time for LTS TRN 2 to adjust his tin-foil hat

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Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

R-Jack wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
{Dick Cheney is} a major criminal on par with the most vile and loathsome in history--and his hideous "agenda" is playing out as we speak (and you sleep).
Yes. You try doing a parody of somebody with a coherent thought.
You can't understand that? God you are a tard.
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Post by War Wagon »

Toddowen wrote: But I'm not about that sort of thinking. I'm all about love. And in honor of the "Summer of Love"
I decided to write a little tune about Nick Frisco...and it goes something like this:
That really sucked, Todd. Arlo Guthrie you are not.

Rack the effort, but don't quit your day job.
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Post by Mister Bushice »

Toddowen wrote: You're one of the people that I show up here and really make an effort to appeal to, War Wag.
Which pretty much explains why you suck so badly.
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Post by OCmike »

ugly folk with manure in their hair?!!! Good lord, Carole King, back away from the piano.
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

mvscal wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:
R-Jack wrote: Yes. You try doing a parody of somebody with a coherent thought.
You can't understand that? God you are a tard.
No, I can't. Allegedly Cheney "on a par with the most vile and loathsome cirminals in history". Would it be too much to ask for an actual crime to be indentified? Just one. We'll take it from there.
Sure, how about starting a major war on false premises--deliberately and methodically.

This is basically the highest form of international war crime. It's a hanging crime, and Cheney deserves the noose as much as any of the Nazi leaders executed following the Nuremberg trials.

The manipulation of the UN in launching the invasion of Iraq was based on lies, omissions, and smears. And he is desperately attempting to cover his tracks--to the current ludicrous effort to distance the Vice-Presidency from the Executive Branch.

Lesser but still serious crimes include the his direct compliance in the Rape of California. His fierce attempts to seal the records of his collusion meetings with the energy companies upon taking office (with Ken Lay as de facto Energy Minister) remain a galling example of his basic criminality.

And then there's the venal matter of shooting a man in the face while drunk. This is crime in every state, including Texas. That he didn't report the crime until the next day is appalling and totally illegal in and of itself.

But, basically, his place in history as a world-class villain is secured by his utterly criminal instigation of a grotesque and horrific war. Just like Hitler.
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Post by PSUFAN »

Cheney's many crimes are detailed here
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

mvscal wrote: No, I can't. Allegedly Cheney "on a par with the most vile and loathsome cirminals in history". Would it be too much to ask for an actual crime to be indentified?
If this was about proof, but it is not. You do understand the sentence right?
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

http://larouchepub.com/other/2004/3105i ... stigs.html

I find it fascinating to find that babs and his ilk just go on defending Cheney and the neocons with a robotic-like reflex.

The link provides a partial listing of Cheney's criminal behavior. Worse is upon us now , however, as he hunkers down even tighter in his hole.
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Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

mvscal wrote:Larouche?!?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Criminy, that website is chock full of paranoia, conspiracy theories, and utter idiocy. Hell, the guy's own resume is a frigging howler.

Somehow, I don't think I'd be citing anything off that site as reputable.
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Post by PSUFAN »

OMFG...Nick posted a link to Lyndon fucking LaRouche's website?


BTW, did google ever fail someone so utterly? That article was from 2004...shit, why not grab a story from today?

http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/ ... SS&sp=true

I'll give you this, Nick...Cheney IS a motherfucking disgrace. What's all this "4th branch" horseshit?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Of course LaRouche is a jolly nut --that's the point!

Go ahead, look how a nut can accurately point out a dozen or so serious crimes--that YOU can't refute!

Take his name away from the equation and look at the basic statements. Which can you refute?

(try this one,
A select Knesset (parliament) committee, the Investigative Committee for the Intelligence Picture Prior to the War in Iraq, has been investigating Israel's pre-war Iraq intelligence. Yossi Sarid, a member of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, filed a request for a broader investigation in early December 2003, after the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies issued a report stating that "Israeli intelligence was a full partner with the U.S and Britain in developing a false picture of Saddam Hussein's (WMD) capability." Sources have reported that elements of Israeli intelligence had significant input into the Pentagon's OSP. In particular, there was a unit created in the office of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, which by-passed the official Israeli intelligence agencies and functioned in tandem with the Pentagon's OSP, which in turn by-passed regular U.S. intelligence channels and fed information directly into the office of Vice President Cheney.)

And even if the evidence is sealed, all the e-mails erased, and the Executive Privilege sails off with pardons fluttering like pennants, the plain fact of Cheney's effect--the results of his actions--places him in the all-time pantheon of villains. With Hitler, et al.

So, it's Vice-President Richardson and...who?...inheriting the Quagmire.
Last edited by LTS TRN 2 on Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by PSUFAN »

It's not news to me that Cheney regards himself to be above the law of the land.

And through his tireless efforts, perhaps he'll succeed in thumbing his nose at the US Government, and the laws and procedures that it operates under.

There is government, and there is the people. As Abe said, Government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Most people like Abe better than...Nero, or whoever Cheney models himself after.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Post by BSmack »

PSUFAN wrote:It's not news to me that Cheney regards himself to be above the law of the land.

And through his tireless efforts, perhaps he'll succeed in thumbing his nose at the US Government, and the laws and procedures that it operates under.

There is government, and there is the people. As Abe said, Government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Most people like Abe better than...Nero, or whoever Cheney models himself after.
Enjoy reading two pages worth of "Lincoln was a tyrant" replies from the dittocons.
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Post by SG's Son »

rack LTS owning the tards in this thread.
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Post by Mister Bushice »

SG's Son wrote:rack LTS owning the tards in this thread.
I was wondering who your real father was.
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Step up, boys. Your nation is being heisted by a slimeball named Dick Cheney, and his bitches (GW Bush, Libby, Bolton--both--Feith (see a pattern yet?) Kagan, Kristol, Perle, Wolfowitz)

WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(and start fighting back--speak out, get angry, tell your friends)

It's now or never

Hi, I'm not Tom Hanks. I'm some reactionary right-wing fuckstain looking to REALLY lock-up your reality--in terms of the laws, etc., that govern your ACTIONS!!!!!

Guess who appointed me?
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Jack, I don't think you're getting angry enough. Or maybe you're feeling constipated at having only me upon which to vent it. I'm just an honest plain-speaking messenger, with neither guile nor hidden motive, gratuitous slander or semantic tricks. No fancy fifty-cent words, subliminal winks or activated vowel association rhythms, just a jot here and a tittle there.
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