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Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:15 pm
by Dog
Dinsdale wrote:Dog, you must be new around here --
What gave it away?

Was it the fact that I've posted it several times, or is there something else?

I like the Deathmatch threads.

Just a crying shame that nobody ever abides by the caveat that the loser is supposed to leave the site.

Before I got to know that ass hat with the cellulite fettish, Mt. Rumplewife, I beat his ass in a deathmatch thread.....I had to back off and agree to only give him a one-week ban because of the whiners.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:16 pm
by Luther

Oh, I read over at the net (I'm a non member) because there are a fair amount of guys that I miss from the older boards (ToT or even here who then left), and I read just a few names over at TT, and I even read a few peeps over at stucknut. Two years ago I would have never guessed that of all these boards that we get the least amount of traffic and we are just genuinely disliked. Hahahahaha. Has anybody else seen that too?

I suspect there are a lot of reasons, some I might agree with, some I wouldn't. Even though I stand by and believe that the best of the best are here the sad thing is we couldn't get any freshness in here even if we bought the shit. It isn't so much that we can't bring over some names but we don't do a great job of being able to keep the ones we've got.

Sure, Smack is Smack and the Rome offshoot boards are all about the same, but we need Lee Iacocca to come in here for an evaluation or something. Dins has always been an entertaining read (kind of hard to miss 14k posts at least under that nick). How in the fuck did we lose Uncle Fester? I miss big time playing in those threads, and I miss him in mine.

I'm going to buy a case of Hamm's and just leave it in the T1B bar and everyone can just stop by and have a cold one and fucking relax. We don't need any deathmatch because then we'll be down to 10 actual posters here.

Rip City

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:27 pm
by Dog
FTR- I sense that .net is the most disliked board. But that's the one pacle that I haven't really posted at.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:39 pm
by OCmike
See, but any board where the masses don't speak out against the Tard Posse is in its death throes anyway. Take down this site tomorrow, and I couldn't care less. If it's up, I'll use it as a venue to remind people what idiot homosexuals they are. If its not up, I'll probably forget the URL within a few days.
Translation: You are gay and a tard.

Nice. You're doing an outstanding job kicking that whole "boring and predictable" tag.
With one condition... Neither of us can post in the deathmatch thread prior to 6:30PM CST(about the time I get home from work).
I'm going to live the good life here shortly, then I think I'm gone for a while after that. Depending on a couple of factors, it may well turn out to be a case of those fish not catching themselves. If things fall through like I suspect, you'll excuse me if I'd rather slaughter innocent salmonids than point out the obvious -- that you're stupid and gay.
Either accept the condition or don't.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:46 pm
by Felix
Luther wrote: How in the fuck did we lose Uncle Fester?
no shit, banjo players don't grow on trees...

off subject when I was reading the cop question thread then I remembered that you were a cop in Portland....if I remember correctly the show COPS was originated by a Portland detective whose name was John Bunnell I think....ever meet him...he always cam across on the show as kind of a douchebag......

that in turn reminded me of a few episodes of COPS in Portland where this black officer that apparently used to work in that part of Portland where all the hookers hang out and was the focus of these episodes in Portland....seemed like a really good guy and all of the hookers seemed to know him by name (everybody seemed to call him by his last name)...any of this ring a bell?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:53 pm
by Luther
Oh sure, Felix. Bunnell wasn't a Portland cop, he was a Multnomah County Deputy, which is the county that includes most of Portland. He was a great dope cop but I always thought he was a pretty boy, an arrogant guy but he knew the dope world. Harry Jackson is the black cop that worked NE Portland and did in fact know a lot of hookers. He recently retired and they dedicated a section/part of a park/gathering point area off of MLK blvd. in his honor. A very nice man, short, but nice.

Dinsdale wrote:Dog, you must be new around here --

If dude had game, he wouldn't be aligning with the "RACK anyone who tries to insult people who insulted me" posse. .
hmmm. Ah Dins, you do realize that if you go back to the start of this board and even back at smackbat, you basically only rack the batters. You virtually only laugh at the batters. Sometimes you come off as pitting the old board against the new, when in actuality all of us here are the board. You are the board too. Nobody has to dominate, nobody has a corner on the funny market or the argument market. Every time we get a new name over here, sans the obvious shit troll names of the crew, then it really doesn't mean that the new names are INVADERS. Yeah, occasionally we get a few who were banned who return like a cockroach but the admins typically zip them soon enough, or at least I hope so. And the new nicks, we don't have to be junk yard dogs because they have 10 posts.

I WANT to read the Mo's, Festers, Dins, OC's, Dog, and even that baldo guy in SoCal with the above ground pool. We need more than ten legit posters, mang.

Deathmatch? How fucking lovely is that? Hell if we didn't have the HDC on Wednesdays we'd see maybe two or three threads clicked on within a 24 hr. period. C'mon Dins, it takes a whole Village to raise a tard.

Rip City

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:06 pm
by Dog
Well Damnit, I wanted to see a deathmatch. I don't even care who participates.

You guys are taking the fun out of it for me.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:13 pm
by Dog
Can we have like a Board History thread, where newbs like myself can go and get caught up on the who's who.

When I sauntered over to TT for a while, everybody kept changing names. I had no clue who I was talking to from one post to the next. Same people every day, just different names. If you are not there all the time, then you have no clue who they were.

I don't see the name changes here as much, so that's good. But I don't know anything about .net.

I remember and suddenly it was gone. I spoke with Miss C once and she told me somebody offered money for the domain. Next thing I know, there's .net, TT, and this place. LWM evolved in stucknut, of which I'm quite familiar.....but I have no clue who has board cred in this pacle and who is always chasing it like a dog does its tail.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:03 pm
by Felix
Luther wrote:Harry Jackson
that's the guy...

officer Jackson: so you working tonight?
sleazy hooker: ah come on Jackson you know me
jackson: yeah I do know you working tonight?

funny shit....
Dog wrote:Board History thread
poptart runned all the board historians....