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Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 2:54 am
by SunCoastSooner
War Wagon wrote:
SunCoastSooner wrote: I'd love to see it happen... that way texass would become irrelevant like they were the previous decade to the Big 8 saving their broke ass conference.
Yeah, but unfortunately Vito isn't the chancellor or even the AD, so that's probably not gonna' happen. They really aren't that stupid in Austin, are they?

Texas wasn't shit before they merged with the 8, and now they're talking shit. Hilarious.

We absorbed Baylor for their sake, and this is the thanks we get?

We didn't need these sluts, they needed us. I still can't believe we reached down and picked these worthless bitches out the gutter.

The selling pooint at the time wasn't even Texas... it was A&M. The Big 8 knew the day was coming that they needed the revenue to keep up. Texas alone wasn't worth it in the early 90s the UT/aTm combo was the deal. Baylor was because the the damn texass legislature would have to approve of it. We should have poached The Big 2 in Utah for Salt Lake (BYU and Utah), like Nebraska was begging for, along with Tulsa... which combined with OSU might have given us some run with Arkansas. Unfortunately we only have my Alma Mater to blame for this mess and Donnie Duncan. I'm sad to say that this is entirely The University of Oklahoma's fault and the one thing I have ever been ashamed of the institution in Norman. I hope Donnie Duncan ends in a fire engulfed car crash every time I think about it.

Should have watched those bastards rot away in their second tier shit conference and laughed all the way to the bank with the inevitable "Conference Championship Game" and watched Texslut slide further and further into obscurity.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:56 am
by PrimeX
War Wagon wrote: We

Did you graduate from Mizz? Serious question as I don't know your background.

I just can't stand the "We" attitude from someone who 1.) Is not an Alumn, 2.) Does not contribute to the University from which they graduated, 3.) Buys clothes from Walmart and plays the T-Shirt fan card when arguing with the word "We".

And yes, I loathe T-shirt Longhorn fans. "We" laugh at them, all the time. All I gotta do is show my class ring to see them scatter and leave the conversation at any bar.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:59 am
by SunCoastSooner
PrimeX wrote:And yes, I loathe T-shirt Longhorn fans. "We" laugh at them, all the time. All I gotta do is show my class ring to see them scatter and leave the conversation at any bar.

For clarification purposes... you don't like vito?

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:08 am
by PrimeX
I loathe T-Shirt fans in general. No idea what his affiliation with the school is. My magical database was lost during Hurricane Ike.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:26 am
by War Wagon
PrimeX wrote: Did you graduate from Mizz? Serious question as I don't know your background.

Never went to any sort of College, though I could have. I had the test scores and the funding. I chose to join the USAF instead. This is all well documented, as in I've posted about that until some were bored to tears. Sorry you didn't get the memo.
I just can't stand the "We" attitude from someone who 1.) Is not an Alumn, 2.) Does not contribute to the University from which they graduated, 3.) Buys clothes from Walmart and plays the T-Shirt fan card when arguing with the word "We".
I don't have to have gone to any school to be a fan of that school, capiche? It's my state school, I've been a fan for 30 years, since the Stipo/Sundvold era. Is that good efuckingnuff for you, or do you need a map?
And yes, I loathe T-shirt Longhorn fans. "We" laugh at them, all the time. All I gotta do is show my class ring to see them scatter and leave the conversation at any bar.
My, my... well aren't you fucking special.

Showing your "class" alright.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:37 am
by Vito Corleone
SunCoastSooner wrote:
War Wagon wrote:
Vito Corleone wrote:The fact is the only thing keeping Texas in a conference is we are getting our way on a lot of important issues and the system is working in our favor.

When it stops working in our favor is when you will see Texas make a move.
Where to?

Back to the SWAC? Arkansas misses you. :lol:

Do other Texas fans here even claim you?

Sucks for Prime, Harv, camp, and BXII BSH everywhere, but right about now we're really gonna' enjoy it when Alabama crushes your hopes and dreams.

Texas is now on par with Notre Dame in the 60s so they're going to go independent like the Golden domers... Just ask vincent.

I'd love to see it happen... that way texass would become irrelevant like they were the previous decade to the Big 8 saving their broke ass conference.

Nebraska was right and we should have listened back in the 90s, these fucks have an overinflated sense of self worth. Donnie Duncan sold our souls to the fucking devil so that he could secure a prime spot in the conference offices knowing that Oklahoma was soon to show him the door for the idiocy that was his reign as athletic director.
you still think you saved Texas, no you didn't save shit, Texas saved the little 8, who gives a shit how wonderful you were in football, the fact is no one gave a shit and if Texas left so would the TV contract. As would your recruiting in Texas. You might still get one or two but you would not fill your roster like you do now.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:40 am
by Vito Corleone
SunCoastSooner wrote:
PrimeX wrote:And yes, I loathe T-shirt Longhorn fans. "We" laugh at them, all the time. All I gotta do is show my class ring to see them scatter and leave the conversation at any bar.

For clarification purposes... you don't like vito?
It's also been well documented I graduated from Texas back in 96 with a BS in Computer Science. Actually thinking of going back for my MBA.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:44 am
by PrimeX
War Wagon wrote:I don't have to have gone to any school
Looks like you skipped high school as well. Internet Gangsta, rise UP!

You can pull your panties out of your ass as well. I didn't know your background, but thanks for the update, T-Shirt fan. Wear your Walmart Jersey with pride while lifting those pallets and loading trucks. I need people like you to help me run my business while making more in a month than you make in one quarter.

How's your 401k? Stocks? Dogs healthy? :wink:

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:44 am
by War Wagon
Doesn't take much to graduate from Texas, it would appear.

I wonder how many of those class rings wind up in pawn shops?

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:50 am
by PrimeX
War Wagon wrote:Doesn't take much to graduate from Texas
Yeah, not much. It's like a community college.

Please destroy your dumb card. It's working too well.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:55 am
by War Wagon
PrimeX wrote:Dogs healthy? :wink:
Old, but still alive. I have to carry one of them up and down the porch steps at least twice a day to get business done in the yard. And it's freaking cold... brrrrr.

Wait... but how are you doing?

I ain't mad at you, dawg.

Can't imagine that ever happening.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:56 am
by Vito Corleone
War Wagon wrote:Doesn't take much to graduate from Texas, it would appear.

I wonder how many of those class rings wind up in pawn shops?
Getting my degree was pretty easy as is getting a job now, how is it for you?

Since graduating I have never been without a job thanks to my connections from my days on the 40. But I'm sure lots of people here can say the same, I'm pretty sure your not one of them.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:01 am
by PrimeX
War Wagon wrote:
PrimeX wrote:Dogs healthy? :wink:
Old, but still alive. I have to carry one of them up and down the porch steps at least twice a day to get business done in the yard. And it's freaking cold... brrrrr.

Wait... but how are you doing?

I ain't mad at you, dawg.

Can't imagine that ever happening.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:13 am
by SunCoastSooner
Vito Corleone wrote:you still think you saved Texas, no you didn't save shit, Texas saved the little 8, who gives a shit how wonderful you were in football, the fact is no one gave a shit and if Texas left so would the TV contract. As would your recruiting in Texas. You might still get one or two but you would not fill your roster like you do now.

For Fuck's sake you are just about the dumbest moron on the face of this earth. Oklahoma has been recruiting and getting some of the best players in the state of Texas since the early 1940s you maroon; that would be 54 years before the Big 12 was even a texass wet dream. The Big 8's television contract dwarfed that of the SWC's; ABC > than the now defunct HSE! The Big 8 had a television contract with ABC and bowl contracts with the Orange, Fiesta, and Gator bowls... the Texass schools had the Cottun Bowl (praying for Nutter Lame to come play with them each season) and a television contract with a network that doesn't even exist anymore in HSE.

How wonderful we were in football? I'm sorry remind me which conference had actually won national titles in football, basketball, and baseball alone the previous decade before the Big 8 bailed your sinking asses out and offered you a life raft in 1994? Psssssssttttt the correct answer would be the Big 8... the Southwest conference hadn't sniffed a national title in any relevant sport since 1983 you mindless myopic prick. Hell the Big 8 had more national titles in the previous decade to that life raft than the SWC even had Elite 8 appearances; do you have any perspective just how fucking pathetic that is? The previous decade the Big Eight had made seven Final Four appearances to the SWC's goose egg. The Big 8 had sixteen appearances in the College World Series compared to the SWC's six (that would be ten more for the vincent/math impaired) you mouth breathing fuck stick. But hey you were national powers at Men's swimming if that is any consolation. :meds: :lol:

I'm shocked you can remember to breath with your level of intellect.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:19 am
by PrimeX
Our girls volleyball team finished second this year. Does that give us points? :mrgreen:

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:21 am
by War Wagon
PrimeX wrote: I WAS TRYING TO TROLL YOU! FOR FUCK!!! :evil:
Sorry guy. Pretty easy to have seen the good dude underneath that effort. It's quite impossible for me to even attempt to smack the likes of a PrimeX.

I once had an old neighbor who lived across the street. Dude lived to like 90. Roy was his name, just an uneducated farmer, but the man had more common sense than either you or I have brains or money.

One day he's out in the street trying to shoo off this stray dog who wasn't cooperating and I hear him say: "I can't stay mad at no dog"

I miss that man.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:30 am
by SunCoastSooner
PrimeX wrote:Our girls volleyball team finished second this year. Does that give us points? :mrgreen:
I was talking about 1985-1994; the decade before the Big 12 was conceived in theory. I know it didn't start until 1996 but it was announced as going to occur during the Final Four weekend of 1994 at the halftime of the Arkansas game. I think that was sort of a way at sticking Arkansas in the ass for ditching the dead weight sooner.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:12 pm
I could be claiming Women's Volleyball ULTRABODE...but all I did was leer at them in their shorts. I guess that was helpful.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:51 pm
by Killian
Try again, Screwlio.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 5:07 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Killian wrote:And you still haven't addressed the biggest hurdle about going independent. What would happen to the rest of your sports? Many schools could handle the football only independent route, but the other programs cannot.
There was a time when it wasn't uncommon at all for schools to field independent football teams yet play in a conference for other sports. Money talks, though, so it's not likely to happen again today.

That being said, while the predominant conference alignments work well for Division I in general, an argument can be made that football is the exception, rather than the rule. Hockey and lacrosse have radically different conference alignments, so why not football? Of course, hockey and lacrosse are regional sports which aren't really represented at all at the Division I college level in many parts of the country, and football is a huge revenue sport, so again, it's not likely to happen anytime soon.
SunCoastSooner wrote:Last but not least the Big Televen is a huge wrestling conference. Probably the conference's 4th biggest sport behind football and the basketball programs. Wrestling was the deciding factor in the end that put Penn State over the top joining the Big Televen. Mizzou has a pretty good wrestling program at that.
Assuming this to be true, it would be yet another reason why ND shouldn't join the Big Ten. ND used to have a wrestling team, back in my day, but since has dropped the sport. Not long after I graduated, ND expanded its female enrollment considerably on the recommendation of myself and a number of other recent graduates. Female enrollment went from about 25% to about 40% almost overnight. Against that context, I think the wrestling team was a belated victim of Title IX.

Not that ND fan needs another reason to oppose joining the Big Ten, though. :wink:

Btw, I'd rank ND's sports in the following order in terms of importance:

Mens' basketball (holds #2 ranking due to being only other revenue sport besides football)
Womens' basketball

Fwiw, switch lacrosse and baseball if you prefer. Lacrosse team has been more successful but there's less competition in lacrosse than in baseball. Hockey team also would rank above womens' basketball for many Big Ten schools, but of course, they don't play hockey under the aegis of the Big Ten.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 4:21 am
by Vito Corleone
I wouldn't be too worried about Texas being independent in other sports, each would probably follow suit to fit their needs. I'm sure womens sports would maintain some conference affiliation who knows about mens basketball and baseball since they are national power in their own right. We do pretty damn well in track, golf and swimming but I'm not sure how we would handle such a move in those sports since they are not revenue generating.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 5:05 am
by Terry in Crapchester
Vito Corleone wrote:I wouldn't be too worried about Texas being independent in other sports, each would probably follow suit to fit their needs. I'm sure womens sports would maintain some conference affiliation who knows about mens basketball and baseball since they are national power in their own right. We do pretty damn well in track, golf and swimming but I'm not sure how we would handle such a move in those sports since they are not revenue generating.
ND basketball was once a national power, in fact, on an historical basis I'd say that ND ranks ahead of Texas in mens' basketball. And ND's mens' basketball program took a major hit by staying independent too long. I suspect the same thing would happen to Texas. If I were DeLoss Dodds, and I was seriously contemplating football independence, and the Big XII refused to keep the rest of the athletic department without the football program, I'd make a serious pitch to either C-USA or the MWC. The former, at least, would be a geographic fit, C-USA took an unmistakable basketball hit following the 2005 realignment, and Texas probably brings enough to the table, even sans football, for either to consider them. Even so, Texas' basketball program probably would take a hit, although not to the extent that ND's team took a hit in the 90's.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 6:05 am
by SunCoastSooner
Vito Corleone wrote:I wouldn't be too worried about Texas being independent in other sports, each would probably follow suit to fit their needs. I'm sure womens sports would maintain some conference affiliation who knows about mens basketball and baseball since they are national power in their own right. We do pretty damn well in track, golf and swimming but I'm not sure how we would handle such a move in those sports since they are not revenue generating.
I'll guarantee you that you won't be welcome in other sports while saying no to football in the Big 12.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 5:40 am
by Terry in Crapchester
Terry in Crapchester wrote:And I can't see one of the Big East teams going. Under the new Big East rules, a school has to give five years notice or pay a $5 million exit fee to leave the conference. That's cost-prohibitive for any of those schools, and I don't think the Big Ten is willing -- or able -- to defray any of those costs.
In furtherance of that point, . . . ... 8539.story

It's obvious to me that JoePa is using the expansion angle as a tool to give Penn State a true conference rivalry, which it doesn't have right now. Unfortunately, JoePa is likely to be disappointed in that regard yet again. Short of either the Big East imploding, or the Big Ten showing a willingness to fork over some money to one of these teams that it hasn't yet shown, I just don't see the Big Ten adding one of the teams out of the Big East.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 1:20 pm
by Danimal
I'd love if the 10 would make a run at Neb. We'd either find a lucrative new home or we'd have leverage in the 12 we could use on that POS commish Beebe to give the north a fair shake(none of the CCG in Jerrry's Gypland every year crap and force some more accountability from the refs, the crew that did the TTech game were an abomination). But I don't see the 10 making a move on Neb.

If they make a run at Mizzou hopefully the tigs use it for leverage with the 12 and don't leave. They have history with the Big8, they're a good-sized market, and their replacement would probably give the con a bad imbalance.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 3:50 am
by PrimeX
SunCoastSooner wrote:
Killian wrote:I don't think you "blow every other school out of the water" when it comes to revenue. I believe the last report had you at about $2 million more than the next closest school.

And you still haven't addressed the biggest hurdle about going independent. What would happen to the rest of your sports? Many schools could handle the football only independent route, but the other programs cannot.
Not even that... they make roughly $100,000 more than Ohio State. I think it was three other schools within $1M of the Longhorns (sorry I'm not looking up that shit again).

We had this conversation a few days/weeks ago... txangler said he read it in the Stateman and provided a link for me... After I read the article I showed how the Statesman didn't even get Texas revenue correct (they actually made more). They used 2008 numbers for only Texas and 2005 numbers for all other programs to try and show the Bonghorns as $20M superior to every other football program in America which was laughable. I cited Forbes, the AP, and Equity in Athletics which all disproved the Statesman's claims.
CNN money says you're wrong by like almost 20 million. NOT EVEN SAYING we should ever go independent, just stating what the article says. ... /index.htm

Texas wins college football $ title

NEW YORK ( -- The University of Alabama's Crimson Tide may be the top ranked team heading into college football's national championship game on January 7. But in one key measure, the team clearly trails the No. 2 University of Texas: money.

Texas has no peer when it comes to both revenue and profits, according to figures from the nation's colleges. During the 2008 season, the most recent for which figures are available, Texas took in $87 million in revenue and had a profit of $65 million after reported expenses, both well ahead of any school.

This is the fifth time in the last six seasons that Texas topped the revenue and profit ranks, a dynasty that would make not only other schools but most professional teams envious.

No. 2 in revenue in 2008 was Ohio State, which took in $68 million, while No. 2 in profits was the University of Georgia, which earned $45 million after expenses.

Alabama's $65 million in revenue is the fifth-highest, but its $38 million in earnings was only good enough for a No. 8 seed in the profit rankings, just behind Notre Dame, whose on-field performance this year left the Fighting Irish at home during bowl season and its coach looking for a new job.

The revenue and profit figures, which CNNMoney analyzed, are filed by each school to the Department of Education. It shows that the major Division 1-A college football programs seem to have escaped relatively unscathed from the financial crisis that hit the rest of the nation, including many professional sports teams, in the fall of 2008.

Revenues increased 5% at the schools in the six big-dollar conferences that together host the Bowl Championship Series. On average, the 66 schools took in just over $31 million each. Total revenue at those schools topped $2 billion for the first time.

Big tests, big profits

Profits were essentially flat for these big dollar schools, but nearly half of their revenues flowed to the bottom line. That's a profit margin which any sports team owner and most Fortune 500 CEOs would kill to achieve.

Only four of the big dollar schools lost money from their college football teams last season -- Duke, Wake Forest, Syracuse and Connecticut.
Haves and have-nots

Even schools outside of the top six conferences that also send teams to bowl games did well as a group, although at a far more modest level. Total revenue from those 51 schools was up 8% from 2007 to 2008 to $335 million, while profits slipped 3% to a collective $7.7 million. Still, 2008 was the second year in a row that the non-BCS schools finished in the black as a group after years of losses.

But profits are still tough to come by for most of the schools from the smaller conferences -- a third of them reported losses while another third merely broke even.

Even the successful small conference schools find it tough to make a buck on football. Texas Christian University, which finished the 2009 season undefeated, is one of the schools that broke even the previous year. Boise State, which also enjoyed a perfect season and will play TCU in the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl on January 4, eked out a $3 million profit on revenue of $8.5 million.

When their 2009 numbers are reported next year, don't expect to see Boise State or TCU scoring any big paydays because of their appearance in a major bowl game this year. That's because of how the system is set up to distribute money from the bowls.

Under the current structure, the five non-BCS conferences will get an equal cut of the approximately $24 million of BCS money available because of the success of Boise State and TCU and then split that money among their respective schools. That works out to just over $500,000 each for Boise State and TCU.

By way of comparison, each of the six big-money conferences are guaranteed a total of $18 million in BCS money, or between $1.5 million to $1.8 million per school, depending upon the number of teams in each conference. In addition, any BCS conference that sends more than one school to a major bowl is eligible for an extra $4.5 million.

These huge payouts make it very unlikely that the big conferences will ever agree to a playoff system to determine a champion -- even though many college football fans, including President Obama, have lobbied for a playoff.

This is clearly a case where the haves are going to make sure they remain the haves, no matter what the have-nots and many fans think is fair. There are more than 2 billion reasons why nothing is going to change soon.
After reading that, I seriously doubt a college football playoff will ever happen. It's all about the moneys. :doh:

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 3:58 am
by SunCoastSooner
PrimeX wrote:
SunCoastSooner wrote:
Killian wrote:I don't think you "blow every other school out of the water" when it comes to revenue. I believe the last report had you at about $2 million more than the next closest school.

And you still haven't addressed the biggest hurdle about going independent. What would happen to the rest of your sports? Many schools could handle the football only independent route, but the other programs cannot.
Not even that... they make roughly $100,000 more than Ohio State. I think it was three other schools within $1M of the Longhorns (sorry I'm not looking up that shit again).

We had this conversation a few days/weeks ago... txangler said he read it in the Stateman and provided a link for me... After I read the article I showed how the Statesman didn't even get Texas revenue correct (they actually made more). They used 2008 numbers for only Texas and 2005 numbers for all other programs to try and show the Bonghorns as $20M superior to every other football program in America which was laughable. I cited Forbes, the AP, and Equity in Athletics which all disproved the Statesman's claims.
CNN money says you're wrong by like almost 20 million. NOT EVEN SAYING we should ever go independent, just stating what the article says. ... /index.htm

Texas wins college football $ title

NEW YORK ( -- The University of Alabama's Crimson Tide may be the top ranked team heading into college football's national championship game on January 7. But in one key measure, the team clearly trails the No. 2 University of Texas: money.

Texas has no peer when it comes to both revenue and profits, according to figures from the nation's colleges. During the 2008 season, the most recent for which figures are available, Texas took in $87 million in revenue and had a profit of $65 million after reported expenses, both well ahead of any school.

This is the fifth time in the last six seasons that Texas topped the revenue and profit ranks, a dynasty that would make not only other schools but most professional teams envious.

No. 2 in revenue in 2008 was Ohio State, which took in $68 million, while No. 2 in profits was the University of Georgia, which earned $45 million after expenses.

Alabama's $65 million in revenue is the fifth-highest, but its $38 million in earnings was only good enough for a No. 8 seed in the profit rankings, just behind Notre Dame, whose on-field performance this year left the Fighting Irish at home during bowl season and its coach looking for a new job.

The revenue and profit figures, which CNNMoney analyzed, are filed by each school to the Department of Education. It shows that the major Division 1-A college football programs seem to have escaped relatively unscathed from the financial crisis that hit the rest of the nation, including many professional sports teams, in the fall of 2008.

Revenues increased 5% at the schools in the six big-dollar conferences that together host the Bowl Championship Series. On average, the 66 schools took in just over $31 million each. Total revenue at those schools topped $2 billion for the first time.

Big tests, big profits

Profits were essentially flat for these big dollar schools, but nearly half of their revenues flowed to the bottom line. That's a profit margin which any sports team owner and most Fortune 500 CEOs would kill to achieve.

Only four of the big dollar schools lost money from their college football teams last season -- Duke, Wake Forest, Syracuse and Connecticut.
Haves and have-nots

Even schools outside of the top six conferences that also send teams to bowl games did well as a group, although at a far more modest level. Total revenue from those 51 schools was up 8% from 2007 to 2008 to $335 million, while profits slipped 3% to a collective $7.7 million. Still, 2008 was the second year in a row that the non-BCS schools finished in the black as a group after years of losses.

But profits are still tough to come by for most of the schools from the smaller conferences -- a third of them reported losses while another third merely broke even.

Even the successful small conference schools find it tough to make a buck on football. Texas Christian University, which finished the 2009 season undefeated, is one of the schools that broke even the previous year. Boise State, which also enjoyed a perfect season and will play TCU in the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl on January 4, eked out a $3 million profit on revenue of $8.5 million.

When their 2009 numbers are reported next year, don't expect to see Boise State or TCU scoring any big paydays because of their appearance in a major bowl game this year. That's because of how the system is set up to distribute money from the bowls.

Under the current structure, the five non-BCS conferences will get an equal cut of the approximately $24 million of BCS money available because of the success of Boise State and TCU and then split that money among their respective schools. That works out to just over $500,000 each for Boise State and TCU.

By way of comparison, each of the six big-money conferences are guaranteed a total of $18 million in BCS money, or between $1.5 million to $1.8 million per school, depending upon the number of teams in each conference. In addition, any BCS conference that sends more than one school to a major bowl is eligible for an extra $4.5 million.

These huge payouts make it very unlikely that the big conferences will ever agree to a playoff system to determine a champion -- even though many college football fans, including President Obama, have lobbied for a playoff.

This is clearly a case where the haves are going to make sure they remain the haves, no matter what the have-nots and many fans think is fair. There are more than 2 billion reasons why nothing is going to change soon.
After reading that, I seriously doubt a college football playoff will ever happen. It's all about the moneys. :doh:

Dude, I'm not hunting down the links again... done it in too many threads the last four months and becomes tiring doing it over an over again Equity in Athletics, Forbes, and the AP state otherwise. I would tend to take Equity in Athletics word over any of them since their sole purpose is to show/expose the revenue and expenses amongst all public college athletic programs for the people.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 4:06 am
by PrimeX
Thanks. I didn't want you to smack me with facts I wasn't aware of. I just caught this article today and I sometimes think everything on the internet is for realz. :wink:

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:30 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
I guess the Pitt message boards are blowing up right now with rumors that Pitt will be joining the Big Ten. Apparently Pitt student athletes have been informed that this will happen and have been told to keep quiet until it's officially announced. Naturally, some people have let it slip via Twitter, Facebook, etc. We'll see. If true, I definitely like it.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 6:47 pm
I just don't see it happening soon. Maybe down the road - but not now. I'd like to see it happen now.

The Pete is a sweet venue. I was there Thursday night with my son, we watched them beat St. John's. The place was rockin'...Pitt's hoops program is in very good shape.

Paterno has been advocating Pitt to the Big 10 for at least 5 years now.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:48 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Screw_Michigan wrote:Paterno's not gonna like this. Neither is Tom Izzo. MSU, Purdouche and Wisky better be on high alert. Nobody ('cept Georgetown) wins at the Peterson Events Center. Dave Wannsteadt has also figured out how to coach, apparently.
Paterno? Huh? He's been the #1 cheerleader for Pitt to the Big Ten.

Yeah, and nobody wins at the Breslin, The Kohl Center, Mackey, etc. I think Izzo would welcome the addition of Pitt. He's always had that "anytime, any place" mentality. The perceived weakness of the Big Ten I believe has hurt MSU in seeding over the years, so I also think he'd support strengthening the conference from that perspective. Pitt is solid, but no MSU. With the recruits they have coming in, they aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:31 am
by M Club
the only person who's going to be pissed about this is dantonio. what manufactured rival is state supposed to end the season with now? i think wisco's the only team with no one to dance with that particular weekend.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:05 am
It has long been attributed to Joe that he is the reason that the Pitt game isn't played. I once thought that was plausible, but I don't think that now. He has mentioned that he wishes the series could resume, and he has repeatedly mentioned Pitt as a natural invitee to the conference.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:33 am
by Cornhusker
Well I don't live in the east, (OK that's obvious) but won't this get in the way of West Virginia showdowns in football. I thought that was a big deal...No?

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:19 am
The Backyard Brawl was always second to PSU/Pitt. It has been a pretty heated rivalry reason for them to stop playing that game.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:19 am
by Terry in Crapchester
Of all things, a Big Ten blog poo-poos the Pitt suggestion: ... to-big-ten

I thought the process was expected to take 12-18 months? If true, this is a very significant compression of that timeframe.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:17 pm
Some schools brag about their ADs funding all sports through football revenue. Pit isn't one of them.

Even if Pitt wants to jump, they will have a considerable scrap on their scaley hands.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:46 pm
by War Wagon
So I guess this puts to rest all the speculation of Mizzou going to the Big 10... errr 11 soon to be 12?

Do they seriously continue to call themselves the Big 10 with 12 teams? Mebbe', as Conference USA is already taken. How about The Big Rust Belt?

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:14 pm
by King Crimson
PSUFAN wrote:Some schools brag about their ADs funding all sports through football revenue.
usually, though, this is code for "our basketball team sucks". it's not really ideal for everything to run out of the football revenue. this is a problem at Colorado right, Hawkins, the AD, and the school President are all VERY unpopular with the rank and file fan and booster alike (a lot of people aren't renewing tix that were there father's, donations are down and it will only get worse as CU lands the 11th or 12th best recruiting class in the conference). As a result, a new basketball practice facility has been put on hold twice since the money wasn't there. this hurts basketball recruiting and ripple effects all down the non-rev sport food chain. only a year or so ago, CU dropped Men's Tennis.

Re: Big Ten Expansion Yet Again

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:25 pm
by Goober McTuber
Screw_Michigan wrote:Well, of course, Whitey. The A-10 is still the A-10, even with 14 teams.
Really? You had them at 16 on page 1 of this same thread. Are you ever sober?