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Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:05 pm
by Moving Sale
Goober McTuber wrote:So you actually try to look like a moron when you post here? Maximum props to you, shorty, because you have succeeded on a truly grand scale.
It's a joke fuckhead. I did it once. R-pleasejackmeofflittle girl took it and ran with it because it was all he had so I decided to post it up a few more time 'cause I think him running with typosmack is weak. YOU seem to like it but then you are a quivering mass of dumbfuckery slathered with nincompoop and shoved between two slices of dunce.
How original and like totally funny and cutting edge and stuff.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:15 pm
by Goober McTuber
For a lot of posters I'd let that slide as a typo. In your case, the lack of intelligence creates a reasonable doubt. Sorry, shorty.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:23 pm
by Moving Sale
Goober McTuber wrote:For a lot of posters I'd let that slide as a typo.
Why? You like sucking their balls too much?
In your case, the lack of intelligence creates a reasonable doubt.
A typo shows a lack of intelligence that then creates reasonable doubt? Oh I get it you mean that I am so stupid that I might actually think it’s “and idiot” not “an idiot.” Reach much you blathering vaginal gash?
Sorry, shorty.
How original and like totally funny and cutting edge and stuff.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:29 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Moving Sale wrote:
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:You'll have to forgive TVO. He's been reaching his whole life.
Go ahead fuckhole and tell me how I'm reaching. Oh I see YOU were reaching by posting that pic so this is all just a case of you projecting. Gotcha.
any tard who this they are the same is an iodiot

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:39 pm
by Moving Sale
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote: any tard who this they are the same is an iodiot
Posting something I never typed proves what?

Oh I see you were reaching... again. Simmer down or you are going to pull a hammy.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:41 pm
by Screw_Michigan
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:any tard who this they are the same is an iodiot
Still top 5 most legendary sigs.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:43 pm
by Moving Sale
Screw_Michigan wrote:Still top 5 most legendary sigs.
Dude had to lie to get it ,but the truth and this board never really got along anyways so what the heck right?

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:49 pm
by Screw_Michigan
To quote UCunt:

"The internet exists for two reasons: Spreading lies and GYJO."

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:51 pm
by BSmack
Moving Sale wrote:There is no crying because it makes the game about you, the loser, and not the winner. It is an attempt to take away the good feeling that the winner has by tugging at their heartstrings and saying hey look at me! That is being a poor sport and at the VERY LEAST is not being a good sport.
At the risk of making you run back to your boyfriend's DVD collection looking for another reply, allow me to say that you are full of shit. There are exceptions to the rule. And a 22 year old girl who just saw her competitive career end is way the fuck up there on the list of dispensations from the "no crying in softball" rule. Truth be told, I'd have to question her love for the game if she wasn't shedding a few tears. If we can cut Freddie Patek and Mike Schmidt some slack, I think it's OK to allow 'lil Wags her bittersweet moment.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:55 pm
by Moving Sale
So your defense is that "yes it is all just a lie."
So I should stop posting how you are studying to be a priest because you've hear about the benefits, because it is the truth?
Gotcha. I'll try and reel that back a bit.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:04 pm
by Moving Sale
BSmack wrote:At the risk of making you run back to your boyfriend's DVD collection looking for another reply, allow me to say that you are full of shit.
I see so crying over a softball game isn't gay. Posting about it here isn't gay. You coming to the crybaby’s defense isn't gay but me posting a pic depicting a famous Tom Hanks quote is gay. Sure Nancy we believe you.
There are exceptions to the rule. And a 22 year old girl who just saw her competitive career end is way the fuck up there on the list of dispensations from the "no crying in softball" rule.
Why? How is being a self centered little shit on your list of dispensations?
Truth be told, I'd have to question her love for the game if she wasn't shedding a few tears.
So good sports who don't cry at the end of their college SB career don't love the game. You sure you want to go down this road?
If we can cut Freddie Patek and Mike Schmidt some slack, I think it's OK to allow 'lil Wags her bittersweet moment.
I'm not cutting FP any slack and you shouldn't either unless you are a fucking crybaby yourself and as for MS I think he cried at some press conference or something right? How is that the same as crying right in front of the team that just spanked your ass? You did read my post right? You can read right?

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:27 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
You seem like a lot of fun to hang out with.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:32 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:You seem like a lot of fun to hang out with.

He's weary of having such big shoes to fill...

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:33 pm
I doubt anyone hangs out with him - he's probably just "always underfoot".

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:58 pm
by Goober McTuber
Moving Sale wrote: A typo shows a lack of intelligence that then creates reasonable doubt?
No. Your entire posting history shows a complete lack of intelligence. And personality. You really seem to have a hard time following along. I'll try to take shorter steps.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 8:16 pm
by War Wagon
Moving Sale wrote:There is no crying because it makes the game about you, the loser, and not the winner. It is an attempt to take away the good feeling that the winner has by tugging at their heartstrings and saying hey look at me! That is being a poor sport and at the VERY LEAST is not being a good sport.
You're a clueless dipshit who has probably never played a competitive team sport in your life. You know JACK about the situation and sportsmanship.

For your information, she didn't cry in front of the other team. And like I posted, was first in line to go congratulate them. And like I also posted, she didn't cry until she left the field, and that was very brief.

Get lost, you miserable little creature. My daughter has 10 times more heart and guts than you'll ever dream of having.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 8:28 pm
by BSmack
Moving Sale wrote:but me posting a pic depicting a famous Tom Hanks quote is gay.
You posted a picture, not a quote. And it was very, very butch.

Why? How is being a self centered little shit on your list of dispensations?
That is so typical of the half assed bullshit you are famous for. Don't argue against anything I posted, argue against some imagined point of view and attribute it to your opponent. Or, as it is better known, build a strawman. If I had a dollar for every strawman you have built around these parts, I'd be a VERY rich man.

Now fuck off you vertically challenged poser.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 8:51 pm
by Van
TVO has been truly loathsome before, but his performance in this thread takes the Little Debbie's.

For someone who claims to be such a stickler for facts, his failed attempts to build a strawman while completely ignoring everything Wags has told him about how it really, it's been a beautiful thing to watch.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 8:59 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Now wags, don't go telling the Nazerenes or any of these other microscopic entities that there's actually a great big world out there, but...uh, this is the current standard of female baseball performance in our day..

Meet Eri Yoshida. She's 5'1" and she's been signed to a minor league team in the U.S. She throws a knuckler, and if the cute little cult girls in your daughter's league ever saw it they would wet themselves. Just sayin' :wink:

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 9:13 pm
by Killian
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Meet Eri Yoshida. She's 5'1" and she's been signed to a minor league team in the U.S. She throws a knuckler, and if the cute little cult girls in your daughter's league ever saw it they would wet themselves. Just sayin' :wink:
Except for the fact that fast pitch softball is much harder to hit than baseball.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 9:21 pm
by War Wagon
woah... look at that knee dragging the mound. That looks like it might be tough to hit. For awhile, at least.

But yeah Killian. Derek Jeter can attest to how hard it is to hit a fastpitch softball. Jennie Finch struck his ass out a few times.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 9:22 pm
by Killian
Eddie Feigner struck out Willie Mays from second base, between his legs.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 9:49 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
KC Scott wrote:
I had a chance to meet Ucant and Cueball (great dudes BTW) and one of the questions they asked was what's with you?

This has been discussed in the past and if I recall correctly, no formal conclusion was reached.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 4:51 pm
by Moving Sale
Goober wrote: No. Your entire posting history shows a complete lack of intelligence.
That is what I wrote in the VERY NEXT LINE you stupid fuck.
You really seem to have a hard time following along.
I have a hard time following along? You can't even read two sentences in a row. Vapid fuckcave.
War Wagon wrote:You're a clueless dipshit who has probably never played a competitive team sport in your life.
You are wrong... again.
You know JACK about the situation and sportsmanship.
And yet I know more than you.
For your information, she didn't cry in front of the other team. And like I posted, was first in line to go congratulate them. And like I also posted, she didn't cry until she left the field, and that was very brief.
No you lying sack of shit what you posted was...
"Seeing her walk off the field today (in tears) for the final time really hurt." So where was the other team if she wasn't crying in front of them? If she is walking off the field where are they?
Spin it anyway you want you fucking crybaby but it is bad sportsmanship.
My daughter has 10 times more heart and guts than you'll ever dream of having.
Not if this is any indication of her character.
BSmack wrote:You posted a picture, not a quote.
And nobody had ANY idea what it meant? Dolt.
And it was very, very butch.
You are sucking a crybaby's ball sack and you think Hank's quote is butch? Projection much?
That is so typical of the half assed bullshit you are famous for. Don't argue against anything I posted, argue against some imagined point of view and attribute it to your opponent. Or, as it is better known, build a straw man. If I had a dollar for every straw man you have built around these parts, I'd be a VERY rich man.
Hey dumbass it is not a straw man. A straw man would be if I said you said X when you didn't. What I did was, at worst, a mischaracterization. Now what you did by mislabeling my argument and then refusing to answer based on that mislabel is call being a pussified cunt.

Care to be less of a vag this time?
How is crying in front of the other team not being a bad sport?
It is certainly not being a good sport right?
Now fuck off you vertically challenged poser.
Dude that was so witty and original. I've never heard that before. How the hell did you think that up?
Van wrote:TVO has been truly loathsome before, but his performance in this thread takes the Little Debbie's.

For someone who claims to be such a stickler for facts, his failed attempts to build a straw man while completely ignoring everything Wags has told him about how it really, it's been a beautiful thing to watch.
So you have no idea what a straw man is. You ignore Wag's lie and then say I'm the one that lied when I didn't. You ignore MGO’s attempt to smear me with words I never posted. You can't back up any claim you made in this thread and yet I’m the loathsome one? You are a fucking misshapen cuckold.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 4:59 pm
by BSmack
Moving Sale wrote:Dude that was so witty and original. I've never heard that before. How the hell did you think that up?
I just chalk it up to me being a better poster than you.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 5:02 pm
by Van
A lie, TVO? He told a lie?

See if you can connect these dots, cuntsore...

-Game ends.

-Wags's daughter leads her team in the handshake line as they congratulate the other team.

-The handshakes given, the two teams disperse. 99.9% of the time when this happens, the two teams will head their separate ways. They won't all file off the field together.

-Walking off the field, Wag's daughter starts to cry because she's sad her college softball career has come to an end.

That's how he described it, and it makes perfect sense. That's how you were told it happened, and you have nothing with which to refute it. Instead, you simply backpedal and call it a lie, while offering not a single shred of reasoning as to how it could possibly be construed as an act of poor sportsmanship on her part.

She led the fucking handshake line, you goddamned mole.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 5:28 pm
by Moving Sale
Van wrote: That's how he described it, and it makes perfect sense. That's how you were told it happened, and you have nothing with which to refute it.
No it's not. Now YOU are lying. He said she cried when she walked of the field. That's it, that is all he said about the matter. Then I called him out and then he said she was the one that went out and shook hands after the game. Then he posted that she didn’t cry until she left the field. Neither of you can have it both ways. She either was crying as she walked off the field as he originally said or she cried after. Either way he is lying in one of the sentences.
Instead, you simply backpedal and call it a lie, while offering not a single shred of reasoning as to how it could possibly be construed as an act of poor sportsmanship on her part.
Listen you stupid pile of unwanted DNA. I gave a reason. I have not backed off that reason. YOU can ignore it all you want but I gave a reason that is backed up by the original facts given in this thread. YOU can decide to call it backpedaling but that don’t make it true.

She led the fucking handshake line, you goddamned mole.
This is information (if true) that was added after the fact to save face.

His daughter is a self centered crybaby. Deal with it Vantard.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 5:51 pm
by Goober McTuber
Moving Sale wrote:
Goober wrote: No. Your entire posting history shows a complete lack of intelligence.
That is what I wrote in the VERY NEXT LINE you stupid fuck.
So you admit to a complete lack of intelligence. OK, we're good, then.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 6:01 pm
by Van
TVO, have you ever watched a single game in your life? When do the girls walk off the field and head towards their parents? Is it before or after they do the handshake line?

Jesus, dude. She shook her opponents' hands, then she walked off the field. Did he really need to explain to you the chronology of events there? What, did you think she walked off the field, only to return later for the handshake line?

You're fucking horrible at this.


Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 7:09 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Moving Sale wrote:How is crying in front of the other team not being a bad sport?
It is certainly not being a good sport right?.
What a nice fallacious stance you're taking here. So, because you deem it "not good sportsmanship," it must be bad? Got it. Neither doesn't apply here?


I know you don't know shit about women, but even you must realize that chicks are wired differently than dudes, right? They cry and stuff... forget it. This dude ---> :jtr: knows more about chicks than you do.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 9:18 pm
by War Wagon
Jesus, this anal retentive gnome is back for more quibbling and parsing of words? You turn an honest and innocent little post into some ridiculous courtroom drama. Who's the one calling attention to themself again?
Moving Sale wrote: So where was the other team if she wasn't crying in front of them? If she is walking off the field where are they?
The other team were walking towards their dugout as she was headed toward hers. Clear enough?
Spin it anyway you want you fucking crybaby but it is bad sportsmanship.
I say again, you are a clueless dipshit. There was zero lack of good sportsmanship.

Even if she were crying in front of the other team, so the fuck what? You don't think they'd understand? They'd feel and act exactly the same way were the tables turned. These young ladies know each other well and after games can often be seen hugging.

Especially after their last game, you incredibly obtuse moron.

Not that you really needed to vet your imbecility any further, but this performance has cemented your reputation as being the lousiest piece of shit T1B has ever allowed to post.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 9:30 pm
by Dinsdale
Not sure why you fuckers insist on feeding the troll.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 9:38 pm
by War Wagon
Dinsdale wrote:Not sure why you fuckers insist on feeding the troll.
For the most part, I don't. TVO and the ignore button are one and the same. But for me this thread is personal. Others can explain their motivation, but I expect it has something to do with batting practice.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 9:38 pm
by Van
pron wrote:These young ladies know each other well and after games can often be seen hugging and tonguing.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 9:41 pm
by War Wagon
^^^ knew that was coming.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 10:07 pm
by Van
So did they. Why do you think they cry when it all comes to an end? You don't really think it's because of softball, do you?


Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 10:30 pm
by Roger_the_Shrubber
R-Jack wrote:
Roger_the_Shrubber wrote:Image
I am surpised no has said" I saw the movie you were in - Paraplegic Activity

Great thread btw. Seems like old times.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 10:52 pm
by War Wagon
all lesbian jokes aside, if that's possible...

I've watched softball chick for a long time. The girls who make it to college on scholarship and then graduate with that scholarship intact are few and far between. Maybe 3 of 10 make it that far.

Fewer still are those who actually start and contribute significantly. I used to wonder why so few ever seem to make it to being a senior. 70% drop out for various reasons.

Of all the girls my daughter has played with and against over the years, maybe 1 in 100 have made it to where she did.

So now she's home for a well deserved rest... she stayed in bed for two days straight while mom and dad happily waited on her hand and foot.

Today she went for a job interview with an ad agency that works with the Royals (she loves the Royals and is going to the game tonight) and just called to say they asked her back for a 2nd interview tomorrow. This might be a good job. A really good job. I mean, I have visions of her paying her own bills dancing in my head.

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 11:00 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
War Wagon wrote:...I have visions of her paying her own bills dancing...

When I read this, I gasped for a second...

Re: It's all over but the crying

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 11:11 pm
by trev
Rog is smacking? Who stole his colostomy bag?