BSmack wrote: Maybe you're too dimwitted to see that that is exactly what I did do?
Oh, really?
On Page 1, BSmack wrote: Tell me, how does the cook know what OJ ordered?
Dinsdale wrote: In the area that I live, most restaurants have these people called "waiters and waitresses," and what they do is...
What BSmacked never wrote:Oh, I see what you guys are saying.
What BTard actually wrote:My point being that when OJ rolls in with a party of 12 people, there's a fairly good chance that the cook will not know exactly what OJ ordered. He'll just know that he's cooking a mess of stuff for OJ's party.
Yeah, that's kind of like "Oh, I see what you're saying," only different.
But of course, Tard Twin #1 rectified his mistake when he wrote:No shit, so when they are carrying the food, in full view of other patrons or staff, they would just hack one off?
Yeah, that is very similar to "I see what you're saying," it's just that everyone who read it has an inability to understand what he wrote.
mvscal, in a futile attempt to edify the Clueless Dipshit, wrote: They have these places where food is prepared. They're called kit...
You've obvioiusly never worked in a restaurant so shut the fuck up, idiot.
At this point, the "Oh, I see what you're saying" is inevitable, right?
Well, maybe not...
A Christian standing on the arena floor at the Colosseum, in his victory statement to the approaching lion, wrote:Since when have I ever given a shit about how many of you tards I'm fucking with at once?
Of course, if the English-speaking readers of this board weren't cursed with an inability to understand what they read, they'd see that this obviously meant "Oh, I see what you're saying."
To the now-pouncing lions, BSmack wrote:Dude, you jumped on what you perceived to be a misstatement of mine.
Extraordinarily similar to "Oh, I get what you're saying."
In his statement acknowledging victory over the lions which are currently tearing him limb-for-limb, BSmack wrote:To paraphrase Jeff Gordon, "if you're booing, I must be doing something right."
Of course, with everyone not named BSmack's inability to understand what they read, one might have misconstrued this to mean something other than "Oh, I get what you guys are saying," rather than claiming BODE from the bottom of the pile.
Seeing the error of his ways, but trying to salvage dignity he never had in the first place, BSmack wrote: Yea, I probably should have said "How does the cook know "FOR SURE" what OJ ordered?"
And if it weren't for other people's inability to understand what they read, this clearly meant "Oh, I see now how waiter/cook communications work. I see what you guys are saying."
Bitches is as bitches does.