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Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 11:47 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Carson wrote:Isn't DiS supposed to stay away from school threads?
Unsealed court documents and milk cartoons everywhere say "Yes".

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:56 am
by R-Jack
Paul wrote:....pretty safe to say they can pay their electric bills,
Taps shoulder..........

KC closing half its schools

.......walks away from thread.

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 3:40 am
by R-Jack
That's what I get for just skimming this thread for scat pics.

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:55 pm
by Dinsdale
BSmack wrote:Ditto on a smaller scale for Xerox
First, rack the pun.

But it goes back to recent conversations involving" supply/demand" in regards to physical places to live.

While Silicon Valley kinda priced itself out of the game, Xerox is alive and doing quite well considering the current economic climate, at their headquarters in Wilsonville, OR, just down the road from me.

Light coming on yet?

Better shipping infrastructure, much larger tech-experienced labor pool, better weather, less crime, nicer weather.

Figuring out why a house in Crapchester costs $100K, and a house in Wilsonville costs $300K?

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:12 pm
by Dinsdale
Diego in Seattle wrote:"Little Beirut."

Good times.

Although I'm guessing you have no idea how that nickname came to be. It was a long time ago.

Of course, being Dinsdale, Master of the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time... I was there for the mini-riots. 1988 campaign. Nothing to do with politics, was just making a pickup for work when the Teamsters/Longshoremen decided to go all Seattle on Bush41, pretty much next door to where I was. We were surrounded by dudes in black suits and sunglasses in seconds flat.

Good times.

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:32 pm
by BSmack
Dinsdale wrote:
BSmack wrote:Ditto on a smaller scale for Xerox
First, rack the pun.

But it goes back to recent conversations involving" supply/demand" in regards to physical places to live. While Silicon Valley kinda priced itself out of the game, Xerox is alive and doing quite well considering the current economic climate, at their headquarters in Wilsonville, OR, just down the road from me.
Wrong. Absolutely 100% WRONG.

Xerox is still headquartered in Norwalk, CT. Same as they have been since they moved HQ from Stamford, CT. And before that it was in Rochester, NY at Xerox Tower.

Here's their address.

Xerox Headquarters
45 Glover Avenue
PO Box 4505
Norwalk, CT 06856-4505 ... /enus.html
Light coming on yet?
That you're a 40 something stoner who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about? Yea, we all kinda knew that.
Better shipping infrastructure, much larger tech-experienced labor pool, better weather, less crime, nicer weather.
You're dead wrong about the trained workforce and shipping infrastructure. I can't say much about the crime level except to say that meth is not something our police have to deal with. How about over in Portland?

And the weather? Well, it might be a little better in Portland. But not during the spring, summer or fall.
Figuring out why a house in Crapchester costs $100K, and a house in Wilsonville costs $300K?
I don't care why. I like my hometown and I'm staying here.

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:58 pm
by Dinsdale
BSmack wrote: And the weather? Well, it might be a little better in Portland. But not during the spring, summer or fall.


Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:07 pm
by Dinsdale
BSmack wrote: You're dead wrong about the trained workforce and shipping infrastructure.

Little history for you...

The transistor started the electronic revolution. This "revolution" was worthless without the oscilliscopes to develop and repair, and without the modern assembly-line techniques for manufacturing them... which were innovated by Tektronix, in Beaverton, OR (actually an unincorporated island in Beaverton, adjacent to Nike).

Glad I could help.

BTW -- heard of a company called Intel? They think you're pretty fucking funny, too.

But your claim that a metro area with half the people and well under half the tech companies somehow has a better employee infrastructure is pretty funny.

And when you're talking electronics shipping, you're talking about Southeast Asia. And if you're talking about Southeast Asia shipping, you're talking about the Ports of Portland, Seattle/Tacoma, and Los Angeles. And just STFU already.

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:13 pm
by Dinsdale
BSmack wrote:I can't say much about the crime level
I can ... ster&s2=NY

Yet another "BWA!"

Let me know when you get tired of pitching BP.

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:52 pm
by BSmack
Dinsdale wrote:
BSmack wrote:I can't say much about the crime level
I can ... ster&s2=NY

Yet another "BWA!" Let me know when you get tired of pitching BP.
Nice try. For starters, anybody in the Rochester metro area who doesn't live in the small sliver of land known as area known as the Fatal Crescent has crime rates that are practicably Mayberry like. Of course the vast majority of people in the Rochester metro area live nowhere near the Fatal Crescent. Most are like the village I live in that hasn't had a murder since 1976 and whose police blotters are filled with DWI and domestic squabbles.

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:50 am
by Terry in Crapchester
BSmack wrote:Nice try. For starters, anybody in the Rochester metro area who doesn't live in the small sliver of land known as area known as the Fatal Crescent has crime rates that are practicably Mayberry like. Of course the vast majority of people in the Rochester metro area live nowhere near the Fatal Crescent.
True dat, although you'd never know it from the local media. The local media, for some reason, is fixated on the idea that crime here is worse than the national average, and that the economy is better than the national average, even though both statements are patently false under any reasonable and objective analysis. The former I understand to some extent -- much like with the reaction to winter, locals here seem to take a perverse pride in the fact that not everyone is "tough" enough to live here. Not quite sure why they insist the local economy is better than the national average, though.
Most are like the village I live in that hasn't had a murder since 1976 and whose police blotters are filled with DWI and domestic squabbles.
Don't forget about the petit larcenies originating from the area's four (or is it down to three yet?) local malls.

But yeah, violent crime is all but nonexistant in the lives of the overwhelming majority of residents of the metro area. I know there have been a number of violent crime threads on these boards over the years, and as I have repeatedly posted, I probably have a better chance of winning the lottery and being struck by lightning -- both on the same day, no less -- than I do of being the victim of a violent crime committed against my person by a stranger inside my house. And my house is on a state route, not inside a gated community. And I don't even own any firearms (fwiw, not that I'm sure how much of a deterrent effect that would have in any event). How many here would say the same?

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:40 am
by War Wagon
Terry in Crapchester wrote: How many here would say the same?
I would.

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:44 am
by Dinsdale
BSmack wrote:Nice try. For starters, anybody in the Rochester metro area who doesn't live in the small sliver of land known as area known as the Fatal Crescent has crime rates that are practicably Mayberry like. Of course the vast majority of people in the Rochester metro area live nowhere near the Fatal Crescent.

Try to take a step back, and actually analyze your logic here, and see if you can figure out why you just clowned yourself yet again.

You are a fucking retard, straight up.

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:07 am
by Goober McTuber
Terry in Crapchester wrote:I know there have been a number of violent crime threads on these boards over the years, and as I have repeatedly posted, I probably have a better chance of winning the lottery and being struck by lightning -- both on the same day, no less -- than I do of being the victim of a violent crime committed against my person by a stranger inside my house.
"Stranger" being the key word here, as we all know the violence is going to be brought by Mrs. Crapchester once she catches you at the local titty bar.

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:33 am
by BSmack
Dinsdale wrote:
BSmack wrote:Nice try. For starters, anybody in the Rochester metro area who doesn't live in the small sliver of land known as area known as the Fatal Crescent has crime rates that are practicably Mayberry like. Of course the vast majority of people in the Rochester metro area live nowhere near the Fatal Crescent.
Try to take a step back, and actually analyze your logic here, and see if you can figure out why you just clowned yourself yet again.

You are a fucking retard, straight up.
There you go Dins. No illuminating thought, just a bit of name calling. My point was that your crime statistics are a fucking joke. You're taking the worst sample possible in a metro area where 4/5 of the residents do not even live in said sample area. And even of that remaining 1/5, the vast majority live in reasonably safe neighborhoods. You take Fairport, NY or Penfield, NY and put their crime rates against that town your drug addled brain thinks Xerox is headquartered in and then you'll have a real comparison.

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:49 am
by BSmack
Terry in Crapchester wrote:True dat, although you'd never know it from the local media. The local media, for some reason, is fixated on the idea that crime here is worse than the national average, and that the economy is better than the national average, even though both statements are patently false under any reasonable and objective analysis. The former I understand to some extent -- much like with the reaction to winter, locals here seem to take a perverse pride in the fact that not everyone is "tough" enough to live here. Not quite sure why they insist the local economy is better than the national average, though.
That's easy. Our local media is a tool of the Chamber of Commerce and the large companies that dominate our corporate culture. Plus, crime sells. Nothing like a good murder on Avenue D story to sell some ad time.
Don't forget about the petit larcenies originating from the area's four (or is it down to three yet?) local malls.
Irondequoit Mall was still there when I was driving down 104 earlier this week. So I guess we still have 4 big malls. And they just opened a big ass WalMart in Victor. Which I think brings the number of commercial developments in Ontario County to 1 per resident.
But yeah, violent crime is all but nonexistant in the lives of the overwhelming majority of residents of the metro area. I know there have been a number of violent crime threads on these boards over the years, and as I have repeatedly posted, I probably have a better chance of winning the lottery and being struck by lightning -- both on the same day, no less -- than I do of being the victim of a violent crime committed against my person by a stranger inside my house. And my house is on a state route, not inside a gated community. And I don't even own any firearms (fwiw, not that I'm sure how much of a deterrent effect that would have in any event). How many here would say the same?
Being on a state route you are probably more likely to have a vehicle crash into your house. And Gooober has a point about domestic violence. The few homicides that do happen outside the Fatal Crescent are invariably domestic squabbles gone bad or vehicular homicides caused by drunk Greece cops errr drivers.

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:24 pm
by Derron
BSmack wrote: I can't say much about the crime level except to say that meth is not something our police have to deal with.
Then that makes your hood the absolute only one in the United States that has had no contact with meth...complete bullshit.

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:38 pm
by BSmack
Derron wrote:
BSmack wrote: I can't say much about the crime level except to say that meth is not something our police have to deal with.
Then that makes your hood the absolute only one in the United States that has had no contact with meth...complete bullshit.
Junkies around these parts still smoke crack and shoot up heroin. That's not to say that we don't get a few meth-heads. But they are few and far between.


Remember, we have 18 million or so people in New York.

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:49 pm
by Derron
BSmack wrote:
Junkies around these parts still smoke crack and shoot up heroin. That's not to say that we don't get a few meth-heads. But they are few and far between.
My bad... What was I thinking???...comparing meth to crack and heroin...of course crack and horse are much less used or a problem than some crystal here and there...much less of problem drugs

Remember, we have 18 million or so people in New York.
And this graphic and statement has what to do with your hood ?

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:53 pm
by Mace
Only 11 meth labs busted in 2007? Wow. That's not even a good week in Iowa....although meth lab busts have significantly decreased here too, mainly because of tougher laws that put sudafed behind the counter in stores. That and 99% of the meth has always come out of Mexico, not the local ma and pa meth labs that got busted.

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:46 pm
just a bit of name calling
Which generally goes right into the rack column...

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:00 am
by War Wagon

Inner city public school teachers think you're an idiot savant.

Now give it up.

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:38 am
by BSmack
Derron wrote:
BSmack wrote:Image

Remember, we have 18 million or so people in New York.
And this graphic and statement has what to do with your hood ?
I believe I was illustrating that there ain't a hell of a lot of meth in New York State. You know, the state Rochester is in?

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:49 am
How long before Derron puts together a cock bar chart?

Re: KC closing half its schools.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:29 pm
by Screw_Michigan
PSUFAN wrote:How long before Derron puts together a cock bar chart?
Derron wrote:hung up on my cock / any cock