Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 9:26 pm
FTFMDon't think for a minute that only Natives would benefit.
FTFMDon't think for a minute that only Natives would benefit.
what problem do u have with trickle down economics?------BSmack wrote:You have to love the argument to toss the fat cats a loaf of bread and hope that some crumbs hit hit the floor where the little brown mice are hiding out.mvscal wrote:It will provide income not only to the fat cats and the employees, but also thousands of smaller shareholders such as myself...
Cicero wrote:RACK Nancy!! Greatest First Lady Evah!
I wouldn't be too sure about that.mvscal wrote:Are you a fucking moron or what? Eskimos want the project to move forward for many different reasons not the least of which is the fact that they are shareholders of the mineral rights for that particular dirt patch.BSmack wrote:Eskimos call it home.mvscal wrote: Save it.
I've seen the pictures of where they are proposing to drill. It's a fucking shithole on the ass end of nowhere.
The fact that companies are making more profit than any business entity in the history of the world, yet instead of paying taxes, are having taxpayer dollars HANDED TO THEM scares me. If that isn't the most glaring example of a bought-and-paid-for government, I don't know what is.88 wrote:The fact that people are discussing the confiscation of oil company profits without having a trial to determine whether they were legitimate or obtained as part of an illegal enterprise scares me.
88 wrote:Gasoline should cost whatever the market is willing to pay for it. If a majority of Americans are willing to pay $8 a gallon, then that is what it will cost. If, on the other hand, a majority of Americans are not willing to pay that much, and demand goes down due to more efficient cars or less miles etc., then the cost will go down, but only to a point.
Nice work. Can we expect two rapid-fire posts in which you explain "water is wet," then follow it with "water is dry?"The entire world consumes oil, and consumption is increasing faster than production can keep up.
Uhm....they actually have these things called "antitrust laws," and...please tell me a fucking alleged lawyer doesn't need this explained to him? There's overwhelming evidence that these laws were and are currently being broken, which is no small part of the state of fuel prices today.The oil issue cannot be sorted out by legislation.
So, there IS an acceptable amount of American deaths to defend your gas prices?Something will be discovered to replace our dependence on oil. If not, we can have a big ass war.
Yes, any first lady (caps left out intentionally) that advocates setting official national policy based upon what an astrologer told her has to be considered amongst the all-time greats.Cicero wrote:RACK Nancy!! Greatest First Lady Evah!
jtr wrote:Cicero wrote:RACK Nancy!! Greatest First Lady Evah!
Any time those two words are mentioned, I masturbate and two kittens are killed: Nocalsnowgirl and Indy Clown.Y2K card...
And when the American People discover that fast food outfits are colluding to regulate the supplies of beef and produce and whatnot, to ensure that you have no other choice but to hand over your money to them, the fast food industry should expect to pay for their crimes, as well.Y2K wrote:People get raped by fast food
it takes a while to brillopad a banana cleanW. Cohen wrote:How will all of this affect Innocent Bikestander's recent Schwinn purchase? Van wants to know.
So, a panel of judges who were appointed by the Bought-And-Paid-For...found in favor of the Owners?88 wrote:And while you're at it, you can give these amateurs a lessen in antitrust litigation against Big Oil:
A trial before we tax someone? Gawd you are a tard.88 wrote:The fact that people are discussing the confiscation of oil company profits without having a trial to determine whether they were legitimate or obtained as part of an illegal enterprise scares me. What is next?
Like I said,Moving Sale wrote:A trial before we tax someone? Gawd you are a tard.88 wrote:The fact that people are discussing the confiscation of oil company profits without having a trial to determine whether they were legitimate or obtained as part of an illegal enterprise scares me. What is next?
Did you read in the Exxon chief's retirement package that he's going to have something like 3 years of free security? I wonder why? You see them or family members getting whacked, it would be interesting to see if prices start coming back down.Dinsdale wrote:A few bullets to the heads of the CEO's and board members of big oil companies should send a message. It would be like the Boston Tea Party, but we could call it the Texas Blood Party. Why waste good oil, when there's worthless, defective brains to spill in the horbor, instead?
That reminds me of a story about my dad. My dad had this old 1950 Dodge Fluid drive car that resembled one of those cars you'd see in the movies that had the Generals star flag flappin'...Atomic Punk wrote:Since we're on the subject, anyone bought locking gas caps for their vehicles yet? Around here, it could be like Mad Max by Summer.