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Re: that first beer on a friday

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:12 am
by smackaholic
smartpants liberal hippy faggit wrote: Water is denser than alcohol
Now, I gotta call bullshit right there.

I know for a fact that when I drink alcohol, I get more denser than if I just drink water.

Guess you ain't so got damn smart after all.

Re: that first beer on a friday

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:27 am
by War Wagon
Mikey wrote: You can express alcohol content by weight or by volume, not weight by volume. Weight and volume are two different things.
Consider me schooled.

Re: that first beer on a friday

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 12:46 pm
War Wagon wrote: Who says its cheap?
Let me get this straight. You think rice is used for any other reason besides its low cost?

Bud was probably a fine pilsner until they realized that tards like you would swill it no matter what they brewed it with. It's far cheaper for Adolph to squeeze his kidneys over a vat of fucking rice than it is to brew beer in the traditional manner, I understand. Either way, you're oblivious...unless it actually tastes like beer, which seems to be real a problem for you.

Is there really anything you don't approach bass-ackwards, wags? No wonder your daughter is out there, texting crazily, hoping to make contact with intelligent life forms...

Re: that first beer on a friday

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 12:56 pm
by indyfrisco
War Wagon wrote:IF, man of steel, immune to the laws of 5% alcohol weight by volume.

Or full of shit.

You decide.
Miller Lite is 4.2%. You saying if you had 15 of them (or Bud Light) over a 10 hour period you'd be fucked up drunk? I'm no man of steel, but I sure as shit can handle 15 beerwaters over the course of a day's work. Do I do it often? If once a month is often then yeah. Otherwise, I'm on jack and coke.

Re: that first beer on a friday

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 11:30 pm
by smackaholic
1.5 beers an hour, even real beer, is childsplay. Even for an old fart like me.

Re: that first beer on a friday

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:02 am
by War Wagon
IndyFrisco wrote:You saying if you had 15 of them (or Bud Light) over a 10 hour period you'd be fucked up drunk?
No, I'm saying you're a nancy boy who has no business drinking even 1 beer, much less 15... and that I doubt that you've ever drank 15 beers in one 24 hour period in your life. Doubtful you've ever drank 15 beers in a week, your wife would kick your ass. You buy a 30 pack and it lasts a month.

That's what I'm saying.

If you're a true beer drinker, you slam 15 beers in 3 hours or so. Otherwise, what's the point?

Stick to wine coolers or carbonated beverages that you spike with a sliver of Jack to make you feel like a manly man.

Re: that first beer on a friday

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:43 am
by indyfrisco
Actually, I take my jack/cokes 50/50. And your Bud Light/water is 95/5.

Yeah, I'm the pussy.

Hey, I am not the one bashing piss light beers. I still drink it sometime. I am just admitting they are piss light. They are nothing compared to "good" beer. And I'd never have more than 3 "good" beers in a sitting. Not for price, but it just gets too filling.

Re: that first beer on a friday

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:06 am
by War Wagon
IndyFrisco wrote:Actually, I take my jack/cokes 50/50.

Yeah, I'm the pussy.
real men of genius drink that shit straight.

Seriously, I could care less what you drink, how you drink, or how much.

The only thing that matters is what you do while you drink.

On the day you decide to not drink you want your epitaph to be:

"He never spilled a drop."