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Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:33 am
by Moving Sale
IndyFrisco wrote:
wee one.
Holy crap that is funny. Original too. Keep it up. You are on a roll.
You're and idiot if you are paying 600 a month to those bloodsuckers that sell you energy and are JUST now thinking of doing something about it.
And it would appear you can't read too well either.
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:34 am
by Moving Sale
Goober McTuber wrote: He might not be aware of the fact that your hose makes Al Gore’s look like a hovel.
What are you doing inspecting Algore's hose anyway?
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:36 am
by Dinsdale
Moving Sale wrote:Goober McTuber wrote: He might not be aware of the fact that your hose makes Al Gore’s look like a hovel.
What are you doing inspecting Algore's hose anyway?
smackaholic wrote:mvscal wrote:Goober McTuber wrote:He might not be aware of the fact that your hose makes Al Gore’s look like a hovel.
Good job, Gazos McTuber.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
now see goobs, that is typo smack done with style.
rack it!
Moving Sale wrote:
Holy crap that is funny. Original too.
Moving Sale wrote:
And it would appear you can't read too well either.
Do the letters "YHKYOA" mean anything to you right about now?
They should.
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:22 am
by smackaholic
weeeevo's entire life is one long YHKYOA episode.
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:26 am
by indyfrisco
Moving Sale wrote:IndyFrisco wrote:
wee one.
Holy crap that is funny. Original too. Keep it up. You are on a roll.
You're and idiot if you are paying 600 a month to those bloodsuckers that sell you energy and are JUST now thinking of doing something about it.
And it would appear you can't read too well either.
Dumbfuck, lived in this house for just over a year. Before dropping 10-13k on geothermal, yeah, decided to wait a bit before dropping that kind of cash and check the energy cost over a whole year. I know you do, but I feel obliged to you suck this bad always? Scan and plan, asswipe. That's what I do.
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:33 pm
by Moving Sale
IndyFrisco wrote:
Dumbfuck, lived in this house for just over a year.
Why? Too stupid to ask the previous owners? You're not very good at this buying property thing are you?
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:44 pm
by Goober McTuber
smackaholic wrote:mvscal wrote:Goober McTuber wrote:He might not be aware of the fact that your hose makes Al Gore’s look like a hovel.
Good job, Gazos McTuber.
now see goobs, that is typo smack done with style.
rack it!

Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:45 pm
by Moving Sale
smackaholic wrote:
This kind of property confiscation by the state should result in somebody being stood against a wall and shot
i am for reasonable zoning restrictions.
I see so if YOU don't like the restriction someone should be shot but you are for reasonable restrictions. Why do you have democracy?
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:26 pm
by smackaholic
Moving Sale wrote:smackaholic wrote:
This kind of property confiscation by the state should result in somebody being stood against a wall and shot
i am for reasonable zoning restrictions.
I see so if YOU don't like the restriction someone should be shot but you are for reasonable restrictions. Why do you have democracy?
you just aren't all that quick, are ya?
as for why i have democracy? dunno. guess i was just born into it.
see if you can follow along here.
going into an existing bidness and telling the owner they must stop a lawful activity, due to an alleged health concern, effectively putting him out of bidness is plain fukking wrong. it is in effect, taking his property. in the old days, we used to call it stealing.
plopping a pig farm down in a nice residential neighborhood will ruin the value of neighboring properties. this too is stealing.
plopping a nice house down next to an existing pig farm, then demanding that mr pig farmer shut it down is another example of somebody taking somebody else's shit aka.....STEALING!!!!!!!
It is wrong when done by anyone, but, the absolute worst case of stealing is when it is carried out by the gubmint, because, well, unlike most anything else they do, they do it well. I'd rather have some hooded thug sneak into my house and take my shit then some fukk in a suit from some damn gubmint agency.
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:31 am
by Moving Sale
smackaholic wrote:
going into an existing bidness and telling the owner they must stop a lawful activity, due to an alleged health concern, effectively putting him out of bidness is plain fukking wrong. it is in effect, taking his property. in the old days, we used to call it stealing.
But smoking isn't lawful in public places in this instance. I have a friend who's dad lost a ton of cash when the state found asbestos in a building he owned. Asbestos was legal when he bought it waaaay back when, but once the health effects were known it was deemed illegal. I don't see the difference. Please tell me how I'm wrong.
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:03 pm
by H4ever
IndyFrisco wrote:10% tanning tax? But of course.
What they should do is quadruple the tax on tobacco and alcohol. Of course, that would hit the pockets mostly of the poor lazy fucks who can't control their vices.
This bar I eat lunch at all the time is always full of unemployed barflies bitching about how they can't find work while they are drinking beer and chain smoking at 11:30 AM. Every last one of them should be lined up and shot for being stupid ass, lazy, irresponsible wastes of oxygen. Instead, I get to help subsidize their health care when they have lung cancer and cirrhosis of the liver. I'd much rather buy the gun and bullet for them.
Prohibition of both substances. Then our income taxes and consumption taxes (gas tax, sales tax, etc) would go through the roof. The huge black market created would help boost the economy but we would lose our asses in enforcement, incarcerating, and bog down the legal systems even more. War on drugs, tobacco, and alcohol? Fuck-an-A...I'm in.
History... those who fail to learn from it... etc. etc. Alcohol and tobacco are legal substances and partaking of the two are lawful activities in this free society.
Why do you hate America? And why do you want bigger, controlling goverment? Why do want to infringe on liberties? Let's impose an excise tax on potato chips and sodas along with other unhealthy junk food due to obesity-related health problems DWARFING the health problems created by the ever dwindling number of smokers (let's let the government decide what foods are good for us while we're at it)
Don't fuck with my beers!
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:18 pm
by H4ever
IndyFrisco wrote:H4ever wrote: How about a tax on fatty, and unhealthy deemed by the gubmint, of pick up the slack in all the health care costs incurred by taxpayers to take care of lazy, fat fucks with poor dietary choices? I'm sure you're all for this since obesity and obesity related illnesses kills more people annually than smoking by a factor of 5. Or would that put a crimp on your cheetohs, pron, and orange dick times?
I've seen your pic fatty (and please don't post it again) and have posted mine plenty of times. I'm perfectly fine with additional tax on fatty, unhealthy foods as I don't partake in those too often.
Ummm,'re confusing me with someone else. I'm 15 lbs. overweight every year ( some years it's 10, some it's 20) during the winter and after the holidays. And this only started after I turned 30 a few years back. I'm back in the gym, as per usual, preparing for another upcoming season of softball. I will never have 8% body fat like I did in my 20's when I lifted 4 times a week, but I've never had a weight problem. You are confused.
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:23 pm
by smackaholic
Moving Sale wrote:smackaholic wrote:
going into an existing bidness and telling the owner they must stop a lawful activity, due to an alleged health concern, effectively putting him out of bidness is plain fukking wrong. it is in effect, taking his property. in the old days, we used to call it stealing.
But smoking isn't lawful in public places in this instance. I have a friend who's dad lost a ton of cash when the state found asbestos in a building he owned. Asbestos was legal when he bought it waaaay back when, but once the health effects were known it was deemed illegal. I don't see the difference. Please tell me how I'm wrong.
don't even get me started on the asbestos boon doggle. breathing asbestos is most definitely a bad thing to do. in cases where it is buried safely behind walls, it should be left alone. other cases where it is accessible, it can be safely enclosed. forcing building owners to spend outlandish sums to extricate it is a fukking joke. well, actually, i guess it's pretty cool if you are making a buck running as abatement bidness.
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:33 pm
by smackaholic
IndyFrisco wrote:H4ever wrote: How about a tax on fatty, and unhealthy deemed by the gubmint, of pick up the slack in all the health care costs incurred by taxpayers to take care of lazy, fat fucks with poor dietary choices? I'm sure you're all for this since obesity and obesity related illnesses kills more people annually than smoking by a factor of 5. Or would that put a crimp on your cheetohs, pron, and orange dick times?
I've seen your pic fatty (and please don't post it again) and have posted mine plenty of times. I'm perfectly fine with additional tax on fatty, unhealthy foods as I don't partake in those too often.
usually indy, you are on the right side of the tax argument. here, you sound like a fukkin' idiot.
define fatty or unhealthy foods?
healthy food becomes less so if you eat 12X the amount you should. i
i'd like to see everything taxed at a fixed rate. doing otherwise puts the power in the hands of politicians and their masters, the lobbyists.
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:37 pm
by Moving Sale
smackaholic wrote: in cases where it is buried safely behind walls, it should be left alone. other cases where it is accessible, it can be safely enclosed. forcing building owners to spend outlandish sums to extricate it is a fukking joke. well, actually, i guess it's pretty cool if you are making a buck running as abatement bidness.
Huh? You mean 'cause the walls will never deteriorate and leak the crap into the air and mice and shit won't be moving it around and junk? Fuckin A you are dumb.
As far as the removal bi'niss... it's a scam? I'm going to go ahead and figure the rest of this thread is not going to go very well for you.
might not be a fatass, but you sure as fuck are an ignant fathead.
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:19 am
by R-Jack
H4ever wrote: I'm 15 lbs. overweight every year ( some years it's 10, some it's 20) during the winter and after the holidays.
Have you considered investing in a puffy coat?
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:25 am
by smackaholic
R-Jack wrote:H4ever wrote: I'm 15 lbs. overweight every year ( some years it's 10, some it's 20) during the winter and after the holidays.
Have you considered investing in a puffy coat?
20 lbs over fighting weight is no reason to go all puffy coat. I'm about 40 over and I'd say that is borderline puffy coat territory.
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:29 am
by smackaholic
Moving Sale wrote:smackaholic wrote: in cases where it is buried safely behind walls, it should be left alone. other cases where it is accessible, it can be safely enclosed. forcing building owners to spend outlandish sums to extricate it is a fukking joke. well, actually, i guess it's pretty cool if you are making a buck running as abatement bidness.
Huh? You mean 'cause the walls will never deteriorate and leak the crap into the air and mice and shit won't be moving it around and junk? Fuckin A you are dumb.
As far as the removal bi'niss... it's a scam? I'm going to go ahead and figure the rest of this thread is not going to go very well for you.
might not be a fatass, but you sure as fuck are an ignant fathead.
go back and read, douche. i said there are acceptable ways to safely contain it which are a hell of a lot cheaper. There is also the fact that when used as insulation around steam pipes, it is superior to the stuff used today. if the mice move it around in the wall and get cancer, I honestly don't give a fukk.
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:16 am
by Stanley Pickkkle
Has anybody addressed the fact that Obongo has imposed a RACIST TAX against White people?
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:30 am
by Goober McTuber
Oh come on, Stanley, I'm sure you can get as much black cock as you want without paying a dime.
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:28 pm
by Moving Sale
smackaholic wrote: i said there are acceptable ways to safely contain it which are a hell of a lot cheaper.
You mean like encapsulation? That works for what % of asbestos still in buildings? Name one state that demands removal when encapsulation will work. You're stupider than a box of peat moss.
Face if fucktard, regulations that protect patrons and the like are not stealing you oversoaked jizzmop.
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:10 pm
by indyfrisco
smackaholic wrote:usually indy, you are on the right side of the tax argument. here, you sound like a fukkin' idiot.
define fatty or unhealthy foods?
I don't seriously think there should be a tax on unhealthy foods. I was giving in to H4E's hyperbole of taxation on junk food. Nor do I really think there needs to be a hike on taxation on alcohol and tobacco. That was an exaggeration on my part in response to the 10% tax on dumbasses who want to go to a tanning salon. My whole point, which someone pointed out earlier, was that the tax was targeted mostly on the middle-class to the welathy who are the primary users of tanning salons. I said, why not tax alcohol and tobacco? Of course, that would adversely affect the poor the most since they are such heavy users of both.
And H4E, your assertion that I am for big govenrment is absurd. Guess I need to post more smileys or something if I'm that vague in my responses.
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 3:22 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
IndyFrisco wrote: I said, why not tax alcohol and tobacco?
You mean tax them MORE, right?
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 6:10 pm
by Dinsdale
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:IndyFrisco wrote: I said, why not tax alcohol and tobacco?
You mean tax them MORE, right?
IndyFrisco wrote:Nor do I really think there needs to be a hike on taxation on alcohol and tobacco.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what he meant, since it's exactly what he said.
Re: 10% tanning tax ?
Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 7:25 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Reading before responding is soooo overrated. :doh: