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Re: Old Rome Site

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:36 am
by Mister Bushice
OCmike wrote: if you had typed "JTC <> JCT", he would have said, "What do two triangles with no bottoms have to do with anything?"
True, but he also says that about his wife and daughter all the time.

Re: Old Rome Site

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:02 am
by JTC
poptart wrote:
JTC wrote:What the HELL are you talking about?
This legend guy named JCT.

He is alleged to have said some funny things a half-decade-or-so ago.

Are you a funny boy, or do you at least have a purty mouth?
Don't know who the hell JCT is, or the Pillsbury Wopboy, but I am funny and I do have a perty mouth. With a name like poptart, I'm sure you know that routine all too well.

Re: Old Rome Site

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:05 am
by JTC
ppanther wrote:Note to the dyslexic people in the room: JTC != JCT.


Hi! I hope all is well with you and yours!
No, I am not JCT. I hear he is hairy, an Italian, and a yankee fan. As a bald, irish, red sox fan, I think he may actually be my solomon grundy.

Word is YOU had a kid! Nice! How's life with you!!

Re: Old Rome Site

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:06 am
by OCmike
"I am funny" blasts, especially from new (to here anyway) people, are always RACKable. :lol:

Re: Old Rome Site

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:42 am
by JTC
OCmike wrote:"I am funny" blasts, especially from new (to here anyway) people, are always RACKable. :lol:
yes, as the new guy, i should be pretty scared about eclipsing humor that reaches the level of "you fuckin moron" and "you're fat". you all set the bar pretty high, how will i ever compete.

Re: Old Rome Site

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:17 pm
by OCmike
JTC wrote: yes, as the new guy, i should be pretty scared about eclipsing humor that reaches the level of "you fuckin moron" and "you're fat". you all set the bar pretty high, how will i ever compete.
Eaaaasy with the broad strokes there, Beavis. Sure, there's plenty of tards here who skip like Van Halen I on vinyl being played for the 5,000 time, but a board needs its tards. And besides, there's also plenty of people who bring more to the table than "you're a fag" and "you suck".

BTW, Paul is fat though. Just sayin'...

Re: Old Rome Site

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:41 pm
by JTC
OCmike wrote:
JTC wrote: yes, as the new guy, i should be pretty scared about eclipsing humor that reaches the level of "you fuckin moron" and "you're fat". you all set the bar pretty high, how will i ever compete.
Eaaaasy with the broad strokes there, Beavis. Sure, there's plenty of tards here who skip like Van Halen I on vinyl being played for the 5,000 time, but a board needs its tards. And besides, there's also plenty of people who bring more to the table than "you're a fag" and "you suck".

BTW, Paul is fat though. Just sayin'...

You are right, you also have "your wife is fat" and "your kid looks retarded" smack as well. as for van halen being played 5,000 times, that is a level of hell that i never want to reach, and for your sake, i hope that was only an analogy rather than first hand knowledge.

i don't know paul, but i do know that he is fat. I have never once doubted it, not at any point.

I lived in costa mesa, so I do know the frustration of not knowing spanish in santa ana. In fact, is it just me, or does costco there offer 10% off for every non-english speaking child you bring with you? Does it just seem that way?

so, we can agree on some things.

Re: Old Rome Site

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:54 pm
You are right, you also have "your wife is fat" and "your kid looks retarded" smack as well.
Helped you out a bit there.

Re: Old Rome Site

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 6:15 pm
by OCmike
JTC wrote: You are right, you also have "your wife is fat" and "your kid looks retarded" smack as well. as for van halen being played 5,000 times, that is a level of hell that i never want to reach, and for your sake, i hope that was only an analogy rather than first hand knowledge.

i don't know paul, but i do know that he is fat. I have never once doubted it, not at any point.

I lived in costa mesa, so I do know the frustration of not knowing spanish in santa ana. In fact, is it just me, or does costco there offer 10% off for every non-english speaking child you bring with you? Does it just seem that way?

so, we can agree on some things.
Truthfully, I never owned Van Halen I on vinyl (though I did play the shit out of 1984 on vinyl), as it came out when I was about 7. I was just thinking of an album and that was the first one that popped in my head. I could have said "there's plenty of tards here who skip like the white album being played for the 5,000 time", but the Beatles and "tards" should never be used in the same sentence.

I don't know Paul either, but I know that even this guy thinks he needs to slim down a bit:


Fortunately I never lived in Santa Ana, I just worked there. Every once in awhile I'd take a drive around town to get my face away from a computer screen and was absolutely amazed at how places like Grand Ave looked just like Ave Revolucion` in Tijuana. I mean, if the place you used to live was an absolute shithole, I "get" you wanting to leave, but why would you want to bring the shithole with you?

Costco in Santa Ana may not give you a discount for how many baby beans you bring in, but you can get a 354oz can of Rosarita refried beans and a 4 gal jug of Pace Picante Sauce, should the need ever arise.

Re: Old Rome Site

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:12 pm
by bbqjones
jim rome* sounds drunk

*jah mohr

Re: Old Rome Site

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 6:05 pm
by RevLimiter
JTC wrote:i don't know paul, but i do know that he is phat.
Recognize, bitches.

Re: Old Rome Site

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:24 pm
by OCmike
RevLimiter wrote:
JTC wrote:i don't know paul, but i do know that he is phat.
Recognize, bitches.
I think I just frew up in my mouf a bit...