are those earrings, or did you let Cuda buttfuck you in the ear?
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:Dear Raydah James,
You are a homo. You are a homo for many reasons. One of which is the intricate detail you use for your homo-erotic posts. You are sooooo gay, that I am going to call you gay for calling me gay, and describe in intricate detail the gerbil, numerous other farm animals, and cooking utensils that call your ass home. You sir, are gay, not me. Watch as I describe how gay you are for calling me gay. You're the gay one, not me. You're gayerer.
Mace and Babshice
Laughable.Mace wrote:
Sometimes you gotta play down to the level of your competition....kinda like in this thread.....'cause raisin' the level of smack kinda loses 'em and they either quit posting in the thread or hoist the white flag by posting "racks".
:nontrollsmile:cinderella_undercover wrote:You can have mine.BSmack wrote:Take your racks and shove them up your overused cockhole you tedious piece of shit.
(I already have one)
*cue troll blasts
Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.
You need to get a grip on yourself. I go Luddite for a week and you're all in a panic wondering where I am? That is pretty sad man.Mace wrote:Where is that little Kierland fella? Damn it, Bushice....did you run him away from here with all of the other "regular and/or legendary" posters?
Wet-Brained Fucktard wrote:I know we here like to talk shit and we do tend to get, how you say, immature at times. At some points, the banter on a board like this can be somewhat childish. It happens.
Wet-Brained Fucktard wrote:I know we here like to talk shit and we do tend to get, how you say, immature at times. At some points, the banter on a board like this can be somewhat childish. It happens.
That's why they make replacement keyboards.PSUFAN wrote:Sure - as long as your CTRL keys hold up, that is.I post WHAT I wanna post, WHEN I wanna post, WHERE I wanna post.
Wet-Brained Fucktard wrote:I know we here like to talk shit and we do tend to get, how you say, immature at times. At some points, the banter on a board like this can be somewhat childish. It happens.
You're not giving Paulie enough credit. He's also a master at Right Click-Copy and Right Click-Paste.PSUFAN wrote:Sure - as long as your CTRL keys hold up, that is.I post WHAT I wanna post, WHEN I wanna post, WHERE I wanna post.
And I usually luv it when a chick talks dirty, as long as they don't cross a certain line and get too personal.cinderella_undercover wrote:The only fuckbucket that brings out the worst in me thus far, is Wags.
Too fucking bad for us that they don't make replacement posters. bulk wise you'd be good for 3 replacements, maybe 4 right after a meal.RevLimiter wrote:That's why they make replacement keyboards.PSUFAN wrote:Sure - as long as your CTRL keys hold up, that is.I post WHAT I wanna post, WHEN I wanna post, WHERE I wanna post.
Get used to it, faggot. From now on NOBODY will know if I'm copying takes or not...I'll make DAMN sure of it.Mister Bushice wrote:Too fucking bad for us that they don't make replacement posters. bulk wise you'd be good for 3 replacements, maybe 4 right after a meal.RevLimiter wrote:That's why they make replacement keyboards.PSUFAN wrote: Sure - as long as your CTRL keys hold up, that is.
Post wise you aren't worth even one shit poster of ctrl cudas level, unless you count all the posters you've stolen takes from.
Wet-Brained Fucktard wrote:I know we here like to talk shit and we do tend to get, how you say, immature at times. At some points, the banter on a board like this can be somewhat childish. It happens.
R-Jagoff, the seriousness which you display for this message board nonsense (and you're BY FAR not the only one, BTW) is NOTHING but a never-ending source of comedy for me. Keep up the stellar work, stud.R-Jack wrote:It doesn't really matter how well you launder other peoples takes. Anything you post with enough lucidity to stand up to a debate with Terri Shaivo after popping four quaaludes is a dead giveaway that it was stolen intellectual property.RevLimiter wrote: From now on NOBODY will know if I'm copying takes or not...I'll make DAMN sure of it.
Gotta hand it to ya Paul. At least you seem to have enough sense to realize that taking the extra effort covering your tracks is better time served than coming up with halfway coherent thought on your own.
Wet-Brained Fucktard wrote:I know we here like to talk shit and we do tend to get, how you say, immature at times. At some points, the banter on a board like this can be somewhat childish. It happens.
Even funnier when you factor in that I'm NOT fat and every fat joke makes you look like the fucking clueless abortion that lived that you truly are.Goober McTuber wrote:Fat jokes about a fat joke. Works for me.
Wet-Brained Fucktard wrote:I know we here like to talk shit and we do tend to get, how you say, immature at times. At some points, the banter on a board like this can be somewhat childish. It happens.
You could prove it by posting another picture of yourself. Just give me plenty of advance notice so I can prepare for it by purchasing a wide screen monitor.RevLimiter wrote:Even funnier when you factor in that I'm NOT fat and every fat joke makes you look like the fucking clueless abortion that lived that you truly are.Goober McTuber wrote:Fat jokes about a fat joke. Works for me.
I Know I Am But No, I’m Not smack? That’s not gonna fly.RevLimiter wrote:Even funnier when you factor in that I'm NOT fatGoober McTuber wrote:Fat jokes about a fat joke. Works for me.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.