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Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 5:34 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:BSmack wrote:A judical opinion regarding McCain's citizenship
Maybe you could go ahead and hook us up with some judicial opinions regarding Onigger's citizenship. What's that? There aren't any?
Well, I guess you ought shut the fuck up until we get one then.
There have been two opinions issued. Both have been dismissals of frivolous lawsuits. Also, the Hawaii Secretary of State has certified that Obama is a native born US citizen.
Any more questions dumbass?
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 5:59 pm
by Cuda
Do you use Stayfree, or Kotex, Monica?
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:12 pm
by Screw_Michigan
BSmack wrote:There have been two opinions issued. Both have been dismissals of frivolous lawsuits. Also, the Hawaii Secretary of State has certified that Obama is a native born US citizen.
Any more questions dumbass?
That's not proof enough. I want to see the birth certificate, even though I have no right to do so.
Right-wing cum rags MV, Tom, Cuda and the FAT fucking RETARD
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:13 am
by RadioFan
That damn, God-forsaken SCOTUS. The Obama operatives got to them.
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:16 am
by RadioFan
mvscal wrote:Deal with it, you whimpering faggots.
Strike one. Out.
Sig, on deck.
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:55 am
by Screw_Michigan
mvscal wrote:Really? We have no right to know whether or not the President is contitutionally eligible for the office? I guess you really are that stupid.
That's all you've got? Go fuck yourself, you hysterical, hand-wringing pantload.
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:02 am
by Tom In VA
Actually Berg's on deck. More than likely it will succumb to the same fate, but it should be interesting.
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:07 am
by Tom In VA
Screw_Michigan wrote:mvscal wrote:Really? We have no right to know whether or not the President is contitutionally eligible for the office? I guess you really are that stupid.
That's all you've got? Go fuck yourself, you hysterical, hand-wringing pantload.
Take a chill pill dude, nobody's wringing their hands. It's a message board/discussion forum we're discussing the topic of Obama's citizenship. To date, no valid legal argument against it has been made.
I doubt one will, however, it's interesting to contemplate the possibilities.
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:40 am
by RadioFan
Tom In VA wrote:Actually Berg's on deck. More than likely it will succumb to the same fate, but it should be interesting.
About as interesting as a CtC program, bro.
Not that they aren't. Nor is there anything wrong with that.
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:07 pm
by Screw_Michigan
mvscal wrote:What, exactly, is your objection to determining with certainty Obama's eligibility for the Presidency? That is, if you can tear yourself away from your ongoing meltdown over the subject.
The objection is that it's really not any of your fucking business. This is up to the legal system to determine. Not mouth-breathing mongoloids like yourself. And it is receiving its due process, as futile as it will prove to be.
You do realize the same jackass in NJ who filed the suit against Obama also contended that both McCain and the Socialist party candidate were not natural born citizens? That's a real good guy to get behind. Of course you do, but you don't care. Doesn't suit your agenda.
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:40 pm
by Tom In VA
Screw_Michigan wrote:mvscal wrote:What, exactly, is your objection to determining with certainty Obama's eligibility for the Presidency? That is, if you can tear yourself away from your ongoing meltdown over the subject.
The objection is that it's really not any of your fucking business. This is up to the legal system to determine. Not mouth-breathing mongoloids like yourself. And it is receiving its due process, as futile as it will prove to be.
You do realize the same jackass in NJ who filed the suit against Obama also contended that both McCain and the Socialist party candidate were not natural born citizens? That's a real good guy to get behind. Of course you do, but you don't care. Doesn't suit your agenda.
Good Lord man, is some second hand crack smoke wafting over the Anacostia river in your home ? You're crazy. Nobody "got behind" Doniforio here. We're TALKING ABOUT IT AND WATCHING EVENTS UNFOLD.
And what we're talking about is ..... "the legal system" determining whether or not any of these people making their case against Obama's citizenship have merit. So far, they don't.
As for McCain, I believe mvscal posted a response from the McCain camp, all nice and legal like, that breaks down why complaints about his citizenship were unfounded.
I am not familiar with a similiar opinion pertaining to Obama's citizenship. Seemingly, the courts silence on the matter, is their opinion.
AND I'M OKAY WITH THAT. I have questions. BUT I AM A-OK with that. C'mon dude. Obama's Presidency is going to be good for the area. Bigger government is always good for the Washington, D.C. area.
We owe a debt of gratitude to the American People Screw_Michigan. They've spoken ... and we get ....

Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:32 pm
by Dr_Phibes
I'd liken it to Diogenes accusing Tom of 'drinking pee-pee and smelling like poo-poo', or whatever Dio usually throws out.
Tom shouldn't have to lower himself or respond to things like that, it would demean the office of the VA, set a precedent and Tom would be forced to address every drinking pee pee accusation that comes down the pipe in future.
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:37 pm
by Tom In VA
Dr_Phibes wrote:I'd liken it to Diogenes accusing Tom of 'drinking pee-pee and smelling like poo-poo', or whatever Dio usually throws out.
Tom shouldn't have to lower himself or respond to things like that, it would demean the office of the VA, set a precedent and Tom would be forced to address every drinking pee pee accusation that comes down the pipe in future.

Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 6:20 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Whoah...I just logged on...what's this about Tom drinking pee?
Please answer this question Tom. Why do you drink pee?
Unless you have absolute proof that you have never drank pee, I will take it as fact that you have been a life-long whiz-guzzler.
Watch out where the huskies go, Tom...
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 7:28 pm
by Goober McTuber
I believe Tom is a pacifist, loyally following in the footsteps of the Mahatma. Drinking pee.
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 7:35 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
I can't believe Tom has kept his pee drinking a secret for so long.
What else could he be hiding? Believe me, the pee drinking is enough, but still...
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 7:36 pm
by Tom In VA
My people are composing a page for and Snopes relating to this. Not going into detail I am at liberty to mention .... ... 780&page=1
NASA has spent decades perfecting a system to transform urine into water that can be used in space for drinking, food preparation and washing. Agency officials say the water from the system will be cleaner than U.S. tap water.
It was years ago and on one of the early prototypes of the system. Volunteering has it's risks and rewards like anything else.

Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:57 pm
by Cuda
mvscal wrote:What, exactly, is your objection to determining with certainty Obama's eligibility for the Presidency? That is, if you can tear yourself away from your ongoing meltdown over the subject.
The neo-con talking points are apparently out: Lay off the Birth Certificate Thingie, What do You Want to Do, Disenfranchise 64 Million Voters?
my answer? Yes, I do. What's the big deal? Didn't McDole get something like 59 million votes? There's, at most, only a few million more pissed off people one way than the other. When has either major party given a fuck about such a trifling number difference?
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:57 am
by Dr_Phibes
Tom In VA wrote:My people are composing a page for and Snopes relating to this. Not going into detail I am at liberty to mention .... ... 780&page=1
NASA has spent decades perfecting a system to transform urine into water that can be used in space for drinking, food preparation and washing. Agency officials say the water from the system will be cleaner than U.S. tap water.
It was years ago and on one of the early prototypes of the system. Volunteering has it's risks and rewards like anything else.

See, good man! You've explained - but not justified.
Your integrity is intact, you've maintained your aura of authority and aloofness by not going into the shallow end of the pool. (and going pee)
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 1:43 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:30 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Tom In VA wrote:Good Lord man, is some second hand crack smoke wafting over the Anacostia river in your home ? You're crazy. Nobody "got behind" Doniforio here.
mvscal most certainly did. Any port in a storm, I guess.
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 5:37 pm
by Cuda
pay attention, stupid lawyer. Doniforio's case had nothing to do with Onogg's birth certificate. His argument was that Onogg Sr was a limey and that made Onogg jr a limey too. It was deservedly laughed out of court
The Berg case will only go somewhere if the supremes decide to set precedent- otherwise the old precedent (that citizens have no standing to sue to enforce the constitution) will be in æffect and that one will go nowhere too
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 5:55 pm
by RadioFan
Strike two.
mvscal wrote:What, exactly, is your objection to determining with certainty Obama's eligibility for the Presidency? That is, if you can tear yourself away from your ongoing meltdown over the subject.
Meltdown, indeed.
Btw, "whimpering faggots," are there any more pending appeals before the SCOTUS about Obama's citizenship, or was the last strikedown of nutjob No. 3 ... errrr, No. 123,456 the end?
Keep spinning. I told you this was going absolutely nowhere. But then again, there
might be intelligent life on Mars.
That DAMN SC. The Obama operatives got to them. :doh:
Fucking idiots.
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:17 pm
by Tom In VA
RadioFan wrote:
Meltdown, indeed.
Precisley what you did.
Oh and BTW,
Tom In VA wrote:
I just don't see this having any legs .....
That's why you have your sig. Melter.
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 3:35 am
by RadioFan
Tom In VA wrote:That's why you have your sig. Melter.
Touche, Tom.
I could go back and quote some other "well, but what if" horseshit that you posted, but then again, I might be accused of having another melt.
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:53 pm
by Tom In VA
RadioFan wrote:I might be accused of having another melt.
ONly if you melted, Melty. :tongueincheeksmileywinky:
Happy Holidays dude.
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:19 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Would you two please stop melting? This is embarrassing?
Melty New Year, everyone.
Re: 6:33 on Obama's forged Cert. of Live Birth
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:33 am
by RadioFan
Tom In VA wrote:Happy Holidays dude.
You, too, Tom.
Believe me now and hear me latah, I never get seriously pissed about anything that happens on these boards ... errr, hear me naw and believe me latah ... I'm just heeah to PUMP YOU UP!
p.s. marty, try not to get too turned on.