Felix wrote:pure bullshit.....it provides people that are getting buttfucked in the mouth the opportunity to seek an alternative to their overpriced premiums....the government is not going to "require" anybody to give up their existing health insurance if one prefer's to keep it....so, there's your first fabrication
Your say-so ain't good enough. Second, I didn't say the govt would require anyone giving anything. Had you understood the plain English I used...the proposed health care reform (really, health insurance reform now) will require insurers include plan benefits in all plans sold. It's the federal version of state mandates requiring insurers to, for example, include diabetes maintenance equipment/supplies in all plans sold in the state. In other words, the feds direct all insurers to include a baseline level of benefit coverage. In other words, the fed govt will be requiring each of us to purchase benefit coverage(s) whether we want them or not.
lie number 2-the government isn't going to IMPOSE anything on anybody they're simply going to give the public an alternative to Blue Cross/Blue Shield/Aetna/etc. which should force said companies to better complete in the open marketplace.....or are they afraid of having some competition?
Dumbshit...you're like Dingell and the rest of the Democrats, you have no idea what's even being proposed. Do you realize that the fed govt will not permit insurers to turn anyone away? In other words, insurers will not be able to deny coverage to anyone based on pre-existing conditions. In other other words, dumbshit, insurers will see their costs increase.
do you have any idea how much the current health care system costs us (the taxpayers) on a yearly basis.....smart employers are not going to be dumping their employees healthcare plan, not if they want to be competitive....why do you hate competition
Obamacare will cost even more than the current plan and will require rationing. I don't see why anyone would favor that.
And, employers will dump employees as their premium costs will go up. Just as employers dumped retiree health care Rx plans when Medicare Part D was implemented. Why bear a cost when the federal government will pay for it?
I'm almost positive you have some statistical data to back up this claim, preferably from something other than a right wing hack that gins numbers up out of thin air.
Fuckhead, have you not been paying attention? Have you seen the CBO's analysis of these proposals?
then don't buy it when it comes around, but then again if you aren't smart enough to have some kind of health care when some sort of calamitous health issue befalls you, don't come crying to anyone because you weren't smart enough to avail yourself of what was offered to you....
This is not health care reform. It is health care insurance reform now. It's tranitioned from a debate about how to better deliver care and outcomes to a discussion only about paying for health care.
and this somehow justifies the obscene profits they rake in....quite a stroke of logic you've got there hoss.....what the fuck are you some kind of shill for the insurance companies....
No, moron, I didn't say I was justifying their profits. I merely noted that the profits earned by insurance firms, just like Big Oil, pale in comparison to Trial Lawyers, Big Banks, Big IT, etc. I don't worry about it.
You should be paying attention to whats happening on this legislation, moron. Because, as of right now, you have no idea whats going on.