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Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:23 pm
by BSmack
smackaholic wrote:Perhaps older private buildings are exempt, but, newer stuff, both private and public sector have their building costs affected considerably by it.
So what? You really have a problem with the idea that someone in a wheelchair be able to access public facilities? God, of all the things to bitch about.
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:09 pm
by Mikey
ChargerMike wrote:Mikey wrote:
"Did he get away with something 40 years ago that he shouldn't have? Probably.
You weren't even born then, so WTF do you know about it?"
...why do you hate young people?
Because they're young.
Isn't that a good enough reason?
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:24 pm
by Cuda
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:34 pm
by Derron
BSmack wrote:smackaholic wrote:Perhaps older private buildings are exempt, but, newer stuff, both private and public sector have their building costs affected considerably by it.
So what? You really have a problem with the idea that someone in a wheelchair be able to access public facilities? God, of all the things to bitch about.
Why fuckin libtards are the ones who bitch about every poor down trodden oppressed no job having, welfare sucking low life....if they did not have access to the gubmint buildings to get their free shit, the libs would have a shit fit, print more money to finance more gubmint work, and make a bigger building to give away more money..see where this is going ?
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:10 pm
by Diego in Seattle
No small wonder that you're amused by toys.
Are you going to buy the Montana version of that toy as well?
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:53 am
by Terry in Crapchester
40 years ago, Ted Kennedy left a woman to drown.
4 years ago, George Bush left an entire city to drown.
No surprise which one you remember.
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:23 pm
by Derron
Terry in Crapchester wrote:
40 years ago, Ted Kennedy left a woman to drown.
4 years ago, George Bush left an entire city to drown.
No surprise which one you remember.
Care to show how your analogy's here line up with each other as basis for comparison?
Ahh... second thought don't bother....this is a complete explanation for liberal thinking and decision making here...
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:35 pm
by indyfrisco
Terry in Crapchester wrote:40 years ago, Ted Kennedy left a woman to drown.
4 years ago, George Bush left an entire city to drown.
No surprise which one you remember.
About the worst reach I've ever seen...and I am surprised it came from you.
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:08 pm
by JMak
Terry in Crapchester wrote:40 years ago, Ted Kennedy left a woman to drown.
4 years ago, George Bush left an entire city to drown.
No surprise which one you remember.
Is this for real?
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:24 pm
by Felix
Roach wrote:4 years ago, George Bush left an entire city to drown.
what the fuck????
yeah and he caused the Krakatoa and Mt. St. Helens eruptions and that's what caused global warming in the grey matter of a lot of liberals.
Did you just take up smoking weed?
never mind the FACT that Washington knew hours before they gave way that there were structural problems with the levees, yet apparently chose to take a "wait and see" stance for whatever reason
under the
Flood Control Act of 1928, once the levees in New Orleans gave way, it then became the feds responsibility to save lives....
and Bush's response was exactly what again?
shit at the very least he could have
acted presidential instead of sitting there like a fucking lump
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:34 pm
by JMak
Felix wrote:never mind the FACT that Washington knew hours before they gave way that there were structural problems with the levees, yet apparently chose to take a "wait and see" stance for whatever reason
Really? I didn't know that just hours before the levees gave way that
Washington knew there were structural problems.
I have to wonder, though, if Washington knew just hours before, wtf did the City and State know? I have to presume that if Washington knew hours before that the City and State also knew. Hence, why were neither doing anything beforehand? You know, like rather than running corrupt levee boards, effecting voluntary evacuations, etc.?
under the Flood Control Act of 1928, once the levees in New Orleans gave way, it then became the feds responsibility to save lives....
Funny, how you're going to blame the feds for the levees giving way when it's the City and State's responsibility in the first place to maintain them.
and Bush's response was exactly what again?
A whole lot of things, but essentially mop up operations to clean up what the City and State utterly failed to do.
shit at the very least he could have acted presidential instead of sitting there like a fucking lump
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:34 pm
by indyfrisco
Any dumbass who didn't evacuate rolled the dice. Not Bush. I'd say if it was his fault, he got rid of a lot of stupid.
Some win.
Some lose.
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:03 pm
by BSmack
IndyFrisco wrote:Terry in Crapchester wrote:40 years ago, Ted Kennedy left a woman to drown.
4 years ago, George Bush left an entire city to drown.
No surprise which one you remember.
About the worst reach I've ever seen...and I am surprised it came from you.
Reach? He left out the thousands of young men sacrificed in the "war on terror".
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:11 pm
by Mikey
BSmack wrote:IndyFrisco wrote:Terry in Crapchester wrote:40 years ago, Ted Kennedy left a woman to drown.
4 years ago, George Bush left an entire city to drown.
No surprise which one you remember.
About the worst reach I've ever seen...and I am surprised it came from you.
Reach? He left out the thousands of young men sacrificed in the "war on terror".
Why do you hate women?
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:17 pm
by Sirfindafold
Mikey wrote:Why do you hate women?
Because his mindset is similar to that of the lowlifes we are fighting.
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:36 pm
by Mikey
Sirfindafold wrote:Mikey wrote:Why do you hate women?
Because his mindset is similar to that of the lowlifes we are fighting.
We? How many have you killed lately?
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:44 pm
by ChargerMike
Felix wrote:
"and Bush's Ray Nagins response was exactly what again?"
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:46 pm
by ChargerMike
Mikey wrote:ChargerMike wrote:Mikey wrote:
"Did he get away with something 40 years ago that he shouldn't have? Probably.
You weren't even born then, so WTF do you know about it?"
...why do you hate young people?
Because they're young.
Isn't that a good enough reason?
...point well taken
sin. older than Mikey
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:47 pm
by Sirfindafold
Mikey wrote:Sirfindafold wrote:Mikey wrote:Why do you hate women?
Because his mindset is similar to that of the lowlifes we are fighting.
We? How many have you killed lately?
We meaning the US Military.
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:55 pm
by Derron
ChargerMike wrote:Felix wrote:
"and Bush's Ray Nagins response was exactly what again?"
We want to make this a chocolate city ?
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:57 pm
by Felix
JMak wrote:
Funny, how you're going to blame the feds for the levees giving way when it's the City and State's responsibility in the first place to maintain them.
the Army Corp of Engineers is responsible for maintaining the knew that right?
don't be so hard on yourself.....
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:16 pm
by JMak
I thought the Corps did the actual work but that local levee boards were responsible for them. No?
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:37 pm
by BSmack
88 wrote:When you guys get a chance, please finish this sentence for me:
If someone with an IQ higher than that of a houseplant had been president when Hurricane Katrina came ashore near New Orleans, things would have turned out differently because he would have known enough to get on the stick instead of continuing his vacation/posing for photo ops with C&W stars/delivering birthday cakes to John McCain.
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:55 pm
by Felix
JMak wrote:I thought the Corps did the actual work but that local levee boards were responsible for them. No?
no one entity is "responsible" for levee systems like those of New Orleans.....however, given the fact that New Orleans is a major US port, primary responsibility for construction and maintenence of the New Orleans levee system falls at the feet of the Army Corp of Engineers-I don't know that Washington didn't apprise Nagin and Co. of the structural problems with the levees.....there were lots of missteps by lots of different people, and to answer 88's question, had there been someone else in office, the
result of the levee breach would have been exactly the same.....
that said, the almost criminal negligence on the part of FEMA (who could ever forget the "great job Brownie" pronouncement by Bush) AFTER the levee breaches reflects directly on the ineptitude of FEMA which in turn reflects poorly on Bush's choice to put one of his cronies in charge of FEMA instead of somebody that knew what the fuck they were doing.....
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:05 pm
by Sirfindafold
BSmack wrote:
If the people of New Orleans were not so reliant on gubmint handouts and had half the IQ and drive of the people who suffered thru some of the worst flooding ever here recently in the midwest, when Hurricane Katrina came ashore, things would have turned out differently.........
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:22 pm
by JMak
Felix wrote:no one entity is "responsible" for levee systems like those of New Orleans.....however, given the fact that New Orleans is a major US port, primary responsibility for construction and maintenence of the New Orleans levee system falls at the feet of the Army Corp of Engineers-I don't know that Washington didn't apprise Nagin and Co. of the structural problems with the levees.....there were lots of missteps by lots of different people, and to answer 88's question, had there been someone else in office, the result of the levee breach would have been exactly the same.....
that said, the almost criminal negligence on the part of FEMA (who could ever forget the "great job Brownie" pronouncement by Bush) AFTER the levee breaches reflects directly on the ineptitude of FEMA which in turn reflects poorly on Bush's choice to put one of his cronies in charge of FEMA instead of somebody that knew what the fuck they were doing.....
My bad on the levees, I must've been talking out my ass. However, you acknowledge that you don't know whether local and state officials were appraised of the condition of the levees; lots of missteps by lots of different people; and that had there been anyone else in office the levees would have breached anyway... Yet, amazingly, you conclude that Bush is primarily and uniquely responsibile. The mind of a liberal never ceases to amaze.
Interestingly, though, while I'll concede that the levees are a federal responsibility, it ain't a presidential responsibility. Local infrastructure owned by the federal government gets upgraded based on political pull in Congress, not based on actual need. The Corps of Engineers is a pork barrel disaster. Just see Kit Bond blowing a billion dollars on Mississippi River projects despite there being zero need. Beach replenishment and port dredging are often left to the Corps of Engineers rather than to local and state authorities because of Congress's role in allocating funding.
Nonetheless, experts knew the levees were inadequate and had known for years, Felix. Why do you singularly blame Bush for what is a once-in-a-lifetime circumstance? Did you expect Bush to, in mere days before the storm hit order the Corps to reconstruct the levees? That's absurd. Hence, he bears no blame here for the performance of the levees or their failure. Congress, state, and local officials bear that blame.
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:39 pm
by Derron
88 wrote:When you guys get a chance, please finish this sentence for me:
If Barak Obongo had been president when Hurricane Katrina came ashore near New Orleans, things would have turned out differently because, well duh... he is the Messiah, and he would have commanded the waters to part and avoid da brothers cribs in the hoods that are under sea level, and to take their flood waters to a more conservative part of town. He would have had counsel from his chief policy adviser, Comrade BMonica, who would have told him to blame anything he could not control on George Bush, because that is just how the Dems roll
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:40 pm
by Derron
Sirfindafold wrote:BSmack wrote:
If the people of New Orleans were not so reliant on gubmint handouts and had half the IQ and drive of the people who suffered thru some of the worst flooding ever here recently in the midwest, when Hurricane Katrina came ashore, things would have turned out differently........because they would have taken care of their own asses ?.
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:42 pm
by Derron
mvscal wrote:Felix wrote:the almost criminal negligence on the part of FEMA (who could ever forget the "great job Brownie" pronouncement by Bush) AFTER the levee breaches reflects directly on the ineptitude of FEMA which in turn reflects poorly on Bush's choice to put one of his cronies in charge of FEMA instead of somebody that knew what the fuck they were doing.....
Get a fucking clue someday, you stupid douche. FEMA aren't first responders. Their job is to
support state and local authorities not run the show for them.
Criminal negligence?
Here's your criminal negligence, you braindead fucktard.
They need school busses in Nawlins ??
That is why they did not use them..they don't know what the fuck they are for.
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:21 pm
by Felix
mvscal wrote:
Get a fucking clue someday, you stupid douche. FEMA aren't first responders. Their job is to support state and local authorities not run the show for them.
there is no state in the union with an emergency response agency that is capable of dealing with a catastrophe of the proportion of what happened in New Orleans.....there's lots of blame to go around with Nagin and Blanco being at the top of that heap...both were responsible for most of the havoc that immediately followed the levee breaches.......but the fact that FEMA was so obviously ill prepared for the devastating effects of Katrina speaks volumes....
Criminal negligence?
appointing clueless dumbfucks whose entire management experience consists of running the International Arabian Horse Association could be construed as a criminal offense....cronyism is one thing, but designating Mike Brown as the head of the single largest emergency response agency in the world was an incredibly stupid thing to do.....
so, either Bush was jawdroppingly ignorant or he was criminally negligent-take your pick
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:30 pm
by Mikey
Felix wrote: Criminal negligence?
appointing clueless dumbfucks whose entire management experience consists of running the International Arabian Horse Association could be construed as a criminal offense....cronyism is one thing, but designating Mike Brown as the head of the single largest emergency response agency in the world was an incredibly stupid thing to do.....
so, either Bush was jawdroppingly ignorant or he was criminally negligent-take your pick's a government job. Any clueless dumbfuck should be able to do it and screw it up as well as any other clueless dumbfuck. After all, aren't all government employees supposed to be clueless dumbfucks?
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:31 pm
by Sirfindafold
Mikey wrote:After all, aren't all government employees supposed to be clueless dumbfucks?
You're catching on. Maybe there's hope for you.
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:53 pm
by Derron
Mikey wrote:Felix wrote: Criminal negligence?
appointing clueless dumbfucks whose entire management experience consists of running the International Arabian Horse Association could be construed as a criminal offense....cronyism is one thing, but designating Mike Brown as the head of the single largest emergency response agency in the world was an incredibly stupid thing to do.....
so, either Bush was jawdroppingly ignorant or he was criminally negligent-take your pick's a government job. Any clueless dumbfuck should be able to do it and screw it up as well as any other clueless dumbfuck. After all, aren't all government employees supposed to be clueless dumbfucks?
Ahh shit...cough...cough...scrape...cough..Rack Mikey..
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:34 pm
by Derron
Screw in the ass in Michigan wrote:Derron wrote:
Ahh shit...cough...cough...scrape...cough..Rack Mikey..
He's making fun of you, you semen-spitting fuck dumpster. Not that you'd know any different as you're still slobbering over your previous pathetic excuse for a "take."
Them is some nice semen takes, that probably just popped into your head after your boy friend loaded your grille....glad you have such brilliant retorts with such good takes taken from your gay porn sites...go ahead and powder the bruises on your chin now you fucking stupid jerk off...
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 2:36 pm
by JMak
Felix wrote:but the fact that FEMA was so obviously ill prepared for the devastating effects of Katrina speaks volumes....
Speaks volumes about exactly? You're behaving as though there is no career bureaucracy at FEMA to run the shop. Brownie didn't come in and start burning the place down once appointed. It was business as usual at that place.
so, either Bush was jawdroppingly ignorant or he was criminally negligent-take your pick
Your absurd hyperbole is just that, abusrd. Criminal's funny that you people have to resort to such nonsense. Well, it's fairly typical in your case.
FEMA is not a first responder agency. They are clean-up operations. State and local officials had a duty to preare their state and municipalities. Louisiana and Nawleans completely failed in that duty. The blame rests with them no matter FEMA's bungling.
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:08 pm
by Mikey
JMak wrote:
FEMA is not a first responder agency. They are clean-up operations.
How does the term "Emergency Management" (yes that's the EM part of FEMA in case you didn't realize it) make them a "clean-up" operation? Hmmmm?
FEMA Mission
FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.
I suppose the last two items in the list could include "clean-up", but it seems like there's a bit more in their mission than that.
I see you continue to talk out your ass without having any idea what you're talking about. Par for the course I suppose.
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 4:10 pm
by Felix
JMak wrote:
Speaks volumes about exactly? You're behaving as though there is no career bureaucracy at FEMA to run the shop. Brownie didn't come in and start burning the place down once appointed. It was business as usual at that place.
speaks volumes about the cold hard reality that Bush was more interested in appointing an unqualified douchecanoe buddy of his with no experience whatsoever in managing a large governmental organization, than he was in considering the publics best interest and appointing someone that was capable of
leading (leading being the optimal word here) an agency like trying to justify Bush's cronyism at the sake of the welfare of the American citizens speaks volumes about where your head is firmly planted.....
Your absurd hyperbole is just that, abusrd. Criminal's funny that you people have to resort to such nonsense. Well, it's fairly typical in your case.
I could give a flying rats ass if it was a Republican or a Democrat that was responsible for botching up a critical appointment such as the head of FEMA......I'd call anybody that made such an appointment a fucking political hack.....take your partian political horseshit rhetoric and stick it straight up your ass
Re: Senator Edward Kennedy
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 4:46 pm
by JMak
Emergency, i.e., after an emergency has already occurred. in other other words, after local and state responders have already responded since they are on scene. In other other other words, support. Not responders, but support.
Second, I'm not justifying brown's appointment. not at all as is clear. I was merely noting that his appointment had no significant impact on that agency's to support emergency operations.
As for political partisianship, I've only noted your need to use rhetorical nonsense like criminal negligence. Go piss up a rope, douche.