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Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:40 pm
by Mikey
Wolfman wrote:Speaking of school and classes----anyone know if Mike the Lab Rat even lurks here anymore ? School has started in CNY and it would be interesting to know his thoughts.
Yes it would be.

My son is a HS senior and his Government teacher asked the class if they wanted to watch the address, which to me would seem to be an appropriate activity for a Government class whether you are an Obama "supporter" or not.

Several of the students apparently threatened to walk out of the class if he did show it, so he didn't show it. Apparently he didn't think that the majority that actually did want to see it mattered as much as the loudmouths who made the threat. As far as I'm concerned the pussy should have let them walk out and given them an unexcused absence.

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:47 pm
by trev
Mikey, you are a pussy and your son is a pussy also.

Rack the libbys being all in an uproar over citizens and parents questioning this completely full of himself president.

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:49 pm
by Felix
trev wrote: Rack the libbys being all in an uproar over citizens and parents questioning this completely full of himself president.

calling the POTUS a "piece of shit" is a long way from "questioning" his policies....check yourself there sugarbritches

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:51 pm
by JMak
Felix wrote:so in other words, you don't see any harm in people carrying fully loaded semi-automatic weapons to Presidential appearences or to town hall meetings....let's see, Jmak blithering idiot-check.....
No, I have no problem with law-abiding citizens. Neither did the Secret Service. Apparently you do, though...
I don't call people that legally own or carry firearms idiots....I legally own and carry firearms....I call people that carry guns to a Presidential appearence or to a townhall meeting about health care reform idiots.....what exactly is the point they're trying to make? They're not trying to make any point, they're trying to intimidate people......
Moron, they were legally carrying...and you called those people idiots. Hence, you called people that legally own and carry firearms idiots. A + B = C.
sure, policy changes can bring out the worst in people, but damn dude, why go to the "we're not as bad as they are" card.....pretty weak
I wasn't. Youu were concerned about how we looked in the eyes of those that riot over cartoons, the riot when the G-8 visits town, that...well, you get the idea. That kind of worry is absurd.
you're a partisan hack?
A partisan hack that is going Kimbo Slice on your stupid comments.
so you're equating Obama talking to school kids to our C.I.A illegally torturing people?
Huh? Nope. Didn't say that at all.
and btw, it was Eric Holder that initiated the investigation, not case you were in a coma (and apparently you were) Obama wanted to "move forward" and drop the investigation....unfortunately for Bush, Cheney, and Co., the Attorney General of the United States, while appointed by the President, doesn't work for the President, he works for the people of the United States and is sworn by his oath to uphold the law....he was obilgated to start an investigation....

Uh, the AG does, indeed, work for the POTUS. Holder did not do this on his own no matter how much you and the other tards want to believe otherwise.

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:56 pm
by Mikey
trev wrote:Mikey, you are a pussy and your son is a pussy also.

Rack the libbys being all in an uproar over citizens and parents questioning this completely full of himself president.
Really trev, you're not very good a name calling. You should stick to mixing martinis.

You know absolutely nothing about my son, so I'll thank you to leave him out of this.

If a HS Government teacher wants to show the President's address (remember he is the President) he shoudn't cave to a couple of loudmouth creeps. I have no problem with people questioning the President, unlike assholes like you who would accuse people of being anti-American if they questioned the last President.

Kids who are in a senior AP Government class ought to be mature enough to watch the President's address, take it for what it is, and maybe just maybe have a civilized discussion afterwards. Instead the teacher allowed a few kids to dictate his classroom activities by their crybaby threats to leave the room. Of couse, unsurprisingly, you're OK with the teacher losing control.

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:58 pm
by Mikey
JMak wrote:
Moron, they were legally carrying...and you called those people idiots. Hence, you called people that legally own and carry firearms idiots. A + B = C.
Moron, just because what somebody is doing is legal doesn't mean it's not stupid. Idiots do a lot of stupid but legal things.

You might want to check your logid there.

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:01 pm
by JMak
Felix wrote:Attorney Generals are obligated to investigate unlawful events....that's their job
Uh, no. It's a concept called prosecutorial discretion. That concept exists because while there's an infinite number of unlawful events there are finite resources to investigate and prosecute them. That's where the POTUS comes in to exercise his political perogatives. Hence, the POTUS establishes the law enforcement priorities and the DoJ then pursues those enforcement priorities. See Bush43s priority to investigate and prosecute kiddie porn or Clinton's and Reno's decision not to investigate Chinese money in politics involving Gore.
who gives a shit...that's just a rehash of the "we're not as bad as them" argument.
No, it's pointing out that it's absurd to pay any attention to a raghead's perception of the US knowing that said raghead routinely stones women to death, burns effigies of the POTUS, riots because of cartoons, etc.
seriously, what do you find so fucking outrageous about Obama encouraging students to stay and work hard in school?
That was not the complaint that parents had, moron. Now you're exercising your well-practiced intellectual dishonesty.
exactly what kind of help do you think grade kids can offer the President?
Moron, ask the POTUS because he's the one who expected teachers to have children write out what they could do to help the President and then hold them accountable for it.

I posted the lesson plan supplements that the DoE issued, assclown.
I can't ever recall one Democratic representative that supported the 9/11 horseshit that some people were spewing-you know, the idea that Bush was behind the attacks as a means to invade Iraq? But how many of current Republican representatives are appeasing the lunatic fringe of the right wing party by signing on to the birther and deather movements? In my wildest dreams I'd have never believed the Republicans would be such sore fucking losers.....
Hmmm, yet, the entire Democratic leadership and establishment attended and applauded Michael Moore's 9/11 conspiracy movie. Jimmy Carter had Moore in this presidential box at the DNC National Convention in 2004. Who are you kidding? Then the President, without any vetting, appoints a 9/11 truther to a WH position.

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:03 pm
by JMak
Mikey wrote:
JMak wrote:
Moron, they were legally carrying...and you called those people idiots. Hence, you called people that legally own and carry firearms idiots. A + B = C.
Moron, just because what somebody is doing is legal doesn't mean it's not stupid. Idiots do a lot of stupid but legal things.

You might want to check your logid there.
Felix was not calling them stupid. He called them idiots for engaging in perfectly legal behavior. He chose to do so because he felt threatened. meanwhile, people actually there didn't feel threatened. The fact that folks were packing didn't change what was happening at that event despite what Felix wants to believe.

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:08 pm
by JMak
Mikey wrote:dude, he's rooting for the United States economy to fail, so that in his mind it will vindicate him for calling the POTUS a "piece of shit"....I'm sure he supports Glen Beck and his insistence that "something needs to be done to rescue us from TYRANNY"....don't you get that yet

I didn't like Bush. Maybe even "hated" him, but I was never out there hoping for him and by extension our country to fail just to show that I was right. These people who boast about "patriotism" when a Repbulican is in office are now showing their true colors. They have no love for our country, no respect for our system that they espouse so loudly when "their" guy is in office.

Obama was elected, and by a clear margin of victory. What don't these traitors understand about that? If you don't like him then vote him out next time. But don't drag our country through the gutter trying to make sure that he fails.

Seriously, people like poptart should be ashamed of themselves.
This cult of personality stuff is quite creepy. Criticizing Obama and hoping that Obama fails to implement his policy agenda is now the equivalent of hoping that US will fail as a nation? WTF? I mean, I know some of the crazies ran that nonsense with Bush in office. But the losers who chanted that dissent is the highest form patriotism then are now labelling citizens that dissent from The One's agenda as traitors.

What a turn around.

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:12 pm
by JMak
Mikey wrote:My son is a HS senior and his Government teacher asked the class if they wanted to watch the address, which to me would seem to be an appropriate activity for a Government class whether you are an Obama "supporter" or not.

Several of the students apparently threatened to walk out of the class if he did show it, so he didn't show it. Apparently he didn't think that the majority that actually did want to see it mattered as much as the loudmouths who made the threat. As far as I'm concerned the pussy should have let them walk out and given them an unexcused absence.'re complaining about the minority getting its way, yet, for the most part, your preferred public policies typically garner less than majority support yet you have no problem abusing the courts to impose those preferences on the rest of us...

Good for the students for speaking up when these days means that speaking up gets you placed on a government watchlist for being fishy, invites crazies to list you on the internet for opposing specific policies, and invites being characterized as a traitor by people like Mikey.

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:12 pm
by trev
Mikey wrote:
trev wrote:Mikey, you are a pussy and your son is a pussy also.

Rack the libbys being all in an uproar over citizens and parents questioning this completely full of himself president.
Really trev, you're not very good a name calling. You should stick to mixing martinis.

You know absolutely nothing about my son, so I'll thank you to leave him out of this.

If a HS Government teacher wants to show the President's address (remember he is the President) he shoudn't cave to a couple of loudmouth creeps. I have no problem with people questioning the President, unlike assholes like you who would accuse people of being anti-American if they questioned the last President.

Kids who are in a senior AP Government class ought to be mature enough to watch the President's address, take it for what it is, and maybe just maybe have a civilized discussion afterwards. Instead the teacher allowed a few kids to dictate his classroom activities by their crybaby threats to leave the room. Of couse, unsurprisingly, you're OK with the teacher losing control.
I know that you're his dad, that's enough. You made an assumption about those students, you big bald hypocrite. Sorry, B.O. isn't getting away with this one.

Continue whining.

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:14 pm
by JMak
Mikey wrote:I have no problem with people questioning the President...
Oh? But you do you lying sack of shit. You've equated questioning the President with hoping the nation fails and therefore traitorous behavior.
Kids who are in a senior AP Government class ought to be mature enough to watch the President's address, take it for what it is, and maybe just maybe have a civilized discussion afterwards. Instead the teacher allowed a few kids to dictate his classroom activities by their crybaby threats to leave the room. Of couse, unsurprisingly, you're OK with the teacher losing control.
I wonder if you characterize Democrats and liberals as crybabies when they use the courts to impose policies they couldn't get through the ballot box...

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:44 pm
by Mikey
JMak wrote:
Mikey wrote:I have no problem with people questioning the President...
Oh? But you do you lying sack of shit. You've equated questioning the President with hoping the nation fails and therefore traitorous behavior.
Kids who are in a senior AP Government class ought to be mature enough to watch the President's address, take it for what it is, and maybe just maybe have a civilized discussion afterwards. Instead the teacher allowed a few kids to dictate his classroom activities by their crybaby threats to leave the room. Of couse, unsurprisingly, you're OK with the teacher losing control.
I wonder if you characterize Democrats and liberals as crybabies when they use the courts to impose policies they couldn't get through the ballot box...
Strawman much?

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:58 pm
by JMak
Mikey wrote:Strawman much?
No, was genuinely curious how far your carping about the influence of the minority would go. I suppose it goes only so far as crying about your son's teacher not showing Oblowhard's stupid speech to the children.

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:07 pm
by Felix
JMak wrote:
Uh, no. It's a concept called prosecutorial discretion. That concept exists because while there's an infinite number of unlawful events there are finite resources to investigate and prosecute them. That's where the POTUS comes in to exercise his political perogatives. Hence, the POTUS establishes the law enforcement priorities and the DoJ then pursues those enforcement priorities.
maybe you should look up the definition of what an attorney general's job description is....but if Bush and Cheyney were acting within the bounds of the law (which Cheney insists they were) what do they have to be frightened of? I would think they'd openly welcome an investigation so they can be vindicated....
See Bush43s priority to investigate and prosecute kiddie porn or Clinton's and Reno's decision not to investigate Chinese money in politics involving Gore.
so I'm assuming you were in favor of the Attorney General appointing a special prosecutor to investigate Whitewater (which was really a busted real estate deal and in no way affected you) but you're not down with an investigation of a bunch of assclowns that may have violated not only our law but international law as well by torturing people....dude, you've got your priorities seriously turned around....
No, it's pointing out that it's absurd to pay any attention to a raghead's perception of the US knowing that said raghead routinely stones women to death, burns effigies of the POTUS, riots because of cartoons, etc.
did I ever mention once a specific country? nope, you just assumed I was speaking about somebody that you obviously revile based upon your multiple use of the term "raghead" is your bigotry limited to "ragheads" or there other ethnicities you also despise
That was not the complaint that parents had, moron. Now you're exercising your well-practiced intellectual dishonesty.
yes it was....selective reading seems to be your forte.
Moron, ask the POTUS because he's the one who expected teachers to have children write out what they could do to help the President and then hold them accountable for it.
they were expected to complete some exercise and they were going to be held accountable? and what if they didn't do it, would it be off to the concentration camps?
Hmmm, yet, the entire Democratic leadership and establishment attended and applauded Michael Moore's 9/11 conspiracy movie. Jimmy Carter had Moore in this presidential box at the DNC National Convention in 2004. Who are you kidding? Then the President, without any vetting, appoints a 9/11 truther to a WH position.
did you even see the movie? Of course you didn't because if you had you'd know there were no accusations of any Bush complicity in the attacks of September 11.....all the movie pointed out was his ineptitude and disregard for information that any INTELLIGENT person would have acted on prior to the attacks, and his seeming lack of interest in hunting down and killing those that perpetrated the attrocity...who could ever forget Bush's "I don't really think that much about Bin Laden" self asskicking he administered

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:31 pm
by Wolfman

"completely full of himself president"

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:55 pm
by Mikey
Wolfman wrote:statement

"completely full of himself president"
Yeah, I guess he is sort of uppity...for one of them. You know?

Of course I haven't heard of him going around saying "I am the decider".

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:52 pm
by poptart
Mikey wrote:Yep. The hate and disrespect, not just for the person but now for the office as well, of these assholes is mindboggling.

I didn't like Bush. Maybe even "hated" him, but I was never out there hoping for him and by extension our country to fail just to show that I was right. These people who boast about "patriotism" when a Repbulican is in office are now showing their true colors. They have no love for our country, no respect for our system that they espouse so loudly when "their" guy is in office.
Do I need to inform you another 15 times that I am not a republican so you folks can stop playing that card?

I am not hoping for America to fail, dimwit.
I want America to succeed.

The people fucked up in a MAJOR way by electing the piece of shit.

He ISN'T taking America on a road to success, and it WILL be shown that I am correct that Obama will face total humiliation before he leaves office.

It's not cheering for American failure.
I am looking objectively at what is going on.

Something you and Feelsdix are clearly not capable of with Obama's balls draped over your eyes.

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:28 am
by poptart
Felix wrote:
poptart wrote:Just curious, Felix.
What do you think about Van Jones?
I think the conservative "think tanks" that ran him out of office did him the biggest favor in the he can resume being a spokesman for democratic policies....
Didn't Obama have some elaborate questionaire and background check for people that were going to work in his administration?

Remember that?

How did this Van Jones loser get clearance?
don't know, I wasn't involved in the vetting'd have to take that up with the Obama White House....
We give takes in here.

All of a sudden you're not capable of formulating one of your own?

Van Loser got clearance to be a special advisor to the president, despite a supposed strict background check and vetting process.

Oh, but yeah, President Obama didn't know any of these things about Jones. pfft

Bill Ayers
Rev Wright
Tony Rezko
Van Jones
etc ...

Funny how B.O. somehow becomes the world biggest dumbfuck whenever the people he associates with are shown to be ... pieces of shit.

umm .. uhh ... I didn't know ...

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:53 am
by Felix
poptart wrote:
We give takes in here.

All of a sudden you're not capable of formulating one of your own?
sure, the Repugnations searched high and low for anything they could find on him and hit paydirt.....of course he didn't sign on to the 9/11 conspiracy when he signed the paper, but never let the facts get in the way of a good smear....
Van Loser got clearance to be a special advisor to the president, despite a supposed strict background check and vetting process.
you know jack shit about him so stop acting like you do....but actually like I said the honks at Faux news did the American people a favor by putting his voice back in play in the politics of the about kicking their own asses....
Oh, but yeah, President Obama didn't know any of these things about Jones. pfft
of course again, you no absolutely nothing of their relationship so quit acting like you do
Bill Ayers
Rev Wright
Tony Rezko
Van Jones
etc ...
fuck dude, the candidate you wanted (whoever the fuck it was) lost...give it up

why the fuck do you give two shits about it...your a fucking Korean now, so shut the fuck up

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:06 am
by poptart
Is this the part where you start to cry?


Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:10 pm
by Felix
poptart wrote:Is this the part where you start to cry?


great response, you're on fire today

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:05 pm
by poptart
Feelsdix wrote:a good smear
Your pap?

Surely you're not telling us that Van Jones was smeared??

Did I say something earlier about you being blinded due to Obama's ballsack resting on your eyes?


Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:15 pm
by JMak
Felix wrote:maybe you should look up the definition of what an attorney general's job description is....but if Bush and Cheyney were acting within the bounds of the law (which Cheney insists they were) what do they have to be frightened of? I would think they'd openly welcome an investigation so they can be vindicated....
You are a liar.

First, they have been vindicated.
Second, these interrogations have already been investigated.
Third. the AG works for the President. Period. Besides, where would I find a job description for the AG?
so I'm assuming you were in favor of the Attorney General appointing a special prosecutor to investigate Whitewater (which was really a busted real estate deal and in no way affected you) but you're not down with an investigation of a bunch of assclowns that may have violated not only our law but international law as well by torturing people....dude, you've got your priorities seriously turned around....
Career bureaucrats at DoJ recommended that investigation to Reno and she approved. Not only did she approve it in the first instance, but she approved every subsequent expansion of that investigation.

I'm not sure why you're down with a new investigation of this given that you're sure they broke the law. Why investigate at all?

But if you're down for investigating something you're already sure occurred, why do you insist that it be investigated a second time?
did I ever mention once a specific country? nope, you just assumed I was speaking about somebody that you obviously revile based upon your multiple use of the term "raghead" is your bigotry limited to "ragheads" or there other ethnicities you also despise
Doesn't matter that you didn't specify a single country. You appealed to the perception that other countries have of the US. I simply noted that those you're appealing to have absurdly worse records than the US. I.e., your appeal is illegitimate.
yes it was....selective reading seems to be your forte.

If that was the complaint, why did the DoE issue new supplemental material deleting the what you can do for the President and holding students accountable components? Well?
they were expected to complete some exercise and they were going to be held accountable? and what if they didn't do it, would it be off to the concentration camps?
Way to go off the rails.

Children are not servants of the president. Asking them to declare what they can do to help the President and then ask teachers to hold them accountable is creepy. I'm not sure why you're denying this existed. I provided the material earlier in this thread, liar.
did you even see the movie? Of course you didn't because if you had you'd know there were no accusations of any Bush complicity in the attacks of September 11.....all the movie pointed out was his ineptitude and disregard for information that any INTELLIGENT person would have acted on prior to the attacks, and his seeming lack of interest in hunting down and killing those that perpetrated the attrocity...who could ever forget Bush's "I don't really think that much about Bin Laden" self asskicking he administered
I.e., the President knew it was goign to happen and allowed it to happen. Many leading Democrats enthusiastically applauded this movie and the central theme to it. This is indisputable fact.

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:18 pm
by JMak
Felix wrote:sure, the Repugnations searched high and low for anything they could find on him and hit paydirt.....of course he didn't sign on to the 9/11 conspiracy when he signed the paper, but never let the facts get in the way of a good smear....
They used his own words and actions. Funny that Van Jones said he was being smeared. It was his own words/actions.

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:56 pm
by Felix
poptart wrote:
Surely you're not telling us that Van Jones was smeared??
maybe a better description would have been McCarthyized...but hey, if you're down with Glen Beck being the Republican party's attack dog, more power to ya bud....

how many advertisers has he lost since he called Obama a "racist, with deep seated hatred of white people"?

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:04 pm
by Sirfindafold
Felix wrote:maybe a better description would have been McCarthyized...

Typical. Piece of shit liberals don't understand, or refuse to accept the concept of personal accountability

go fuck yourself.

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:24 pm
by JMak
Felix wrote:
poptart wrote:
Surely you're not telling us that Van Jones was smeared??
maybe a better description would have been McCarthyized...but hey, if you're down with Glen Beck being the Republican party's attack dog, more power to ya bud....

how many advertisers has he lost since he called Obama a "racist, with deep seated hatred of white people"?
McCarthyism?? LOL!!

Van Jones is a 9/11 Truther. Van Jones is a former communist. He's a radical POS. Just like Chas Freeman. Another Obama appointee sunk by a protracted debate about his past statements.

Besides, it was Teddy Kennedy that initiated this era of politics of personal destruction. This ain't about Glenn Beck or about the Republican Party. This is about Obama appointing radicals to his Cabinet and through this unaccountable czar process.

But, re: Beck, he's still crushing MSDNC and CNN and will continue to do so.

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:39 pm
by Cuda
Felix wrote:
poptart wrote:
Surely you're not telling us that Van Jones was smeared??
maybe a better description would have been McCarthyized...
Unwittingly, feelsdix is totally correct: Everybody (and I do mean everyfuckingbody) who McCarthy labeled a communist WAS, IN FACT, a motherfucking comminust!

Just how the fuck do you smear someone with the truth?

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:34 pm
by Q, West Coast Style ... cleID=6604

Don't want to be an American idiot ... I'm not a part of a redneck agenda.

- Green Day

Welcome to the dawning of the age of the angry white man.

His sense of guilt sufficiently assuaged by the election to the highest office in the land of a man whose heritage is half-African, half-American - a "Halfrican-American," if you will - the angry white man - we'll call him AWM - now answers to the call of his inner angst, a tiny voice that has convinced him that he has become society's victim.

Goaded by an Oz-like cast of cartoon characters - the Blow-Hard Druggie of the Airwaves, the Brainless White Witch of the North, the Blubbering Instigator, the "Great Miscommunicator" Columnist - AWM has been spurred to action via a wave of self-righteous indignation that has shaken him to the foundation of his white-bread soul.

And with that darker-skinned man now sitting in the White House, AWM has a focal point to which he may direct his newfound anger.

Thus, a health care plan that mentions end-of-life counseling becomes a starting-off point at which "death panels" will determine who is given medical treatment and who is deemed too old and ready to meet their maker.And a speech to the nation's school children about the importance of education becomes the opening salvo of a propaganda barrage intent on turning children's minds into ... well, AWM hasn't exactly figured out what, but by God, you better believe he's keeping his kids home from school.

And, harking back to his Wild-West roots, AWM feels the need ... the need ... to carry his semi-automatic weapon to public hearings, because the NRA and the Constitution give him that right.

Sadly, such rhetoric and vitriol leave AWM looking much like one of the forebears to his convoluted form of pretzel logic legacy: a gentleman named McCarthy.

Misguided AWMs across the nation are buying into the bloviated revisionist history of their Island of Misfit Toys leaders and directing their long-dormant ire at the current president, a so-far tentative leader whose sweeping mandate has been blunted by his odd decision to "let Congress handle" the issues that won him election in the first place.

These angry white men seem to have conveniently forgotten that many of the issues that they now rail against - the bailouts, the ongoing deaths of American troops in directionless wars, the erosion of civil freedoms in the name of "security" - were initiated by one of their own, that tragic good ol' boy from down Texas way.

While much of AWM's anger is indeed misguided, there's no mistaking its genesis. Rising white-collar unemployment, growing crime rates in cities with undermanned police forces and the threat of new taxes cutting into his already shrinking paycheck are enough to put anyone on edge.

Why it takes the country back to the days when no jobs, corrupt police forces and a complete lack of representation led to the birth of another interesting sub-group: the angry black man.

But that's a whole different story.

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:02 pm
by Cuda
Q, even Camile Paglia thinks you're a dipshit

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:09 pm
by Q, West Coast Style
Cuda wrote:Q, even Camile Paglia thinks you're a dipshit
LOL. I understand why you gotta respond. The dude from the Albany Herald nailed you to a f'ing T. :hfal:

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:12 pm
by Cuda
Q, West Coast Style wrote: Albany Herald
:meds: :lol: :lol:

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:32 am
by poptart
Cuda wrote:Unwittingly, feelsdix is totally correct: Everybody (and I do mean everyfuckingbody) who McCarthy labeled a communist WAS, IN FACT, a motherfucking comminust!

Just how the fuck do you smear someone with the truth?
bwaaa ...


Guessin' Feelsdix won't puff his chest out and show this thread to the grandkids.

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 2:39 am
by RJ
:lol: :lol: :lol:

RACK the HELL out of Trev, and throw on another RACK on the grill for 'Tart and Coods. They are absolutely PWNING this thread mercilessly.

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 2:36 pm
by Felix
poptart wrote: Unwittingly, feelsdix is totally correct: Everybody (and I do mean everyfuckingbody) who McCarthy labeled a communist WAS, IN FACT, a motherfucking comminust!
and as usual, you've gotten it wrong again.....
never mind the fact that Jones said he regretted that he ever said he supported communistic ideas in his early years and disavowed it a few years later, and don't let the fact that what he thought he signed (support for investigations of the 9/11 attacks) turned out to be a 9/11 truther movement, which he avidly denounced when he found out what it really was....but let a democrat bring up a masters thesis that a Republican gubernatorial candidate wrote in when he was in his thirties, that essentially describes the way he wants to take the US back to the fucking dark ages, and the conservatives scream "dirty politics"....

your fucking hypocrisy knows no bounds.....

Guessin' Feelsdix won't puff his chest out and show this thread to the grandkids.
they wouldn't get the fact that you're a hypocritical ass-hat, so why would I

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:19 pm
by JMak
Felix wrote:and as usual, you've gotten it wrong again.....
never mind the fact that Jones said he regretted that he ever said he supported communistic ideas in his early years and disavowed it a few years later,
Yeah, he explains this in September 2009 after his words/actions out him as a radical leftist that supported a communist overthorw of the US and the extermination of white people.
and don't let the fact that what he thought he signed (support for investigations of the 9/11 attacks) turned out to be a 9/11 truther movement,
Oh? So he was either careless or stupid. And we should grant him the benefit of the doubt on both why?

And besides, he didn't think it was petition merely to investigate 9/11 - he signed a petition demanding four investigations of the charge that the Bush administration deliberately allowed the 9/11 attacks.

Here you are alleging that Jones's critics are misrepresenting his views while at the same time you're attempting to suggest he merely support a general investigation of 9/11. Again, you're a liar and an intellectually dishonest fool.
which he avidly denounced when he found out what it really was....
but let a democrat bring up a masters thesis that a Republican gubernatorial candidate wrote in when he was in his thirties, that essentially describes the way he wants to take the US back to the fucking dark ages, and the conservatives scream "dirty politics"....
First, who is calling it dirty politics without first acknowledging that the Obama campaign and the DNC successfully resisted demands for the Obama campaign to release his college transcripts and major writing? Obama's writing was apparently of no import during the presidential campaign but it is in a state race?

Second, look who is running the culture war now, moron. A 20-year old disagreement with an illogical and unsound court decision and with feminists is something that we should be scandalized about? Seriously?
your fucking hypocrisy knows no bounds.....
Actually, what is on display is your side's hypocrisy (Obama's writing and transcriptis are off limits, but a 20 year old thesis is now the centerpiece of the Democrats strategy and the WaPo's efforts to defeat a Republican candidate); your dishonesty (already demonstrated); and your penchant for slobbering on liberal cack.

Guessin' Feelsdix won't puff his chest out and show this thread to the grandkids.
they wouldn't get the fact that you're a hypocritical ass-hat, so why would I[/quote]

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 12:41 am
by Cuda
Felix wrote:Attorney Generals are obligated to investigate unlawful events....that's their job
I guess we'll be seeing the announcement of a RICO investigation of ACORN any day now, right?

Voter Fraud in KC
Voter Fraud in Nevada
Voter Fraud in Missouri
Voter Intimidation in Philadelphia
Aiding & Abbeting Tax Fraud, & Underaged Prostitution in Maryland & Washington DC

Yep, indictments coming down any day now :meds: :meds: :meds:

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 2:22 am
by Bizzarofelice
Cuda wrote: ACORN

who cares?

Re: Ojigaboo to Personally Indoctrinate School Age Kids

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 3:31 am
by poptart
J. Crack Corn?