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Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 11:47 pm
by Dinsdale
Van wrote:you're proving to be useless this go around.

Almost as useless as an armchair lawyer making up definitoins of crimes he just pulled out of his ignorant ass.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 3:31 am
by Van
Didn't make up anything. I never made a definitive statement about it. I put it out there and then freely admitted it may not be the correct specific charge...
I believe I referred to it as "attempted vehicular manslaughter", which is what I'm calling it when somebody literally attempts to smash you with their car.

If that's incorrect, okay. Fuck 'em anyway. in response to you now I'm asking for clarification.

So, in essence, I'm saying, "Not sure. Dunno. Let's get to the bottom of it and get it right...", and you're saying, "Bwaaa! You think you know, and you don't!"

Like I said, you're useless in this instance. Dense as fuck too.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 3:58 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Dinsdale wrote:And if I saw a guy with a cali plate doing it, you can bet your fucking ass I'd cut him off.
Oh dear LORD this is priceless.

Sin a couple months back,
Dinsdale wrote:The thing that pisses me off the most is that when I'm on the road, I'm always surrounded by people who have such sad, pathetic, empty lives that they actually get worked up by what other people are doing on the road. It's hard to believe that these people are driving on an American road for the very first time, but that's obviously the case, since anyone who had actually driven more than 5 miles in the city before is going to realize that those little annoyances are happening every minute of every day in every city in America. Reacting with anger or annoyance at other people's bad/rude habits is so incredibly dumb -- you KNEW what was going to happen as soon as you fired up the car, yet you CHOSE to do it anyway.

Something to ponder -- YOU knew what was going to happen as far as the behaviors and delays, and YOU'RE getting your blood pressure up over, that in mind, and regardless who you're yelling at out the window --- WHO'S the "idiot" again?
So which is it? "Tough guy" or "carefree utopian"?


Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:03 am
by Dinsdale
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:[
So which is it? "Tough guy" or "carefree utopian"?

I'll give you a pass, since you don't have california for a neighbor, so you just don't understand...

The two aren't mutually exclusive. I'm way into the "live and let live" thing(despite my internet ramblings to the contrary), but in the case of yet another calidork thinking they're in some position to rewrite local customs, it is with nothing but a carefree swing of the door that I'll splatter their inconsiderate ass all over the asphalt.

Duuude...what happened to the inside of your door?

It hit by a Van.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:14 am
by Van
Dins, you actually have a damn good sig. I'd like it as a bumper sticker, though I'd never actually sport a bumper sticker.

Serious question though, on the off chance that you might actually give a serious answer...

Coming from a guy who purports to take two strokes and then ride 'em all over the city, leading cops on fruitless chases and whatnot, exactly how then could you ever work up any sort of lather over somebody lane splitting? Moreover, why would lane splitting bother you? In what way, shape or form is it being inconsiderate to cagers for a motorcyclist to split lanes?

Aside from the instant pangs of jealousy the cager feels when the motorcyclist rips on by while he's still stuck sitting there, how does lane splitting not benefit all the drivers of cars stuck in traffic?

Fact is, if everybody was riding and lane splitting there'd be no traffic, and no traffic issues.

Car drivers ought to welcome the sight of a lane splitter. That's one less guy clogging the freeways and city streets in the never ending congo line. Better a lane splitting motorcyclist than another monstrous SUV blotting out the sun while the stupid soccer mom sitting at the wheel is talking on the phone and doing her eyebrows in the rear view mirrow...

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:23 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Car drivers ought to welcome the sight of a lane splitter. That's one less guy clogging the freeways and city streets in the never ending congo line.
That's the logical way of looking at it, but when you're actually the one forced to "do the time", you kinda feel like everyone else in your situation should too. I don't think plucking all those bikes out of a traffic jam is going to free up that much time or room anyway. Hell, take all the bikes out and I might get home one minute faster. I'd rather the "riders" (I dunno, what's the supercool term for you guys?) wait an equivalent amount of time, because letting them through isn't worth the dissatisfaction of knowing they'll get to their beers 30 minutes faster than I will. Not fair, man. Not fair.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:35 am
by Van
No doubt Mgo, jealousy is the overriding problem with car drivers.

It has nothing to do with "consideration", it's strictly about frustrated people wanting everyone else to have to wallow in their misery too.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:00 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial

How can I be jealous of something I don't want?

Trust me. I'd be on one of those instant-death-machines faster than Dins can cheat his way up a liver transplant list if I so chose to. But, I didn't, don't, or ever will. I have no desire, or use for one. I'm far too practical of a person.

Thing is, you're tossing around the wrong terms here. The term is called "politeness". Everybody traveling in a moving vehicle on roads built for CARS...yes CARS DIPSHIT (and always will be despite "you guys"), should have to obey the same fucking rules as the rest of us. No exceptions. Not even if you've given yourself the lawbreaking freedoms of doing the rest of us drivers a "service". God, that's sad. You know what? Do me a favor and don't assume what's best for ME, or anyone else on the road. Just wait in line like the rest of forced-to-be-patient vehicle operators, assfuck.

What's truly pathetic is that you're not even confident enough in your own bike-riding actions to come out and say "I'm going to thread because I can and if you don't like it, fuck off". In that case, I would've thought you were a bigger bastard, but at least I would've respected you. But nope, instead you've chosen the path of "bastard" and "pathetic".

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:40 am
by Van
Yes, you are jealous. Not of bikes, but of those people not stuck in traffic while you continue to be stuck in traffic.

Bikes just happen to be the medium that fuels your jealousy whenever you're stuck there in traffic seething like a little bitch, watching others moving along...

That's what you're jealous about and that's why idiots like you try to rationalize it by resorting to terms such as "politeness" and "consideration", like it's some sort of imposition to you when others choose not to be stuck in line with you.

Fuck, Mgo, could you possibly be more cunty about it?

What they do has NO negative bearing on your being stuck in traffic. None. They aren't holding you up any further by passing you. You're stuck, regardless. Nonetheless you get pissed at them for not being stuck too?

Pretty fucking childish.

Btw, what part of "I'm far too practical of a person" is embodied in being stuck in traffic, idling in a gas guzzler, knowing full there are cheaper and more time efficient ways of traveling...

Sounds willfully stupid, not "practical". "Practical" would involve spending less money on a ride that also eliminates wasted time stuck in traffic like a fucking lemming...


Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:00 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Van wrote:Yes, you are jealous. Not of bikes, but of those people not stuck in traffic while you continue to be stuck in traffic.

Bikes just happen to be the medium that fuels your jealousy whenever you're stuck there in traffic seething like a little bitch, watching others moving along...
Jealousy just isn't the right word. Jealousy stems from something you want or desire. I don't desire to be in your situation, for I'm not asking things to pickup faster (though it would be nice). I'm merely requesting that everyody obey the laws of the road. I just fail to see how that's asking so much of you.
That's what you're jealous about and that's why idiots like you try to rationalize it by resorting to terms such as "politeness" and "consideration", like it's some sort of imposition to you when others choose not to be stuck in line with you.
What's worse is when these impatient pussies try to rationalize it by claiming they're attempting to perform ME a service. They're not even secure enough in their own actions to say, without shame, that they're "threading" only to satisfy themselves.
Btw, what part of "I'm far too practical of a person" is embodied in being stuck in traffic, idling in a gas guzzler, knowing full there are cheaper and more time efficient ways of traveling...

Sounds willfully stupid, not "practical". "Practical" would involve spending less money on a ride that also eliminates wasted time stuck in traffic like a fucking lemming...
You could've done well with this angle, had you realized how to correctly attack it. In fact, I was worried the second you went here, that you had disposed the slight flaw in my reasoning.

Good thing for me, you're not quite as smart as you think you are.

Besides, I said I was "practical", I didn't say I was an extremist. I think owning a car is beyond practical, it's necessary. You see, we live in a society that's advanced enough, that we don't have to limit our perceptions of "practicality" to things we only need to survive.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:25 am
by Van
Jealousy just isn't the right word. Jealousy stems from something you want or desire.
Yes, and when you're stuck idling in stop and go traffic what you want and desire more than anything is to be moving, which is what people on bikes are doing.

You may not be jealous of the guy being on a bike but you're definitely jealous over the obvious fact that he's moving and you're not.

Btw, yeah, helping traffic out is a definite side bar of motorcycling and lane splitting. Is it the prime motivator? Of course not, and nobody's saying it is. Getting through traffic quickly, cleanly and cheaply is the prime motivator there but there's also no denying the positive impact motorcycles have on traffic compared to cars.

Don't confuse the two. Nobody's attempting to deny or downplay the main reason motorcyclists ride motorcycles, especially as commuters.

Also, I notice you didn't even bother to correct my perfectly valid point about your lack of practicality. You made reference to some supposed better tact I might've taken but the fact remains that you're spending more on gas and in time then you would commuting on a bike. There's no getting around the fact that the latter is more practical than the former and no, it doesn't take an "extremist" just to commute on a motorcycle.

Hardly. Commuting on a bike is as common as dirt and it's about as "extreme" as watching paint dry. It's a work tool, like a BART pass or a Ride Share. You can even have BOTH a car and a bike, hey! And, just like those heavy flow days you dread so much, you can choose to only use the bike on those days when you really dread cramping!

Choices! Practicality!

Why you view riding a bike to work or whatever like it's the equivalent of running through Darfur with a porkchop around your neck and a Koran in your hand with a knife jammed through the middle, I have no idea.

You've ridden bicycles, I presume?

You don't have to pedal, and you still can go fast up a hill! That's about it. It's pretty fucking easy.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:59 pm
by Goober McTuber
Y2K wrote:DAMN that CosaminDS is facking expensive.
I hold the GoobTube's advice in the highest regard so I'm sure it was well worth the money.

This stuff better not have any "oh BTW" side effects like impotence dammit!



That stuff has worked for me. It’s a supplement and not a drug, but it was strongly recommended to me by a physical therapist and a 60-something-year-old orthopedic surgeon. Yes, it is a tad pricey (it is patented, of course), but with a note from your doctor, it should qualify for your flex-spending account.

I thought you were married. Why would impotence be an issue?

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 3:54 pm
by Uncle Fester
I don't give a damn if a motorcyclist threads through a traffic jam.

What I don't like is when bikers...

* ride for miles in my blind spot
* tailgate
* crowd the centerline

Last weekend while at a stop sign in a small town, a bunch of newbie American Chopper types made a big display of inching out onto the highway, oncoming traffic be damned. Once they got the big pack assembled, they proceeded to "haul ass" to the rumble or Hell's Angels meeting or Fonzie film festival at a whopping 50 mph.

There were too many of them to pass on the two-laner, so I was stuck behind these assholes for about ten miles.

Note to newbie bikers: If you think you're a badass with the new chopper, the tats, and the Marlon Brando posturing, at least have the balls to ride the FUKKING SPEED LIMIT.

None on these guys had helmets or windshields, and one guy didn't wear eye protection of any kind! All this in Northern Minnesota, where there are approximately 55 million grasshoppers, moths, lake flies, bees, etc. per square inch of highway air. There's nothing funnier (and more sad) than watching a wind-in-the-hair newbie biker yawn at 60 mph and get a grasshopper cannon-shot down his throat.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:04 pm
by Dinsdale
Van wrote:how then could you ever work up any sort of lather over somebody lane splitting?

Oh, you've misunderstood...

I only have a problem when a californian does it.

If the "splitter" in question is flying an Oregon plate, then more power to them.

Get it?

Oh, and BTW -- the place Vannar was so desperate to "split" and get away from?


What a horrible place to be stuck in traffic, eh?

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:06 pm
by Goober McTuber
Van wrote:Also, I notice you didn't even bother to correct my perfectly valid point about your lack of practicality. You made reference to some supposed better tact I might've taken but the fact remains that you're spending more on gas and in time then you would commuting on a bike. There's no getting around the fact that the latter is more practical than the former and no, it doesn't take an "extremist" just to commute on a motorcycle.
All of which gives you no right whatsoever to flout the law. Stay in line and wait your fucking turn. Or wind up as road splatter. Your choice.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:27 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Goober gets it.

In any other situation, I'd agree with Van. But in this instance, he's attempting to (while not doing a very good job) convince me that it's ok for him to be above the law, all in the name of "doing the cagers a service". His defense of "I shouldn't act like a whiny cunt" doesn't really help his cause. Regardless of what you want to call me, jealous, cunty, etc., that still shouldn't award you special driving priveleges.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:29 pm
by Dinsdale
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:priveleges

Privileges. P-R-I-V-I-L-E-G-E-S. Privileges.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:35 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Damnit, I knew that. Typing too fast as I wanted to get that in before lunch.

Still, I wasn't running "intelligence smack", so I think I'm off the hook.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:37 pm

So should :mgo: designate "correct thyself", or "darwin, take me to the cops"?

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 4:42 pm
by Dinsdale
Maybe...we'll ask Ken the next time we see him.

Until then, always remember -- any time you're exposed to a breathtaking view of the Pacific while you're on vacation, it's very important that you get the hell out of there as quickly as possible, hopefully popping a wheelie in the process. Whatever you do, DO NOT stop at the Rogue Brewery and have lunch while looking out over Yaquina Bay, and DO NOT go to the Oregon Coast Aquarium next door afterwards...very important to not see stuff on your sightseeing vacation.

For Van's sake, I certainly hope he didn't screw up his valuable vacation time by stopping at Devil's Punchbowl and watching the tide come in...that would be a HORRIBLE use of sightseeing time...HORRIBLE.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:10 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
I wonder when you die if you get the choice of heaven or the U&L? Or are they one in the same?

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:23 pm
by Dinsdale
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote: one in the same?

"One AND the AND the same."

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:27 pm
by UcantPwns
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:I wonder when you die if you get the choice of heaven or the U&L? Or are they one in the same?
As the former lead authority in grammar, spelling, and punctuation "smack", I am quite disappointed you chose the current mangled version of the old phrase, "one and the same".

:mgo sadface:

Don't even get me started on the MIA commas and god-awful grammar demonstrated in the Replied-To post.


Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:27 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Yeah-fuckin-yeah. So you're better at playing me than me. Can we get back to beating down Van?

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:28 pm
by UcantPwns
I see the U&L beat me to the punch.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:29 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
UcantPwns wrote:As the former lead authority in grammar, spelling, and punctuation "smack"
So who's in charge of reading comprehension smack? Whoever it is, they're not doing their job.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:35 pm
by UcantPwns
I have no idea where you are headed with this... lay it on me.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:46 pm
by Dinsdale
UcantPwns wrote:As the former lead authority in grammar, spelling, and punctuation "smack", I am quite disappointed you chose the current mangled version of the old phrase, "one and the same".

Since you were once an authority, may I be so bold as to ask a question?

Since when did commas and periods go on the outside of the quotation marks?

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:50 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
UcantPwns wrote:I have no idea where you are headed with this... lay it on me.
I don't care about you enough to.

If you're really interested, research my original thread on the matter.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:00 pm
by UcantPwns
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:If you're really interested.
I am not. I haven't posted here in months and I don't subscribe to your blog. You were saying?

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:03 pm
by UcantPwns
Dinsdale wrote:Since when did commas and periods go on the outside of the quotation marks?
Since the end of the typeset era. Oh... I'm sorry. You backwards fucks are usually a little behind in the times. Has that happened in the U&L yet?

Next question.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:11 pm
by Mike the Lab Rat
UcantPwns wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:Since when did commas and periods go on the outside of the quotation marks?
Since the end of the typeset era. Oh... I'm sorry. You backwards fucks are usually a little behind in the times. Has that happened in the U&L yet?

Next question.
Actually, dins is right.

When I typed up my thesis a four years ago on a computer, APA style dictated that commas and periods always, always, ALWAYS go inside the quotation marks.

[edit: unless of course, a question mark being used refers to the ENTIRE sentence. In the case of my thesis, that exception never came I basically didn't worry about it...]

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:13 pm
by Dinsdale
UcantPwns wrote:Since the end of the typeset era. Oh... I'm sorry. You backwards fucks are usually a little behind in the times. Has that happened in the U&L yet?

Next question. ... 0quotation

Sell it, BABY!!!!!!!!

The scoreboard, according to a quick websearch, seems to read 85,000 to 0 in my favor.

You have about as good a chance of winning this one as Van does driving by a Star Trek convention without finding a new boyfriend.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:16 pm
by Dinsdale
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:commas and periods always, always, ALWAYS go inside the quotation marks.

And colons and semicolons always, always, always go outside of the quotation marks. Question marks and exclamation points go inside the quotes if it is part of the quote, meaning that the passage quoted was in the form of a question or an exclamation, or they go outside if the author is the one questioning or exclaiming.

UCan't is hereby relieved of all Punctuation Nazi duties.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:31 pm
by UcantPwns
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:When I typed up my thesis a four years ago on a computer, APA style dictated that commas and periods always, always, ALWAYS go inside the quotation marks.

Sig Bet?

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:51 pm
by Mike the Lab Rat
UcantPwns wrote:
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:When I typed up my thesis a four years ago on a computer, APA style dictated that commas and periods always, always, ALWAYS go inside the quotation marks.

Sig Bet?
Sig bets aren't my style....too "schoolyard" for my tastes. Never done 'em, never will.

Here's a Crib sheet for APA style

Punctuation and quotation marks

American and British:
Dick said, "I'll pay."
Dick asked, "Who will pay?"
Dick shouted, "You pay!"

"I'll pay," Dick said.
"Who will pay?" Dick asked.
"You pay!" Dick shouted.

Did Jane spell "Paris"?
Don't you dare spell "Paris"!


Jane spelled "Paris."
After Jane spelled "Paris," she left.

British: [note: we're not British, so these don't apply]

Jane spelled "Paris".
After Jane spelled "Paris", she left.

Here's another one

Quotation Marks (" ")
In academic writing use quotations marks to enclose direct, word-for-word passages borrowed from another source.

Commas and periods that finish quotes are always placed inside quotation marks.

Other marks of punctuation are placed outside quotation marks unless they are part of the quoted material.


This shit is as boring as hell....but dins is right.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:54 pm
by UcantPwns ... mma/Period

The period goes outside of the quotation mark when using a parenthetical reference.

"Animals have a variety of emotions similar to human's" (Erikson 990).

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:56 pm
by Mike the Lab Rat
UcantPwns wrote: ... mma/Period

The period goes outside of the quotation mark when using a parenthetical reference.

"Animals have a variety of emotions similar to human's" (Erikson 990).
That's not what we're talking about and you know it.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:59 pm
by UcantPwns
I guess you misused the word "always"?

Show me was I was quoting someone or something, btw.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:00 pm
by Dinsdale
UcantPwns wrote: The period goes outside of the quotation mark when using a parenthetical reference.

That's your save attempt?


Believe it or not, you weren't bringing anything to the table that the people who actually know how to punctuate quotations didn't already know.

Wanna link me up where you were "using a parenthetical reference"?

[Note that since I was the one asking the question, the question mark was placed outside of the quotation marks.