CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by poptart »

The Bush tax cuts were a joke - for two reasons.

1. They were paltry.

2. He didn't cut spending and in fact dramatically increased spending.

To nurse the economy to life you need to do a few simple things.

Significantly cut taxes on both individuals and businesses.
Significantly cut spending.
Foster an enviornment where we can produce and export a lot more than we currently do.

Give the people their freedom.

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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by mvscal »

Rooster wrote:From the enviromental impact surveys to the actual building of infrastructure, the time needed to draw oil off the coast of Virginia will be well over 15 years. And this doesn't include enviros throwing every roadblocking legal measure in beside. We'll be lucky to see any benefit from this in our lifetime.
A. You're full of shit.

B. So what?

We're going to be using gasoline in 15 years, right? So what the fuck is your point? We shouldn't do anything because it's going to take a long time?

The only meaningful thing that argument says is that we had better get busy...NOW.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by mvscal »

Felix wrote:ever wonder why NOBODY ever talks about the success of the bush tax cuts?
They were a success, you fucking idiot. Unfortunately increasing revenue 13% doesn't do a whole fuck of a lot of good when you increase spending 40%.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
They were a success, you fucking idiot.

the "success" of the Bush tax cuts certainly weren't reflected in creating new jobs (which conservatives always claim will be the end result of tax cuts), I need to understand exactly how you're defining "success"
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by Stanley Pickkkle »

Why hasn't anybody addressed the fact the only reason it takes 10 years to get the oil is because of the cokkk sukkking motherfukkking LAWYERS!

Get rid of the lawyer parasites and oil can be flowing out of the wells in less than 1 year!
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by mvscal »

Felix wrote:the "success" of the Bush tax cuts certainly weren't reflected in creating new jobs (which conservatives always claim will be the end result of tax cuts).
Do you need a recap of the unemployment rate during the Bush administration, fuckwit? The 2003 cuts reduced unemployment from a peak of 6.3% in Q2 of 2003 to a low of 4.4% by Q1 of 2007 just before the financial crisis kicked the bottom out of the tub.

You really are one seriously braindead, choad-gargling dipshit.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by Felix »

mvscal wrote:
Do you need a recap of the unemployment rate during the Bush administration, fuckwit? The 2003 cuts reduced unemployment from a peak of 6.3% in Q2 of 2003 to a low of 4.4% by Q1 of 2007 just before the financial crisis kicked the bottom out of the tub.
and how many jobs did the Bush Admin create over that period of time...

trickle down economics is all about job creation right?
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by Derron »

mvscal wrote:
Felix wrote:ever wonder why NOBODY ever talks about the success of the bush tax cuts?
They were a success, you fucking idiot. Unfortunately increasing revenue 13% doesn't do a whole fuck of a lot of good when you increase spending 40%.
When you use this "new math " that the libtards do, it all makes perfect sense.

When you have a debt that is 88% of your GDP, the end really can't be too far off.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by JMak »

Felix, conservatives are laughing about doing anything about the depletion of resources? Idiot, it's the Republicans who are actually proposing something...expnasion of nuclear power, expanding exploration and development, etc. But it is your Democrats standing in the way saying no. Obama just closed the entire Pacific coastline. His announcement was far more important in that it was shutting off exploration than it was expanding anything.

Also, the US was already going bankrupt not because of health care but because of nearly 50 trillion in unfunded Medicare and SS liabilities cming down the pipe. And Obamacare adds to that as I demonstrated earlier in this thread.

And stop lying about the Republicans having no proposals. It didn't fly when Obama was lying about it re: health care and it aint flying now from you.

Poptart, Bush was submitting budgets to Congress that increased spending by about 4pct per year through 2007. Congress then increased that spending to over 8pct. As well, Medicare Rx was gonna happen...Bush's proposal was far less costly than the Dems proposals...score for Bush. Republicans and Dems in Congress fucked it up. Not Bush.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by JMak »

Feelscox, you fucking idiot...the President doesn't create jobs. Second, at the same time that the unemployment rate was dropping the total labor force was also growing.

DoL publishes jobs data...under the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Look it up, nipple-dick.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by Mikey »

poptart wrote:You're making shit up.
Not surprising.

I predicted this in July '09...
poptart wrote:As the realization that the economy is not coming back anytime soon REALLY sets in, the Sheeple won't sit still.
Early next year it comes to a head.

It's gonna be a LONG 2 to 3 years for B.O. ... IF he finishes out his term.
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=32052&p=604619&hili ... ar#p604619

I'll be MORE than happy to take a look at where we stand on April 30th.
You predicted a "meltdown" in that post, and have since proceeded to backpedal every time I've challenged you on it. So, what do you now mean by "coming to a head".

And this on October 7...
poptart wrote:
poptart wrote:By early next year, if not sooner, the shit hits the fan for B.O. and all of his zombie worshippers.
What is "early" in '10?

Surely by the end of April.


Mikey wrote:At least own up to what you've actually said.
I am.

I'm straight forward with it.

Letterman = off the air within 6 months
The shit hits the fan for B.O. by early '10
Markets will tank soon

It'll be three-for-three.
Still waiting for the shit, shit-for-brains.

Haven't seen to much tanking lately, either. Or does soon now mean the end of 2012?
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by Goober McTuber »

Toddowen wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:
Keep trying, Tardd. I just happen to recall stupid shit that halfwits like you and General Peckerhead have thrown up on these boards over the years. And given the opportunity, I will rub your noses in your shit. Your feeble rubber and glue efforts aren’t going to work here.

You'll rub my nose?
I'd rub your nose in your ma's stinking gash, but you'd enjoy that.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by JMak »

Mikey...there's a major problem just on the horizon - government bonds. The rating agencies are considering lowering their ratings of government bonds. As some of us have read, investors are already perceiving that corporate bonds are more attractive investment vehicles than US Treasury bonds. This is a big deal.

So you can pretend that the current variations in employment, stocks, etc are somehow important indicators of, well, something...but with our bond ratings going down, up to $50 trillion in unfunded Medicare and SS liabilities out there, and now Obamacare on top of that soon to be followed by crushing energy taxes...gfyjo!
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by Mikey »

Oh yeah, I feel us circling the drain already. Definitely in the sewer by May, as pops will tell you.

But wait, there's hope on the horizon. We're going to drill, drill, drill. Isn't that supposed to solve all of our energy problems?
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by mvscal »

Felix wrote:when a country spends .20 of every 1.00 on a particular product, it doesn't take a fucking genius to figure out those kinds of expenditures are simply unsustainable...
And how much of every dollar are we spending on government? Take your time, you pinheaded asshat.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by JMak »

Anymore strawmen, Mikey?
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by poptart »

MIkey wrote:Oh yeah, I feel us circling the drain already.
You should.

We burned 900 Billion on a "stimulus" that didn't do shit, well ... other than to make Barry look like a grade-A fool.

He promised jobs with the stimulus and that exploded in his face, with unemployment rising WELL above what he promised us would happen if the package wasn't passed.


Not only is unemployment a huge problem, it's a problem that won't have an answer anytime soon because Barry is doing all that he can to neuter U.S. productivity.

Barry and Fliends passed a trillion dollar (yeah, right) health care bill that we can't afford and his massive deficit budgets into the future indicate that he simply doesn't have the first clue about what he's doing.

[kool aid]10 years of revenue to pay for 6 years of service??[/kool aid]


It's a dog and pony show and frightfully amusing that dipshits like you and Foolix can't lick it up fast enough.

Because of the course this asshole has set us on, we have no choice, one way or another, but to see a serious decline in the standard of living for Americans.

Oh no, we're not circling the drain with this assclown driving the bus.

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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by Screw_Michigan »

poptart wrote:we're
Shut the fuck up, idiot. Maybe once you get back to U.S. soil you can start saying "we." Until then, enjoy your slant-eyed gooks and shut the fuck up, alien.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
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You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by Mikey »

:lol: :lol:

28 more days till you're proven an idiotic douchebag once and for all.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by Mikey »


I guess you wouldn't be happy with anything but an upside down V, or maybe a vertical drop? Turnarounds don't happen overnight you ignorant fuck.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by Mikey »

Oh yes, and I certainly see a HUGE market crash happening, just like you predicted.

Why don't you try laying the current and past administrations over these three charts and tell me who's is the massive failure. Hmmmm? Dumbfuck?

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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by poptart »

S&M wrote:Maybe once you get back to U.S. soil you can start saying "we"
We're both taxpaying citizens, shit-for-brains.

Mikey moves the goalposts.
Nobody saw that coming.
har har

Are you seriously going to the employment chart??


Again, Barry said the TURNAROUND with the stimulus would have the unemployment rate kept under 8%.

How many months has it now been that the rate has been WELL above that mark?

Hell, we've been well above the mark Barry said we would be at if he didn't pass the stimulus bullshit. lol

Shovel ready.

Shovel that shit, Mikey.

I'm not here to give the past admininstrations any credit.
What are you babbling about?

The markets will tank soon.

You're already fucked, but let's see where we are in 28 days.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by Mikey »

Are you seriously going to the employment chart??
So, tell me what your measure is? Your gut feeling, or the price of Korean whores?

Who fucking cares what the number was when the unemployment rate topped out?

What matters is that it gets turned around.

What would you be happier with...a permanent 8% unemployment rate or one that tops out at 10% and falls back to 4% or 5%?

OK don't tell me, I know. It depends on who the President is. Since it got to 10 before turning around the eventual result doesn't matter to blindered sheeple dumbfucks like you.

And who's moving the goalposts? They haven't moved, it's just you backpedaling as usualm.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by Mikey »

KC Scott wrote:
poptart wrote: The markets will tank soon.
If he keeps making that call, it'll happen eventually.
Then he can claim he was right all along.

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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by mvscal »

Mikey wrote:What matters is that it gets turned around.
And how is that coming along?
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by Mikey »

mvscal wrote:
Mikey wrote:What matters is that it gets turned around.
And how is that coming along?
You might want to look at the chart.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by Mikey »

And there is this...oh wait you're right, we're still on a downward spiral.


And this.


The coons are getting back in the pool.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by mvscal »

Mikey wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Mikey wrote:What matters is that it gets turned around.
And how is that coming along?
You might want to look at the chart.
Looks pretty shitty to me.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by JMak »

Riiight, Mikey. Please cite even on policy that has played a contributing factor in those charts? I love the fact that you believe the President can be responsible for the billions of economic transactions reflected in those charts...shows you are one of the sheeple surprise, though.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by Mace »

I can't tell you all how glad I am to have read this thread so that I know who to blame for those massive increases in my investments during the 4th quarter of '09. That fucking Obama. Hell, that motherfucker is gonna cause me to pay a shitload more in taxes. The cocksucker.

It appears the unemployment rate has pretty much hit a plateau and has actually dropped very slightly. Everything I've read says that virtually all economists are saying that the unemployment rate won't return to "normal" levels of 5%-6% until the middle of the decade. Not good news, but you don't pull out of the worst recession since the '30s overnight. At least we'll pull out of it.....despite all of the doom and gloomers who seem to enjoy the misery of others for the sake of pointing fingers at Obama and the Dems. The mid-term elections will reflect the overall dissatisfaction with the economy and politicians, but it will not be directed solely at the Democrats. It's the incumbents who will be taking a hit come the November elections, and it will hit both sides of the aisle.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by mvscal »

Mace wrote:you don't pull out of the worst recession since the '30s overnight. At least we'll pull out of it.....despite all of the doom and gloomers who seem to enjoy the misery of others for the sake of pointing fingers at Obama and the Dems.
We haven't even hit bottom yet, idiot. The next bucket of shit to hit the fan is going to be the bond market and that will make the stock market collapse look like a springtime frolic through the meadow.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news here, chum, but our current level of borrowing is not even remotely sustainable. We're going to ring up 3 trillion dollars in debt 2009-2010 and trillion dollar plus deficits for the next ten years at least. Who is going to buy that debt?

Oh, and adding a hundred thousand temporary census employees isn't exactly going to turn the corner on unemployment either.

Wake the fuck up.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by mvscal »

KC Scott wrote:As for US Treasury Bills, the same question applies? Why would you buy T-bills when the interest on them is almost nothing? Until we start raising interest rates, there's no reason to buy them.
How the fuck is the government supposed to borrow this money when nobody is buying treasury securities at auction? That's right. The Fed steps in and prints money to buy them. No choice.

Care to consider the implications of long term monetization of our government debt? Care to consider all of those gargantuan unfunded future liabilities lurking at the fringes of the Federal balance sheet? Something on the order of 60 trillion, I believe.

The road we are currently on takes us straight to hyperinflation and/or default. Either one is completely and utterly ruinous.

Wakey, wakey.
Last edited by mvscal on Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by JMak »

Mace wrote:I can't tell you all how glad I am to have read this thread so that I know who to blame for those massive increases in my investments during the 4th quarter of '09. That fucking Obama. Hell, that motherfucker is gonna cause me to pay a shitload more in taxes. The cocksucker.

It appears the unemployment rate has pretty much hit a plateau and has actually dropped very slightly. Everything I've read says that virtually all economists are saying that the unemployment rate won't return to "normal" levels of 5%-6% until the middle of the decade. Not good news, but you don't pull out of the worst recession since the '30s overnight. At least we'll pull out of it.....despite all of the doom and gloomers who seem to enjoy the misery of others for the sake of pointing fingers at Obama and the Dems. The mid-term elections will reflect the overall dissatisfaction with the economy and politicians, but it will not be directed solely at the Democrats. It's the incumbents who will be taking a hit come the November elections, and it will hit both sides of the aisle.
Would you stfu, already, please?

You don't know wtf you're talking about. What the fuck do you know about recessions, expanding economies, or anything else related fuck all? You're a middle-of-the-road douchebag. You act as though there's something noble by pretending to have zero political principle and argue that you play things as you see it. That's total bullshit. You're an impish girly-man that lacks the self-confidence to actually take a stand for something other than refusing to take a stand.

Yeah I'm pointing fingers at Obama and the Dems. Just like I did at Bush and the Republicans. Your problem is that you're too fucking dumb to recognize the suicidal road that Obama and the Dems have put us on. So you'll split blame down the middle and act as if the Democrats don't own the economy but that Obama is responsible for your investment gains. Fuck you.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by JMak »

mvscal wrote:Oh, and adding a hundred thousand temporary census employees isn't exactly going to turn the corner on unemployment either.

Wake the fuck up.
Just like Obama's $5 billion dollar program for make work weatherization "stimulus."

Typical Obama stimulus...
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by Dr_Phibes »

Would you stfu, already, please?

You don't know wtf you're talking about. What the fuck do you know about recessions, expanding economies, or anything else related fuck all?
He's got a pulse, he's qualified to comment.
Seriously, someone needs to grab you by the throat and punch the teeth out of your fucking mouth, cunt.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by JMak »

KC Scott wrote:
mvscal wrote:The next bucket of shit to hit the fan is going to be the bond market and that will make the stock market collapse look like a springtime frolic through the meadow.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news here, chum, but our current level of borrowing is not even remotely sustainable. We're going to ring up 3 trillion dollars in debt 2009-2010 and trillion dollar plus deficits for the next ten years at least. Who is going to buy that debt?
At first I thought you were referencing corporate bonds, but those are pretty solid - though I'm not sure why anyone would want to own Bonds right now when the earnings of the SP 500 are pretty solid.

As for US Treasury Bills, the same question applies? Why would you buy T-bills when the interest on them is almost nothing? Until we start raising interest rates, there's no reason to buy them. Foreign markets are lagging the US so smart money seems to be coming into our markets: ... thens.html

If your point is the % of the the annual budget that will be allocated to pay the interest on all of that debt, that will most definetly impact what the Government is able to spend in years to come - but any projections of the potential impact of that on the nation's economy will have to be gauged at that time vs. employment / consumer spending and of course the taxes being generated.
You dumb is wrong with you? How the fuck do you think the federal government runs federal budget deficits?
President Obama’s budget proposal would create bigger deficits every year of the next decade, with the gaps totaling $1.2 trillion more than his administration projects, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said this month. Publicly held debt will zoom to $20.3 trillion, or 90 percent of gross domestic product, by 2020, the CBO forecast.

Yeah, Obama keeps blaming Bush for his own spending, and you jagoffs swallow it like Diego swallow's teenager's loads.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by JMak »

Dr_Phibes wrote:
Would you stfu, already, please?

You don't know wtf you're talking about. What the fuck do you know about recessions, expanding economies, or anything else related fuck all?
He's got a pulse, he's qualified to comment.
Seriously, someone needs to grab you by the throat and punch the teeth out of your fucking mouth, cunt.
I'm sorry that I've offended you, thimble-dick. You may go fuck yourself now, tough guy.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by poptart »

Mikey, of course I'm going to bang on Barry for being dead WRONG about his bullshit unemployment projections because the stimulus was not needed and he took a whole lot of money out of our (and our children's) pockets.

it's either incompetence or something else.

On top of that, there IS no economic recovery happening, as mvscal has noted.
The system has been artificially propped up to try to mask the problems.
The bill WILL come due.

For my market prediction, I predicted the Dow would go to 10,200 and then tank 40-50%.
We're at 10,800+ now.
It's now exceeded what I thought, by 5-6%.
At this point, my prediction is hardly a big miss - unless the markets keep chuggin' upward.
Let's see what happens.

For what it's worth, I never said the economy or the country was going to collapse in early 2010.
YOU said I said that.

I said (in July of '09) that the shit would hit the fan for Barry and his zombies in early 2010.
That is happening.
CBS poll has him at 44% approval.
He was at near 60% at the time I wrote that.

The Dems are GRIPPING about November.

Unemployment won't come back for years, if ever.

Not good.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by Mace »

JMak wrote:Would you stfu, already, please?
Uhh, no.
You don't know wtf you're talking about. What the fuck do you know about recessions, expanding economies, or anything else related fuck all? You're a middle-of-the-road douchebag. You act as though there's something noble by pretending to have zero political principle and argue that you play things as you see it. That's total bullshit. You're an impish girly-man that lacks the self-confidence to actually take a stand for something other than refusing to take a stand.
Well, let that be a lesson to me. :roll:
Yeah I'm pointing fingers at Obama and the Dems. Just like I did at Bush and the Republicans. Your problem is that you're too fucking dumb to recognize the suicidal road that Obama and the Dems have put us on. So you'll split blame down the middle and act as if the Democrats don't own the economy but that Obama is responsible for your investment gains. Fuck you.
Ah ha! So you think that I'm giving Obama credit for my gains in the market and denying that the Dems are responsible for the current economic problems? That's what pissed you off? Well, dumbfuck, the voters are going to take out their frustrations on incumbents, not just the Dems. THAT'S what I said. You should probably quit pointing fingers and just stick that finger where it belongs....up your ass. Now shut the fuck up, you ignorant cunt, and get back to listening to Limbaugh and Beck.
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Re: CBS News Poll - Grade Obama

Post by Mikey »

poptart wrote:Mikey, of course I'm going to bang on Barry for being dead WRONG about his bullshit unemployment projections because the stimulus was not needed and he took a whole lot of money out of our (and our children's) pockets.

it's either incompetence or something else.

On top of that, there IS no economic recovery happening, as mvscal has noted.
The system has been artificially propped up to try to mask the problems.
The bill WILL come due.
So, GDP has turned around, unemployment is now on the way down, the markets are still booming.

Do you have any idea how fucking stupid you're looking right about now?
For my market prediction, I predicted the Dow would go to 10,200 and then tank 40-50%.
We're at 10,800+ now.
It's now exceeded what I thought, by 5-6%.
At this point, my prediction is hardly a big miss - unless the markets keep chuggin' upward.
Let's see what happens.
So based on your own criteria in judging Obama, since the market has already blown past 10,200, YOU ARE A COMPLETE FAILURE.

Have you no pride left at all? You realize, don't you, that every time you gag up another of these asinine dartboard predictions based on nothing but your hope for Obama's actual failure, you just reinforce the already overwhelming impression that you're nothing but a bitter ignoramus?

What's your ongoing record on these predictions right now, 0 for something like ever?

For what it's worth, I never said the economy or the country was going to collapse in early 2010.
YOU said I said that.

I said (in July of '09) that the shit would hit the fan for Barry and his zombies in early 2010.
That is happening.
CBS poll has him at 44% approval.
He was at near 60% at the time I wrote that.

The Dems are GRIPPING about November.

Unemployment won't come back for years, if ever.

Not good.
Now look who's moving the goalpost. "Shit hitting the fan" = a single 44% approval rating? :shock:

Jeezus pops, get a grip.
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