Oil Companies -- yup
Haliburton -- anyone who disagrees with this is in the running for "most retarded motherfucker on the planet (overbilling for freaking fuel out front should have told you)
Tobacco Companies -- nuetral
Microsoft -- manipulated markets for an unfair advantage, through collusion and other illegal means. Busted for antitrust violations. So....yup
Wal-Mart -- no brainer. Americans are more important to America than Chinese are
McDonald's -- if you want to eat shitty food and drink 800 degree coffee, knock yourself out. Although in a recent case(a tpoic on this board at the time), a 17 year old McD's employee was killed at work by a psychopath. Fucking bastrads had to be threatened with a boycott, and citizens had to tarnish their name in the media to get McD's to pay for the freaking funeral (the community had already chipped in, since the family was destitute, and the daughter was working there to pay family bills). So, yeah...they're leaning towards corporate scum
Gun Manufacturers -- defenders of our freedom and the Second Amendment. I'd hate to have to bust out machinery and make my own(which I would if they weren't available...I'm guessing mine wouldn't turn out quite as nice as theirs)
Lumber and Paper Companies -- straight-up fucking evil...possibly the worst example of any listed. They've been known to put hits out on any scientist or anyone else who attempts to publish any evidence that any logging practices are detrimental to the heatlth of the forest. They're trying to shelve a years-long study by Oregon State University confirming what complete environmental devastation "salvage logging" after fires causes(which was already essentailly common knowledge). These companies have published FLAT OUT LIES to defend their profits. Plus, if you think for one fucking second that those logging companies are actually
paying for that timber (that you and I own, and they are STEALING from us), you're a fucking naive moron. How many former scalers should we roll that tell the tales of death threats against their families if they don't agree to let their trucks drive by the scaling stations...and that shit is still VERY widespread today. Any time your official company policy is stealing from the American public(sup Halliburton), yeah...you're fucking evil.
Mining Companies -- not the greatest. Those safety laws are there for a reason, and that reason isn't "to be ignored."
Pharmaceutical Companies -- My friend's dad owned a pharmacy chain. He did pretty darn well for himself. He was also the head of the state pharmacy board for a very long time. He now says "I'm quite proud to call myself a 'former' pharmacist. That industry is no longer about helping anybody, but rather keeping their stranglehold on Congress, so they can release known-to-be-ineffective-and-harmful drugs on the market." If they weren't evil, they would have independent labs doing their testing, not testing the stuff themselves. Oh, and by the way -- without knowing a thing about you, I already know there's at least a 90% chance that you have "high" cholesterol....know how I know...because the government PAID the pharmecutical companies to decide how much cholesterol was "high"...the same people who make drugs to counter "high" cholesterol. Brilliant marketing, for sure...and pure, unadulterated evil
Telecommunications Companies -- yup...they've engaged in collusion against the American People
But hey...as long as tards keep turning a blind eye, there's no incentive to stop being evil, so no big deal.
What am I missing?
Looks, brains, and a conscience.