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Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet.
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:05 am
by SunCoastSooner
Sudden Sam wrote:Any school content with going 8-4 every year should jump on him.
SunCoastSooner wrote:
There was no sign of Kentucky slowing down before he left.
Yeah, the Wildcats were gonna dominate the SEC if he'd stayed.

Yeah Spurrier didn't do shit in the SEC either.

Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet.
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:38 am
by H4ever
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:He chains up Craig James' kid? Bwahahahaha
And Craig James pulled some strings because JR wasn't getting the numbers he thought he would in that gimmick offense?
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet.
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:50 am
by Danimal
H4ever wrote:MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:He chains up Craig James' kid? Bwahahahaha
And Craig James pulled some strings because JR wasn't getting the numbers he thought he would in that gimmick offense?
I drafted that sorry ass late as a sleeper for my fantasy-squad, dude kept on sleeping, least productive TTech wr I ever had.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet.
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:00 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
H4ever wrote:MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:He chains up Craig James' kid? Bwahahahaha
And Craig James pulled some strings because JR wasn't getting the numbers he thought he would in that gimmick offense?
Well, of course. But you can't see the humor in that?
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:20 pm
by Killian
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Adam, I'm telling you this for your own good, that's the worst fuckin' sweater I've ever seen. That's a Cosby sweater. A Cosssssssby sweatah!
Rack the High Fidelity reset.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:57 pm
by indyfrisco
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:44 pm
by Carson
Adam James wrote:...and they stuffed me into a locker...and popped my suspenders...and called me fat boy...
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:08 pm
Damn that kid was just being abused in there. Like a POW or solitary confinement right?
James Family = TWATS!
Texas Tech has been real fun to watch and enjoy coming up through the ranks. I love that bullshit about not wanting any of this to happen. Bull fucking shit. Fucking pussies. His kid got told to sit in the corner and they are crying as if he was abused. If he was in such need of care then he should have been in the hospital. Sitting here or sitting there to make a point, gimme a break. Throw a tiger in the room with him or fire some baseballs at him with a pitching machine and you got something but this, fucking cry cry cry. That's America!
Fight on bitches, SC will be back!
Go Mizzo and VaTech - Long Live The Fade!
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:41 pm
by WolverineSteve
Sudden Sam wrote:You cannot sustain a winning program with a "Leach offense" in any conference that is stacked with big, fast defenses. Can't be done. Hasn't been done.
How'd Urban's "gimmicky" offense do in the SEC the last 5 years?
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet.
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:13 pm
by Cuda
mvscal wrote:Papa Willie wrote:The pussydom of Amerika continues.
Exactly. If you can't practice, you sit your broke dick ass down in the training room and rehabilitate your injury. Since you can't do much for a concussion and they can make you sensitive to light, it makes sense to turn off the lights.
Non-pussies would have taken the opportunity to grab some shut eye. Isn't rest the proper course of therapy for a concussion? Craig James and his worthless shit kid are sniveling, sack sniffing pussies.
Must have been quite a concussion if he couldn't figure out how the fuck to either open the fucking door, or turn on the fucking lights. Maybe he's just a natural dumbfuck
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:29 pm
by Left Seater
If said video can be validated then Leach isn't due any of his money. Neither is handling this well, but if a player is locked in any room the coach is deserving of firing with cause.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:56 pm
by Van
Pretty simple: As a university employee you don't get to lock an adult against his will in a room. That's called forcible imprisonment, or some such. The kid would've been well within his rights to bust down that door and beat Leach over the head with it. He's lucky that kid didn't knock him out.
Put it this way: Other than maybe Scarlett Johansson, would you allow anyone to lock you in a room? I sure as fuck am not allowing some coach to lock me in a room and leave me there.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:19 pm
by Left Seater
First off it is a horrible idea to leave a person with a a concussion alone.
Problem here is as Van stated. Leach is the coach, teacher and adult. No matter how much of an ass, baby, pussy, whatever label you want to call James, Leach has to act as the adult / teacher he is. There is nothing to be gained or some sort of lesson to be learned by locking a student athlete in a closet. This is just a vindictive play by Leach. How does he explain this to the team? If you are injured we are going to treat you as if you are a common criminal? Just as you can no longer with hold water from players during practice you can't lock them in a closet alone for a couple of minutes let alone more than an hour.
I don't have kids so I don't know how I would react if I were in the same situation as Craig James. I do know though that if someone did that to my wife, or mom I would use every tool at my disposal to make them pay.
Would this be ok with a 2nd grader, 7th grader, 10th grader? Of course not so why would anyone think it is ok for a college student or anyone else for that matter?
I have asked a number of Tech fans around Houston to explain how it is ok to lock someone up. Their only answer is James is a Bitch, fag, pussy, and got what he deserved. They are saying a lot by their non answer.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:03 pm
by Van
Well, the story goes that he was locked in the room. You weren't locked in the room, in your example. Had you been, you wouldn't have allowed it. Had someone locked your child or your wife in a room, you would've hurt them.
That's the crux of it: Was the kid locked into a room, or was he merely instructed to do this or do that? If he was locked in the room, Leach is insane. I would've looked at him like he was out of his mind, had he told me that he was going to lock me in some electrical closet...for any reason whatsoever. I would've looked at him like he was out of his mind, then I would've said, "You first, asshole. I can assure you, if someone here is getting locked in a closet, it won't be me, doughboy."
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:07 pm
by Left Seater
Don't you mean "Pirate doughboy?"
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:37 pm
by SunCoastSooner
Sudden Sam wrote:You cannot sustain a winning program with a "Leach offense" in any conference that is stacked with big, fast defenses. Can't be done. Hasn't been done. He didn't do it in the Big 12 fer crissakes.
I agree that his type of offense exists to "steal" a win here and there from teams with superior talent. I'm not condemning his style of O. It's a blast to watch.
But...I go back to that Cotton Bowl. Averaging 40 ppg, the Red Raiders scored their only TD against Alabama with less than 3 minutes to go. A good fast defense can take it apart. TT looked pitiful that day. Completely frustrated.
Steve Spurrier & Urban Meyer
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:41 pm
by Left Seater
You guys want to know who Leach is?
He is Tom Penders part two. All offense, zero defense. Pompus Ass that grates on those around him. Even those that start off as big backers want to see the act end. Took programs to new heights, but couldn't win the big one. Sent off to backwater nowhere.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 12:53 am
by Van
mvscal wrote:Van wrote:That's the crux of it: Was the kid locked into a room,"
Not even a remote possibility. Note the complete absence of
any teammates or assistant coaches coming to his defense or verifying his story.
Of course there's a possibility of it. The report I read yesterday detailed one of Taco's players - not James - completely throwing Leach under the bus over it.
To your point, where are those same players and assistant coaches coming to Leach's defense, to deny that James was in fact locked away? Shouldn't there be a public rallying around Leach by all his players, if James is making this shit up? Wouldn't there be a buttload of people saying, "James is lying. No way in hell he was locked in a room alone with a concussion. I saw the guy. There were people there, and he could get up and leave any time he wanted."
Like I said, the player who I heard quoted yesterday said it was "total bullshit" of Leach to treat a player like that, and he didn't mean that Leach didn't do it. He meant that Leach was total bullshit for doing it.
I don't know what happened. I only know that it's a pretty absurd allegation to make, if James is making it up. If it's strictly a matter of he said-she said, well, it'd be rather difficult to get away with firing Leach over it. There must be some reason the Taco Tech administration believes in the story enough to fire the guy over it, even knowing they'd be facing an immediate lawsuit by Leach.
I hope James is proven to be full of shit, though, when all is said and done. The way Leach is denying the allegations, the way he was reported to have completely blown off the 'investigation' attempts by the Taco Tech administration, it just seems to me that he may be telling the truth. This could all just be lingering resentment by the adminstration over last off-season's contentious contract negotiations; a convenient excuse to unload the guy.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 1:44 am
by Van
Nobody there is directly saying James wasn't locked away. Regardless, I hope Leach is vindicated.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 5:46 am
by Terry in Crapchester
Left Seater wrote:You guys want to know who Leach is?
He is Tom Penders part two.
Leach got a Mike Brady perm? Who knew?
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 7:30 am
by Paul
According to TT's head trainer, Adam James' story is just a
wee-bit off kilter:
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 3:00 pm
by M Club
Sudden Sam wrote:You cannot sustain a winning program with a "Leach offense" in any conference that is stacked with big, fast defenses. Can't be done. Hasn't been done. He didn't do it in the Big 12 fer crissakes.
you cannot sustain an argument because you're moderately stupid. leach could sustain a 'leach offense' in any conference if he had the personnel to do so. in fact, as a few people have already pointed out in this thread, urban meyer seems to be doing such a thing right effing now, in your beloved 'ooh, the sec is too fast to do anything but run into the backs of fat lineman.'
But...I go back to that Cotton Bowl. Averaging 40 ppg, the Red Raiders scored their only TD against Alabama with less than 3 minutes to go. A good fast defense can take it apart. TT looked pitiful that day. Completely frustrated.
of course you keep going to that one game. i wish i lived in a world where anecdotal evidence was suitable grounds for argument.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 6:18 pm
by War Wagon
Van wrote:
This could all just be lingering resentment by the adminstration over last off-season's contentious contract negotiations; a convenient excuse to unload the guy.
That was my initial take.
But after listening to the TT chancellor give his account, I think it had more to do with Leach's arrogance and insubordination in not cooperating with the investigation and in filing that injunction to allow him to coach in the Bowl game... as if he were bigger than the university itself.
Not defending James here and don't believe that confinement is even important anymore. That incident just opened the can of worms that provoked Leach into KHOA.
TT has the right to shitcan any employee for any reason, even the head football coach. And if last years contract negotiations were such an issue, why the heck would they have given him that contract in the first place?
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:29 am
by TheJON
of course you keep going to that one game. i wish i lived in a world where anecdotal evidence was suitable grounds for argument.
His offense has a history of performing poorly against good defenses. It wasn't just that Alabama game. A good defense will eat that type of offense alive because it really isn't that difficult to defend. There's a reason Tech puts up a ton of yards against inferior opponents- because shit defenses can't handle an offense that spreads you out like that. Put a physical defense in front of them and that offense is absolutely WORTHLESS inside the red zone.
Now, could it work if he had a talented QB, a great RB, and a great WR? Sure, it would work against anyone. The problem is, regardless of where he coaches, no great QB or RB would want to play in that system. And even the great WR's would be hesitant because there's not a lot of downfield playmaking. Crabtree is the exception to the rule.
This is a mid-major offense, because the best you can recruit to it are those high-mid-major types. Do you want to play in a BCS Conference or do you want to go to TCU, Boise State, or Utah? That's the type of recruit you can get to that offense, but the problem is you can't win in a BCS conference with those players. And spare me the "he's winning 8 games at Taco Tech" bullshit. He's winning 4 games a year against 1-AA teams and the worst low-major 1-A squads, a couple games against mediocre Big-12 North teams, Baylor, and Oklahoma State. He's never won a Big-12 title, never made the conference championship game, never made it to a BCS Bowl, never won a big bowl game........and he NEVER will. Not at Taco Tech, not at some other BCS school, not ANYWHERE.
He will always have mid-major offensive talent tearing it up against inferior opponents, a terrible defense, and a padded record. Doesn't matter where he coaches.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:34 am
by SunCoastSooner
TheJON wrote:of course you keep going to that one game. i wish i lived in a world where anecdotal evidence was suitable grounds for argument.
His offense has a history of performing poorly against good defenses. It wasn't just that Alabama game. A good defense will eat that type of offense alive because it really isn't that difficult to defend. There's a reason Tech puts up a ton of yards against inferior opponents- because shit defenses can't handle an offense that spreads you out like that. Put a physical defense in front of them and that offense is absolutely WORTHLESS inside the red zone.
Now, could it work if he had a talented QB, a great RB, and a great WR? Sure, it would work against anyone. The problem is, regardless of where he coaches, no great QB or RB would want to play in that system. And even the great WR's would be hesitant because there's not a lot of downfield playmaking. Crabtree is the exception to the rule.
This is a mid-major offense, because the best you can recruit to it are those high-mid-major types. Do you want to play in a BCS Conference or do you want to go to TCU, Boise State, or Utah? That's the type of recruit you can get to that offense, but the problem is you can't win in a BCS conference with those players. And spare me the "he's winning 8 games at Taco Tech" bullshit. He's winning 4 games a year against 1-AA teams and the worst low-major 1-A squads, a couple games against mediocre Big-12 North teams, Baylor, and Oklahoma State. He's never won a Big-12 title, never made the conference championship game, never made it to a BCS Bowl, never won a big bowl game........and he NEVER will. Not at Taco Tech, not at some other BCS school, not ANYWHERE.
He will always have mid-major offensive talent tearing it up against inferior opponents, a terrible defense, and a padded record. Doesn't matter where he coaches.
They faced four of the top 11 defenses this season, won half of those games and put up the same sort of numbers in all of them. Their problem winning has been holding other teams not their production. Only a handful of ultra talented teams have had the ability to shut Tech down but those are the same teams that shut virtually everyone down irregardless of offensive scheme.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:37 am
by WolverineSteve
I don't think Leach himself is worthy of a top tiered gig but what the fuck was TT before him?...squadoosh. They ought to have more reverence for the guy who brought them to relevence.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:01 am
by TheJON
WolverineSteve wrote:I don't think Leach himself is worthy of a top tiered gig but what the fuck was TT before him?...squadoosh. They ought to have more reverence for the guy who brought them to relevence.
His record is inflated. Go look up who he's beaten and you'll see the truth is he hasn't done very much. I will give him props for 2008. They actually had a couple quality wins. But outside of that, there were very few nice wins.
The OOC record against just decent teams is terrible. And even in conference he doesn't have that many good wins.
Here's his OOC and overall record:
2008 (4-1 OOC)
Eastern Washington, Nevada, Southern Methodist, UMASS, Mississippi. (Loss to Ole Miss in Cotton Bowl. 2 games vs 1-AA teams).
2007 (5-0 OOC)
Southern Methodist, UTEP, Rice, Northwestern State, Virginia. (Gator Bowl win vs UVA. 3 1-a opponents in non-conference had combined 8-27 record)
2006 (3-1)
Southern Methodist, UTEP, TCU, Southeast Louisiana, Minnesota (Beat a 6-7 Minnesota team in bowl game. Lost to TCU an 11 win team)
2005 (3-1)
Florida International, 2 1-AA teams, Alabama (Lost to Bama in bowl game)
2004 (3-1)
Southern Methodist, TCU, New Mexico, California (Lost to New Mexico. Beat Cal in Bowl game)
2003 (4-1)
Southern Methodist, New Mexico, NC St, Ole Miss, Navy (Beat Navy in bowl. Quality win over good Ole Miss team. Lost to NC St)
2002 (3-2)
Ohio St, Ole Miss, Southern Methodist, NC St, Clemson (Beat Clemson in bowl. Lost to tOSU and NC St)
2001 (3-1)
New Mexico, North Texas, 1-AA, Iowa (Lost to Iowa in bowl)
2000 (4-1)
New Mexico, Utah St, North Texas, LA-Lafayette, East Carolina (Lost to ECU in bowl)
32-9 overall out of conference.
7 of those being vs 1-AA teams.
2 of the wins over ranked opponents.
Conference Titles- 0
Biggest Bowl win- Holiday Bowl
BCS Bids- 0
Top 10 finishes- 1
Color me unimpressed.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:06 am
by WolverineSteve
I'm not impressed either, but it's TEXAS TECH!!! Nobody else was able to inflate the record before him. That kid is and will always be a pussy.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:50 am
by Mr T
TheJON wrote:Color me unimpressed.
Outside of Texas, Oklahoma, or Nebraska, which other Big XII teams would turn down a run like Tech has been on since Leech got there?
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:20 pm
by M Club
TheJON wrote:
His record is inflated. Go look up who he's beaten and you'll see the truth is he hasn't done very much. I will give him props for 2008. They actually had a couple quality wins. But outside of that, there were very few nice wins.
i wonder how ferentz's record would look if you gave it the dressing down you just gave leach's. i know:
Color me unimpressed.
otherwise, leech doesn't pull top talent because it's TEXAS TECH. ja, he should be able to recruit his own state, but he's recruiting players from texas, so he can't lie to them about what lubbock's really like.
as far as running his offense in a bcs conference, you're simply wrong. if he had just as good of players as the big boys he'd be running the score up on their asses as well. it has nothing to do with a 'physical' defense shutting that type of offense down and everything to do with better players, period.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:42 pm
by Cuda
Trainers usually don't have to be told what to do with a player who has a concusson. I got a concussion during spring football once and what little I remember of it, the trainers took away my helmet (it was broken anyway) and walked me around a while. There were only a few practices left in spring ball and they weren't going to clear me to return to activity before it was over, so I had to dress in sweats and walk around the practice field- just like they wanted Adam James to do- only he thought he should just do what the fuck he felt like.
Doesn't mean Leach isn't an asshole. Name 3 major college coaches who aren't
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:55 pm
by King Crimson
Cuda wrote:
Doesn't mean Leach isn't an asshole. Name 3 major college coaches who aren't
apparently, there's Danny Hawkins. the greatest, funkiest, most counter-intuitive cat that ever lived because somehow he thinks that losing games proves how awesome and "ahead of the curve" he is as a coach.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:13 pm
by Cuda
I didn't mean "coaches who don't realize they're assholes", I meant objectively. Hawkins is an asshole by any reasonable objective measure
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:18 pm
by King Crimson
Cuda wrote:I didn't mean "coaches who don't realize they're assholes", I meant objectively. Hawkins is an asshole by any reasonable objective measure
self-awareness doesn't seem to be a strength for Coach Dan, no doubt. he still thinks his teams are great when they lose by 17 and the coaches are awesome.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:07 am
by Cuda
Wouldn't hurt to try locking Hawk in a darkened equipment shed
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:48 am
by PrimeX
Mr T wrote:TheJON wrote:Color me unimpressed.
Outside of Texas, Oklahoma, or Nebraska, which other Big XII teams would turn down a run like Tech has been on since Leech got there?
Pretty much sums it up with one sentence.
Have you ever been to Lubbock JON? Go there, then try to convince kids to go there instead of 119 other programs. I've been there once, would NEVER venture there again. The campus, the city, the whole area... dusty shit bucket. The ONLY good thing to come out of there was Buddy Holly.
BTW- Recent "rumors" have the Raider interested in Leach. Too fitting.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:52 am
by SunCoastSooner
PrimeX wrote:Mr T wrote:TheJON wrote:Color me unimpressed.
Outside of Texas, Oklahoma, or Nebraska, which other Big XII teams would turn down a run like Tech has been on since Leech got there?
Pretty much sums it up with one sentence.
Have you ever been to Lubbock JON? Go there, then try to convince kids to go there instead of 119 other programs. I've been there once, would NEVER venture there again. The campus, the city, the whole area... dusty shit bucket. The ONLY good thing to come out of there was Buddy Holly.
BTW- Recent "rumors" have the Raider interested in Leach. Too fitting.
You can see Tucson standing on a soap box, shitty, sandy, nasty, dry county, town. The fact they could find two coaches in it's history to garner winning records for over five seasons is beyond belief.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:09 am
by SunCoastSooner
mvscal wrote:PrimeX wrote:Have you ever been to Lubbock JON? Go there, then try to convince kids to go there instead of 119 other programs. I've been there once, would NEVER venture there again. The campus, the city, the whole area... dusty shit bucket.
No doubt. It almost sucks as bad as Iowa.
Fock that... Iowa at least has bars and beer.
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:43 pm
by PrimeX ... oach-27566
Sources close to the Baylor Administration confirmed to me today that Bears Coach Art Briles will be hired as Texas Tech’s next football coach
Re: Leach suspended, no statement from Aliens yet. (Leach Fired)
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:59 pm
by SunCoastSooner
Damn, Baylor was really "on the rise" under Briles as well. Both overall coaching and their ability to recruit vastly improved in his short tenure at Baylor. .
Griffen is a stud, if he could have stayed healthy Baylor would have been really dangerous, I think they would have been the bowl eligible team and not aTm if not for him going down and the game being in College Station. The true Frosh who came in behind Griffen wasn't terrible either but was just young, he improved as the season progressed. Finley and Gannaway would both be back next season with the Golden Bears and that Salubi kid looked like he might be something special some day and especially if he was allowed to progress while not being the focus right now. I know they were losing Gettis but Kendall Wright had already taken over his spot as the go to receiver by the middle of October.
Disappointing if this report is true.