DrDetroit wrote:
Damn, I didn't know you were this conservative.
Open your eyes. I don't align myself with conservatives or liberals. My trolling.....ERRRRR
postings in this forum over the last couple of days shows that I can be quite conservative, or very liberal, depending on the issue. When it comes to personal or state's rights I usually tend to be extremely conservative. It just depends on whether the issue at hand hurts others ability in their "persuit of happiness" and whatsuch. If, for example, a logging company is hurting my ability to persue happiness in the wilderness, in exchange for profit for a few, then I'm opposed to them(one example). Call me a "tree hugging liberal" on that one. On the other hand, I don't see where a responsible person invoking their Second Amendment Rights to own a firearm æffects my persuit of happiness in any way, shape, or form. Call me a"right wing whacko" on that one. My opinions are fueled only by my sense of right and wrong.
Fiscally, if we're all to be organized and participating under one economy, which is definitely for the better(which I doubt you'll find anyone here under any affiliation that would disagree), I just want it to be fair for everyone, rather than a select few that already had a leg up in the game to start with.
And THAT is my point. I don't want the whole country to agree with me(although it would make this country a much better place). I also don't want the whole country to agree with one political party that is a schill for special interests(both parties being approximately equally guilty, although the dems at least spread their thievery a little thinner). I want for everyone to not point fingers and "choose sides," but instead follow their heart, and their sense of right and wrong. I have faith in the human/American spirit enough to trust the collective judgement. Unfortunately, our country and government have become too large for this to be a reality at this point. Too many followers, not enough leaders. But people are generally good-at-heart as a whole. The system just makes it tough to do the "right" thing, rather than do the partisan thing.
Someday, my rose-colored glasses might break, but until then, I'll keep on fighting the Good Fight. And I will NEVER endorse something just because one side told me to. I'm about as non-partisan as it gets. All I ask is that others be the same way, regardless where it leads them. Think with your brain, not your political party, or some silly "conservative/liberal" tags.