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Re: Sad Sack Murderer gets MURDER ONE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:49 am
by titlover
Moving Sale wrote:
mvscal wrote: Can an infant survive independently free of its host? Can a toddler? How about a teenager?
That's right, no infant, toddler or teenager has ever lost its mother and survived.

Fucking dolt.

someone else became the primary caregiver you fucking dolt..... that's the fucking point. they must give out law degrees to any tard that can spell their name correctly nowadays......

Re: Sad Sack Murderer gets MURDER ONE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 8:09 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Well T-down, the proud poppa just wanted to make sure it was a male child--you know, so he could start preparing for baseball practice--playing catch. If it was a girl, preparation for charm school would be forthcoming. As I recall....the kid was ready to join the Tea Party as a possible running mate or fund raising specialist. 8)

Re: Sad Sack Murderer gets MURDER ONE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:36 pm
by Van
I think you probably meant to say, "Once again in your message board life, you are wrong."

It would be a bit more awkward, but you could've also said, "Yet again in your message board life, you are wrong."

I'm pretty sure that you didn't mean to include both 'once' and 'yet' together, as in "Once yet again...."

I would hope not, anyway. Bare minimum, you would've needed to have said, "Yet once again in your message board life, you are wrong." That's the only way you might effectively marry those two at the beginning of the sentence.

Re: Sad Sack Murderer gets MURDER ONE

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:18 am
by LTS TRN 2
Oh no, I was wrong. I thought it was a great flick way back when I first saw it, but I've forgotten the end sequences...the radiator dancers, etc. Single dads are often worse than single moms sometimes.
Dr_Phibes wrote:
You clown, what are you attempting to sputter?
Well, you're not really attacking religion at all, you're just having a go at social privilege and its methods of achievement in a roundabout way. Religion is just a lightning rod for you because you haven't got any real answers yourself. You've grabbed on to the fact that the idyll is too noble for practice to get its head around and you think it's a form of hypocrisy.

No, clown, it's not about privilege or the mob. I'm specifically denoting monotheistic religions--and that's Judaism, Christer Cult, and Islam, of course--as the greatest barrier to spiritual attenuation. That is, while a vodka-soaked Soviet doctrinaire atheism will certainly not be conducive to gaining spiritual attenuation, it will not actively block it. This is the scam that's afflicted the West and beyond for lo these last 1500 years. It is specifically these entities--with Islam quickly growing in the West--which have always sought automatically to push for a theocratic government. The abortion issue is specifically the current leverage point in the drive for theofascism as displayed by the Tea Baggers and other Christers--such as the murderer.

Re: Sad Sack Murderer gets MURDER ONE

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:24 am
by Tom In VA
Well then you're going to have stop mincing words like an abortionist minces babies and just lay it out there LTS.

What is "natural", "spiritually uplifting" and conducive to "spiritual attenuation" about carving up and unborn baby inside the womb and sucking it out with a vacuum cleaner ?

Go ahead and outline the "spiritual" fruit of that for the audience please.

Re: Sad Sack Murderer gets MURDER ONE

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:30 am
by Van
Toddowen wrote:Once yet again you ring into...I mean IN TO correct someone on this board.
I know, and that was a fun one too. You inspired me with your little aside to Nick, wherein you screwed it up again anyway. I rather enjoyed that one.


Re: Sad Sack Murderer gets MURDER ONE

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:17 am
by Dr_Phibes
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
No, clown, it's not about privilege or the mob. I'm specifically denoting monotheistic religions--and that's Judaism, Christer Cult, and Islam, of course--as the greatest barrier to spiritual attenuation.

Now that that's sorted, when you say 'monotheistic' - are you in support of multiple deities like the ancient Greeks, or you're just pissed off that Jews, Christians, Muslims operate in numbers in their community and exert undue political influence?

I'm not being pedantic, but every time you rail on about something it seems that you're upset about politics, not other religions. Bit of a shit reason to hate the big boys. I'm sure if whatever you believe in had any form of mass support - you'd be behaving the same way. You're indicting the religion for operating in its environment and that's a snare - comrade.

Re: Sad Sack Murderer gets MURDER ONE

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:54 am
by Moving Sale
titlover wrote:someone else became the primary caregiver you fucking dolt..... that's the fucking point.
Gee ya think?
mvscal wrote: Not without another "host" to provide for the "parasitic" organism.
Gee ya think?
Try and follow along better next time you cum swilling fuckhole.

Re: Sad Sack Murderer gets MURDER ONE

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 8:57 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Dr_Phibes wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
No, clown, it's not about privilege or the mob. I'm specifically denoting monotheistic religions--and that's Judaism, Christer Cult, and Islam, of course--as the greatest barrier to spiritual attenuation.

Now that that's sorted, when you say 'monotheistic' - are you in support of multiple deities like the ancient Greeks, or you're just pissed off that Jews, Christians, Muslims operate in numbers in their community and exert undue political influence?

I'm not being pedantic, but every time you rail on about something it seems that you're upset about politics, not other religions. Bit of a shit reason to hate the big boys. I'm sure if whatever you believe in had any form of mass support - you'd be behaving the same way. You're indicting the religion for operating in its environment and that's a snare - comrade.
What's this Nigel-speak gibberish you're pushing about the plate like the last bit 'o banger and mash?

Look, the reason that "monotheism" refers strictly to the Judeo-Christer-Islam entity is because they (or it) are historically unique in insisting not merely that their religion is correct--but that all others are absolutely false. This is the difference. Neither the ancient Greeks nor the Indians nor thousands of native cultures (including such adamant ones as the Aztecs and Incas) ever suggested that other religions were false.

The second part for you to understand is just why this is wrong--and how it has proven disastrous.

Slowly...consider just what it is that these monotheistic religions are in fact insisting upon and vigorously promoting...

three things:



Subjugation of women

That's it, nothing more. And while in the past two hundred years or so the West has succeeded somewhat in rising above the shackles of ignorance and intolerance--since the witch burnings and persecution of science--the degree of ignorance and fear in modern society has unfortunately grown, and Christers are back--gnawing their way into power. Similarly, fundamentalist Islam has recently reemerged despite a steady move toward secularism in many parts of the Muslim world. And in Israel, while the odious Orthodox faction still has essential political power, their numbers are small and even the Israelis hate them.

What the fuck is your excuse again?