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Re: Post a Pic of Your First Car
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:49 pm
by H4ever
War Wagon wrote:
Dang, H. It took you 3 days to track down that link? Sheesh, this must have been tearing you up.
If you noticed over the last 12 years, I'm in for a while...then out for a while. I get busy from time to time.
Adjustable pushrods and rocker arms, not so much. Let's assume you're correct and that they were, indeed, adjustable. Why the hell would you want to adjust the factory settings? They have these things called specs. If at anytime you found it necessary to remove the valve covers and monkey around with the rocker arms, wouldn't your intent be to put them back exactly the way they were to start with?
I believe the adjustments come when rebuilding, replacing a broken rocker arm, adjusting out the thousandths of an inch engine wear creates, etc. Not that a guy would do this daily. Point is....the olds engine was vastly different/difficult in this regard. As I'm sure you were educated from the link...those 350 GM engines were just as different as they were alike. To be honest, my mechanical experience consists of changing starters, waterpumps, tranny filters, valve cover gaskets, thermostats, plugs, cap and rotor, brakes etc. Nothing major.
So I'm left thinking that you were just trying to sound knowledgable about a subject you really don't have much practical experience with. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Pretty much, that's what we do here everyday, with varying degrees of success.
Not at all. This
first car thread brought back bits and pieces I learned about the first car I ever owned which I also bought and paid for myself. I loved that car because it was mine and it was my first. I wasn't trying to pass myself off as Mr. Goodwrench....just tried to participate in a thread that brought back warm, fuzzy memories.
Re: Post a Pic of Your First Car
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:04 am
by War Wagon
Good enough for me and the girls I go with, H.
As for Diego... yeah, I'm sure if Goobs owned a blue 1962 model, he'd post a pic of a black 1960 just trying to confuse you.... and it worked.
Dude is a bastard that way, so ambiguous.
Re: Post a Pic of Your First Car
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:16 am
by Goober McTuber
Self-proclaimed male fan of American Idol and The Bachelor, and father of "softball chick", is calling me "ambiguous"? Priceless.
Re: Post a Pic of Your First Car
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:37 am
by War Wagon
Goobs, you must've missed the sarcasm tags.
Re: Post a Pic of Your First Car
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:10 pm
by Derron
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Also the same time I had my first case of Keystone.
What is it with morons in SUV's pulling U Hauls ??
Few years back coming up I-5 just out of Roseburg we are going along quite well in our F 350 with camper and boat on behind. Steady 60 mph ....nor problems..nice day.
Left comes up a Mercury Mountainer brand new, no plates with CA U haul on it. Dude is hitting 75 easy, and try's to pull back into the right lane. Now some portions of our Oregon freeways are pretty fucked up and the ruts in this one from poor paving were deep.
The SUV hits them and the U Haul trailer starts doing a bit of a whip. I think if he does this right he can stop it, but then the death whip intensifies greatly. I tell the wife to dig our her trauma bag because this one is going over. The trailer comes left real hard goes 90 degrees, spins the Mercury around on the shoulder and the fucking thing rolls about 3 times scattering shit all over the road.
Get up there and dude is going " What the fuck happened?" Turns out our boys in the camper had the video camera on playing around with it and got the whole show on tape. The cops were amused.
U Haul trailers are the most unsafe pieces of shit made. There whole weight distribution thing is a joke on those under sized vehicles. Too much weight on the back, pulls the weight off your steering axle, then a bad road and all kinds of shit happen.
Re: Post a Pic of Your First Car
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:12 pm
by Derron
Mace wrote:
'48 Dodge was like a tank with a huge back seat. My girlfriend cried when I traded it for a smaller car.
She could not get as many of her sister ewes in it ?
Re: Post a Pic of Your First Car
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:36 pm
by smackaholic
Sweet barge, mace.
Re: Post a Pic of Your First Car
Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 5:10 pm
by socal
smackaholic wrote:Sweet barge, mace.
Same one he used to take Cleopatra down the Nile.
Re: Post a Pic of Your First Car
Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 5:58 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Derron wrote:U Haul trailers are the most unsafe pieces of shit made. There whole weight distribution thing is a joke on those under sized vehicles. Too much weight on the back, pulls the weight off your steering axle, then a bad road and all kinds of shit happen.
I've hauled a few in my time, Derron. Not all that complicated, really. PM me for tips if you'd like.
Re: Post a Pic of Your First Car
Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 2:29 am
by Terry in Crapchester
First car I actually owned myself looked something like this . . .
. . . only brown. Paid cash for it (the one and only reason it appealed to me was because I could afford to do that).