Why not? 95% or more of the bombings and worldwide terror acts involve middleeastern men between the ages of 15 and 55.KCScott wrote:I'm not saying we profile just the muzzies, but
Profile those fuckers. If they've done nothing wrong and are not involved, no harm done, and we are that much safer. Fuck this PC shit. The reality is that one very specific demographic group is doing most of the bombings.
The terror threat level would be reduced dramatically and 90 year old grannies woudl be left alone as they should be.
If it was white guys between the ages of 15 and 55 I would have no problem being scrutinized because I am not involved in that shit, and if it would mean me and my family would be safer, I wouldn't be crying racism or calling the ACLU.
Call a spade a spade and target the one group primarily responsible and you will have solved most of the problem or at the least forced the enemy to completely change tactics and start using the women they hide behind as human bombs.
And they would do it, too. Which goes to show you how truly pathetic we are at fighting this type of enemy. We are too afraid of offending them to do whatever it takes to stop them, and we'd rather inconvenience everyone than target the ones who are to blame.