An open letter to PSUFAN...

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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Chyna »

Papa Willie wrote:
Chyna wrote:

Funny , I had plenty to say to her at that godforsakken site months ago, and it either was changed, deleted, and then I was banned. I will not post at the obsession du jour site again.
That's how y'all "get over" and that's how y'all roll. It's all good.
I see you're still smut smack.....y'all need any penis pumps?? I can prolly get you a good deal. :lol:

But wait Christine - are you sure you weren't banned because you got a picture of Katy's 6 year old daughter, registered it with her first and last name and started trolling with it?

(This response should be interesting. ) :D
Never did any such thing, and never would. And nice use of personal info yourself there, KFC breath.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Chyna »

And now that I can see Papa scatface is going to start dropping my real name profession, etc. I'm out before he prints a gps location for me. Good luck to this board, hopefully it will rid itself of all it's personal infowhores.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Van »

When will people ever learn to stop C&P-ing entire lengthy posts when they're not going to respond to hardly any of what they C&P'd?

Chyna, just address the person and make your point. Quit tarding up the bandwidth with these horrendlessly long C&Ps. If you're going to quote the whole thing, address the whole thing. Otherwise, only quote those portions you plan on addressing.

What are you, new to the interwebs?

Btw, I have no idea who you are, or at least I would've had no idea who you are were it not for Katy and LV, who, of course, dropped your name like crazy in Chat. Because of them, I know your age, the state you live in, your supposed connection to AP and, best of all, the supposed fact that you sell dildos for a living. All that info about you, including a notion that you're quite the sexual dynamo, completely unsolicited! They just felt the need to gush about you, 'cause they think you're so cool and stuff, which was nice.

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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Chyna »

Van wrote: Btw, I have no idea who you are,

That's right, you do not. But I'm sure you'll fill these pages with what you think you know about me.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Samurai Gangbang »

no, he won't do that. he's better than that.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Van »

Chyna wrote:
Van wrote: Btw, I have no idea who you are,

That's right, you do not. But I'm sure you'll fill these pages with what you think you know about me.
Actually, I just described every last thing I know about you, which is next to nothing. In fact, I didn't even 'reveal' the state you live in, or your age. I merely mentioned that I was told those things by your good buddies, LV and Katy. The only thing I 'revealed' about you is that you're supposedly a proper slut in bed, and you sell dildos. If someone is able to track you down simply by looking up 'women who sell dildos and like to fuck', then yeah, I guess I revealed your 'personal info'.

Otherwise, here's a little newsflash for ya: NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL INFO. Not that I revealed any of it, but like I told you in my response to the PM you just frantically sent me, you could post your name, home address, phone number and SS number on the banner of this board and still nobody would give a fuck. It would just sit there, and your life would go on, same as it always does.

Lighten the hell up. There are no black helicopters flying over your house. That panel van parked down the street from you isn't listening in on your tapped phonecalls. Spray isn't buying Allman Brothers CDs with your purloined credit card numbers.

No one cares.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

Hey Spray,

Remember that time when we talked on the phone, 7 years ago?

I don't.

You do though. I should be honored.

I'm not.

Remember how retarded people were going on about me being addicted to pain killer pills, when I'm not?

We both do.

I'm not.

Remember how we used to make fun of people that took this shit too serously?

I do.

You have forgotten.

Welcome to the 'Realm of the Morons'!!!!!!

Pitiful. Which is what you have become.

What a damn shame. I will NOT bring up any personal shit about you, because I wouldn't ever, and never have done it.

I will NOT 'smack' with you here except to say this: Something in your life in the past few years had to have happened to have changed you from a happy go lucky, right down hilarious!!!! poster, and a solid forthright person whom I have defended in the past against all comers, into a red-assed bitterman that has turned into everything he used to hate in BBS posters, as well as people in general.

What a fucking shame.

I hope whatever went wrong with you can change, and you can return back into the happy person I used to know.

Until then,

Have a good one.

What were we just talking about?
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Van »

'Spray's still funnier than hell. 'Spray will never not be funnier than hell. During his own funeral he'll probably have a funny expression as he lies there in his coffin, and he'll probably rip off one last rigor boof.

Yeah, 'Spray hasn't lost an ounce of Funny. He just happens to also be loyal to a fault with internet friends who possess vaginas.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Van »

'Spray, even after all that, I still don't know shit about her, other than that she has a pretty serious potty mouth on her.

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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Spray - I've never seen a person so disinterested in "board drama" so wrapped up in it, as you clearly are. As for the admins, of course the administration here is going to express some thoughts on what went down. We were all immediately involved in this crap...what's yer excuse?

Let me guess, though, when Katy was spewing her bullshit at various sites these past few days, you didn't have any issues with it, huh? Yet the moment we release a statement days after all the bullshit subsided to inform our fine folks here of what happened, instantly we're "taking this too seriously." That's rich. Especially coming from the king of melodrama, who's now apparently reporting to the queens of the same. Anyway, got news for you: If you paid for a domain, then someone else ripped and assumed control, and redirected it to various sites for several days, some of which NSFW, are you telling me you'd just sit back, fondle your balls, and say "ahh, fuckit. who cares?"

Sorry, gotta call bullshit on that one. :lol: :lol: :lol: Same goes for SG.
Papa Willie wrote:If I didn't know any better - I'd swear to God that a few of you are acting like you're fucking jealous of their deal. So the fuck what? Why is it anybody's business?
That's true - what two anonymous internet weirdos choose to do with their dusty old private parts isn't any of our business. Problem is, Katy and Otis made damn sure all of that shit WAS our business, tarding up chat and threads left and right with their inane, love-struck ramblings. This much can't be denied - there are quite possibly hundreds of posts between the two of them proving such. And now they're doing it over at mag7. We didn't ask for that shit, did we?
Love me, hate me, or fuck me - just go back to having some motherfucking fun.
That's all this place has ever strived for, bro. But it's kinda tough to do that when peeps can't even access their own board. :D

Don't worry, I'd still slam a beer or 12 with you, I just wouldn't give you my real name.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Van »

'Spray, why don't you go ahead and remind me of my comments in Chat? You can even go ahead and paraphrase, if need be. You know, since you say you were there and all, I'm sure your recollection of my comments is every bit as sharp as mine.

See, I know precisely what I said, when I said it, to whom I said it, and why I said it. So does Katy, which is why she ended up apologizing to me for the crap she pulled on me. She explained why she lied to me - because Perk wanted her to - and she explained how she came to fuck up her assumptions when she screwed up on the board with her misguided attack on me.

What she didn't explain was her sucking cock into ownership keys, and her subsequent hijacking of the board. She also never stopped being two-faced with me, alternating between what she'd say in Private Messages to me and what she'd say when she knew people were watching, either in Chat or on the board.

If that kind of crap is fine with you, great. It isn't fine with me. Once someone let's me know that they're not going to be straight with me, that's it. At that point, Katy's no different to me than anyone else. I still like her in general, and I love her voice, but since she's not to be trusted, I don't consider her a 'friend'. She's just another poster, another chatter, another series of words on a page. That's how she decided to make it, so that's what it became.
Last edited by Van on Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

but since y'all won't let LV, Katy or Otis have ANY say in the matter
What "say" is there to be had? :lol:

They don't even deny any of what they did, which were all the games they played with our domain. It's not a matter of them telling "their side" -- they know full well what they did, don't dispute it, and in fact, have taken quite a bit of pride and joy in it. I don't know why you're quibbling about "sides." They seem to want to move on, as do we. We never wanted, asked for, or provoked any of this shit -- we just wanted the domain restored rightfully back to its paying owner, so that the folks who frequent this board could post here. Why is that so hard to understand?

Yes, let's drop it indeed. It's done. It's over. Get some sleep, and preserve your energy for something more productive, like SECBSHering. Jsc and Sam can only carry so much of that load.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Van »

Jsc's got SBSH-ing to attend to now, what with his Saints going to the Super Bowl. Can't begrudge him that one, though. After forty-something years of franchise futility, he's earned the right to suck as much Saint balls as he wants these days.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by poptart »

Was mighty white of vaChyna to take time from her busy dick-sellin' schedule to pop in and stir up a fresh batch of info drama for us.

Been lacking of late.

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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Van »

You don't remember about going off about how much money Perk made?
I remember precisely what I said. I said that it's not like he's wealthy.

Katy said, "You don't know how much he makes."

I said, "No, I don't, but I know he's not wealthy."

Those were my exact words. Care to dispute that? Go ahead and try. Katy won't.

Sorry, but no, Perk isn't wealthy. You know it, I know it, and anyone with any sense at all knows it.
You don't remember saying a few things else about it until I finally said "So Van - are you just going to pick on Katy tonight or what?"
I said a lot of things, and only one of them was about his not being wealthy.

The main thing I said is that she has no business even considering uprooting her children to go move to Canada with some clown she's barely even met. I said that no real man would let a woman in her situation do that, even if she wanted to do it; even if it was her idea.

I also asked her if maybe she isn't going into these hopeless internet relationships as a means of sabatoging them up front. Subconsciously or not, was she maybe choosing relationships which she knows deep down won't work, just so that she can have an easy way out?

I asked her that, because it was something she and I had talked about before, with her and Buc.

Like I said, 'Spray, do you really want to sit there and try to compare your fuzzy, half-paying attention recollections of my conversations with my own crystal clear recollections? You will lose, every fucking time. I'm never drunk. It's not 4:00 a.m. for me, like it is for you and her. I'm not busy Skyping with you, talking on the phone with Otis and LV, tending to my kids and doing all the other things you and Katy do while chatting.

Yeah, I know exactly what I say, while you have only the vaguest, perception-skewed memory of it.
Why don't you give an example of what she said to you in PM's and would say the opposite in front of everybody else?
Because they were said in Private Messages, that's why.
Dude, why the fuck are you linking me to LV's shithole? Have you seen the juvenile garbage that runs rampant there? I'm not going to LV's 'munchlord' cesspool.
Talk to her.
She can PM me. If she's banned and can't access the PM function here, she can e-mail me at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX {edited by 88}

I'm allowed to give out my own e-mail address, aren't I? Is that within the rules here? If it's not, then go ahead and delete it, mods.

Anyway, that's Susan's e-mail account, which we've both used for over ten years. Go ahead and forward it to Katy. Fuck, give her my phone #. I don't care. I'm not exactly 'personal info' obsessed over here.
Hell, m So far, nobody's had the balls to do as such with the exception of Tom.
It's not like she has, either. All she's done is run to other boards and vent her spleen there.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Ana Ng »

Will one of you, who's screen name does NOT start with Papa and end with Willie, get NAKED already?

Four fucking pages in this bitch, it's late, I have a crusher from skimming through this grade school rubbish, and the little Douchebag avatar thingy is STILL not back up next to the web address where it should be.

Oh, and people are now posting under WWE wrestler names.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »


For GOD"S SAKE MAN!!!!!!!!!!

It's just a message board!

What in THE hell!!!!

Are you drunk? Did the wife kick ya out????

You are losing it my man!!!!

This is pointless computer shit! Yet, you have absorbed it like your life depends upon it!

LET IT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get some help, for God's sake!

I come in when I am bored, I like playing tunes, yet you and katy and who the fuck ever,...It's like it's your life now!

What the hell?

Dude, get some some help. I doubt your wife and kids are in this picture. It's obvious cause of when you post, that you don't have a job. But damn man! I can't work. You can, and you are here 24/7, all hours day and night!

I'M NOT even on that much. I come in at night, you are here, and have been for years now day and night!

What happened???????

Dude, get some help!

It's embarrasing now.

What were we just talking about?
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Van »

'Spray, if I made any "short jokes" then they were just that: jokes. I don't do much in the way of physical appearance smack. If anything, I've given Katy way more crap about Perk's love of denim, and she'll confirm that as well. I've said next to nothing about his height; same as I've said next to nothing about TVO's height.

I'm only 5'9", so I have no room to talk, plus I'm as nondescript and boring looking as the day is long. So, no, I typically don't give people much crap about their physical appearance; at least not about those things which they can't control, such as their height.

I definitely never gave either Katy or Perk much shit at all about his height. Nine times out of ten, I refer to him as The Denim Warrior, and usually I only ever reference his height due to his ridiculous pic with Cinder.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by PSUFAN »

shutyomouth has been very cool of late. It's a shame that he's making this choice.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by M Club »

g'eh. this hs melodrama would be interesting if there were more than four people responsible for the 900 "posters" in this forum.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by PSUFAN »

Very nice points, Mace. I know I agree. For my own part, I have made my thoughts abundantly clear, and I am done addressing it in a serious fashion. If anyone has any questions for me about the situation, I'll be happy to address them - as long as they are honestly placed and not intended to fan the flames. You can be sure that I will respond honestly.

I know and expect that at other boards, all sorts of spinning will take place. We've seen it before. I think that those who thrive on that sort of thing will push this as far as they can - but the basic facts are unalterable - and they are available to those who need them restated, etc.

The admin group is serious about maintaining the board. We don't put our time and money in it to cater to drama - we do so because we are happy with our community as it has been for years now, and we are going to maintain that. That is where our energies are moving going forward.

Van and Mgo have excellent posts in this thread as well. Van's in particular are interesting - he began giving much credit to shutyomouth's position, but when shutyomouth wasn't eliciting the drama that he wanted, he turned against Van as well. I think the true nature of what is taking place is readily apparent in this thread.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Van »

PSUFAN wrote:I know and expect that at other boards, all sorts of spinning will take place.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Diogenes »

Van wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:I know and expect that at other boards, all sorts of spinning will take place.

Message brought to you by Diogenes.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Ana Ng »

PSUFAN wrote:but when shutyomouth wasn't eliciting the drama that he wanted, he turned against Van as well.
Cleary, Van just needed a better disguise.

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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Van »

Diogenes wrote:
Van wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:I know and expect that at other boards, all sorts of spinning will take place.

If one knows that something will happen, they will of course also expect it to happen.

Don't make me sic Smackie Chan on you.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by JMak »

Some of you need to get a fucking life. Numbskulls...
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Van wrote:If one knows that something will happen, they will of course also expect it to happen.
You arguing grammar/spelling with Dio is sorta like LeBron James going to a 4th grade remedial class and challenging some wheelchair bound waterhead to a dunking contest. Dude’s gonna need some hydrochloric acid and a wire brush to wash the smell of your junk off his Cosmo sipping greel.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Tom In VA »

Papa Willie wrote:Now that I've Gandhi'd the fuck out, I hope some of it will stick.......
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Van »

'Spray, for the record, Katy just posted on this board, not ten minutes ago, under her Bobby Abreu troll nic. She even identified herself as such. So, she's still fully capable of conversing here, and she's still fully able to use the PM function here. She's not locked out. If she wanted to tell her side of the story here, either to the group en masse or to any of us individually, she could.

Yeah, you may want to drop the bit about needing to send us to LV's dogshit board in order for Katy to be able to converse with any of us. That is not Katy's only option, and hardly anybody here wants to go there.
Last edited by Van on Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Papa Willie wrote:Calling up people on the phone and singing gospel songs isn't exactly a good way to prove your sanity - in case you didn't know.
Perhaps if he belted out A Letter from Paul to the Corinthians, people wouldn't have been so taken aback.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Van »

Holy fuck, 'Spray. He sang Thumper crap over the phone? Was it at least a Stryper song?

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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by PSUFAN »

There's nothing for me to discuss with Katy - anywhere. Katy was never a part of how we run this place. For a brief time, she gained control of the domain we have used for 5 years - against our wishes. That does not earn her an opportunity to "make her case".

Before Katy was banned here, she did the whole "I'm OUT of here" routine. She had ample opportunity to make her thoughts clear on the situation - but she showed no interest in that.

In so many words, this is over. You guys might try a few more angles to prolong it, but nothing says we have to take part in all of that. As I have made perfectly clear, that's your cup of tea - not ours.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by PSUFAN »

Katy is making her case all over the internet. She just signed off again under the troll Van mentions. Katy has said at least twice now that she is out of here.

shutyomouth, you're avoiding this simple question:

Is it cool that Katy hijacked the domain and redirected unsuspecting users to NSFW sites? Let's see if you have the balls to answer that question.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by JMak »

No good will come of shut the fuck up, douches
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by SunCoastSooner »

PSUFAN wrote:Is it cool that Katy hijacked the domain and redirected unsuspecting users to NSFW sites? Let's see if you have the balls to answer that question.


Sorry Spray, I previously always got along with Katy; I conversed with her through numerous mediums, including the chat, the no trolls, forum, and facebook, but having us redirected to NSFW site was unconscionable. PEOS!

The issues in the sordid love triangle and site ownership was something for The Deciders to handle amongst themselves.

I was redirected to a site with more than questionable material in a semi-public environment with an underage youth I have custody of and numerous other underage and small children around me. This is what I hold Katy and LV in disdain for. The level of embarrassment I felt when it occurred and when I was trying to explain what was going on (while not excatly being sure what exactly was fucking going on) I can't even begin to describe.
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by Van »

Spray, of course everyone stops and looks at TTP. The fact that nobody sticks around afterwards ought to tell you all you need to know about the place: It's a trainwreck. Sure, people are compelled to look, but it's such an ugly mess that nobody wants to become involved with it.

Dude, have you read the front page there? It looks like it was posted by a bunch of fucking invalids. I scanned the entire front page, and it was nothing but junior high school kids who hide out in the bathrooms to sniff glue. There wasn't a single well-written post on the entire page, nor a single funny thread. It was just plain embarrassing.

Mag7 looks to have quite a few quality posters. TTP is something you immediately try to scrape off your shoe after you stepped in it.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Papa Willie wrote:And yeah - EVERYBODY is going there and reading it. All you have to do is look at the views. I started up the original TTP just to prove what a "trolling board" should be - un-modded (with the exception of hardcore personal info) going on, and the place got looked at all the time.
Trolling is about getting ROI. See. The more posts from 'real' posters that are responding to whatever 'bait' is put out by the troll, the better the troll. It's quite simple really. The higher this ratio is, the more effective the troll is.

Trolling is categorically NOT creating a bunch of stupid usernames that interact with each other for the sole purpose of entertaining 3 really dumb people. So sorry you had to learn this out… 10 years after the fact.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by smackaholic »

SunCoastSooner wrote:I was redirected to a site with more than questionable material in a semi-public environment with an underage youth I have custody of and numerous other underage and small children around me.
some fellas have all the luck.


who the fukk do you think?
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by indyfrisco »

I just want to know one answer.

When Perk is driving his 18-wheeler, does he tie little boxes to his feet like Short Round in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom?
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
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Re: An open letter to PSUFAN...

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Furthermore, has he formed a well worn assgroove into the stacks of phone books?
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