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Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:20 pm
by al?
T REX wrote: Forget "rich" and "poor", if everyone operates TOGETHER then all will profit. You have to get over your thinking that it is one against the other. On the ice? Of course. Financially, we are all on the same team. One business model, all operating underneath.
I thought professional sports was capitalism, not communism.
Did I miss something?
You can't compare the NFL to the NHL. The NFL has resources the NHL will never have, there's more than enough to go around. Sharing with these ghetto franchises just ensures they'll be around to leech off the talent pool for 6 more years. Great. :roll:
Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:20 pm
by T REX
al??????? Huh? I tried to understand your post but?????????
Any of the sports should be treated as ONE entity vs 30 individuals. In a free market they would gobble each other up, put others out of business.....that makes no sense. The Yankees NEED other teams to play. There will always be BIGGER market that can spend MORE regardless. What's the point of that? An even playing field is what makes a sport COMPETITIVE.
Not sure if you guys have never had an economics class or what.....but some of you just cannot grasp the theory behind it. Oh well.
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:04 am
by Hapday
T REX wrote:
Not sure if you guys have never had an economics class or what.....but some of you just cannot grasp the theory behind it. Oh well.
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:31 pm
by al?
Here's an economics concept for you Rex........equilibrium.
On the left axis of your graph, substitute quality for dollars. Now move
the supply curve (players wanting to play) to the right and demand (fans wanting to watch players) to the left.
Where is the equilibrium of the quality of your product, bitch?
Down around your I.Q I would wager.
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 8:45 pm
by Deckard Crosby would be better off playing 82 reg +?10 preseason + x playoff games for .85 Million in the nhl and not going to an elite Swiss league for 4 years to play about half the games for about 3 million a year( tax free) and then come back to a bidding war for his services? He'd still get endorsements ( if he really is that great ), he'd be that much closer to being 25 ( and a free agent ) and he'd be likely playing the style of hockey the nhl is trying to work toward (maybe). Who is his agent?
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:41 pm
by T REX
al? wrote:Here's an economics concept for you Rex........equilibrium.
On the left axis of your graph, substitute quality for dollars. Now move
the supply curve (players wanting to play) to the right and demand (fans wanting to watch players) to the left.
Where is the equilibrium of the quality of your product, bitch?
Down around your I.Q I would wager.
Why substitute anything? Ya fucking dumbass! I don't see "quality" anywhere in the CBA, however, bitch, I do see DOLLARS. Substitute? Ya fucking retard. Have fun on welfare.
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:44 pm
by al?
Because if you have a shit quality product, nobody is going to want it/spend money on it.
They only pay you for your pencils while you sit your busted ass on the corner because they feel bad for you. Nobody feels bad for the NHL.
Am I moving to fast for you?
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 10:48 pm
by T REX Mr T, please don't pity me.
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:02 pm
by al?
I pity the fool, that writes checks his ass can't cash.
You were prattling that you knew something about economics. Nice duck and cover, bee-yotch.
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:54 pm
by SoCalTrjn
tao wrote:If maximizing Crosby's earning potential is his end game, then he will probably want to play in TO, NYR, Colorado, Det maybe even LA or Montreal. So if Buffalo or Atlanta for example win the first pick in the draft, I would expect to hear the Crosby camp say he will head to Europe unless his rights are traded to the team he wants.
(See John Elway for precedent.)
youre kidding right? Nobody in LA gives two shits about hockey, especially the owners, I would bet that Taylor would be told to not draft the kid cause the team wouldnt want to pay him. He may do ok in Anaheim but no way would he be worth anything in purple and glitter
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 1:05 am
by T REX
al? wrote:I pity the fool, that writes checks his ass can't cash.
You were prattling that you knew something about economics. Nice duck and cover, bee-yotch.
That is not accurate. That is NOT what I said. The business model that is now in place for the NHL is SMART. Salaries are directly tied to revenues, like they should. The players were well beyond "fair market value" when the numbers were crunched.
Anyone who defends the NHLPA is a total moron. The numbers weren't there to dictate those types of salaries. You still haven't made a point yet.
You'll never see me duck. This is simple. It's over. What the fuck are you trying to say?
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 5:09 pm
by al?
T REX wrote: al? wrote:I pity the fool, that writes checks his ass can't cash.
You were prattling that you knew something about economics. Nice duck and cover, bee-yotch.
That is not accurate. That is NOT what I said.
flashback bee-yotch
T REX.....1 page earlier, same thread wrote:
Not sure if you guys have never had an economics class or what.....but some of you just cannot grasp the theory behind it.
You were obviously implying that you had, you obviously haven't.
When you do finally manage to struggle through your GED, and God willing take in some post secondary education (I won't hold my breath), you will then understand my supply and demand analogy.
This is simple. It's over.
Well, you were right about one thing. It's dregs like you this society ends up supporting (ie:welfare & social assistance programs). IT's the same as the NHL. Don't let the leeches suck all the talent out of what is currently an unwatchable product. This league does not need 30 healthy teams. 24 maybe.....maybe.
Class dismissed.
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 6:32 pm
by Hapday
The NHL will never fold teams, they will move them. If they run out of North American cities to put hockey teams they will move some a few over to Europe.
In order for the NHL to fold a team, it essentially has to buy the team and them fold it. There is no way the NHL could afford to do that with one team, let alone three or four. When you fold a team or two it also deminishes the value of other franchises in the league. There is no way other owners will let that happen.
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 7:07 pm
by al?
Hapday wrote:The NHL will never fold teams, they will move them. If they run out of North American cities to put hockey teams they will move some a few over to Europe.
Regular season NHL games in Europe? A European division in the NHL? An interesting concept. Hate to burst your bubble, but it will never happen. Too many logistical problems, even if the continents only cross over during the playoffs.
Hapday wrote:When you fold a team or two it also deminishes the value of other franchises in the league.
How do you figure? 30 watered down teams, 10 with half empty arenas every night, generating little or no interest, and still losing revenue (except for the fact that they are now being propped up by teams in markets that actually care about/watch hockey) is not as strong a league as a solid, 20-24 team league with enough talent to generate fan support and sustain it.
You two short bussers can stop gladhanding each other any time now.
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 3:20 am
by fix
al? wrote:Hapday wrote:The NHL will never fold teams, they will move them. If they run out of North American cities to put hockey teams they will move some a few over to Europe.
Regular season NHL games in Europe? A European division in the NHL? An interesting concept. Hate to burst your bubble, but it will never happen. Too many logistical problems, even if the continents only cross over during the playoffs.
Hapday wrote:When you fold a team or two it also deminishes the value of other franchises in the league.
How do you figure? 30 watered down teams, 10 with half empty arenas every night, generating little or no interest, and still losing revenue (except for the fact that they are now being propped up by teams in markets that actually care about/watch hockey) is not as strong a league as a solid, 20-24 team league with enough talent to generate fan support and sustain it.
You two short bussers can stop gladhanding each other any time now.
Common sense eludes them Al..
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:31 pm
by fix
owners NEEDED this deal to save them from themselves. Having said that, how long do you think before some of them are in trouble again? Good managers/owners ALWAYS flow to the top. The poor ones will always sink to the bottom. The fact is that some owners couldn't figure out how to sell a glass of water to a dyhydrated person.
And the NHL cannot survive in some cities no matter what. Mark my words...In two or three years the "deal that was supposed to save the have-nots" will not be able to save some teams. And I am not so sure that that will be a bad thing.
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 6:07 pm
by Adelpiero
rack otis for believing that bullshit he was being spoon fed
memo to otis, big american and canadien sponsors dont pay you to play in switzerland! And thinking they dont have clauses for this is foolsh to say the least!
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 6:21 pm
by fix
Adelpiero wrote:rack otis for believing that bullshit he was being spoon fed
memo to otis, big american and canadien sponsors dont pay you to play in switzerland! And thinking they dont have clauses for this is foolsh to say the least!
Typical North American myopian attitude.
You've never heard of global marketing have you tard?
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 6:35 pm
by Adelpiero
Otis wrote:Adelpiero wrote:rack otis for believing that bullshit he was being spoon fed
memo to otis, big american and canadien sponsors dont pay you to play in switzerland! And thinking they dont have clauses for this is foolsh to say the least!
Typical North American myopian attitude.
You've never heard of global marketing have you tard?
yeah, NIKE(etc) is going to give him Tiger money to play in switzerland!
your not this dumb are you? It was a ploy by his agent, he NEVER had any intention to play in Switzerland while NHL was back in buisness.
congrats on being dumb enough to be fooled by propaganda from an Agent. Fuck, if you can be fooled by agent talk, what next? you'll believe what the tabloids are printing? The world is coming to an end tomorrow, the Globe told me so! Jen is leaving her man for Ben, enquirer told me so
PS this isnt soccer dumbass, the marketing is in canada and usa for this kid, not in swissy land.
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 7:33 pm
by fix
Adelpiero wrote:Otis wrote:Adelpiero wrote:rack otis for believing that bullshit he was being spoon fed
memo to otis, big american and canadien sponsors dont pay you to play in switzerland! And thinking they dont have clauses for this is foolsh to say the least!
Typical North American myopian attitude.
You've never heard of global marketing have you tard?
yeah, NIKE(etc) is going to give him Tiger money to play in switzerland!
your not this dumb are you? It was a ploy by his agent, he NEVER had any intention to play in Switzerland while NHL was back in buisness.
congrats on being dumb enough to be fooled by propaganda from an Agent. Fuck, if you can be fooled by agent talk, what next? you'll believe what the tabloids are printing? The world is coming to an end tomorrow, the Globe told me so! Jen is leaving her man for Ben, enquirer told me so
PS this isnt soccer dumbass, the marketing is in canada and usa for this kid, not in swissy land.
Dumbfuck, you can't even get his sponsers right. It's not nike, it's reebok and gatorade.
Crosby has said all along that his first choice was to play in the NHL
if there was a season. What his agent (Pat Brisson for you intellectually challenged hockey fans) was negotiating was a deal to ensure that Crosby would be playing this season.
And unlike your middle of fucking nowhere near hockey coverage ass, we up here actually talk hockey on sports radio programs.
They even had the representative from Gatorade on along with his agent and both said speciifically, that his playing in the Swiss League would have no impact or ramifications to the deals they had signed with him.
In a phone conversation with CBC Sports Online on Friday, Brisson said the media jumped to conclusions when they reported Crosby was considering forgoing the NHL for more lucrative offers in Europe.
"Sidney's heart is in playing in the NHL," said Brisson.
Brisson also said he'd been in conversation with several teams since February. He's narrowed it down to "three or four interesting offers" from three countries.
"It's our right to look for offers," Brisson added.
"We'd look really foolish if we did not explore other offers and there was no NHL season."
According to a Canadian Press report, Crosby had been offered a three-year deal with Lugano that could be worth as much as $10 million US including a multimillion-dollar signing bonus.
The NHL's soon-to-be released collective bargaining agreement is expected to impose tough restrictions on entry-level contracts.
It's believed the new CBA will cap entry-level salaries at a maximum of $850,000 a season over three years, which is the same amount it was 10 years ago.
Performance bonuses for players could add up to $3 million, but only if those players reach certain statistical milestones.
Brisson also said Crosby's endorsement deals wouldn't be affected if he played in Europe.
"It shouldn't be an issue," he said.
Crosby has lucrative deals in place with sporting goods manufacturer Reebok and sports drink company Gatorade.
"They signed deals with Sidney Crosby the hockey player, not with the NHL," Brisson explained.
With the new CBA announced, the guarranteed contracts in it and the bonus clauses for rookies potentially allowing him to make just as much, playing overseas is a moot point.
But Props to you for being that narrow minded that you fail to realise that there are marketing and profitable business ventures outside of the U.S.A
Nobody said he was going to be paid "Tiger money"
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 5:24 pm
by al?
Take it easy otis.
I don't know if you've ever had a dialog with adel before, but trust me.......he's not very smart.
He will only drag you down to his level, then beat you with experience.
Think AQ without testes.
*edit* damn french emmersion
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 12:04 am
by AcidQueen
al? wrote:Take it easy otis.
I don't know if you've ever had a dialog with adel before, but trust me.......he's not very smart.
He will only drag you down to his level, then beat you with experience.
Think al? without testes.
*edit* damn french emmersion
Fixed that for you.
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 12:05 am
by al?
Thanks for proving my point AQ. Nice to see you again.

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 2:11 am
by AcidQueen
al? wrote:Thanks for proving my point AQ.
Which point? The one your head comes to? :roll:
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 2:39 am
by al?
Wanna talk hockey?
You know, that thing they do when they put ice on the floor of the monster truck place.
'Canes will suck (again). Any new news?
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:46 am
by al?
I had a vision.....of Sydney Crosby in a Red Wing jersey.
That is fuking sweet.

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:09 am
by Cross Traffic
I had a vision.....of Sydney Crosby in a Kings jersey.
That is fuking sweet.

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:47 pm
by Hapday
al? wrote:
Regular season NHL games in Europe? A European division in the NHL? An interesting concept. Hate to burst your bubble, but it will never happen. Too many logistical problems, even if the continents only cross over during the playoffs.
I guarantee if the new 'repackaged NHL' doesn,T take off in the U.S. that we will see European NHL clubs in the not-so distant future.
Hapday wrote:
How do you figure? 30 watered down teams, 10 with half empty arenas every night, generating little or no interest, and still losing revenue (except for the fact that they are now being propped up by teams in markets that actually care about/watch hockey) is not as strong a league as a solid, 20-24 team league with enough talent to generate fan support and sustain it.
You just answered your own question. Folding teams dimishes the value of existing franchises, and the league looks weaker as a whole.
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 3:55 pm
by al?
Hapday wrote:
You just answered your own question. Folding teams dimishes the value of existing franchises, and the league looks weaker as a whole.
Propping up franchises that don't care actually
makes the league weaker.
Having 6 arenas half empy every night makes the league
look weaker, illegitimate, unprofessional.
24 strong teams is a better league than a league with 10-15 pretty good teams and 10-15 garbage teams with only 2 or 3 elite teams.
Why are you having a hard time with this?
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 3:59 pm
by Hapday
al? wrote:
24 strong teams is a better league than a league with 10-15 pretty good teams and 10-15 garbage teams with only 2 or 3 elite teams.
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:02 pm
by al?
That's a bad example.
The number of games they play and their playoff format excludes a lot of good teams that would be competitive in a larger playoff bracket.
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:16 pm
by Hapday
Before I go on, I want to say that I agree with you that four or five teams should be folded. My argument is that it will never happen
Baseball is a great example, because the Expos should have been folded years ago, but MLB wouldn't allow it because it would evalue the exisiting franchises and league as a whole. If anyone could afford to buy up a team and fold it, it's MLB but they didn't.
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:34 pm
by al?
I just can't get with the concept that folding teams automatically devalues the league as a whole.
When you have excess, you trim it to improve the product. Whether it's downsizing a corporation, trimming the fat off a steak, liposuction for you. Cutting deadwieght results in a stronger entity.
The league can't do it now because it's locked itself into at least 6 more years of having the talent pool leeched off by mediocre (at best) franchises in markets that don't care about the game.
thats wack
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:41 pm
by JD
I just can't get with the concept that folding teams automatically devalues the league as a whole.
It does, only because it scares off potential investors. If the potential exists to dump money into folding franchises, people with money would rather keep their money than invest in the NHL (or any other league).
But that certainly doesn't make your argument wrong either. In your scenario, owners would be dumping money into folding teams with the hope that that long-term value of the league would increase with better quality of product and so on.
Assuming that concentrating talent means better hockey. I'm not convinced that's the case.
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:09 pm
by al?
I'm still not convinced. I would think prospective investors would see the dangers of a bloated product.
I agree that as a general rule, folding franchises portrays instability and does not promote confidence. However in the case of the NHL, folding some of these franchises is vital to long term stability. They will fold eventually, they know it and we know it.....why wait. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
In other news.........Crosby is going to the Wings.
I can feel it.
*edit* Rack me on Romey today!!!!
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 1:02 pm
by Hapday
al? wrote:
In other news.........Crosby is going to the Wings.
He goes to the Flames will you jump back on that bandwagon fulltime?
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 3:02 pm
by al?
If he goes to the Leafs will you take a grammar lesson?
Fukkin shit Hap!

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 3:15 pm
by JD
al? wrote:If he goes to the Leafs will you take a grammar lesson?
Hey, those in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks, Mr. French IMMERSION.
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 3:53 pm
by al?
No no no, you got it all wrong.
That's a spoonerism. I am totally emersed in french.
A spelling error once every thousand or so words is a lot different than the butchery Hap makes of the english language every single day.
Silly Flames fans.
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 3:57 pm
by Hapday
al? wrote:No no no, you got it all wrong.
That's a spoonerism. I am totally emersed in french.
Sur ting al, we alle believe u.