Can Non-Christians be Moral?

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Post by Nacho »

Dinsdale wrote:
Voice of Reason wrote:Christians don't make moral judgements of their own. They simply behave how they are told. If the next bible revision tells them to rape pre-teen boys, they'll all go out and join NAMBLA.


Thumpers don't really do what the Bible tells them, unless it's particularly convenient and makes them look cool.
Like that particularly convenient one about loving others who are different than they are?

Dinsdale wrote:Here, I'll prove it...
Doubt it....
Dinsdale wrote:Question for the "christians" -- how many of you have considered stoning your kids in the town square after they mouthed off?
Considered it? Probably every one of them, as well as any "non-christian" parent would if their kids mouthed off to them. People consider a ton of crap...
Dinsdale wrote:Show of hands?
Damn you're stupid.

Dinsdale wrote:Where's the problem? Is it merely because of us "immoral" non-believers passing these godless laws that are stopping you?
Let's decipher this stupid question... Translated: I make fart noises with my hand under my arm would you like to know how?

Dinsdale wrote:Any of you keep slaves, or was that just another immoral addition of us immoral non-believers to pass laws that undermine the "supreme morality" of christians?
Please find the explicit instructions upon obtaining these slaves that is quoted in the Bible so the Christian minority will be able to obtain people to mow our lawns and cook our food.... Please demonstrate your knowledge of the Bible to show us where these gems from God are located....

Besides looking from grammer and spelling errors do you put your mind to anything that is worth anything?
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Post by Dinsdale »

Nacho wrote:Considered it? Probably every one of them
Oh... so you just don't have the courage to follow through with God's Law?

If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear. -- Deuteronomy 21:18-21
Thanks for proving my point.

Shall we keep going? Because you people believe in some truly vile, deplorable shit... that you're too cowardly to follow through with anyway.

Or again -- do you not heed God's law because us "immoral" non-christians have passed laws barring your sacred rituals?

Please find the explicit instructions upon obtaining these slaves that is quoted in the Bible
First, you need to eat some moldy bread.

Or, you can go with Biblical Plan B, which gives instructions that they can be freely purchased, so long as you deem them "heathens"(much like this thread is trying to do... is that your Master Plan, Thumpers? To enslave the rest of us?

I mean... you DO embrace this, after all.

Or are you not that "christian"?

so the Christian minority will be able to obtain people to mow our lawns and cook our food
Or at least chop your wood and carry your water.

Besides looking from grammer and spelling errors
do you put your mind to anything that is worth anything?

Yes. I expend a very small amount of my brain function avoiding people perpetrating fairly tales in an attempt to dictate my behavior and take my money. I recommend you do the same, but to each his own.

What I don't put my mind to, is torturing children to death or enslaving those I deem "heathens." Because it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see how vile these acts would be, and only a very evil person would live their life by some outdated book that recommends such practices.

Sorry you fell for it, bud. Blame your parents, not me.
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Post by Nacho »

Dinsdale wrote:
Nacho wrote:Considered it? Probably every one of them
Oh... so you just don't have the courage to follow through with God's Law?
What does courage have to do with your original question about considering it? Stop trying to deflect.... It's sad...
Dinsdale wrote:
If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear. -- Deuteronomy 21:18-21
Thanks for proving my point.
The point about you having an appaling lack of reading comprehension and ability to form an argument? Glad I could help show that for you...
Dinsdale wrote: Shall we keep going? Because you people believe in some truly vile, deplorable shit... that you're too cowardly to follow through with anyway.

Or again -- do you not heed God's law because us "immoral" non-christians have passed laws barring your sacred rituals?
Care to tell me who these "immoral' non-christians are?
Dinsdale wrote:
Please find the explicit instructions upon obtaining these slaves that is quoted in the Bible
First, you need to eat some moldy bread.

Or, you can go with Biblical Plan B, which gives instructions that they can be freely purchased, so long as you deem them "heathens"(much like this thread is trying to do... is that your Master Plan, Thumpers? To enslave the rest of us?
You would be a pretty worthless slave... But if you can find the instructions about going around and obtaining slaves I would sure like to read that... It must be in the Bible since you are going off like it is. Now just tell us where we might also see such insight.

We all want to be as "bright" as you... After all you are a spelling bee champ right?
Dinsdale wrote: I mean... you DO embrace this, after all
Embrace your uneducated and utterly retarded opinion on what it means to be a Christian? No, I don't subscribe to that opinion.
Dinsdale wrote: Or are you not that "christian"?
See prior statement...
Dinsdale wrote:
so the Christian minority will be able to obtain people to mow our lawns and cook our food
Or at least chop your wood and carry your water.
Now you are starting to get the idea. But I don't have a fireplace so you can keep your wood for the spelling and grammer crap you love to look for...
Dinsdale wrote:
Besides looking from grammer and spelling errors
You are very special and you should be proud of it. Keep riding that short bus.
Dinsdale wrote:
do you put your mind to anything that is worth anything?

Yes. I expend a very small amount of my brain function avoiding people perpetrating fairly tales in an attempt to dictate my behavior and take my money. I recommend you do the same, but to each his own.

What I don't put my mind to, is torturing children to death or enslaving those I deem "heathens." Because it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see how vile these acts would be, and only a very evil person would live their life by some outdated book that recommends such practices.

Sorry you fell for it, bud. Blame your parents, not me.
Are you on medication? Seriously you need to get that perscription refilled...

Oh well... glad you are so completely out of touch with reality that you think Christians believe any of that... Of course if you really did believe that you would be a sad pathetic excuse of a person...

So why don't you come clean and stop playing devils advocate here...

Or shall you prove to yourself and the rest of us just how sad and pathetic you are?
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Post by Dinsdale »

What's "sad and pathetic" is that someone claims to be a "christian," then immediately turns around and claims to not believe in the Christian Rule Book.

So, if you don't believe the Bible, where did you learn about this whole Christ is the Shizzy thing?

You're not making sense.

There's only one way you can make sense -- by admitting that you pick and choose the parts of the Bible that are convenient for you.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Nacho wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:
Nacho wrote:Considered it? Probably every one of them
Oh... so you just don't have the courage to follow through with God's Law?
What does courage have to do with your original question about considering it? Stop trying to deflect.... It's sad...


Sorry, I should be used to this from your lot by now.

Allow me to explain...

YOU'RE the one "deflecting" here, champ.

I asked you a direct question... I'll ask it again...

Do you believe parents should condone the stoning of their own children to death if they act up?

YES or NO?

Because the Christian Rule Book says you're supposed to. I'm just trying to ascertain whether you're a christian or not.
Dinsdale wrote: [Thanks for proving my point.
The point about you having an appaling lack of reading comprehension and ability to form an argument? Glad I could help show that for you...[/quote]

See, this is where you fail. I've formed an excellent argument.

Maybe I'll try and explain it better, to cater to your "appaling" lack of reading comprehension (which btw -- questioninjg someone else's "reading comprehension" when they don't agree with you is about the oldest white-flag in internet history... just so you know)...

The Bible tells christians to stone their children when they act up too much.

I simply asked whether you feel this is "moral"... you know, since this thread is about christians claiming to have a monopoly on morality.

Yet YOU'RE the ones advocating executing misbehaved children. I'm merely wondering how you reconcile these two obviously incompatable concepts.

Care to tell me who these "immoral' non-christians are?


Thread title, much?

But please, feel free to continue questioning the "reading comprehension" of other people.

You would be a pretty worthless slave... But if you can find the instructions about going around and obtaining slaves I would sure like to read that... It must be in the Bible since you are going off like it is. Now just tell us where we might also see such insight.
Here, I'll help you some more...

Since you've apparently never actually read the Bible, a websearch might be in order. Assuming you use some decent search terms, I'm sure you can find one of the myriad instances of the Bible condoning slavery (those damned "immoral" non-christians... who do they think they are, outlawing slavery like that).

Embrace your uneducated and utterly retarded opinion on what it means to be a Christian? No, I don't subscribe to that opinion.


I'm not a christian. So obviously, I sure the fuck didn't write the rules. Then again, I guess that's a moot point, since you don't follow the rules you were given, regardless who wrote them.

Now you are starting to get the idea. But I don't have a fireplace so you can keep your wood for the spelling and grammer crap you love to look for...

Again... Huh?

First you said there was no mention of obtaining slaves in the Bible, and since I pointed out one of the MANY examples, you suddenly condone slavery?

Dude -- I think I just mentioned that I'm neither christian, nor did I write your book. Feeling a little silly that I have to be the one to tell you what's in the book you claim to subscribe to?
Dinsdale wrote:
Besides looking from grammer and spelling errors
You are very special and you should be proud of it. Keep riding that short bus.[/quote]

Generally, once you learn how to spell "grammar," they don't let you ride the short bus anymore.

But educational-smack from someone who thinks "grammer" is a wor....

Ohhhh, what a crafty bastard you are, Dio. You almost had me. To think, running spellcheck would have kept your troll from getting outed.

Oh well... glad you are so completely out of touch with reality that you think Christians believe any of that...

Yeah, silly me... what was I thinking?

I'll admit, it was pretty outrageous for me to think the "christians" actually believed what the Bible said.

My bad. You people prove each and every day that you don't believe one freaking word of it... thank goodness. I'd puke if I saw you guys stoning children to death.
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Post by Nacho »

Since you have a hard time with answering questions....

You asked about who would consider stoning their children... I answered why everyone probably CONSIDERS it.... Of course taking something out of the Bible and completely out of context and asking why it isn't being followed just shows your inability to comprehend that which you read. Maybe you should read the entire Bible before you start going off on what it says....

Christian rule book.... You are just about as stupid as you think other people are who don't follow your weak ass take....

I challenge you to find me scripture in context that says I should go out and obtain slaves. I challenge you to find a direction from Christ to go out and stone people for getting on your nerves. I challenge you to establish an argument against the morality taught by Jesus that proves any of the reduckulous crap you keep blabbering about....

I have read the Bible and I do know what it says. You should take your own advice of not entering a discussion on something you are not informed in.

Of course this is a silly message board and your opinion is one of a small minded individual who is hopelessly addicted to grammar and spelling smack. So it really doesn't matter what you think... Just continue to be ignorant but acting like you aren't.

To answer your questions....

Would I stone my child for being a little shit.... No.. Words of Jesus that tell me to forgive and love prohibit such action on my part...
Would I own a slave... No....

Would you care to answer mine now?

Probably not.... You wouldn't want to prove me right...
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Post by Nacho »

by the way you stupid ass fuck.....

I am not someones troll.... Maybe you should pay attention more often. I guess running spell check on evra post you come across consumes your ignorant little waste of a brain...

I changed my name from SCIII and TNW... Glad to see that some people are still obsessed with playing silly ass games and getting their panties in a bunch over a few stupid ass losers on a FREAKING MESSAGE BOARD....

You really are too stupid to know how fucking stupid you are....

Or is it faggy or gay or some other shit....

Doesn't really matter because you are the dumb fuck....

Grow up little man...

or was it buttlicker....

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Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Nacho wrote: I changed my name from SCIII and TNW...
'sup, Norm.
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Post by poptart »

Dins wrote:The Bible tells christians to stone their children when they act up too much.
There were no Christians in the Old Testament.

The Bible's fundamental purpose is not to give directives on morality.
The Bible's fundamental purpose is to show us the soution to our fundamental problem

John 20:31: But these are written (Scripture), that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.

The fundamental problem of mankind is that he can not live apart from God, and the way for him to meet w/God and LIVE is through Jesus, who is the Christ.

Non-Christians can succeed or fail in 'morality' just as Christians can.

A non-Christian may in fact have more success in following, for example, the Ten Commandments, than a Christian does.

Following the Ten Commandments, or any other standard of measurement won't give a person life, however.

A man will ultimately and inevitably fail utterly and for all eternity.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Nacho wrote:Words of Jesus that tell me to forgive and love prohibit such action on my part...

OK. I guess you've explained yourself pretty well.

Did Jesus also tell you to insult random strangers on the internet, and accuse them of having oral contact with the southernmost orifice, or is that not covered under the Forgive and Love Clause?
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Post by Felix »

Nacho wrote: I challenge you to find me scripture in context that says I should go out and obtain slaves.
"Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. You can will them to your children as inherited property and you can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly ( Lev. 25:44-46, NIV)
"If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property (Ex. 21:20-21, NIV).
"Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them,....(Titus 2:9, NIV)
"Slaves, submit yourselves to your master with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also those who are harsh....Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps (1 Peter 2:18,21, NIV)
the passages cited above are really just the tip of the iceberg.....
Nacho wrote:I challenge you to find a direction from Christ to go out and stone people for getting on your nerves.

Any person or animal that touches Mt. Sinai shall be stoned to death or "shot through." Exodus 19:12-13
stoned for merely touching Mount Sinai....pretty harsh if you ask me
People with "familiar spirits" (witches, fortune tellers, etc.) are to be stoned to death. Leviticus 20:27
A man curses and blasphemes while disputing with another man. Moses asks God what to do about it. God says that the whole community must stone him to death. "And the children of Israel did as the Lord and Moses commanded." Leviticus 24:10-23
If you have a "stubborn and rebellious son," then you and the other men in your neighborhood "shall stone him with stones that he die." Deuteronomy 21:18-21
If a man marries, then decides that he hates his wife, he can claim she wasn't a virgin when they were married. If her father can't produce the "tokens of her virginity" (bloody sheets), then the woman is to be stoned to death at her father's doorstep. Deuteronomy 22:13-21
If a betrothed virgin is raped in the city and doesn't cry out loud enough, then "the men of the city shall stone her to death." Deuteronomy 22:23-24
Two sisters were guilty of "committing whoredoms" by pressing their breasts and bruising "the teats of their virginity." As a punishment, one sister's nakedness was discovered, her children were taken from her, and she was killed by the sword. And the fate of the surviving sister was even worse: Her nose and ears were cut off, she was made to "pluck off" her own breasts, and then after being raped and mutilated, she is stoned to death. Ezekiel 23:1-49
If you'd like I could go on and on...there's lots of instances whereby the Bible calls for people to be stoned to death....
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Post by Dinsdale »

You're just "taking those out of context," Felix.
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Post by RadioFan »

A little tolerance

Can anyone jump on a bandwagon faster than a politician, no matter how shoddy or rickety the wagon might be? That, of course, is rhetorical.

One of the problems of jumping on bandwagons is the possibility of looking foolish. If one wants to make a fool of oneself, it's really no one else's business. If, however, in the process of leaping onto the popular wagon, that person makes an entire state look foolish, then it becomes the public's concern.

Such is the case with the embarrassing episode of last week that had 24 state legislators going on the record in refusing to accept a complimentary copy of the Quran. That bandwagon has quickly neared its occupancy capacity.

It all started when heretofore relatively unknown Rep. Rex Duncan, R-Sand Springs, bristled at an offer by the Governor's Ethnic American Advisory Council to give each legislator a copy of the Muslim holy book as a centennial gift.

Duncan took offense and refused the gift. It didn't take long for six more lawmakers to join and then another 10 and then another seven. The dudgeon was high.

Speaking for himself and, I suppose, the rest of the protesters, Duncan proclaimed, "Most Oklahomans do not endorse the idea of killing innocent women and children in the name of ideology."

Well, he's right about that. Most Oklahomans certainly don't want to kill innocent women and children. I, however, think that saying "most Oklahomans" is conservative. I'll go out on a limb and say that 99.9 percent of Oklahomans are opposed to killing women and children.

By the way, many of those "most Oklahomans" are Muslims. Some are Jewish. Some are even Wiccans. Contrary to what Rep. Duncan believes or wishes to be true, not all Oklahomans are Christians.

We have to assume that Rep. Duncan has read his Bible (or at least parts of it) and in the process ignored history (the history in books that are not the Bible).

Put aside for a moment the instructions of God to Joshua, for instance. He could peruse the history of the Crusades -- not the current one, but the ones in the Middle Ages. Or he could take a look at a Christian Germany's handling of their "Jewish problem" during World War II. That's just for starters.

Even if he has read most of the Bible, he surely can't argue that it is a completely tolerant work. He might want to make a reread of Genesis or Exodus or Job or almost any other of the Old Testament books.

Of course, Duncan's Christianity deals mostly with the New Testament. Which brings me to a pet peeve. Why do some Christians, at least some who profess to be Christians, always take offense and make it a point to remind critics that they base their faith on the New Testament, then quote Old Testament verses when they need them (i.e. Leviticus, when they feel the urge to condemn gay couples to hell or even stone them to death as the book instructs)? Make up your mind.

There are 149 members of the Oklahoma Legislature. Thankfully, most do not agree with the 24, at least not at this writing but there is still room on the bandwagon before this reaches print.

To make this even more distasteful, it reeks of politics. It's easy to pounce on a minority (Hispanics, for instance, but that's another column). And making a public display of rejecting the Quran is an easy way to get some votes. It's also despicable, but it's, sadly, not unusual in the world of politics.

Duncan and his cabal have fallen into the ignorant trap of believing that everything in the Quran is evil, hence, all Muslims are evil.

Are there radical Muslims who interpret the Quran to meet their terrorist needs? You bet.

Are there zealous Christians (or followers of most any other religion) who interpret the Bible or their book of choice to meet their radical needs? Yes (again, see Leviticus).

The problem with religion is that there are far too many religious "leaders" and followers who simply won't accept the concept that another religion is legitimate. Isn't it just possible that all of them are right? Or wrong?

Why is opening one's mind so scary, so foreign to some people? So, which is the inerrant word of God or Allah or Jehovah or Yahweh? The Bible, the Quran, the Torah? And what about Rah, the sun god? Or Zeus?

I have often written in this space that the public schools should consider teaching the Bible as history and literature. The actions of the Duncan gang convince me that I am on the right course and maybe that course should be extended to the Legislature.

How about a little tolerance from the anti-Quran folks at the Capitol? How about some common courtesy? How about remembering what your mother told you about accepting gifts: Even if you don't like the socks your uncle gave you, say thank you and be polite anyway.

C'mon, a little diversification won't hurt you. A little tolerance. Or how about just plain politeness?

You don't really need or want the kind of votes that intolerant behavior attracts, do you? Unfortunately, that, too, is rhetorical.
Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.
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Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

RadioFan wrote:... take a look at a Christian Germany's handling of their "Jewish problem" during World War II.
The "handling of the Jewish Problem" had little to do with Germany being Christian.
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Post by Nacho »

Dinsdale wrote:OK. I guess you've explained yourself pretty well.

Did Jesus also tell you to insult random strangers on the internet, and accuse them of having oral contact with the southernmost orifice, or is that not covered under the Forgive and Love Clause?
You are not a random stranger dipshit... Your a reduckulously stupid attorney that wastes his time looking for spelling and grammer errors on a message board. You are the epidomy of LOSER. OH and BY THE FUCKING WAY THIS IS A FUCKING SMACK BOARD DIPSHIT... If you can't take it then get the fuck out....

You also lack the abilty to answer questions posed to you and you offer no support to challenges to your pompous attitude that you are the only person who could be considered right...

I doubt you're very good at your profession as you seem unable to field an argument or back up any thing you say.... But the only evidence I have that supports that conclusion is how much time you waste in this place looking for people to match your uncanny dictionary skills to the test...
Dinsdale wrote:You're just "taking those out of context," Felix.
as to Felix....

What part of "scripture in context that says I should go out and obtain slaves." are you having a problem understanding?

I see you have fixated on the word slave and left out any coherrant thought to your proof... You list a ton of scriptures that have the word slave used in them, but you don't provide anything that proves I am wrong or any thing right that Dinstupidale ran his pie hole about...

And to the second part of your "proof"... What part of "find a direction from Christ to go out and stone people for getting on your nerves." did you have a problem comprehending....

Is it my fault that you huckleberries can't read too good?

hint... Christs life and words are found in the New Testiment or the part of the Bible that is towards the back.... Look for the name Jesus if that helps any.... Some editions of the Bible put his words in red... You can try looking there for your next effort to respond...

I am still waiting....

Dinsdale is still not responding to questions and still proving me right about him...
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Nacho wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:OK. I guess you've explained yourself pretty well.

Did Jesus also tell you to insult random strangers on the internet, and accuse them of having oral contact with the southernmost orifice, or is that not covered under the Forgive and Love Clause?
You are not a random stranger dipshit... Your a reduckulously stupid attorney that wastes his time looking for spelling and grammer errors on a message board. You are the epidomy of LOSER. OH and BY THE FUCKING WAY THIS IS A FUCKING SMACK BOARD DIPSHIT... If you can't take it then get the fuck out....
I got through this first paragraph and stopped reading. And started laughing. Who the fuck is this Nacho tard? :lol:
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by Felix »

Nacho wrote:
What part of "scripture in context that says I should go out and obtain slaves." are you having a problem understanding?
so you're asserting the passage cited below doesn't spell out exactly where slaves are supposed to come from......
"Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. You can will them to your children as inherited property and you can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly ( Lev. 25:44-46, NIV)
I'm curious to know how I've taken this out of context
I see you have fixated on the word slave and left out any coherrant thought to your proof...
look hoss, you're the one that asserted there was no direct passage that deals with obtaining slaves...I'm merely pointing out to you that you apparently don't know the Bible nearly as well as you think you do....and what is it you expect me to "prove"....
And to the second part of your "proof"... What part of "find a direction from Christ to go out and stone people for getting on your nerves." did you have a problem comprehending....
aren't all of the passages from the Bible alledgedly the "word of God".....the passages I cited pretty much indicate that it's okay to stone your son if he's, if you're expecting me to find a passage where God says "hey, it's okay to stone somebody for getting on your nerves" I can assure you that no such passage I guess you got me there..... :meds:
hint... Christs life and words are found in the New Testiment or the part of the Bible that is towards the back.... Look for the name Jesus if that helps any.... Some editions of the Bible put his words in red... You can try looking there for your next effort to respond...
so now it's just the New Testament that's applicable....gotcha.....
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Post by Dinsdale »

Nacho wrote: You are not a random stranger dipshit... Your a reduckulously stupid attorney that wastes his time looking for spelling and grammer errors on a message board. You are the epidomy of LOSER. OH and BY THE FUCKING WAY THIS IS A FUCKING SMACK BOARD DIPSHIT... If you can't take it then get the fuck out....

Actually, I don't really have to go looking for spelling and grammar errors. I merely need to read one of your posts, and I get several years' worth.

There at least 6 spelling/grammar/punctuation errors in the quoted paragraph alone.

Might wanna try taking grade school over again. Take Dio with you.
You also lack the abilty to answer questions posed to you
Dinsdale wrote: Did Jesus also tell you to insult random strangers on the internet, and accuse them of having oral contact with the southernmost orifice, or is that not covered under the Forgive and Love Clause?

So, I take it that failure to answer direct questions doesn't make me a bad person... right?

Anyhoo, if you can formulate some sort of coherent, direct question of me (which you have completely and utterly failed to do thus far), I'll do my best to answer it. If you continue to converse in scribbles, it will be very difficult to do so. We need to agree on a language -- I propose American English, or some variant thereof, although your ability to do so is in great doubt, but I'll hold a modicum of hope that at least a few of your elementary teachers' lessons stuck with you.
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Post by RadioFan »

Felix wrote:so now it's just the New Testament that's applicable....gotcha.....
See column above.

He obviously can't make up his mind.
Dinsdale wrote:if you can formulate some sort of coherent, direct question
Personally, I've been praying for that for months now, and of recent, even more so.

Lord, even though I haven't had electricity at home for more than a week, please help the tards.
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Post by poptart »

Felix wrote:If you'd like I could go on and on...there's lots of instances whereby the Bible calls for people to be stoned to death....
Yes there are.

The brief 'reasons' cited in those stoning instances recorded in the Bible, which you posted, are not accurate.
That needs to be noted.

If you want to understand what is happening in a book you need to understand it from the very beginning.
That is surely the case with the Bible.

Briefly, .......

In Genesis we see that God is the Creator of everything.
God created man as a unique being, and one who must live w/God and receive God's grace.
This is not a suggestion, it is a reality of God's creation.
It is a priciple of God's creation
It is a must.
Man must live w/God.

God's covenant w/man required that man live w/God.
God informed man that if he broke that covenant he would surely die.

Man left God.
He broke that covenant.
His spirit became aligned w/satan.
His life became nothing but a curse, and his destiny became one in which he would fail completely and die forever.
This is man.
This is what us, being born from Adam are in.

- All of the problems of mankind come out from this initial fracture of God's covenant w/man.
All of the chaos, destruction, illness, and ugliness comes out from this.

But God did not leave man in that fate of destruction and death.
Immediately following the incident in Genesis 3 He promised the Christ.
Christ came, and all who believe and receive Him are liberated from the fate of failure, destruction and death.
They once again restore the proper principle of creation by meeting God and having life.

If you fast forward to the New Testament you see that all of the apostles of Christ were killed in gruesome manners.
Crucified, hacked with a sword, stoned ..... horrible.

Why in the world would God allow that to happen to the apostles of Jesus Christ, of all people.
Bad God!! lol

It's 'funny' ... isn't it?

If you want to know why God declared people to be stoned you need look no further than the incident of Genesis 3.
Man can not live apart from God.
It's destruction.

Hey, God flooded the world and killed everything.
Why wring hands over a 'few' people who He ordered to die?

I could go incident-by-incident with you regarding those stonings, or potential stonings, and explain the reason for them.
But what it comes down to is that man apart from God leads inevitably to man going to idol worship.
In each stoning (or potential stoning) case, behind it is the reality that man has lost the covenant, and he has lost sight of the Creator God.
A recipe for certain disaster.

Man was uniquely created as a spiritual being -- unlike any other thing God created.
If man is apart from God he will attach himself to some other thing (idol) to try to fill that spiritual longing.
But behind whatever it is that man is seeking to find his fulfillment in, is satan.

This is verrah bad for man, and it is why God does not permit man to be into idol worship long before very bad things happen.
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Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

poptart wrote:
Man was uniquely created as a spiritual being -- unlike any other thing God created.
How do you know? Maybe God has a special covenant with squirrels, and we just don't know it.
In His eyes, it's possible that squirrels have a greater stake in this world and the next.

Your specieist thinking will not allow you to even consider that.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Post by poptart »

Animals, like man, received the breath of life, but man is the only thing created by God that became a living soul (Genesis 2:7)

Man was created in God's image and man was given dominion over all that lives on the earth (Genesis 2:27-28 )

Adam was given the right to name all creatures (Genesis 2:19) -- a definitive sign of pwnership.
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Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

I'm sorry I even questioned you, 'Tart.
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Post by Felix »

poptart wrote:
Hey, God flooded the world and killed everything.
that certainly wasn't God's only infliction of (nor anywhere near the worst) cruelty on man....

it turns out God is really quite the sadist...
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Post by Nacho »


IF they understood the Bible as a whole then they would lay off their misinterpretations of it.... Maybe they are just seeking enlightenment or reasurance from those "Christians" they hate so....

Ignorant people do ignorant things...

*Disclaimer: all grammatical errors of this or any prior post are intentional sarcastic reminders and are intended for the sole purpose of keeping certain readers hopelessly addicted to their fetish.*
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Post by Felix »

Nacho wrote:Poptart...

IF they understood the Bible as a whole
ah, the tried and true "you're simply misinterpreting what the Bible says" ploy.....

sorry, you can't have it both ways....
either the Bible is to be taken literally or it's not....

btw, I'd venture to say I probably have read the Bible a lot more than you have......

that's what comes from a Catholic upbringing.....
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Post by Nacho »

Felix wrote:
Nacho wrote:Poptart...

IF they understood the Bible as a whole
ah, the tried and true "you're simply misinterpreting what the Bible says" ploy.....

sorry, you can't have it both ways....
either the Bible is to be taken literally or it's not....

btw, I'd venture to say I probably have read the Bible a lot more than you have......

that's what comes from a Catholic upbringing.....
Sad that reading the Bible so many times has not helped you understand it. Maybe you should get a tutor.

It's not a ploy just simple fact.

Your words are a testiment to it.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Nacho wrote:*Disclaimer: all grammatical errors of this or any prior post are intentional
What does your bible say about lying, you pathetic shitstain.
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Post by Nacho »

Goober McTuber wrote:
Nacho wrote:*Disclaimer: all grammatical errors of this or any prior post are intentional
What does your bible say about lying, you pathetic shitstain.
Go fish somewhere else tard...

Why does running spelling smack at dinstard cause you to get your panties in a bunch?
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Post by Dinsdale »

Nacho wrote:
Why does running spelling smack at dinstard cause you to get your panties in a bunch?

Misspelling words equals getting over on me?

In that case, props.

But look at the Big Picture, tard.

You can't write at an 8th grade level, and you are presumably an adult. Yet here you are, questioning the "reading comprehension" of others, and trying to interperet a philosophy book written in funky vernacular for people who are OBVIOUSLY much better with linguistics than yourself.

Does that help you see the laughable irony here?

Instead of trying to tell everyone how smart you are, maybe you should try proving it. Novel concept, eh? Because "smart people" can make it through junior high school on their own merit, rather than by the grace of some teacher who is tired of pulling their hair out trying to get your brain to work.
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Post by Felix »

Nacho wrote: Sad that reading the Bible so many times has not helped you understand it. Maybe you should get a tutor.

It's not a ploy just simple fact.

Your words are a testiment to it.
then by all means point out the error of my ways and tell me how I'm supposed to interpret all of the acts of unspeakable cruelty, horror and death (many initiated by God himself) throughout the Bible......
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Post by Nacho »

Dinsdale wrote:
Nacho wrote:
Why does running spelling smack at dinstard cause you to get your panties in a bunch?

Misspelling words equals getting over on me?

In that case, props.

But look at the Big Picture, tard.

You can't write at an 8th grade level, and you are presumably an adult. Yet here you are, questioning the "reading comprehension" of others, and trying to interperet a philosophy book written in funky vernacular for people who are OBVIOUSLY much better with linguistics than yourself.

Does that help you see the laughable irony here?

Instead of trying to tell everyone how smart you are, maybe you should try proving it. Novel concept, eh? Because "smart people" can make it through junior high school on their own merit, rather than by the grace of some teacher who is tired of pulling their hair out trying to get your brain to work.
So what you are saying is that you would rather grade the spelling of posts here than to engage in a discussion. You seem to be unable to bring anything to the table but the same tired takes of "you can't be writing like you be writing becuse I be so much smarterer then you is."

Here is another" Novel Concept". How many SMART people waste their time in message boards pointing out who can speelll good and who cant....

If I choose to write the way I do it is because I choose to do so... I really DO NOT care if you think I is unintelligent or some ignant twit...

Your opinion seems to be wrong most of the time so I am OK with you being wrong about me... Even if you and a few other losers think you have me nailed...
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Nacho wrote:Your opinion seems to be wrong most of the time so I am OK with you being wrong about me... Even if you and a few other losers think you have me nailed...

Messiah Complex.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by Dinsdale »

Nacho wrote:If I choose to write the way I do it is because I choose to do so...

Why of course.

It's perfectly plausible that you are indeed adequately educated, and that you actually take the time to go through your posts and proofread, and insert egregious spelling and grammar errors because you believe that such errors represent some type of "getting over" by you.

Dude -- I'm on record as having not fallen for the "millions of animals lived within walking distance of Noah's house" bit.

You need to come up with a MUCH better lie than that, dude.

Oh, and yes -- I did say "lie." You have been clearly shown to be a liar, beyond any shadow of doubt at this point.

Now, combine your status as a liar, and review the thread title.

Feeling fucking stupid yet? You should.
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Post by Nacho »

Is calling me a liar supposed to mean anything? Does it lend weight to your argument against morality by "Christians" in this thread? I'm a liar because you say so?

Truth seems relative in a topic such as this or as Pilot would say.... "What is truth?"

I did read the thread topic, and I wasn't the one who went off on a tangent about the lack of morality in the "Christian Rule Book." It surely wasn't I who implied that all followers of Christ were hypocritical for not adhering to said rule book. It wasn't I who displayed a appalling lack of understanding of historical context of the Bible as a whole. Finally it wasn't I who pointed out that if it wasn't for the supremacy of non-christian morality the world would still have slavery and stoning of children for disobedience...

Add to that this as your response... Liar liar pants on fire!

Who is the hypocrite?

You might want to stop changing topics when you are discussing one. I've only asked for you to clarify yourself and to offer any proof from the diarrhea of your mouth... You haven't thus far and surely you won't in the near future...

But you can dress up childish insults behind verbal eloquence and appear to be bright...
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Post by Dinsdale »

Nacho wrote:I've only asked for you to clarify yourself and to offer any proof from the diarrhea of your mouth...

No, you haven't.
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Post by Nacho »

Yes I have., and yet another epic retort and deflect. What's next you going to tell me your dad can beat up mine?

Questions I have asked you and you have avoided and changed the subject on...

"Care to tell me who these "immoral' non-christians are?"

In regards to your ascertaining that it was they who passed laws abolishing said "sacred rituals" as you put it. But I assume you meant the acts of slavery and the stoning of people....

Are you on medication? I did ask that one too... But you don't have to answer that one... We all can deduct the answer....

How about these questions and challenges I posed you?

"Can you find one scripture in context that says I should get me some slaves now?" (HINT: This would have to stand as a decree from God after all of the teachings from Christ, since I said "in context")

"Can you in the same way find me one scripture in context that says I should still stone disobedient children?" (see above hint)

You can throw about all the accusations and propaganda against Christianity you want, but at least back it up with some logic or thought...

If you can't do that, you truly are the idiot I have clearly pointed you out to be.

errrr I means you be the stupid head ignunt huckleberry dufous..... (couldn't let a post go without some spelling errors to hold your attention)

I'll continue to wait...
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Post by Dinsdale »

Nacho wrote:"Care to tell me who these "immoral' non-christians are?"


OK... the ones the topic-starter referred to in the thread title through insinuation.
In regards to your ascertaining that it was they who passed laws abolishing said "sacred rituals" as you put it. But I assume you meant the acts of slavery and the stoning of people....

According to the Bible, anyone who doesn't embrace slavery and stonings isn't following christian doctrine.

Pretty simple stuff.

"Can you find one scripture in context that says I should get me some slaves now?" (HINT: This would have to stand as a decree from God after all of the teachings from Christ, since I said "in context")

Been done multiple times in this thread alone. You've merely used context" as a crutch to discount what was a slam-dunk answer (given by multiple people in this thread).

The "context" couldn't be any more clear. The only one taking things out of context is you(and please, look up the word "context" before you even attempt this lame argument again. Junior high school should have been your friend). "Context" is the words surrounding a statement. Those statements are quite clear.
"Can you in the same way find me one scripture in context that says I should still stone disobedient children?"
Again, been posted multiple times. Unless you care to provide the "context" of a time-limit the Bible places on these practices, we'll assume that particular christian doctrine is still in æffect.

You can throw about all the accusations and propaganda against Christianity you want, but at least back it up with some logic or thought...

Gee, and here I was thinking direct quotes from the christian bible were plenty of "backup."

Any more lies you'd like to tell?
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Post by Nacho »

Dinsdale wrote:Wow.

OK... the ones the topic-starter referred to in the thread title through insinuation.
The topic starter passed these laws... Just admit you can't provide a name of someone who passed these laws. So you have no ground on which to stand...

I bet you find Christian morality behind abolishing said laws if you were to ever provide any names...
Dinsdale wrote:
In regards to your ascertaining that it was they who passed laws abolishing said "sacred rituals" as you put it. But I assume you meant the acts of slavery and the stoning of people....

According to the Bible, anyone who doesn't embrace slavery and stonings isn't following christian doctrine.

Pretty simple stuff.
By embrace you mean condoning and practicing such things? How does that play with the message of loving others and about the one without sin can cast the first stone?

I guess it is simple if you are a complete idiot... Idiots are simple and like simple things...

Are you an Idiot?

Back to topic... Yes, the entire context and whole of the Bible is understood to be in question here. You can't exclude it because it suits your argument.
Dinsdale wrote:
"Can you find one scripture in context that says I should get me some slaves now?" (HINT: This would have to stand as a decree from God after all of the teachings from Christ, since I said "in context")
Been done multiple times in this thread alone. You've merely used context" as a crutch to discount what was a slam-dunk answer (given by multiple people in this thread).

The "context" couldn't be any more clear. The only one taking things out of context is you(and please, look up the word "context" before you even attempt this lame argument again. Junior high school should have been your friend). "Context" is the words surrounding a statement. Those statements are quite clear.
"Can you in the same way find me one scripture in context that says I should still stone disobedient children?"
Again, been posted multiple times. Unless you care to provide the "context" of a time-limit the Bible places on these practices, we'll assume that particular christian doctrine is still in æffect.
If you need a time limit you haven't read the Bible. For starters how about the life of Jesus and his teachings. Pretty much changes the old law to a new law.

You can't throw the whole context out. Those few statements (verses) from the Bible that were presented here are surrounded by other statements forming a chapter, and those chapters make up books, and these books are surrounded by an entire history of a people. Context has to be maintained and can't be issolated so mater of factly. If you want to argue something in the Bible the context has to be accounted for.

What part of that is hard for you to understand?
Dinsdale wrote: Gee, and here I was thinking direct quotes from the christian bible were plenty of "backup."

Any more lies you'd like to tell?
Again with the Liar liar pants on fire!

Would you care to point out these "lies" specifically or do you just throw that term around because it suits you? Maybe you should take your medication I think you is hearing voices.....
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Post by Dinsdale »

Nacho wrote:childish insults
Nacho wrote:Are you on medication?
you truly are the idiot I have clearly pointed you out to be.

I means you be the stupid head ignunt huckleberry dufous
Nacho wrote:I guess it is simple if you are a complete idiot... Idiots are simple and like simple things...
take your medication I think you is hearing voices.....

Let me know when you think you're doing well here.
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