Don't sell me short. That would be the height of cruelty.mvscal wrote:
Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to belittle you like that.
Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
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- Shlomart Ben Yisrael
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
Marty, I can't help it that you're reduced to loving Celine Dion.
Give me some real Irish folk music played by real Irish musicians in a pub and I'm good.
Also, while this obviously doesn't count as true Irish folk music, I don't care. It's still somewhat Irish sounding and it's fucking awesome. If you don't like this you don't have functioning ears or eyes and your cock must've packed it in a long time ago...
Give me some real Irish folk music played by real Irish musicians in a pub and I'm good.
Also, while this obviously doesn't count as true Irish folk music, I don't care. It's still somewhat Irish sounding and it's fucking awesome. If you don't like this you don't have functioning ears or eyes and your cock must've packed it in a long time ago...
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
That saying being, usually, "sign me up, begorrah!"Martyred wrote:The Irish have a saying for the American predilection for identifying with the most cartoonish and illusory elements of their heritage.
It always seems sanctimony of that sort drapes itself over a Bud and a Marlboro...with some plastic Nashville strains providing backbeat.
It's hard to imagine Ireland even existing today but for the interest of the Ugly American.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
Says the Board tard..err..bitch...err village idiot...I kicked you ass bitch harharharLTS TRN 2 wrote:
Derron, I whupped total ass on the F-16 thread, in case you didn't notice. My take was immediately assaulted by the usual stooges, I repelled them like balloons bouncing above the audience before a concert.
That is completely right...and they got the mother fucking " A" bomb and the other's ...well...they don't.Israel is a bandit state of racists, religious fanatics, war profiteers, international drug runners, and financial schemers of the first order. Its history is an unchecked record of thieving, lying, and manipulating.
BODE Israel and fuck you in the mouth.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
- Shlomart Ben Yisrael
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
PSUFAN wrote:
That saying being, usually, "sign me up, begorrah!"
It always seems sanctimony of that sort drapes itself over a Bud and a Marlboro...with some plastic Nashville strains providing backbeat.
It's hard to imagine Ireland even existing today but for the interest of the Ugly American.
The Irish do two things well:
1. Abandon families.
2. Lie.
Also, it's a myth that they can hold their drink. Two malty pints of dog urine and they're crying all over each other and hugging mailboxes.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
Now you sound like a 6th grader talking to his one friend on his run-in with the school bad ass.LTS TRN 2 wrote:Derron, I whupped total ass on the F-16 thread, in case you didn't notice. My take was immediately assaulted by the usual stooges, I repelled them like balloons bouncing above the audience before a concert. In due time the truth came out which completely supported my initial take.
FYI there is no F-16 thread.
If you are talking about the Naval Aviation crash in SD, your initial take was the pilot was a coward and he should have bailed out. No one agreed with you on either part, not even the dude who lost his family.
Anyway, continue with your revisionism.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.
Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
Wrong, L-seat. I was right in calling out the pilot for extreme dereliction of duty. He could have bailed, but as it turns out he didn't even have to. He could have made it to the air base on the coast, but made a foolish choice, etc. My point is simply that I indeed kicked the collective asses of those ankle-biting reactionaries (like you) who attempted to assault my take.
As for the idiotic gibberish here in lock-step support of Israel, this is typical of narrow-minded scared men whose perspective--especially in the media coverage of Israel and America's policy towards the Middle East--has been so completely controlled and manipulated that a state of almost complete inversion has occurred. Pathetic. And of course none of them can actually offer a sound argument for their position. If you remove the outright racist seething, you're left with very little. An argument as offered by Van/babs is so absurd and inverted as to be astonishing. Basically he bases everything on the sanctity of the U.N. bestowing sovereign nation status on the state of Israel--even though he then plainly admits he supports no such partition of the region at all. He clearly demands that Israel simply annex all of the Palestinian land and deport the Palestinians to "other Arab nations." And then the rationale for defending Israel's ruthless subjugation of the Palestinians is that "the German Nazis would be worse." This type of nonsense apparently works just fine within the crouched fears of his mind, but in the light of day it's a joke.
Rack the brave fellow Tristan and his efforts. A "sovereign nation" that requires a massive wall to protect itself from the local population is a fake nation. A nation that imports hundreds of thousands of coolie workers (mostly Filipino) to do all the labor is a fake nation. A nation that has for its entire 60-year existence relied on massive welfare handouts from the U.S. to survive is a fake nation.
What part of this don't you get? And why would you appear to support such an entity?
As for the idiotic gibberish here in lock-step support of Israel, this is typical of narrow-minded scared men whose perspective--especially in the media coverage of Israel and America's policy towards the Middle East--has been so completely controlled and manipulated that a state of almost complete inversion has occurred. Pathetic. And of course none of them can actually offer a sound argument for their position. If you remove the outright racist seething, you're left with very little. An argument as offered by Van/babs is so absurd and inverted as to be astonishing. Basically he bases everything on the sanctity of the U.N. bestowing sovereign nation status on the state of Israel--even though he then plainly admits he supports no such partition of the region at all. He clearly demands that Israel simply annex all of the Palestinian land and deport the Palestinians to "other Arab nations." And then the rationale for defending Israel's ruthless subjugation of the Palestinians is that "the German Nazis would be worse." This type of nonsense apparently works just fine within the crouched fears of his mind, but in the light of day it's a joke.
Rack the brave fellow Tristan and his efforts. A "sovereign nation" that requires a massive wall to protect itself from the local population is a fake nation. A nation that imports hundreds of thousands of coolie workers (mostly Filipino) to do all the labor is a fake nation. A nation that has for its entire 60-year existence relied on massive welfare handouts from the U.S. to survive is a fake nation.
What part of this don't you get? And why would you appear to support such an entity?
Before God was, I am
Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
They don't rely on us at all. As usual you're totally bullshiting. We give huge "defense" grants to the Saudis to placate them for our shameless support of Israel. We also force them to buy jets and so forth at exorbitant prices. Israel on the other hand just gets huge handouts, and when they don't like the state of the dollar, well, we just gladly give it them in Euros, etc. ... d-in-euros ... d-in-euros
Before God was, I am
Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
More bullshit. They want us OUT as soon as possible.
Before God was, I am
Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
They're fucking rich, they don't need us at all except to buy their oil and send blond whores. It's not even remotely similar to the bald welfare state of Israel.
Before God was, I am
- smackaholic
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
Any updates on this pos? How's that lobotomy working out for him, I wonder.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
You should have saved the pic of index shotgun blasting semen into your face like another famous Dick.mvscal wrote:You should have saved that pic of you and Cinder.Martyred wrote:Hopefully nothing will change so my children and their children and their children...will have something to laugh at.
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
smackaholic wrote:Any updates on this pos? How's that lobotomy working out for him, I wonder.
It appears that he will miss the G20 meeting in London next week.
I wonder if Millipede will call off the relationship now that he's effectively been lobotomized. Based on her act at City Hall after the City of Berkeley voted not to appeal, I can't imagine she would be that attracted to the new and improved (and less angry) Tristan.
poptart wrote:Oakland is a shithole.
Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
No, it's because they've got lots and lots of oil. And they don't need a giant wall to protect themselves from the local population. Israel, on the other hand, is a WELFARE STATE. They always have been. What part of this can't you bring yourself to accept? And why?mvscal wrote:...because we prop them up lock, stock and barrel.LTS TRN 2 wrote:They're fucking rich,
Before God was, I am
Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
U.S. Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact
Benefits to Israel of U.S. Aid
Since 1949 (As of November 1, 1997)
Foreign Aid Grants and Loans
Other U.S. Aid (12.2% of Foreign Aid)
Interest to Israel from Advanced Payments
Grand Total
Total Benefits per Israeli
Cost to U.S. Taxpayers of U.S.
Aid to Israel
Grand Total
Interest Costs Borne by U.S.
Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers
Total Taxpayer Cost per Israeli
Most Americans are not aware how much of their tax revenue our government sends to Israel. For the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, the U.S. has given Israel $6.72 billion: $6.194 billion falls under Israel's foreign aid allotment and $526 million comes from agencies such as the Department of Commerce, the U.S. Information Agency and the Pentagon. The $6.72 billion figure does not include loan guarantees and annual compound interest totalling $3.122 billion the U.S. pays on money borrowed to give to Israel. It does not include the cost to U.S. taxpayers of IRS tax exemptions that donors can claim when they donate money to Israeli charities. (Donors claim approximately $1 billion in Federal tax deductions annually. This ultimately costs other U.S. tax payers $280 million to $390 million.)
When grant, loans, interest and tax deductions are added together for the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, our special relationship with Israel cost U.S. taxpayers over $10 billion.
Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.
If that's not a fucking welfare state, what is?
And really, the issue is not how much money we've given them, but rather the toxic nature of the nation state itself. Founded on an outright racist doctrine of "Jewish" identity, the apartheid policies thus implemented have resulted in the current nightmare that passes for a "democratic society." In South Africa, token representation was given to the locals as well. And, like in Israel, this token democratic representation is completely powerless, etc. Just the fact of the Wall alone should be enough to indicate that it's not working at all. The fact that they "need" to collectively punish millions of civilians through ruthless assaults should be more than enough. That is, if one is not a seething racist to begin with.
Benefits to Israel of U.S. Aid
Since 1949 (As of November 1, 1997)
Foreign Aid Grants and Loans
Other U.S. Aid (12.2% of Foreign Aid)
Interest to Israel from Advanced Payments
Grand Total
Total Benefits per Israeli
Cost to U.S. Taxpayers of U.S.
Aid to Israel
Grand Total
Interest Costs Borne by U.S.
Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers
Total Taxpayer Cost per Israeli
Most Americans are not aware how much of their tax revenue our government sends to Israel. For the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, the U.S. has given Israel $6.72 billion: $6.194 billion falls under Israel's foreign aid allotment and $526 million comes from agencies such as the Department of Commerce, the U.S. Information Agency and the Pentagon. The $6.72 billion figure does not include loan guarantees and annual compound interest totalling $3.122 billion the U.S. pays on money borrowed to give to Israel. It does not include the cost to U.S. taxpayers of IRS tax exemptions that donors can claim when they donate money to Israeli charities. (Donors claim approximately $1 billion in Federal tax deductions annually. This ultimately costs other U.S. tax payers $280 million to $390 million.)
When grant, loans, interest and tax deductions are added together for the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, our special relationship with Israel cost U.S. taxpayers over $10 billion.
Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.
If that's not a fucking welfare state, what is?
And really, the issue is not how much money we've given them, but rather the toxic nature of the nation state itself. Founded on an outright racist doctrine of "Jewish" identity, the apartheid policies thus implemented have resulted in the current nightmare that passes for a "democratic society." In South Africa, token representation was given to the locals as well. And, like in Israel, this token democratic representation is completely powerless, etc. Just the fact of the Wall alone should be enough to indicate that it's not working at all. The fact that they "need" to collectively punish millions of civilians through ruthless assaults should be more than enough. That is, if one is not a seething racist to begin with.
Before God was, I am
Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
Nick, what, is this Be Nice To Mvscal Day in your house?
~Nick wakes up to a beautiful morning. He rolls over and gives his Sig Other a tender kiss on the cheek~
"G'morning, sweetie. You know, I feel like throwing my ol' buddy mvscal a bone today. I'll let him beat the shit out of me, on purpose, this time."
"How will you do that?"
"Achmed, my love, check it out. I'll say Israel is a welfare state. mvscal will respond and say that per a 1998 agreement U.S. aid to Israel was terminated last year. All the U.S. gives to Israel now is military aid, which they also give to plenty of other countries. I'll respond with a list of figures detailing all the aid Israel received from the U.S., through 1997.
Whatcha think?"
"Islam truly is a religion of peace, and your benevolence towards your enemy is yet another shining example. Oh, hey, while you're up, could you bring me Wakey Wakey, and some peanut butter. Oh, and the big bottle of Astro-Glide. Aww, come to think of it, never mind. Wakey Wakey is a good goat, and it's a Friday. We'll skip the Astro-Glide this time..."
~Nick wakes up to a beautiful morning. He rolls over and gives his Sig Other a tender kiss on the cheek~
"G'morning, sweetie. You know, I feel like throwing my ol' buddy mvscal a bone today. I'll let him beat the shit out of me, on purpose, this time."
"How will you do that?"
"Achmed, my love, check it out. I'll say Israel is a welfare state. mvscal will respond and say that per a 1998 agreement U.S. aid to Israel was terminated last year. All the U.S. gives to Israel now is military aid, which they also give to plenty of other countries. I'll respond with a list of figures detailing all the aid Israel received from the U.S., through 1997.
Whatcha think?"
"Islam truly is a religion of peace, and your benevolence towards your enemy is yet another shining example. Oh, hey, while you're up, could you bring me Wakey Wakey, and some peanut butter. Oh, and the big bottle of Astro-Glide. Aww, come to think of it, never mind. Wakey Wakey is a good goat, and it's a Friday. We'll skip the Astro-Glide this time..."
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
Uh, Van? forgot to make a point. I mean so what if the massive welfare handouts to the Special Apartheid state are only listed up to '97. This still clearly demonstrates the entire structure of Israel's development for it's first fifty years. Or do you disagree? As far as babs' sputtering nonsense, we all know how he regularly derides any form of welfare, etc. And here's a solid example of the biggest welfare bum in history--which he militantly supports (for no stated reason, btw, except for an apparent hatred of Arabs) and therefore, whether he admits it or not, he's been pounded hard--exposed once again as a pathetic hypocrite who really can't bring himself to think clearly or express a rational thought.
If anyone cares to dispute the fact of Israel being a welfare state, bring it. Because the info I've posted is but the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
As far as the ZioNazi circus continuing to masquerade as a democracy, etc., we see that the IDF's own investigation into claims of war crimes during the recent Gaza assault has determined that these charges were just "rumors." Well, I'm sure that Hagee and the Christer lunatics are relieved about that.

If anyone cares to dispute the fact of Israel being a welfare state, bring it. Because the info I've posted is but the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
As far as the ZioNazi circus continuing to masquerade as a democracy, etc., we see that the IDF's own investigation into claims of war crimes during the recent Gaza assault has determined that these charges were just "rumors." Well, I'm sure that Hagee and the Christer lunatics are relieved about that.

Before God was, I am
- Sirfindafold
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
So, you squirm away from the clear facts of Israel's being a welfare state--and just start blathering your infantile racism?mvscal wrote:Arabs should be hated. They're worthless scum.LTS TRN 2 wrote:(for no stated reason, btw, except for an apparent hatred of Arabs)
The real question is what is it about their barbaric, subhuman behavior that you find so appealing? Break it down, Felchco.
You're weak. Really.
And you support Israel? As a true weasel, you never actually say what you really believe in or support. All you offer is inane bigotry, which you never back up beyond simplistic stereotypes, etc.
Now look, you little toad, this is a nasty and insane racist pig from whom you perhaps could learn:

In a frightening but long expected move, Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert has brought the Yisrael Beitenu party into his coalition government. The party's leader, Avigdor Lieberman, an immigrant from Moldovia, is to be vice prime minister and, as "Minister for Strategic Threats," a key member of Israel's "security cabinet" in charge of the Iran portfolio.
Yisrael Beitenu is a dangerous extremist party with fascist tendencies that has openly advocated the "transfer" of Palestinians, including the transfer of Arab towns within Israel to a Bantustan-like future Palestinian entity. It has made clear that a Jewish supremacist state is more important than a democratic one. The party, whose strongest base is among Russian immigrants brought to Israel in the 1990s, surged at the Israeli election earlier this year, taking eleven seats in Israel's 120 seat Knesset.
For my part I've regularly stated my basic dislike for Arab culture, etc. SO WHAT? This disastrous geo-political clusterfuck has nothing to do with Arabs per se. Rather, it's about a fascistic apartheid state being artificially rammed into a region where it doesn't belong and will never be accepted. Period.
And since you're SO shallow and tunnel-visioned when interpreting history, here's a clip from a N.Y. Times article from June of 1953:
TEL AVIV, Israel, June 8 -- The Cabinet announced tonight that it had outlawed as a "terrorist organization" an unnamed group of religious fanatics and ultra-nationalists. The group is believed to have used violence to combat pig-breeding, state-supervised education and reparations from Germany as well as to enforce Sabbath observance, and to have attacked Communist clubs and shops selling Soviet literature.
So wake up and stop pissing in the wind.
Before God was, I am
Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
Two things...
1-Israel is not a backwards ass medieval Arab state. They're a pro Western democracy surrounded by barbarians who still think video taping beheadings of people they kidnap is cool.
This is reason enough to pull for Israel.
2-Nick obviously fell in love once with a gorgeous Jewish girl, only to see her crap on his chest before leaving him to join the Mossad.
1-Israel is not a backwards ass medieval Arab state. They're a pro Western democracy surrounded by barbarians who still think video taping beheadings of people they kidnap is cool.
This is reason enough to pull for Israel.
2-Nick obviously fell in love once with a gorgeous Jewish girl, only to see her crap on his chest before leaving him to join the Mossad.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
Wrong, Van. Lieberman is the barbarian in this case. An outright religio/racist seething Nazi. As for the Islamic Fundamentalists, you're backwards as usual. They were effectively created by Israel. Just like Hamas was promoted by virtue of Israel's ruthless oppression. I realize of course you're not exactly an intellectual on these matters. That is, you don't allow an objective perspective to hinder your locked and screwed mindset. It's typical for religious types, even though you claim this doesn't apply to your position. But, basically you're with Haggee--and that alone should embarrass you into some nagging sense of wanting--trying--to wake up!Van wrote:Two things...
1-Israel is not a backwards ass medieval Arab state. They're a pro Western democracy surrounded by barbarians who still think video taping beheadings of people they kidnap is cool.
This is reason enough to pull for Israel.
2-Nick obviously fell in love once with a gorgeous Jewish girl, only to see her crap on his chest before leaving him to join the Mossad.
"Israel is blessed by God and we must march along ....blah...blah..

Before God was, I am
- Shlomart Ben Yisrael
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Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
Van wrote:They're a pro Western democracy...
Yeah. Give them money and logistical support or they'll blow up a synagogue in your country and claim you are anti-Semitic.
With "friends" like these, I'll take my chances with the "barbarians", thank you.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
So what? The history of Christianity is every bit as violent and intolerant. This is not the issue.
The fact is that despite the Wahhabi mindset and laws of Saudi Arabia there was no Islamic Fundamentalism actually attacking anyone in the region for centuries. The present day groups are what we're talking about, and they have all been given their impetus and recruiting momentum from Israel's blatant fascistic policies.
The Bibi administration is harrowing at best. They make Hitler and Himmler look normal. The very idea that phonies like yourself support them no matter what only reflects your simplistic and deluded head space. Nice job on weaseling away from the welfare stats, though. You're a quality weasel, that's pretty clear.
The fact is that despite the Wahhabi mindset and laws of Saudi Arabia there was no Islamic Fundamentalism actually attacking anyone in the region for centuries. The present day groups are what we're talking about, and they have all been given their impetus and recruiting momentum from Israel's blatant fascistic policies.
The Bibi administration is harrowing at best. They make Hitler and Himmler look normal. The very idea that phonies like yourself support them no matter what only reflects your simplistic and deluded head space. Nice job on weaseling away from the welfare stats, though. You're a quality weasel, that's pretty clear.
Before God was, I am
Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
Come up to fucking speed, M-tyrd,Martyred wrote:Van wrote:They're a pro Western democracy...
Yeah. Give them money and logistical support or they'll blow up a synagogue in your country and claim you are anti-Semitic.
With "friends" like these, I'll take my chances with the "barbarians", thank you.
Hi, I'm insane--and you're supporting me!

And of course good things happen to demented Zionazis in the end: (a couple years ago)
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Jewish Defense League Chairman Irv Rubin, jailed for allegedly plotting to bomb a mosque and the offices of a Arab-American congressman, was left brain dead and on life support on Monday after slitting his throat in a suicide attempt.
"He is on life support and his prognosis is dire," Rubin's attorney, Bryan Altman, told Reuters. "He is brain dead. I don't know if there is any indication that that can change in a positive way."
Rubin, 57, had been taken from his cell at the federal Metropolitan Detention Center in downtown Los Angeles at about 5 a.m. PST (8 a.m. EST) on Monday when he slashed his throat with a razor blade and then jumped or fell over a railing.
Some background on this charming tale:
they call themselves the "jewish defense league," (jdl) but this misnomer, like the "israeli defense forces" masks what they are really there to do: to murder, steal, and cover it all up. the jdl, fortunately, continues to be on the united states terrorist watch list for its history of attacks on american soil. here is one recent report by the fbi:
The two terrorist plots prevented by law enforcement in 2001 were being planned by domestic extremists. Ronald Mike Denton was planning to attack his former place of employment, the Chevron Oil Refinery at El Segundo, California, when he was arrested in March 2001. In December 2001 Irving David Rubin and Earl Leslie Krugel, members of the extremist Jewish Defense League, were arrested as they were in the final stages of planning attacks against the King Fahd Mosque in Culver City, California, and the local office of U.S. Congressman Darrell Issa.
And more info to "bring you up to speed" (because you are just drifting like an old styrafoam cup) ... #PPA192,M1
Before God was, I am
- Shlomart Ben Yisrael
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- Location: filling molotovs
Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
This contradicts what I said how exactly? Fuck off, faggot.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
Re: Former tree sitter critically wounded in Israel
Well because everything you say--you know, those little snippets that pass for takes?--is an attempt at sarcasm. It's a phony sarcasm of course, serving to confuse or confound any clear position, etc. Regardless, you need to step up your game and stop faking it!
Before God was, I am