That, and all the stupid fucking quotes various members of this administration have made over the last 2 plus years to make us all think they are as clueless as the media paints them up to be.
"As the media paints them to be."
Thank you for finely admitting that the media does the painting.
Besides, NO ONE likes a parade of dead bodies.
a) Who's running the parade? The media and the American left.
b) Of course no one enjoys it. However, when casualties and deaths are paraded day in and day out within a 100% negative context by journalists who believe that their jobs are to be skeptics of Republicans and are citizens of the world...well...no surprise that public opinion polss reveal what they do.
Also, show me something that someone in this administration has said or done that would make me feel that the media is way off base regarding their handling of this war.
The administration has said plenty.
The problem is this - you never agreed with this war. You don't agree with the strategy. You feel that the US violated international law and are committing war crimes. So who are you kidding? As if your opinion would change based on what this administration says. :roll:
And since when is the "media" the only arbiter of whether a war is being handled properly?
It's abundantly clear that the media has portrayed this war in a negative way. Very little positive news is ever reported and when it is reported the context is also very negative.
We've seen Eason Jordan, when he was the CNN's head news man, asserting that US forces were targeting journalists. We also saw a similar comment by the head of the American journalist's group (cannot remember the name, but I'll get it).
And today in a speech Bush compared this war to the two world wars, meaning they were of similar nature.
It's a global war, idiot.
As well, it's a more accurate characterization than calling Iraq another Vietnam, fool.
Top that off with the fact he can't even go face to face with a grieving mother. WTF kind of leader walks away from that like it does not exist?
Um, liar, he already met her, privately, at the WH.
In Crawford, Sheehan met with his NSA and Dep Chief of Staff...for hours.
So do not lie about how he has responded to Sheehan.