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Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 8:29 pm
by DrDetroit
Sorry, You don't get to make the rules. The majority of posters decided they wanted it that way, not just me, and childish insult smack was NOT on the list.
News to me.
No, because stat/data posting isn't what I was talking about.

I asked you to elaborate and you refused to. So clarify your position then.
This is your porblem. You aren't posting facts, you are posting your OPINION on a topic that you are giving credence as fact.
Which topic would that be?
EXACTLY! If I said you are a Bush parrot based on what was posted in THIS FORUM, and those topics are not discussed in THIS FORUM, they are irrelevant to the argument that you are a bush parrot, because on every other major talking point here, YOU ARE a Bush parrot.
Jesus, split hairs, much? Talk about weak.

No, I am not a Bush parrot. My posts bear that out. Also, I don't simply repeat what Bush says or the administration says. Mostly here I am defending the administration against baseless attacks. That's not being a parrot.

So if you're going to split hair, try to get it right. Of course, you're not splitting hairs. Your argument was flase and now you're backpedaling.

BTW - you didn't qualify your point re: me being a Bush parrot only to my posts here:
You're nothing but a Bush admin parrot

Like I said, you're backpedaling.
Fine, but I wasn't talking about TOT, where I rarely posted or read, nor are those points we discuss regularly if at all here, except for immigration perhaps.

So what? You alleged I was a Bush parrot. That neither correctly classifies my posting here nor is it an accurate assessment.
If they come up once a year as an aside to a major topic and are not follwoed thorugh on, they are insignificant and were overlooked or not recognized for that same reason.

Bitch, whether they are major here or not is irrelevant. Education is a major issue. Immigration is a major issue. Social Security is a major issue. Trade is a major issue. Agriculture is a major issue. And in all of those I have criticized the administration.

STFU, already, liar.
^^ doesn't belong in a discussion, hence the reason I mostly ignore you. I may think the same of you, but I rarely if ever say it in a topical discussion. I stick to the argument.

It was appropriate given your response.
Clinton is 6 years in the past. GET OVER IT. Bush is now standing on his own two feet for what happens and how he reacts to it.

It's no use. You refuse to answer civil questions and directly address the points I made.

And you're compaling about me?
Hmm - is that conjecture and hyperbole you are relying on?
No, it's fact. I base that on the fact that you bash Bush for simply continuing the policies from the prior administration, yet, you do not similarly bash the Clinton administration.

That's an important acknowledgment. It demonstrates that your criticism of the policy is bogus and is premised on the person implementing it and not the policy itself.
Wrong. I've never been asked specifically what I felt about Clinton on this board, but I've made it clear on other boards in the past, and frankly as far as I'm concerned He's OVER. You guys just can't let that fact go.
It doesn't matter if you were asked.

The fact is that you claim Bush created new policies when in fact they existed when he became President (immigration policies) and then bash Bush for policies that existed before he became President. It demonstrates that you don't know wtf you are talking about and demonstrates that you're interested nly in bashing Bush. It exposes the bad faith argument you're making.
Again, I am not the only one who thinks this way about you, and you do wave the Bush flag high and in lock step on most of the key issues.
There you go again.
I said "Most" I figured one last shot in this thread at trying to get into your head what this board is supposed to be about, but as usual, I got nowhere.
Well, you've certainly given up here, Bushice, because you failed in several instances to actually directly address the points I made.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:22 am
by RadioFan
Tom In VA wrote:But, I will say, mvscal, Dr D, BSmack, et. al. hell, all of us ... are at our best when we're discussing matters in a civil manner and bringing information and our takes on the information to light.
You polesmoking cuntlipped moron.


Some of my favorite posters on these boards are folks who I often (notice I said often, as in not all the time) disagree with -- rozy, Dio, poptart, mvs and you, Tom to a certain extent. But on any given topic, I may be in total agreement with at least one or more of them, and I think it's because A.) I'm an independent who looks at each issue outside of party lines ... I like Michael Savage, Glenn Beck and Bill Mahar on certain days. Other days I'll listen to someone else, or no one. And B.) I think everybody truley is the same, to one extent or another, in the sense that most of us are Americans. We've been kickin' ass for over 200 years!

And we have a strong individualistic experience upon which we're basing our views.

Therein lies the rub. To many posters, including myself, I have to fucking reach to even see eye to eye with DrD on most issues, simply because of the fact that he's so fucking predictable and boring. It's like listening to a talk show host who's employed by the White House press office but wants the President to be even more conservative. Yeah, real compelling and insightful.

There was the one time that I can think of when we did agree on people not talking and laughing in movie theaters, especially during dramatic parts. Just shut the fuck up and watch the movie, I think I said, and he totally agreed.

But I think part of what these boards are for is to think outside convention, not reinforce it.

Maybe it just comes down to an old addage here ... you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, and on these boards, it sure as hell doesn't hurt to mix in a little honey rather than doubling the vinegar when you're trying to convince someone that your argument is the right one.

A smack board? Absolutely.

But injecting "it's because of the liberals" or "it's because of the conservatives" into threads about individual experience or unusual circumstances, especially into, say, a news story that is posted because of something happened OUTSIDE of what EVERYONE considers NORMAL experience, is quite simply, idiotic.

And that's what happens here, in many cases.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:53 am
by Mister Bushice
more often than not it's more like "you fucking cunt"

Unfortunately the most prolific posters here prefer the same insults they were good at using when they were twelve.

The crap you mentioned (it's because of the liberals" or "it's because of the conservatives" is just tired politico smack.

A smack board? we have one. Called main street. Te posters on this board should be able to avoid the toilet smack.
Should be abe to. probably do so in real life, but here they revert.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:52 am
by RadioFan
Mister Bushice wrote:more often than not it's more like "you fucking cunt"
What I've noticed is that if one is addressed in that way, one responds as if one wasn't. And keep on responding if as if you weren't.

Unless, of course, it's someone you don't respect, simply because you've become so much in their dome (or was it they being in yours?) that you just have to get the last word in.

But most of us have been on these boards for years now. Hell, I'm relatively new to these boards. Joined ToT in 2002.

I made a post there early on ... something along the lines of "the political discussions on here are great, but it's too bad you guys can't seem to let go of the personal attacks" or something to the effect.

Bottom line, I've never seen DrD, nor you Bushice, nor BSmack actually RACK their "opponent" even when they are sticking a deserved knife into somebody like say, Babs or fraudo, in, say, a thread which has absolutely nothing to do with politics.

Pretty petty, actually, because I know you guys rack each other in your own minds, and if we were picking teams for a no-holds-barred argumentative smack war, in another dimension, you guys on the opposite sides would be lining up together like a tropical storm forming into a hurricane.

Of course, there is the whole alternative dimension North/South Hemisphere analogy, when it comes to hurricane formation. I'll have to work on that, dogs.

I'm just chillin' in the tropical convergence zone. I turned 40 yesterday (teh 26th), so ease off on the senility card.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 7:51 am
by RadioFan
Bottom line, I've never seen DrD, nor you Bushice, nor BSmack actually RACK their "opponent" even when they are sticking a deserved knife into somebody like say, Babs or fraudo, in, say, a thread which has absolutely nothing to do with politics.
And no, I'm not talking about the easy RACKS, but the hard ones. The ones in which somebody from the opposing "side" makes a good point.

Ease the fuck up, and just hammer the fuckups, no matter what side they're on.

Get it?

Can everybody just concentrate on Babs and fraudo for once?

Bushice: Join us. Babs is a fucking tard. You too, BSmack.

DrD: Care to join the fraudo plungering this century? There's a whole bunch of folks who would welcome any and all threads you might start about Mr. high IQ. Join us, for once.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 12:22 pm
by DrDetroit
RF...why would I waste my time on a fucking idiot like fraudo? Or babs?

That is akin to booing at the Special Olympics.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:48 pm
by BSmack
Mister Bushice wrote:His posts, like mvscals and to an extent Bsmacks, are loaded with personal insults of the "stupid fuck, idiot, moron", type that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic. Endless references to red herrings, straw men, and why do you lie?

I skip over most of his posts, so it doesn't really bug me much. You, Variable, Mike the LR and Bsmack (because he rarely instigates the insults, he just jumps into the shallow end a lot) are good reads here.
Just to clarify, my only rule while posting here is to give what I get. Those who spew crap at me will get crap back. Those who persure logic and solid argumentation will get the same back in return.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:52 pm
by Hapday
BSmack wrote: Those who persure logic and solid argumentation will get the same back in return.
Who? From you? That's the funniest thing you've ever posted. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! :lol: :lol:

It's more like:
BSmack wrote: Those who persure logic and solid argumentation to counter my hand wringing drivel can watch as I run away to another thread.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 2:11 pm
by BSmack
^^^^^^^^^^^ And the question is "What happens when you cross an idiot with a spell checker?"

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:29 pm
by Mister Bushice
BSmack wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote:His posts, like mvscals and to an extent Bsmacks, are loaded with personal insults of the "stupid fuck, idiot, moron", type that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic. Endless references to red herrings, straw men, and why do you lie?

I skip over most of his posts, so it doesn't really bug me much. You, Variable, Mike the LR and Bsmack (because he rarely instigates the insults, he just jumps into the shallow end a lot) are good reads here.
Just to clarify, my only rule while posting here is to give what I get. Those who spew crap at me will get crap back. Those who persure logic and solid argumentation will get the same back in return.
I made that point earlier, that you generally don't start it, but all the same the goal would be to never join the juvees who started it.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:51 pm
by BSmack
Mister Bushice wrote:
BSmack wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote:His posts, like mvscals and to an extent Bsmacks, are loaded with personal insults of the "stupid fuck, idiot, moron", type that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic. Endless references to red herrings, straw men, and why do you lie?

I skip over most of his posts, so it doesn't really bug me much. You, Variable, Mike the LR and Bsmack (because he rarely instigates the insults, he just jumps into the shallow end a lot) are good reads here.
Just to clarify, my only rule while posting here is to give what I get. Those who spew crap at me will get crap back. Those who persure logic and solid argumentation will get the same back in return.
I made that point earlier, that you generally don't start it, but all the same the goal would be to never join the juvees who started it.
I guess that depends on how well the powers that be regulate the juvees. If after 2 years the same tards are posting the same crap, then it becomes obvious that it doesn't matter what response (or lack thereof) is used.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:26 pm
by Hapday
BMonica wrote: If after 2 years the same tards are posting the same crap, then it becomes obvious that it doesn't matter what response (or lack thereof) is used.
Coming from a fucking tard like you, this is gold. :lol:

I can guarantee in two years you'll still be posting the same anti-Bush recycled Al Franken BS that seems to get your panties moist.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:39 pm
by DrDetroit
RACK HapDay...

BSmack cannot possibly be making that argument, can he? If that is how he going to classify my posting, Mvscal's posting, and others, then certainly he is just as guilty, ain't he?

This rich...

Gold, Jerry, gold...

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:51 pm
by BSmack
DrDetroit wrote:RACK HapDay...

BSmack cannot possibly be making that argument, can he? If that is how he going to classify my posting, Mvscal's posting, and others, then certainly he is just as guilty, ain't he?

This rich...

Gold, Jerry, gold...
I could get this level of intellectual stimulation from my 5 year old nephew. And he is a hell of a lot less annoying when he has a tantrum.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 7:00 pm
by Hapday
You certainly could learn a lot from that five-year old BMonica, although it's pretty fucking obvious you wouldn't retain any of his 'pearls of wisdom.'

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 8:23 pm
by DrDetroit
Well, I suppose I should have just posted that you were being a hypocrite, fool.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 9:19 pm
by See You Next Wednesday
This thread is eating it's own tail.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 9:35 pm
by Mister Bushice
BSmack wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote:
BSmack wrote: Just to clarify, my only rule while posting here is to give what I get. Those who spew crap at me will get crap back. Those who persure logic and solid argumentation will get the same back in return.
I made that point earlier, that you generally don't start it, but all the same the goal would be to never join the juvees who started it.
I guess that depends on how well the powers that be regulate the juvees. If after 2 years the same tards are posting the same crap, then it becomes obvious that it doesn't matter what response (or lack thereof) is used.
Trouble is, those "tards" you refer to drive away people who hate the kind of juvenile crap they post.

So the forum ends up chasing its own tail.

It's rather difficult to regulate when no one wants to get on board the idea, because then it's either ban or endlessly delete /edit. There's not enough pay involved for me to spend my day doing that.