Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 8:32 pm
Never get in an arguement with Mike the Lab Rat.
Never get in an arguement with Mike the Lab Rat.
If you could read and didn’t just lash out with some canned retort you would know that is what I said in my first post. I said it wasn’t the most logically sound argument . I know I have a high burden to prove that what this guy did was right because in almost every other situation he would be in the wrong. Did you address that? No. You went into a bunch of crap about how he is a science teacher and calling Bush an asshole isn’t science. Blah blah blah. You don’t buy the premise that Bush has fucked up enough to warrant this type of action. Fine. Be blind or partisan or whatever you need to do to keep your head in the sand on this issue. That doesn’t change the fact that we are in a world of hurt due to Bush’s actions and if a few 13 year old have to hear about it in a science class (Do I even need to get into what Bush has done to set back science thereby making his asshole policies relevant in a science class?) that is a small price to pay.Mike the Lab Rat wrote:The concept of "the ends justifies the means" short-circuits ethics, character, due process, etc. You want to teach kids THAT lesson? On top of the vulgarity and misuse of classroom time?
If Mike makes a stupid remark that has nothing to do with my last post like you do all the time I will, but Mike is not pile of shit pansyassed cut and run fuckstain like you so I don't see that happening.88 wrote:Isn't this the point in most threads when you throw out the "You should have posted a white flag" line and exit?
Canned? How about the idea that I refused to accept your little disclaimer as remotely worthwhile? After all, the endless stream of illogic and fundamental ignorance of education law spewing from your keyboard went far beyond not the "most logically sound argument."Moving Sale wrote:If you could read and didn’t just lash out with some canned retort you would know that is what I said in my first post. I said it wasn’t the most logically sound argument .
Yes, repeatedly. I explained why the guy was in the wrong on several points:Moving Sale wrote:I know I have a high burden to prove that what this guy did was right because in almost every other situation he would be in the wrong. Did you address that? No.
Pretty piss-poor attempt to ignore my arguments, "counselor." I listed THREE separate reasons why his actions were worthy of punishment. You consistantly failed to address ANY of them up until this point, and even now, addressing only one of them, your witty retort is "blah blah blah."Moving Sale wrote:You went into a bunch of crap about how he is a science teacher and calling Bush an asshole isn’t science. Blah blah blah.
Regardless of the actions of the POTUS, Congress, SCOTUS or your opinion of them, political attacks on them, especially those with vulgarity have no place in an 8th grade classroom.Moving Sale wrote:You don’t buy the premise that Bush has fucked up enough to warrant this type of action.
Irrelevant to the topic at hand. The teacher's opinions (and yours) do not change the fact that what he did was inappropriate.Moving Sale wrote:Be blind or partisan or whatever you need to do to keep your head in the sand on this issue. That doesn’t change the fact that we are in a world of hurt due to Bush’s actions
Your partisan politics have completely blinded you to the FACT that despite the intensity of emotions a teacher may feel on a topic, he still has NO RIGHT - not legally, not morally, NONE - to hijack a classroom and shove his political views down 13-year-old kids' throats.Moving Sale wrote:....and if a few 13 year old have to hear about it in a science class (Do I even need to get into what Bush has done to set back science thereby making his asshole policies relevant in a science class?) that is a small price to pay.
The analogy is completely valid. Your argument, OTOH, is based on absolutely nothing but sheer opinion.Moving Sale wrote:As for my political views coloring my judgement and your wacky ‘pro/Bush’ argument, no matter how GOOD a POTUS is he should never be praised in a science class, unless it is for science. A GOOD POTUS is not a threat to America or American 13 year olds. We are not talking about a GOOD POTUS we are discussing a terrible one and whether or not a terrible one should ever be mocked in a HS science class. If you can't even make a good analogy how can you ever hope to make a decent argument?
Honestly, after the way this biology educator just performed vivisection on your allegedly-legally-trained ass, I'm pretty sure God is laughing his omniscient, omnipotent ass off...Moving Sale wrote:You have the easier argument to defend and you are still fumbling and stammering to form a relevant, coherent take...
... and you are an educator?
God help us.
That was one of the most verbose posts that said absolutely nothing that I have ever read, props.Moving Sale wrote:If you could read and didn’t just lash out with some canned retort you would know that is what I said in my first post. I said it wasn’t the most logically sound argument . I know I have a high burden to prove that what this guy did was right because in almost every other situation he would be in the wrong. Did you address that? No. You went into a bunch of crap about how he is a science teacher and calling Bush an asshole isn’t science. Blah blah blah. You don’t buy the premise that Bush has fucked up enough to warrant this type of action. Fine. Be blind or partisan or whatever you need to do to keep your head in the sand on this issue. That doesn’t change the fact that we are in a world of hurt due to Bush’s actions and if a few 13 year old have to hear about it in a science class (Do I even need to get into what Bush has done to set back science thereby making his asshole policies relevant in a science class?) that is a small price to pay.Mike the Lab Rat wrote:The concept of "the ends justifies the means" short-circuits ethics, character, due process, etc. You want to teach kids THAT lesson? On top of the vulgarity and misuse of classroom time?
As for my political views coloring my judgement and your wacky ‘pro/Bush’ argument, no matter how GOOD a POTUS is he should never be praised in a science class, unless it is for science. A GOOD POTUS is not a threat to America or American 13 year olds. We are not talking about a GOOD POTUS we are discussing a terrible one and whether or not a terrible one should ever be mocked in a HS science class. If you can't even make a good analogy how can you ever hope to make a decent argument?
You have the easier argument to defend and you are still fumbling and stammering to form a relevant, coherent take...
... and you are an educator?
God help us.
It's OK to get in a debate with Mike. You just better have your facts together. And it wouldn't hurt to be sporting an IQ 100 points higher than TVO.DMike316 wrote:NOTE TO SELF:
Never get in an arguement with Mike the Lab Rat. Sale wrote:Mike,
Jebus Christ. You really don’t get it do you? This isn’t about the teacher, his contract, his normal duties or the captive nature of his audience. It is about Bush.
Actually, that's math class.Moving Sale wrote:If you think for one second that it is more important for13yos to know about the pythagorean theoremthan it is to help protect them from even the anti-christ then you are one narrow minded sombith.
Ahm I see, the old "If you don't agree with me, I'll call you names" defense. Brilliant.Moving Sale wrote:That you miss the corollary between Bush saying he has certain powers that he would not have had if the times were not so dire and this teacher taking him up on his word is not surprising because you are an idiot.
The point, "dolt," is that the teacher is an employee of the district who was hired to do a job. The employer has the reasonable expectation that a SCIENCE TEACHER will, in fact, TEACH SCIENCE while on the job. If he did this outside of the school day, fine. During school hours, when he was supposed to be doing what the district hired him to do (and the local taxpayers PAID him to do...), not fine.Moving Sale wrote:That you can’t even read my post, process the info and form a relevant retort and not keep talking about the teacher’s normal duties is not surprising because you are a dolt.
Ah, the obligatory anal reference. Always a sign of a deep mind.Moving Sale wrote:That the right wing wacko brigade is half way up your colon by now is, likewise not surprising.
Once again.....that's math.Moving Sale wrote:You are either spouting talking points you heard at some educational seminar or you really believe that A(sq)+B(sq)=C(sq)
My God. It's all so clear to me now.Moving Sale wrote:is more important than doing something to try and reverse the incoming tide of lies, death and debt.
I have, but the glare of the rampant stupidity coming off your posts is one of those things that has to be observed indirectly, like solar flares.Moving Sale wrote:Take some time. Try and actually read what I wrote.
Well, since religion is verboten in public school science classes, it's a completely defendable position.Moving Sale wrote:Try not to let your cries of “I got Bode’ distract you and please tell me how the PT could be more important to kids 5 yrs from draft age than a healthy dose of skepticism of Bush. If your answer is that he just isn’t that dangerous, remember you said even the anti-christ should not be called and asshole in a HS science class. That is, almost by definition, not a defendable position.
Why is it that when I read your posts, I picture you as the Martin Short character "Nathan Thurm?"Moving Sale wrote:BTW- Nice strawmen you erected along the way. That is what you call “vivisection?” “Holocaust denial?” “Abortion?” This isn’t about deeply held conviction you stupid fucking dolt. This is about danger. God you are stupid. Brush up on Logic 101 before you respond…….. PLEASE!
seriously dude. you are consumed. it's really a sight to see.Moving Sale wrote:Don't you have a wife someplace to fuck in the hope of producing at least one child with normal human features?
Dumbass, white-flag-waving yahoo.
You are incredibly desperate.Moving Sale wrote:Math is a science. It is the science “dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangement.” What? You get thrown because most Universities and the like have a Math and Science Dept.? What a dumbass you are. You teach in a public school?
In your opinion. Nothing more, nothing less. In fact, you've stated this point repeated as if it is absolutely, universally accepted prima facie. Contrary to your argument, it is not. It is opinion. I agree that Bush is a raging sphincter, but that is merely my opinion and not something that should be foisted on 13-year-old children while I am working as a science instructor.Moving Sale wrote:Again, this is not about the teacher or my argument would not hold up for other public employees when it does. Almost any public official would be doing a public service by taking a few minutes out of their day to call Bush and asshole.
In this debate as well as others, you love to toss that "fallacy" word around.Moving Sale wrote:Way to dodge my “corollary between Bush” argument with a distracter. Another Mike post, another fallacy or ten.
No, you haven't.Moving Sale wrote:Speaking of fallacies, how about the old “put words into the opponent’s mouth" fallacy? I know that the state has a “reasonable expectation that a SCIENCE TEACHER will, in fact, TEACH SCIENCE while on the job.” I have stipulated to that.
How? I put forth one of my arguments. The fact that you think that my stating an obvious fact -that science teachers should be teaching science- is "putting words in [your] mouth" shows yet again that you have, despite your ostensible legal training, no comprehension on logic or debate.Moving Sale wrote:Saying otherwise is putting words into my mouth.
A "point" that you have never, at any point backed up with one scintilla of anything other than sheer opinion of your own.Moving Sale wrote:My argument, if you could read, is that Bush has fucked things up so royally that it is okay for this teacher step outside of his regular duties to call Bush an asshole.
Really? Apparently you know absolutely nothing about education law. Within the context you would have it used (referring to the President as the Antichrist and warning kids about him that way) it would absolutely be against the law in a public school science classroom. The fact that you, as a lawyer, aren't aware of the mountain of legal precedent that keeps us from invoking God/supernatural in a science class shows how utterly laughable you are, "counselor."Moving Sale wrote:It is not true that religion is “verboten in public school science classes.”
False, since the entire argument that Bush "is" the Antichrist would be dependent upon sectarian interpretation of particular denominations' religious writings. It would not be an opinion that was objectively testable or falsifiable outside of religious writings.Moving Sale wrote:Your statement is a falsehood and hence a fallay. If it passes the Lemon test it is in, but you knew that right?And since you know the Lemon test you know that if Bush was the anti-christ incarnate a HS science teacher would be allowed to call him an asshole without running a foul of the Establishment Clause.
How 'bout you consult the state curriculum in any or all of the 50 states and show me just one example of where the Pythagorean theorem would be taught as science in a junior high science class, as you posited.Moving Sale wrote:Are you going to consult a HS logic 101 textbook, a dictionary to look up the word ‘math’ and a law book or two before you post next? I hope that you will, but I fear that you will not.
Then you must be one giddy freak.Moving Sale wrote:Ignorance is bliss…
What a crock of shit. What fucking evidence? My whole point is that the overwhelming physical evidence does NOT support the theory. Name ONE piece of physical evidence that supports the theory.Jsc810 wrote: Since the evidence overwhelmingly supports the commonly accepted theory (I consider them facts, but for sake of discussion, "theory"), it is you who bears the burden of proof, in the same way as those with alleged wild UFO alien encounters bear the burden of proof.
Sorry, shyster, but you screwed up by using a bad example in your lathered-up frenzy. I called you on it, you tried -badly- to defend it by whipping out Webster's dictionary, and now that you can't defend your point, it's conveniently "collateral"Moving Sale wrote:First shit argument? The fallacy of distraction again. Does it really matter if Math is taught by ‘science’ teachers in AL? No. That is what is known as a collateral matter. You can’t impeach on a collateral matter using extrinsic evidence in a court of law for the same reasons it’s a shit argument when you do it here. It is a collateral matter. It proves nothing because it is not relevant to the case at hand. You say dude can’t teach the PT? Fine. Doesn’t mean math isn’t a science, which was all I stated.
Now see, what you have there is a better example of what a science teacher would teach, but your argument still completely unsupported by anything remotely resembling evidence.Moving Sale wrote:How about this? “It’s more important that he tell them Bush is an asshole than to teach Newton’s First Law.” You happy now? Physics is a science right? Or do you have some nugget of information about Psychics to prove that this teacher can’t teach Newton’s First Law?
What a convoluted, incoherent mess you've devolved into.Moving Sale wrote:Second shit argument? The old “Put words into the opponent’s mouth” fallacy… again. I never said, nor did I imply that my stance on this was “universally accepted prima facie.” I have, in fact, stated the opposite. In my very first post to you I stated that ‘this teacher gets a pass from me.” (Emphasis added.) But by all means twist and turn and lie hoping that nobody will remember what I have actually posted. You related to Sean Hannity or Bill O’Rielly?
"Usually out of bounds?"Moving Sale wrote:Next argument from Mike? Will it be shit? Yes it will. “No, you haven’t.” Hello? What fucking thread are you in? I told you in the first post to you that I was going to use Machiavellin principles in my argument. That, almost by definition, supposes that I will have to stipulate that this guy was not doing his normal job. In my third post after you chimed in I stated that sometimes things that are usually out of bounds are sometimes in bounds. What the fuck do you think that meant?
Save it.Moving Sale wrote:Next shit argument? Lie. I told you about the Lemon test and you bold face lied in your retort. (You get the argument ass backwards but I’ll hold off on that till the next paragraph.) The issue is: “If Bush was the anti-christ would the Lemon test allow an 8th grade public school teacher to call him and asshole.” The three part Lemon test is the rule that is used. Show me this “mountain of legal precedent that keeps {you} from invoking God… in a science class.”
"fucking stupid simple fuck?"Moving Sale wrote:I’ll give you a link to the Lemon test if you are too dumb to goggle “Lemon test.” There is no ABSOLUTE restriction on God in public schools you fucking stupid simple fuck. To say otherwise is a lie.
You wish that were so, chiefly because you have none.Moving Sale wrote:The argument isn’t about “warning kids about him” as the anti-christ. It’s “can you call him and asshole if he is the anti-christ. Jebus. This isn’t about proof.
See above.Moving Sale wrote:The stipulation YOU put out (because you are too dumb to realize it was throwing away your best argument) is that even if Bush was the AC this guy would have been out of bounds, not if you could prove he was. Not, if you could get the info into a public school, but if he was the AC… this teacher would not be able to call him an asshole.
You're right - this is embarrassing....just not in the way you think.Moving Sale wrote:PLEASE try and come back with something resembling a good argument. You have the easier side of this thing and you’re still fucking it up. That is just plain embarrassing.
Et Tu Chip? Appeal to sympathy? Dodges? Begging the question? I thought you were better than that. At least it took Mike a few posts to rack up that many fallacies. Jebus.Jsc810 wrote: Burden of proof is on you, so where is your evidence?
Moving Sale wrote: I got to go with Machiavelli on this one. The ends justify the means. Not the logically soundest argument I've ever made, but this teacher gets a pass from me.
I've done worse to save a client. Not my fault the DA NEVER calls me on it. :wink:Jsc810 wrote:Also, I'm calling bullshit on this.Moving Sale wrote:Et Tu Chip? Appeal to sympathy? Dodges? Begging the question? I thought you were better than that.
You would (and probably have) done all of the above and more in Court on behalf of your criminal defendant clients. Pot meet kettle, etc. :P
And my argument is that your premise is unfounded. What the teacher did was not merely "outside his normal duties." It was inappropriate on at least three different levels, two of which you failed to address at any point (the vulgarity and his conflict of interest in being a candidate for office and promoting his party's position in class).Moving Sale wrote:My premise is that what this guy did was okay even though it is outside his normal duties.
Nope. I went the hyperbole route deliberately. Regardless of the teacher's opinion of Bush and Bush's actions, it was wrong of the teacher to, completely on his own initiative, show the video.Moving Sale wrote:You state that even if he were the ‘worst person on earth’ it still would not be okay for him to call Bush an asshole. Not sure why you did that because your best argument was that Bush is just not that bad, but once you equated him to the AC you took that arrow out of your quiver.
For a classroom teacher to do so is entirely inappropriate.Moving Sale wrote:If you think for one minute that it is not okay for this guy to call ‘the worst person on earth’ an asshole in front of13yos then you are a fucking moron.
That argument is based purely on speculation. Neither you nor the science teacher knows for a fact (or can prove in any way) that "the world is going to be torn apart."Moving Sale wrote:There is no reason to learn science if you’re never going to use it because your world is going to be torn apart.
Really? Where'd you find that nugget? Link? (since you're so hot on having folks "prove" their cases...)Moving Sale wrote:Most every rule has an exception and there is an exception to the rule that science teachers should teach science. That rule is that if the science teaching itself is threatened then the threat must be dealt with first.
"Goosestepping?" Because I expect a teacher to do his frigging job and not go on some hellbent leftist MTV tangent that involves showing vulgar messages to kids?Moving Sale wrote:You are a goosstepping fucko. You know it and I know it and those people that are not up your colon know it too.
I've had drug-dealing students who use that line to justify the crap they sell, too.Moving Sale wrote:Education is not more important than self preservation.
'Higher cause?" Why is it defined that way? Because you feel that way?Moving Sale wrote:It is not the end all. Hugely important yes, but not so high up on a pedestal that it’s principles can not be rightly compromised for a few minutes to achieve a higher cause.
You should listen to yourself just now and take your own advice.Moving Sale wrote:Sorry, but your chosen filed is just not that important. Your Ivory Tower nonsense is just that, nonsense.
The Lemon test:Moving Sale wrote:As for the Lemon test. You are wrong and you know you are wrong because you did not show me one case out of the mountain of cases you assert show your point that says that the Lemon test is not the true test of the Establishment Clause. Religion is not verboten in science class it is just that simple.
It should show you that I genuinely believe that I am right.Moving Sale wrote:That you refuse to accept that you are wrong shows me a lot about you and your stance on the issue of this teachers actions.
Cue violins...Moving Sale wrote:It shows me that even if you decided that you were wrong you would not let go out of pride or the like.
Your opinions on what I am or am not supposed to do as a science teacher are, from what we've all seen, baseless. You've shown that you haven't the slightest idea of how educational disciplines are compartmentalized, how curricula are developed, how teachers are supposed to deliver content, what teacher's contractual and moral responsibilities are, and you are astonishingly ignorant as to educational law.Moving Sale wrote:That is a very poor quality to have in a science teacher. You’re supposed to be able to admit when the facts show that you are wrong, which they have.
I find that hard to believe. From what I've read here, I think shadow puppets are surprising to you.Moving Sale wrote:That you are so wrapped up in your life as a scientist that you are unable to see that science is not the sole reason for existence is not surprising to me.
Yeah.....compared to the paragons of virtue, intellect, and humility that we find in the legal profession, scientists are a bunch of no-goodniks.Moving Sale wrote:I see it all the time at the local University and CC. It is, in my opinion, the single worst prevalent trait amongst scientists.
Somehow, my argument that the teacher should do his job has turned into yet another one of your tangential tirades. The teacher could just as well have been an English teacher or a gym argument would still be to teach the damned curriculum.Moving Sale wrote:I have asked you before to please read my post before you retort, but I don’t expect that will happen. I don’t expect you to see the light. Why should you when your false belief that science is so important it drummed into your head every day by like minded and equally misguided colleagues.
Yeah, those ass-lickers are a dangerous lot. Their breath alone is pretty bad.Moving Sale wrote:Add to that the posters who will lick anyone’s ass that disagrees with me and you have a very dangerous mix.
Rack88 wrote:When I get depressed about the current state of America, I try to imagine what things would have been like if Mike Dukakis, Al Gore and John Kerry would have been elected president. Then I read some Moving Sale and LTS TRN 2 threads. Things always seem better after that.
Nah, I think Iran tested a invisible missile on the Pentagon. So, now we can go invade them Moving Sale? :P88 wrote:Based on the size of the hole and the location of the spools, its fairly obvious that Dennis Kucinich used a remotely controlled missile to strike the Pentagon. The burden of proof is on you to prove otherwise.
Why?WhatsMyName wrote: You're just making yourself look dumber and dumber with every post...
Logic? I Laughed!WhatsMyName wrote:Follow this logic...
Why?The first time you posted, you sounded dumb.
Why?The second time you posted, you also sounded dumb, but further removed doubt that the first post was a fluke.
Why?The third post you wrote was also dumb, but worse yet it only further entrenched the fact that the first two posts weren't accidents.
Criminal Procedure? I thought we were being civil? Care to answer my question? No, you don't... because you can't. Nice dodge counselor.Jsc810 wrote:Maybe you're being consistant (Sic) with California's rules of criminal procedure, I really don't know.
BTW- You implied that millions of people saw 77 hit the pentagon.Jsc810 wrote:Mere obfuscation, and you know it.Moving Sale wrote: Millions of people saw 77 hit the pentagon on TV?
You're still stuck in Public Defender mode, you're just saying nyah, nyah, you haven't proven it so therefore I win. That ain't gonna cut it here.
Might wanna retract any "tard" statements not directed toward yourself, sport.Moving Sale wrote:Logic? I Laughed!WhatsMyName wrote:Follow this logic...
Why?The first time you posted, you sounded dumb.
Why?The second time you posted, you also sounded dumb, but further removed doubt that the first post was a fluke.
Why?The third post you wrote was also dumb, but worse yet it only further entrenched the fact that the first two posts weren't accidents.
Saying that your conclusion is supported by your premise when your premise is your conclusion is a fallacy you fucking dolt.
"I said so, therefore it’s true."
Fuck you are stupid.
Don't forget your binky when you go to bed tonight you fucking tard.