage, so I wouldn't say it would be easy to beat Bidet.
But is the GOP really going to continue to go down this path?
Total sleaze show.
But is the GOP really going to continue to go down this path?
Total sleaze show.

88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
- Elwood
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
You obviously were asleep during his presidency.Softball Bat wrote: ↑Tue Jun 04, 2024 1:14 amBidet is a joke and a disaster, no doubt.mvscal wrote:Most people are considering the alternatives. The menu is not particularly appetizing either way. Pedo Joe is an objective failure. The disintegration of the Gaza aid pier is a perfect metaphor for his entire administration: Horrible ideas executed with catastrophic incompetence.
Why doesn't the GOP dump the felon and run a real candidate?
Even during a worldwide pandemic, the trump administration was LIGHT YEARS BETTER both foreign and domestic than this current Alzheimer's shitshow administration.
- Softball Bat
- Eternal Scobode
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Trump's Team of Felons
Donald Trump was charged, convicted, and is awaiting sentencing.
Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump’s former campaign vice chairman, Rick Gates, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump’s former adviser and former campaign aide, Roger Stone, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump’s former adviser and former White House aide Peter Navarro, was charged, convicted, and is currently in prison.
Trump’s former campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
The Trump Organization’s former CFO, Allen Weisselberg, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump’s former White House national security advisor, Michael Flynn, was charged and convicted.
Trump’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, was charged with wire fraud and money laundering, in addition to a conviction in a contempt case similar to Navarro’s. He’s currently awaiting sentencing.
Though he was later acquitted at trial, Trump’s former inaugural committee chair, Tom Barrack, was charged with illegally lobbying Trump on behalf of a foreign government.
(Elliot Broidy was the vice chair of Trump’s inaugural committee, and he found himself at the center of multiple controversies, and also pled guilty to federal charges related to illegal lobbying.)
Two lawyers associated with Trump’s post-defeat efforts, Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell, have pleaded guilty to election-related crimes. ... rcna154853
Donald Trump was charged, convicted, and is awaiting sentencing.
Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump’s former campaign vice chairman, Rick Gates, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump’s former adviser and former campaign aide, Roger Stone, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump’s former adviser and former White House aide Peter Navarro, was charged, convicted, and is currently in prison.
Trump’s former campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
The Trump Organization’s former CFO, Allen Weisselberg, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump’s former White House national security advisor, Michael Flynn, was charged and convicted.
Trump’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, was charged with wire fraud and money laundering, in addition to a conviction in a contempt case similar to Navarro’s. He’s currently awaiting sentencing.
Though he was later acquitted at trial, Trump’s former inaugural committee chair, Tom Barrack, was charged with illegally lobbying Trump on behalf of a foreign government.
(Elliot Broidy was the vice chair of Trump’s inaugural committee, and he found himself at the center of multiple controversies, and also pled guilty to federal charges related to illegal lobbying.)
Two lawyers associated with Trump’s post-defeat efforts, Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell, have pleaded guilty to election-related crimes. ... rcna154853

88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
- Diego in Seattle
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Shouldn't be a problem.Sudden Sam wrote: ↑Tue Jun 04, 2024 1:39 amThis is their opportunity to get away from Trump.Softball Bat wrote: ↑Tue Jun 04, 2024 1:14 amBidet is a joke and a disaster, no doubt.mvscal wrote:Most people are considering the alternatives. The menu is not particularly appetizing either way. Pedo Joe is an objective failure. The disintegration of the Gaza aid pier is a perfect metaphor for his entire administration: Horrible ideas executed with catastrophic incompetence.
Why doesn't the GOP dump the felon and run a real candidate?
So who's chairing the GOP these days?
9/27/22“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
- Elwood
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
LMFAOSoftball Bat wrote: ↑Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:34 am Trump's Team of Felons
Donald Trump was charged, convicted, and is awaiting sentencing.
Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump’s former campaign vice chairman, Rick Gates, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump’s former adviser and former campaign aide, Roger Stone, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump’s former adviser and former White House aide Peter Navarro, was charged, convicted, and is currently in prison.
Trump’s former campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
The Trump Organization’s former CFO, Allen Weisselberg, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.
Trump’s former White House national security advisor, Michael Flynn, was charged and convicted.
Trump’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, was charged with wire fraud and money laundering, in addition to a conviction in a contempt case similar to Navarro’s. He’s currently awaiting sentencing.
Though he was later acquitted at trial, Trump’s former inaugural committee chair, Tom Barrack, was charged with illegally lobbying Trump on behalf of a foreign government.
(Elliot Broidy was the vice chair of Trump’s inaugural committee, and he found himself at the center of multiple controversies, and also pled guilty to federal charges related to illegal lobbying.)
Two lawyers associated with Trump’s post-defeat efforts, Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell, have pleaded guilty to election-related crimes. ... rcna154853
Are you a fucking idiot?
You just used Msnbc's Rachel maddow???
The same Maddow who told everyone that got vaccinated that the virus stops dead in it's tracks in vaccinated people?
Instead of using left-wing BS propaganda from nsnbc, I'll use two separate investigations.
Both the inspector General report and the Durham report came to the exact same conclusions. That the Obama justice department used unverified BS propaganda to take down the incoming president trump.
THATS the very definition of a treasonous insurrection.
You are one seriously duped, played and manipulated weak mind.
- Softball Bat
- Eternal Scobode
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
I was not talking to you, twatty.
And I have zero interest in your posts.
And I have zero interest in your posts.

88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
- Elwood
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Ok. Good. Keep using msnbc's bullshit propaganda with whack job Lawrence O'Donnell and Rachel maddow.Softball Bat wrote: ↑Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:56 am I was not talking to you, twatty.
And I have zero interest in your posts.
Carry on.
- Jesus H Christ
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
I don’t normally interject myself into petty squabbles involving ignorant posers, but I’ll have to say here that JPWhatever is truly a Fucking Idiot.
Please stop falsely invoking my name. Nothing good for you will come of it.
Please stop falsely invoking my name. Nothing good for you will come of it.
Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Don't hold back, tell us what you really think.
- Elwood
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Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Re: Convicted Felon Donald Trump
Ashley's diary is genuine as is Humper the Crackhead's laptop which was just entered into evidence at his trial. What sort of drugs are you on to deny what is plainly obvious by this point?
So how do you plan on rationalizing your vote for a blatant, no shit pedophile molester? Are you hoping Pedo Joe can drag the sewer for another 51 "intelligence experts" to sign a letter claiming the diary has "all the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign"? That ship has sailed.
You have at least one daughter, right? Do you recall playing rubadub with your daughter in the shower? Would you describe that as normal or innocent behavior? Is your daughter a fucked up, drug addled mess as result of honking your "rubber ducky"?Ashley Biden detailed ‘pain’ from diary theft, urged prison for thief in letter to judge ... theft.html
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.