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Re: please read this

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:51 am
by OCmike
Mr T wrote:
OCmike wrote:The majority of those 849 ticket-punches took place during spring and summer when flu is supposed to be effectively dormant.
If flu is supposedly dormant during that time, then how come the average run of the mill flu killed thousands while swine didnt even get a K.
It's actually pretty simple. Run-of-the-mill flu consists of Influenza A, B & C. Of those three types, there are a slew of mutations occurring in a given year, resulting iin many different strains of A, B & C kicking ass around the US at any give time. So effectively, you're lining up 150 defenders against my 11 players on offense and then talking shit because I'm not scoring enough points.

In all seriousness, based on what I've seen at work, they're treating '09 as they do any other "bad" flu year here, and they have a very prestigious Infectious Disease dept.

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:55 pm
by Felix
today is the first day I feel halfway decent, so figure the length of it is about 6 gave me something equal to a tamiflu shot but said it probably wouldn't help that much...still don't feel that great, but I'm no longer snotting up what appears to be parts of my lung and at least I can now cough without it feeling like someone is ripping my throat out

once the fever is gone, the virus is allegedly no longer transmittable, but I told everyone I know to stay the fuck away from me because like I say I wouldn't wish this shit on anybody....I'll be back at work tomorrow

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 3:57 pm
by Imus
Felix wrote:today is the first day I feel halfway decent, so figure the length of it is about 6 gave me something equal to a tamiflu shot but said it probably wouldn't help that much...still don't feel that great, but I'm no longer snotting up what appears to be parts of my lung and at least I can now cough without it feeling like someone is ripping my throat out

once the fever is gone, the virus is allegedly no longer transmittable, but I told everyone I know to stay the fuck away from me because like I say I wouldn't wish this shit on anybody....I'll be back at work tomorrow

Real nice telling us how you cleared up that nasty bout of oral syphilis, but now what are you doing about the h1n1?

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:07 pm
by Bizzarofelice
trev wrote:I'm no longer anxious or scared.


Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:23 am
Jsc, if your ailments haven't done you in yet, then I'd say you've got nothing to fear from PIG flu.

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 3:37 am
by H4ever
My pregnant wife just got over the swine flu and said it wasn't as bad as the flus she's had in the past. After they confirmed she had it...doc wrote her a script for tamiflu (100 bones) and my "outstanding" insurance generously paid 60 of it. Me and the rugrat have avoided it so far. But, after what I saw of it...I'm not worried and am starting to believe this is some pharmaceutical company's greed playing in the picture somewhere.

edit: I bet if there were a generic alternative to tamiflu (4 bucks at Hy-Vee pharmacy) this shit wouldn't be blown up all over the media.

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:13 am
by Mr T
H4ever wrote:if there were a generic alternative to tamiflu

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 1:08 pm
by Felix
Imus wrote:

Real nice telling us how you cleared up that nasty bout of oral syphilis, but now what are you doing about the h1n1?

whats your mailing address, I want to send you something

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:48 pm
by OCmike
H4 Pasteur, do you think it's possible that the Tamiflu and pregnant chick's overdrive immune system has something to do with he light symptoms? :meds: Anywho, I'm glad she and the munchkin are alright.

Oh, and RACK Mr. T. :lol:

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 12:06 am
by KC Scott
Weird cases here too - My Wife was down with it (or some flu) for a week - so sick she was sleeping 16 hrs. But all i had was some minor muscle aches and a few sneezes and coughs. Both of my Boys (10 + 8) were down for 1 day with fever, tired, but back to normal next day.

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 12:11 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Felix wrote:today is the first day I feel halfway decent
So sorry to hear...that is, that you're feeling better.
Felix wrote:...I told everyone I know to stay the fuck away from me...
No big accomplishment. I'm sure people avoid you when your the picture of health as well.

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 12:18 am
by H4ever
OCmike wrote:H4 Pasteur, do you think it's possible that the Tamiflu and pregnant chick's overdrive immune system has something to do with he light symptoms? :meds: Anywho, I'm glad she and the munchkin are alright.

Oh, and RACK Mr. T. :lol:
I second the RACK for Mr. T :mrgreen: and I'll throw in a rack for the H4 Pasteur...just don't call me Louie!

But, I thought pregnant women, the young and elderly were the most at risk from this dreaded swine flu/rah rah/ end is near/ we're all going to die! If you consider 39 old, my family would the poster family for those at risk.

Maybe once the word gets out, some pharmaceutical company will sign us up for all kinds of jack to promote tamiflu and H1N1 vaccinations? I'm in if they can stand my goofy mug all over the media!

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 1:47 am
by OCmike
Pregnant women are always "at risk" because even though the Mom will be fine once the virus symptoms pass, a fetus can be damaged or killed if the mom gets a high fever. Also, if the mom gets seriously ill from anything, she might have a miscarriage. That stuff mostly occurs in those who don't go to the doctor until an expectant mother is in really bad shape though. So a lot of the warnings you see are targeted at the barrio/ghetto/trailer crowd.

Also, the makers of the swine flu vaccine won't be making as much cash as people think. There's a bottle neck in distribution right now, since warehouses are full of the standard flu shot that hardly anyone's getting. So it's looking like they could under-supply the panicked retard rush and get things fixed just in timed to get fucked by Nancy Grace interviewing some dude who got elephantitis of the nuts after getting his shot at Walmart. I'll be surprised if they break even. The big winners in this scare will be the CDC and WHO.

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 3:44 am
by H4ever
mvscal wrote:
OCmike wrote: pregnant chick's overdrive immune system
Is a serious, potentially fatal liability.
due to potential for her body trying to reject or attack the fetus right? fetus with only 50% of mom's DNA might be considered the enemy by her immune system? I think I know what he's sayin' .

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 4:35 am
by Katy
The sickest I ever got with the flu, was when I was pregnant with my 2nd child. I got the flu shot because my military OBGYN was insistent that I get it. When I was pregnant with my 3rd child, I opted out of getting it against doctor's orders. I didn't end up getting the flu at all that year.

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 1:56 pm
by Felix
Martyred wrote: So sorry to hear...that is, that you're feeling better.
even though you're one of the single biggest douchebags I've ever had the misfortune of reading, I wouldn't even wish this shit on's no fucking joke-I got off lucky in that my reaction to it was relatively mild...there are about 100 people in the area I've read about that are lying in hospitals on ventilators literally fighting for their rhyme nor reason as to why some people get off like I did, and it threatens the lives of others

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:01 pm
by Katy
My 5 year old son came home sick from school today and it was confirmed it's the swine flu.

If I get it, Bace gets my record player and Van gets my entire 80's music collection. :D

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:06 pm
by Katy
Quite the opposite. His reactions to some of the shit I play are priceless.

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 5:57 pm
by Van

I suppose that would be one of putting it, yes.


You killed it the other night though. Beddy, beddy good.

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:54 pm
by Katy
I aim to please. :D

You've been a very good sport, Van. I know some of the shit I play can make one's middle ear collapse instantly. :twisted:

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:08 pm
by Van
And the best thing is you do it anyway!


Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:47 pm
by Katy
Van wrote:And the best thing is you do it anyway!

:lol: Pretty much.

The content of my radio shows are often so bad, they're good. I like the cheese factor that the 80's brought. It's like Spray said, the Yamaha keyboard/keytar got a lot of play during that decade.

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:17 am
by PrimeX
I had it two weeks ago, went to the doc only because my company made me. It was confirmed, IT WASN'T AIDS, and it was nothing compared to the normal Flu. Two days of aches, slightly high fever, but I pretty much lived on the shitter. I have no idea where all of that butt liquid came from. I called in sick Wednesday/Thursday, was back to work on Friday.

Beef jerky and Gatorade rule.

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:41 pm
by Mikey
Toddowen wrote:If this was H1N1, I wouldn't be worried at all.
Yeah. Actually, from your description, it sounds sort of fun.

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:51 am
So...did anyone DIE yet?

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 6:23 am
by Mr T
PSUFAN wrote:So...did anyone DIE yet?
Of swine flu?

Obama said the swine-flu outbreak was a national emergency.... :meds: ... ted_States
This link says 14 people died from it in PA. So watch yo' back.... :lol:

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:53 pm
by Dinsdale
Again -- how big a rube do you have to be to bend over every time Big Brother reaches into your pocket?

Since this "pandemic" (much like the common cold is a "pandemic") broke out, how many people have died from garden variety influenza?

A very large multiple of swine flu deaths, perhaps?

Along those lines, how many have died from diabetes since then?

Is O(ne)B(ig)A(ss)M(istake)A(merica) going to declare a state of emergency and shut down Coca Cola and Pepsi?

Wait... that would reduce federal revenue... much like NOT declaring swine flu an "emergency" would. Plus, Big Brother has become drunk on power, and any seizure of control-of-the-people is a high priority.

But just keep trusting politicians -- it's really working out well.

BTW -- why are politicians putting a lot more effort into this "issue" than the medical professions is?

Things that make you go "HMMMMMM"...

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 2:37 pm
by smackaholic
Cockblock had the H1N1 a few weeks ago. It was pretty mild as killer national emergency plagues go. I did not get it despite plenty of exposure, which, I take it means I have a natural immunity. Doesn't matter though. Uncle Sam says I will get immunized next drill weekend, like it or not. If I get that funny walk disease like that hottie cheerleader got, somebody's getting sued.

Sure makes a lot of sense to me to immunize a bunch of adults against a generally mild flu that very rarely fukks up young children, don't it?

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:04 am
by Bizzarofelice
smackaholic wrote:Sure makes a lot of sense to me to immunize a bunch of adults against a generally mild flu that very rarely fukks up young children, don't it?
Experts in the field spend time analyzing this shit and plotting out the course of the disease and how to fight it.

I suggest you drive down to Atlanta, walk into the CDC and tell those experts they totally have it all wrong and give them the URL to this thread as proof.

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:06 am
by smackaholic
what he^^^^^ said.

they are like any other gubmint entity, looking to grow the bidness at every opportunity.

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 5:21 am
by Bizzarofelice
mvscal wrote:
Bizzarofelice wrote:
smackaholic wrote:Sure makes a lot of sense to me to immunize a bunch of adults against a generally mild flu that very rarely fukks up young children, don't it?
Experts in the field spend time analyzing this shit and plotting out the course of the disease and how to fight it.

I suggest you drive down to Atlanta, walk into the CDC and tell those experts they totally have it all wrong and give them the URL to this thread as proof.
Those experts also spend time analyzing their budget and plotting out how to increase it.
So the budget is worked out at the CDC? Are you seriously that stupid, or just eager to play Lil' Limbaugh and dare to dream of his semen splashing close enough for you to take a sample and hope its proves viable in your vagina?

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:30 pm
by titlover
Those experts also spend time analyzing their budget and plotting out how to increase it.[/quote]

So the budget is worked out at the CDC? Are you seriously that stupid, or just eager to play Lil' Limbaugh and dare to dream of his semen splashing close enough for you to take a sample and hope its proves viable in your vagina?[/quote]

it certainly isn't decided by them but if they make their request sound important and dire enough and pose catestrophic consequences if they aren't funded, they will get the increase they want.....

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 6:15 pm
by JMak
smackaholic, maybe the feds will run out of vaccinations by the time you're due for the shot... Hey, many of the supposed at-risk folks can't get the shots, but the folks at Gitmo certainly will. Priceless!

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:40 am
by OCmike
Dinsdale wrote:Again -- how big a rube do you have to be to bend over every time Big Brother reaches into your pocket?

Since this "pandemic" (much like the common cold is a "pandemic") broke out, how many people have died from garden variety influenza?
The numbers are going to be higher for "regular" flu because types A, B & C and their various strains are all grouped into one statistic.

Because of the high fever the risk is real for kids and those already selected for ticket-punchings by Chuck, but that's about it.

The H1N1 "vaccine" is an absolute joke because not only was it barely tested, but it was created off a strain floating around about 8 months ago. Gee, I guess we'll all just have to hope that it works and roll up our sleeves. :meds:

The big scam though is that the HMOs are still "strongly advising" everyone to get both the seasonal shot and the H1N1 vaccine. Even though the number of cases of non-H1N1 influenza are statistically insignificant (per the CDC), HMOs want you to get the seasonal shot because they all bought a shitload of it and will have millions in losses if they aren't used.

The Infectious Disease dept at work sent out a FAQ list last week that included this gem:
The CDC guidelines say that we can only give the H1N1 nasal vaccine to healthy kids. But what if someone comes in and they already have H1N1? Can we give it them?
God and G0d help us all.

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 4:19 am
Just let me know when this thread can DIE

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:48 am
by OCmike
PSUFAN wrote:Just let me know when this thread can DIE
This thread's usefulness will end when world-renowned microbiology scientist Will Smith discovers the cure for CGI swine flu vampirism.

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 8:31 am
by Mr T
PSUFAN wrote:Just let me know when this thread can DIE
This thread read itself, so it cannot die.

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:02 pm
by Katy
PSUFAN wrote:Just let me know when this thread can DIE
I'd give it another has grown legs. It's a damn good read, too. :D

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 4:58 am
by Mikey
PSUFAN wrote:Just let me know when this thread can DIE
Does it have any underlying medical conditions?

Re: please read this - or you may fucking die!

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 4:01 am
by Q, West Coast Style
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