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Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:48 am
by Terry in Crapchester
Van wrote:What I love most, though, is that it's the avatar of a highly respected Grand Poobah of Louisiana law. I mean, this isn't some Joe the Plumber posting that thing as his avatar. No, it's the Honorary Major of New Orleans, the guy whose posted photos here always depict him shaking hands with . . . Huey Long . . .
Considering that Huey Long died a number of years before Chip was born (allegedly), I'll rack him if he ever posts one of those. Then again, he's been to the other side and back so many times, who knows? :mrgreen:


Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:53 pm
by bradhusker
soundds like where you live is pure heaven, "a river runs thru it", cant beat that. I also like east Tennessee, "God's country", hopefully I will retire there.


Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 2:23 pm
by Felix
bradhusker wrote:God's country

no, that's the U & L.....don't believe me, just ask Dinsdale


Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:19 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Felix wrote:
bradhusker wrote:God's country

no, that's the U & L.....don't believe me, just ask Dinsdale
Goober swears that Wisconsin is God's country. And maybe it is, if only because I don't think anyone else would have it.


Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:30 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Terry in Crapchester wrote:Goober swears that Wisconsin is God's country. And maybe it is, if only because I don't think anyone else would have it.
It's the only state where his waistline counts as svelte.


Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:02 pm
by Goober McTuber
Screw_Michigan wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote:Goober swears that Wisconsin is God's country. And maybe it is, if only because I don't think anyone else would have it.
It's the only state where his waistline counts as svelte.
It's also some beautiful country, particularly the northern part of the state. Probably doesn't compare to Crapchester or DC, but it's pretty fucking nice.


Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:30 pm
by Cornhusker
Goober McTuber wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote:Goober swears that Wisconsin is God's country. And maybe it is, if only because I don't think anyone else would have it.
It's the only state where his waistline counts as svelte.
It's also some beautiful country, particularly the northern part of the state. Probably doesn't compare to Crapchester or DC, but it's pretty fucking nice.
Was in Green Bay (Packers beat Detroit) October last year, saw a pretty nice variety of fall colors.

Drove back last night after the Tampa Bay game. 9.5 hours of deer carcasses and fear of splattering one myself all night long. The Iowa death toll is border line epic!
Not so much to look at as it wasn't dark till the Illinois border but all the fall leaves are on the ground.

Went sports barring in downtown Milwaukee Saturday night. Can't compare with Chicago as far as night life. Omaha while being smaller, is FAR cleaner than either one of those cities. Milwaukee's streets are as bad as I've seen. Some really depressed housing near downtown.

Can't tell the difference from south of Green Bay to eastern Nebraska if it wasn't for the "Welcome to _________" signs; as to where the hell you are considering landscape changes. Haven't been north of Green Bay so I can't speak to the landscape Goob's references.

One of the highlight's at Lambeau was the Wisconsin band played before the game and at halftime, then made their way around the stadium with small horn groups for time outs.. Damn, those kids are as good a band as I've seen.

I enjoy my treks to Wisconsin and the people are always money. Tailgating with Packer fans is as good as it gets.


Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:12 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Cornhusker wrote:Omaha while being smaller, is FAR cleaner than either one of those cities. Milwaukee's streets are as bad as I've seen. Some really depressed housing near downtown.
I don't believe Omaha ever had mayors bred from the civil rights effort and educated in race-baiting African American politics. On the other hand, Milwaukee, Detroit and DC did. Only DC has really recovered.


Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:42 am
by Dinsdale
bradhusker wrote: And yes, if you do the research, and if you have between 90 and 150,000 to burn, I guarantee you that I can find you a nice piece of land by the ocean.

Not the ocean I live near, unless you're talking about run down shacks.


Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 3:16 am
by Van
Dins, he's talking this one...



Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:42 am
by bradhusker
Dinsdale wrote:
bradhusker wrote: And yes, if you do the research, and if you have between 90 and 150,000 to burn, I guarantee you that I can find you a nice piece of land by the ocean.

Not the ocean I live near, unless you're talking about run down shacks.
Dins? Yeah sure if you live in the "Liberal Bubble" known as cape cod, near the Kennedy compound, then that 150,000 aint gonna buy you a liberal latte or cappucino, HOWEVER, if you look around, this market is so depressed, and, it hasnt even hit rock bottom as of yet.
Do you guys understand that this housing market is in the toilet? WHAT? you think this is pre-2006?
WAKE UP FELLAS!! You might think that your property is worth 1.5 million, BUT ITS NOT!!!

This is a buyers market, get used to it, and take a hard dose of reality, YOUR PROPERTY IS ONLY WORTH WHAT A BUYER IS WILLING TO PAY FOR IT. and not a fuckin penny more.
AND guess what? I dont care if your advisor says your property is worth 1.5 million, cause if you cant sell it, it aint worth dick.

In todays market, if you have your eyes open, you can buy property that was once worth 1.5 mill, for half that amount, MAYBE EVEN LESS, if you know your shit.

I love how some arrogant pricks somehow think that their property is still worth what it was back in 06 before the bubble exploded in their arrogant faces all gooey with jizzz.

Ever watch that real estate show on bravo or whatever channel that is? You know, the one where the rich faggotts all think that they know shit? They suck dick all night, then, the next day they think that they can get pre-06 value for their properties? BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,
Maybe if they suck dick a bit harder and drink a few more gallons of sperm, they just might be able to fool some schmuck into paying top dollar.

What a joke, these queers should go back in the closet, go back to being hair-dressers and leave the real estate market to the heteros.


Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 12:12 pm
by Felix
damn, I'm going to make this phrase into a poster and hang it at the office....the wisdom in this single sentence is astounding....

I love how some arrogant pricks somehow think that their property is still worth what it was back in 06 before the bubble exploded in their arrogant faces all gooey with jizzz.

Ever watch that real estate show on bravo or whatever channel that is? You know, the one where the rich faggotts all think that they know shit? They suck dick all night, then, the next day they think that they can get pre-06 value for their properties? BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,
Maybe if they suck dick a bit harder and drink a few more gallons of sperm, they just might be able to fool some schmuck into paying top dollar.

What a joke, these queers should go back in the closet, go back to being hair-dressers and leave the real estate market to the heteros.
even for a troll, the rest of this post is a disturbing on multiple levels....

but lets get back to what's important, finding you a place where you can park your what did you have in mind?


Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 12:45 pm
by bradhusker
Felix wrote:
damn, I'm going to make this phrase into a poster and hang it at the office....the wisdom in this single sentence is astounding....

Felix, Im gonna have to assume that you DONT deal with arrogant liberal faggotts in your daily life.
Cause if you did, you would understand what I am talking about.

They are the most hate-filled intolerant fools on this planet. They live in their own bubble, surrounded by like-minded dick suckers, they think they are so superior, so elite, ?? BUWAHAHAHA.


Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:56 pm
by Felix
bradhusker wrote:Felix, Im gonna have to assume that you DONT deal with arrogant liberal faggotts in your daily life.
Cause if you did, you would understand what I am talking about.

They are the most hate-filled intolerant fools on this planet. They live in their own bubble, surrounded by like-minded dick suckers, they think they are so superior, so elite, ?? BUWAHAHAHA.

the irony level just fucking red-lined....

hey for a shit troll, you can be entertaining at times....but you need to focus-we were talking about getting you set up with a place to live and I've got properties to divest...we could have you set up in a new (to you) double wide before christmas....lots of areas to choose from, some as much as a quarter mile away from the what are you looking for?


Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:40 pm
by R-Jack
Wait. Landlocked shit troll is trying to talk oceanfront real estate?

At what point can this conversation be split into cds so I can TROTs it?


Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 3:29 pm
by Dinsdale
bradhusker wrote: Dins? Yeah sure if you live in the "Liberal Bubble" known as cape cod, near the Kennedy compound


Yo, scope the avatar, bro.

I guess we can go into what you mean by "by the ocean."

If you want to be where... oh, let's say you can see the ocean... show up on the Coast (where I'll be heading to in about an hour, in one heck of a nasty storm... hope the hiway stays open) with "80-150K," and we'll take some over/under bets on how long it takes everyone to stop laughing.


Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:15 pm
by bradhusker
Dinsdale wrote:
bradhusker wrote: Dins? Yeah sure if you live in the "Liberal Bubble" known as cape cod, near the Kennedy compound


Yo, scope the avatar, bro.

I guess we can go into what you mean by "by the ocean."

Dins? Do you know how to read? I said, YOU CANT get anywhere near cape cod or that area, you dummy.

GOD help you, can you please follow the framework here?

If you want to be where... oh, let's say you can see the ocean... show up on the Coast (where I'll be heading to in about an hour, in one heck of a nasty storm... hope the hiway stays open) with "80-150K," and we'll take some over/under bets on how long it takes everyone to stop laughing.


Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:19 pm
by bradhusker
Felix wrote:
bradhusker wrote:Felix, Im gonna have to assume that you DONT deal with arrogant liberal faggotts in your daily life.
Cause if you did, you would understand what I am talking about.

They are the most hate-filled intolerant fools on this planet. They live in their own bubble, surrounded by like-minded dick suckers, they think they are so superior, so elite, ?? BUWAHAHAHA.

the irony level just fucking red-lined....

hey for a shit troll, you can be entertaining at times....but you need to focus-we were talking about getting you set up with a place to live and I've got properties to divest...we could have you set up in a new (to you) double wide before christmas....lots of areas to choose from, some as much as a quarter mile away from the what are you looking for?
Felix, there you go again talking about a double wide trailer. WHY the fuck would a sophisticated New Yorker like myself EVER be interested in a trailer for living?

Im New York City born and raised, but nowadays im caught between two shores, AND you want to discuss trailers with me?? ARE YOU CLINICALLY INSANE???

I am I no one there...........


Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:38 am
by Felix
bradhusker wrote:
I am I no one there...........
I've got to be honest, that's the first time I've ever known anyone to employ the lyrics from a Neil Diamond song in a reply....

rickety rack your tardishness....fucking brilliant


Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:38 pm
by Dinsdale
I think if I lived in the Greater State College Area, I'd pack up my babies and grab the old lady, because everyone knows.


Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:51 pm
by M2
Dinsdale wrote:I think if I lived in the Greater State College Area, I'd pack up my babies and grab the old lady, because everyone knows.

I hear ya... Brother Love.

... and it doesn't even have to be in August.


Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:25 pm
by Dinsdale
M2 wrote: ... and it doesn't even have to be in August.
Probably too hot in Western Pennsylvania to stay forever in blue jeans.


Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:53 pm
by bradhusker
Dinsdale wrote:
M2 wrote: ... and it doesn't even have to be in August.
Probably too hot in Western Pennsylvania to stay forever in blue jeans.
"Honey's sweet, BUT it aint nothin' next to baby's treat", and if you pardon me, I'd like to say, we'd do okay................


Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 3:04 pm
by bradhusker
And the time will be, our time..........And the grass wont pay no mind.

Another great Neil song, back in January of 69, Neil was slated to record at American studios in Memphis, HOWEVER, Elvis was also penciled in for those same two weeks at american studios. SO, it seems they had a real situation at hand. WHAT NOW?
WELL, Neil Diamond was obviously a huge fan of the KING, so, he graciously gave the two weeks of studio time to Elvis, with one condition, Elvis would have to record one of Neil's songs, and the song was, "And the grass wont pay no mind", and my GOD, Elvis nails it, I mean Neil Diamond was deeply touched and moved at Elvis' heartfelt recording of his lyrics. I am too, to this day, its one of my favorite Elvis songs, its amazing the way Elvis pours his soul and emotion into a song.
If anyone is interested, go to youtube and listen to the King doing a Neil Diamond classic that no one has ever heard before, in a word? stunning.


Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:57 pm
by M2
Jsc810 wrote:
But what I don't get is why the kid went back to the house after it happened the first time. The whole thing pisses me off.

What pisses me off... is slow fucks like you are allowed to make laws that allow sick fucks like Sandusky to perpetrate crimes like this...

I put lawyers right up there with the child molesters they represent.


Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:55 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Penn State admins, faculty and alums must absolutely LOVE seeing Sandusky wearing PSU gear while being led away in handcuffs.


Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:18 am
I thought the Wrestling Team gear was a nice touch.


Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:57 am
by BSmack
Jsc810 wrote:Joe knew in 2002.

Before this is all done, it will come out that Sandusky was forced from his job in 99 because Paterno knew about those allegations. He coddled that pervert all along. Damned if I'll ever understand why.