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Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:22 pm
by Tom In VA
There's nothing weak about it. Here we have a man associated with a racist idealogue proposing to set forth an agenda that secures civil rights for "racial minorities", reading between the lies on that I reckon he doesn't mean for the "typical white person" like his grandmother.

That's pretty specifc B. Spin away. Don't get dizzy.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:34 pm
by BSmack
Tom In VA wrote:There's nothing weak about it. Here we have a man associated with a racist idealogue proposing to set forth an agenda that secures civil rights for "racial minorities", reading between the lies on that I reckon he doesn't mean for the "typical white person" like his grandmother.

That's pretty specifc B. Spin away. Don't get dizzy.
You going to start making sense anytime soon? Implicit in the words "civil rights" are the words "equality for all". Where is Obama threatening white guys like you and I with unequal treatment? I've read through Obama's online position paper and it is simply not a document that threatens white people in any way. I'm willing to hear your complaints, but not this "reading between the lines" bullshit.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:37 pm
by Tom In VA
BSmack wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:There's nothing weak about it. Here we have a man associated with a racist idealogue proposing to set forth an agenda that secures civil rights for "racial minorities", reading between the lies on that I reckon he doesn't mean for the "typical white person" like his grandmother.

That's pretty specifc B. Spin away. Don't get dizzy.
Where is Obama threatening white guys like you and I with unequal treatment?
At Trinity United.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:49 pm
by Goober McTuber
BSmack wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:There's nothing weak about it. Here we have a man associated with a racist idealogue proposing to set forth an agenda that secures civil rights for "racial minorities", reading between the lies on that I reckon he doesn't mean for the "typical white person" like his grandmother.

That's pretty specifc B. Spin away. Don't get dizzy.
Where is Obama threatening white guys like you and I with unequal treatment?

I always thought Hillbilly Jim was black? I need to borrow somebody’s spreadsheet.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:50 pm
by BSmack
Tom In VA wrote:
BSmack wrote:Where is Obama threatening white guys like you and I with unequal treatment?
At Trinity United.
So you have video of Obama giving divisive speeches? Link me bitch.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:55 pm
by Tom In VA
BSmack wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
BSmack wrote:Where is Obama threatening white guys like you and I with unequal treatment?
At Trinity United.
So you have video of Obama giving divisive speeches? Link me bitch.
Don't need it. Obama is divisive solely based on the fact he belongs to a party that RELIES on divisiveness for power and exploitation.

The Trinity United thing, was tongue in cheek.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:56 pm
by ChargerMike
BSmack wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
BSmack wrote:Where is Obama threatening white guys like you and I with unequal treatment?
At Trinity United.
So you have video of Obama giving divisive speeches? Link me bitch.


Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:03 pm
by Sirfindafold
BSmack wrote:Where is Obama threatening white guys like you and I with unequal treatment?

Where's the fucking Imus troll?

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:16 pm
by BSmack
Tom In VA wrote:Don't need it. Obama is divisive solely based on the fact he belongs to a party that RELIES on divisiveness for power and exploitation.
You don't need to back up your assertions because you made yet another baseless assertion about Obama's political party?

Have a fuckin beer Tom. It might straighten you out.
The Trinity United thing, was tongue in cheek.
And so was my beer comment. But I meant the part about you being full of shit.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:19 pm
by Goober McTuber
Sirfindafold wrote:
BSmack wrote:Where is Obama threatening white guys like you and I with unequal treatment?

Where's the fucking Imus troll?
Who gives a fuck?

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:44 pm
by Tom In VA
BSmack wrote: You don't need to back up your assertions because you made yet another baseless assertion about Obama's political party?
Hmmm. Baseless. So affirmative action is NOT divisive. Okay.

Political extortion, threatening boycotts, and baseless claims of "racism" pour out of the mouths of democrats like shit from a goose B and you know it. You count on it.

But I meant the part about you being full of shit.
Considering the fact you don't think Obama is full of shit, I think your "full of shit" detector is broke.

Seriously B, I'm up in the air about this whole election. We have on one hand

McCain - A man of strong character and leadership. Had the chance to accept a release from a POW camp due to his father and refused.

Hillary - Braved sniper fire to visit Bosnia, ducking and diving the bullets as she, Sinbad and Cheryl Crow went on a morale mission. A woman of great leadership and character.

Barack - He's black and has ideas ? Uses words like "typical white person" when no politician, comedian, man on the street of European descent would get away with "typical black person". Sells his grandmother out - because she's white - and refuses to disassociate himself with Wright. And you want me to believe "RACE" is not his primary motivation ?

Please dude. Sell that somewhere else.

As for Bush's legacy and the legacy of the men and women that sacrificed their lives and bodies over in Iraq: ... mage=large" onclick=";return false;

Seems some people in Iraq are grateful.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:47 pm
by Invictus
War Wagon wrote:You're gonna' love this, Bri. Lot's of stuff you can use.

You're welcome. :D

Jason Whitlock's letter to Barack Obama
Haven't read the article yet. I was struck (pun intended) by that dude's picture. Good God! What were the editors thinking putting that coon's picture in color near his byline?

That dude looks like a Nestle Crunch. If you punch him hard enough, he would explode and cover you in pus.

Why in God's name did he think smiling would add to his picture? His next picture should be taken like John Merrick's: with a bag on his head and a hole to breath and see out of.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:01 pm
by Diogenes
BSmack wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:There's nothing weak about it. Here we have a man associated with a racist idealogue proposing to set forth an agenda that secures civil rights for "racial minorities", reading between the lies on that I reckon he doesn't mean for the "typical white person" like his grandmother.

That's pretty specifc B. Spin away. Don't get dizzy.
You going to start making sense anytime soon? Implicit in the words "civil rights" are the words "equality for all".
Only if you're a Democrat (or Demogouge, a differance without a distinction).

You, for example, have the civil right to spew your idiocy at will. That doesn't make you the equal of anyone with a grip on reality.

And the fact that welfare mothers, felons, illegal aliens and other Dem constituents have fundemental civil rights doesn't make them equal to responsible citizens.

But please. Rave on.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:43 am
by Smackie Chan
Rac Vic!

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:53 am
by Smackie Chan
The Big Pickle wrote:
Smackie Chan wrote:Rac Vic!

Yeah, rack vic for being the boards resident affirmative action bitch. :meds:
Uh, yeah...that's why he got the rack. His post was simply laced with AA resets.

Your reputation is well-earned.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:02 am
by Smackie Chan
The Big Pickle wrote:
Smackie Chan wrote:
Uh, yeah...that's why he got the rack. His post was simply laced with AA resets.

Are there any brain cells left in your pot infested cranium?
Oh, plenty. But I'm prolly the wrong guy to ask for a loan. I mean, it's obvious you're in need, and you took that difficult first step of coming forward and admitting you need help. I'm sure that's why you were wondering, but you should maybe check with Dins first. I think he's got, like, a whole bunch.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:09 pm
by Invictus
The Big Pickle wrote:
Smackie Chan wrote:Rac Vic!

Yeah, rack vic for being the boards resident affirmative action bitch. :meds:
Speaking of aa and bitches, Michelle Obama is the VP of community and diversity issues at the U of Chicago. A friend of mine who is the secretary to another VP on the campus said that Mrs. Obama has been known to fall asleep during meetings with the Chancellor and the other VPs on the campus. True story.

The same VP also told his secretary that Michelle has what is commonly known as a "ni...gger job," meaning last hired, first fired. Human Resources, Diversity/Inclusivity are "n...igger jobs" because most organizations don't really see a need for them so they put blacks or other minorities in them to seem P.C. Of course, in an economic downturn, those jobs are the first ones downsized, hence the title.

Re: Obama's Wife's Senior Thesis

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:49 pm
by BSmack

I don't think the University of Chicago and it's 5+ billion dollar endowment are worried about an "economic downturn" any time soon. Besides, your claim that Michelle Obama is a "VP of community and diversity issues" is not exactly correct either. Her correct title is Vice President for Community and External Affairs at the University of Chicago Hospitals. Now, if you want to ask why she nailed this sweet gig just months after her husband was elected to the US Senate, I suppose that's fair game. But I'm certain the same annoying questions could be asked of Mrs. McCain and any other wife of a major US political figure.

BTW: Falling asleep in meetings should be declared the national pastime over baseball. Rack her for treating meetings with the respect they deserve.