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Re: Atomic Flunk

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 5:50 am
by Atomic Punk
Mister Bushsux wrote: Bwa. I don't have an issue with it.
Let's start here... Clearly YOU have an issue with it or you wouldn't bring your classic "A Game" and all.

A weak, boring, uninspired pile of crap that consistently defines the term "suck" with each and every post goes "there." Some of the time I'm routing for you to make a funnay... Damn... and it never happens, when I'm hoping you can pull it off.
it just flatulates into the wind.

Re: Atomic Flunk

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:27 pm
by MadRussian
Atomic Punk wrote:
Mister Bushsux wrote: Bwa. I don't have an issue with it.
Let's start here... Clearly YOU have an issue with it or you wouldn't bring your classic "A Game" and all.

A weak, boring, uninspired pile of crap that consistently defines the term "suck" with each and every post goes "there." Some of the time I'm routing for you to make a funnay... Damn... and it never happens, when I'm hoping you can pull it off.
it just flatulates into the wind.
Please, continue to KYOA, Androgynous Pussy, its great humor and quite possibly the best melt in history!!!

Re: Atomic Flunk

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:45 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Atomic Punk wrote:In all seriousness, this is a smack board and I think the only people that bought into pathological lying bitches claims are Terry the $20k/yr scumbag lawyer (and yes, I can imagine a lawyer being that gullible with no critical thinking skills not making any more),
Coupla points here . . .

First, Mike, your cyberstalking ass knows, or at least should know, that I generally avoid the drama queen threads like the plague. Yes, I did post on the last one (once, at the very end of the thread), but my comments in that post were directed at your posting "skills," for lack of a better term, rather than the content of the thread. Hell, for that matter I generally avoid the main forum entirely these days. If you were to do a search of all my posts, you'd probably find at least 2-3 times as many on the college football forum as in this one. The one and only topic I started in recent months is in the college football forum, and was off-topic at that. As for shutyomouth's board, I've never even read that board, let alone posted on it. And certainly the latter claim is verifiable. Oh, it wouldn't surprise me if some loser created a troll in my honor over there, but writing styles are as distinct as fingerprints. If that's the case, read a few of the posts, and anyone with a modicum of intelligence (oops, my bad, forgot who I was talking to) would be able to figure out that it isn't me.

Second, as for me making $20K/year, you repeat that claim so often that only two possibilities exist:

1. That's all the material you have on me; or
2. You actually believe it to be true.

If it's 1, then you might really wish to reconsider your self-perception of your status here, if the opinion of 99% of the board wasn't enough to do that in the first place.

If it's 2, then I can't possibly live long enough to type enough :meds: to do that one justice. I'll freely admit that I'm not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination, but it doesn't necessarily follow from that that I live in abject poverty, except perhaps to a simpleton like you. Run poor smack at me all you like, Mike, but the fact remains that I own both my own home and my own law practice. As for you, if not for Y2K generously providing you the usage of his couch, you'd be sleeping under a bridge and posting in here from the public library, and everyone knows it. Glass houses, Mike, glass houses . . .


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

(AP with his "I'm not fat, you are" retort in 5, 4, 3, 2, . . .)

Re: Atomic Flunk

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:57 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Atomic Punk wrote:Martard (who is an unknown shit troll) keeps referring to me as "Mike" since the board started isn't held accountable for dropping my name. That's just one example.
You posted as "Mike-NY" over at TNW back in the day. Most of us have been around at least that long, and the ones who haven't can fill in the gaps with a little reading, or if they're still having trouble, with a PM to a veteran.

If you didn't want people knowing your first name, you have no one to blame for that but yourself. In any event, your first name isn't anywhere near as embarrasing as those panties pics, at least not to any normal person.

Re: Atomic Flunk

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:40 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Atomic Punk wrote:Zyclone is a good dude, much like others that are well-hated by the Tard Chamber.
I think I can freely speak for most when I say Zyclone isn't hated. He's just REALLY fun to make fun of. Hate doesn't even factor into it, Analytically Punked. This is a simple smack board concept that has always separated the Bruised Vaginas from the folks that "get it."

Re: Atomic Flunk

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 2:16 pm
by Biggie
Terry in Crapchester wrote:If you were to do a search of all my posts
I only came here to do two things: Shove sharp sticks in my eyes and search all of Terry in Crapchester's posts.


Looks like I'm about out of sharp sticks.

Re: Atomic Flunk

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:18 pm
by Cuda
RRRRRRRRack the Big Guy

Re: Atomic Flunk

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 5:34 am
by Chyna
Atomic Punk wrote:I use real names all of the time? Every single name I've mentioned has been on the boards prior to me naming them.

Bullshit, you pantywaisted faggot. You not only broke out a first name that was never used on these boards- you added a location and the person's picture.

Here's hoping you accidently douse yourself with Keystone or Natty light ( whatever skid-row bum choice of alcoholic beverage is in vogue right now) and someone throws a match at you. Can you imagine how high those flames would fly with all the bullshit and flatus that just seeps from your fat body?

Oh, nevermind, I forgot- we are all jealous of your fantastic physique. Every male and female on these boards are rubbing one out to your picture.

Re: Atomic Flunk

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 5:53 am
by Mister Bushice
Chyna wrote: Here's hoping you accidently douse yourself with Keystone or Natty light ( whatever skid-row bum choice of alcoholic beverage is in vogue right now) and someone throws a match at you. Can you imagine how high those flames would fly with all the bullshit and flatus that just seeps from your fat body?
Ain't no alkyhol in them thar brews. He'd just be sticky stale beer smelly with a few scorched hairs.