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Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:30 am
by Jay in Phoenix
Dan Vogel wrote:If I came on to this board and began trashing people for no reason would that mean I have balls to you? I don't know where you people dream up all these ideas about me and my family. And I sure don't know how your standard of manhood could be. Whenever I look at this board I feel sad for humanity. Just knock it off. Can't you learn to just come on here and post something good about someone or something? Is that really a foriegn idea? Aren't you thankful for anything?
Dan, Dan, Dan...don't you understand that this board doesn't dream up anything about you or your family. You've put it all on the table yourself like a big dripping meatball of oozing cooz. That the board has feasted on it is a simple matter of smack to stupid ratio. And do bear in mind Mr. Vogel, this is indeedy-do a SMACKboard. What did you expect at the door when you sashayed in here, milk and fucking cookies?

But we are all very thankful for you and your family. Of course, mvscal is certainly the most thankful, as well as the most drained. And PSUFAN is thankful for your bird. Or was until it couldn't walk or fly or breathe anymore. And the rest of us are thankful for the sheer entertainment value you bring with each and every one of your imbecelic postings.

Take heart Danny boy, we care about you here at T1B. It wouldn't be the same without you.

A board needs it 'tards.

You fill that bill gloriously.

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:41 am
by Dan Vogel
Because I've said things about my family doesn't give lisense for people to make threats. Some here have learned the hard way. They don't talk about it but I have it on solid authority that at least two members here have received phone calls from authorities. There might be more than that and I can tell you again without reservation that the board is monitored. Certain individuals who have been pointed out are in fact still monitored. If you're comfortable having your internet web browsing history examined on any given day then by all means go ahead and threaten me. There is your smack board.

I have a miserable life and wish I were dead!

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:06 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
No need to go all Ocelot X on us, Dan.

Jeeez....stop being such a wet blanket.

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:41 pm
by Arch Angel
Dan Vogel wrote:Because I've said things about my family doesn't give lisense for people to make threats. Some here have learned the hard way. They don't talk about it but I have it on solid authority that at least two members here have received phone calls from authorities. There might be more than that and I can tell you again without reservation that the board is monitored. Certain individuals who have been pointed out are in fact still monitored. If you're comfortable having your internet web browsing history examined on any given day then by all means go ahead and threaten me. There is your smack board.

I have a miserable life and wish I were dead!

Why would anyone in their right mind monitor this board? Do we have Nazi's here? No. Do we have any Tim McVeighs? No. Do we have any Muzzies here? No. I have been on boards that is far worse than this, more racist than this, more hardcore extremism than this. This is romper room compared to them.

Stay in your own dreamworld, Neo, because the Matrix doesn't exist in this world, Tard.

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:45 pm
by Screw_Michigan
What rock did you just climb out from under, Arch? And riddle me this: how did a colored guy like you make it up to NW WI and how do you guys survive up there? Last time I checked, it's cold, snowy and too many crackers.

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:42 pm
by Arch Angel
Screw_Michigan wrote:What rock did you just climb out from under, Arch? And riddle me this: how did a colored guy like you make it up to NW WI and how do you guys survive up there? Last time I checked, it's cold, snowy and too many crackers.
First off, friend (you are not a tard so I genuflect in not calling you a puerile name), I lived all over the world and lived in many climates, cold does not bother me. Second, I left my plus job in Iowa to marry my wife now, it is better to be happy and have many kids than sitting in the middle of Iowa and look at heifers. Iowa was cold as well but at least here, we have hills, trees and less of the pigs and cows. Plus, I am only an hour and a half from Minneapolis.

And the job I have now, I like to do (Programmer, aka a black nerd), the one before, not so much even though it paid just as well.

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:46 pm
by Goober McTuber
Arch Angel wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:What rock did you just climb out from under, Arch? And riddle me this: how did a colored guy like you make it up to NW WI and how do you guys survive up there? Last time I checked, it's cold, snowy and too many crackers.
First off, friend (you are not a tard so I genuflect in not calling you a puerile name), I lived all over the world and lived in many climates, cold does not bother me. Second, I left my plus job in Iowa to marry my wife now, it is better to be happy and have many kids than sitting in the middle of Iowa and look at heifers. Iowa was cold as well but at least here, we have hills, trees and less of the pigs and cows. Plus, I am only an hour and a half from Minneapolis.

And the job I have now, I like to do (Programmer, aka a black nerd), the one before, not so much even though it paid just as well.
I don't believe genuflect means what you think it does, Arch.

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:51 pm
by Arch Angel
Goober McTuber wrote:
Arch Angel wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:What rock did you just climb out from under, Arch? And riddle me this: how did a colored guy like you make it up to NW WI and how do you guys survive up there? Last time I checked, it's cold, snowy and too many crackers.
First off, friend (you are not a tard so I genuflect in not calling you a puerile name), I lived all over the world and lived in many climates, cold does not bother me. Second, I left my plus job in Iowa to marry my wife now, it is better to be happy and have many kids than sitting in the middle of Iowa and look at heifers. Iowa was cold as well but at least here, we have hills, trees and less of the pigs and cows. Plus, I am only an hour and a half from Minneapolis.

And the job I have now, I like to do (Programmer, aka a black nerd), the one before, not so much even though it paid just as well.
I don't believe genuflect means what you think it does, Arch.
Really now? What does your Google thing tell you, my liberal friend from Madtown?

I do say it means to be respectful. And I was, unless you want to change the meaning of the word. I think Webster would like you to know why you would do this?

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:01 pm
by Goober McTuber
Webster wrote: genuflect1a : to bend the knee b : to touch the knee to the floor or ground especially in worship
2: to be servilely obedient or respectful

1: of or befitting a slave or a menial position
So, are you worshipping Screwball, or just happy to call him “massa”?

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:14 pm
by Arch Angel
Goober McTuber wrote:
Webster wrote: genuflect1a : to bend the knee b : to touch the knee to the floor or ground especially in worship
2: to be servilely obedient or respectful

1: of or befitting a slave or a menial position
So, are you worshipping Screwball, or just happy to call him “massa”?
First, I do not know the word "massa", secondly, who is Screwball? Oh yes, I forgot, you don't like him. Well that is between you and him. I have nothing against him, even though he is from Michigan and I have nothing against you. Until either of you cross me, I have no issues with you. There are only three people I really do not like on this board and will take shots at them when they open themselves up, but one is currently hiding. Everyone else I just mess with them because I can.

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:15 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Arch Angel wrote:I do say it means to be respectful.
Goober's Link wrote:2: to be servilely obedient or respectful

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:46 pm
by Goober McTuber
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Arch Angel wrote:I do say it means to be respectful.
Goober's Link wrote:2: to be servilely obedient or respectful
I read the definition to mean "to be servilely obedient" or "to be servilely respectful." You might have a point if the definition read "to be servilely obedient, or respectful." That's typically what you would expect from Webster.

Arch has a long history of using big words whose meanings sometimes elude him. I have never in my life seen anyone use the word "genuflect" in the way he did. If you can find any example anywhere of some else using that word in the way Arch did, link me up and I'll buy you a beer. Assuming that said person is not an obvious tard.

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:48 pm
by Goober McTuber
Arch Angel wrote:First, I do not know the word "massa"
Then you probably have no business using a word like genuflect.

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:57 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
I agree with Goobs. I've never seen the term used when there wasn't a master/servant relationship...

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:04 pm
by Goober McTuber
And if Arch is on his knees in front of Screwy, well, that just sounds like make-work to me.

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:07 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
If Arch spits it onto the floor, does Screwey then have to clean up after himself? :?

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:18 pm
by OCmike
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:If Arch spits it onto the floor, does Screwey then have to clean up after himself? :?
Excellent. :lol:

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:19 pm
by Arch Angel
Goober McTuber wrote:
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Arch Angel wrote:I do say it means to be respectful.
Goober's Link wrote:2: to be servilely obedient or respectful
I read the definition to mean "to be servilely obedient" or "to be servilely respectful." You might have a point if the definition read "to be servilely obedient, or respectful." That's typically what you would expect from Webster.

Arch has a long history of using big words whose meanings sometimes elude him. I have never in my life seen anyone use the word "genuflect" in the way he did. If you can find any example anywhere of some else using that word in the way Arch did, link me up and I'll buy you a beer. Assuming that said person is not an obvious tard.

I guess you don't read enough books. Since I've read a lot of them, the word does show up more oft than not. But, if you think that words means what you think it is, more power to you. We are both right and that is what matters. Sorry, if you did not grasp the initial meaning. Reading "See Dick run Jane down a hill" books doesn't do anything for me.

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:30 pm
by Arch Angel
Goober McTuber wrote:
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Arch Angel wrote:I do say it means to be respectful.
Goober's Link wrote:2: to be servilely obedient or respectful
I read the definition to mean "to be servilely obedient" or "to be servilely respectful." You might have a point if the definition read "to be servilely obedient, or respectful." That's typically what you would expect from Webster.

Arch has a long history of using big words whose meanings sometimes elude him. I have never in my life seen anyone use the word "genuflect" in the way he did. If you can find any example anywhere of some else using that word in the way Arch did, link me up and I'll buy you a beer. Assuming that said person is not an obvious tard.
Long history of what? Talk to me, Playa, what big words have I used?

I never used big words unless you think that word is big, I just don't know. I rather abstain from using such words.

If I used supercalifragilisticexpealidocious in a sentence, then we are talking.

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:31 pm
by Goober McTuber
Arch Angel wrote:I guess you don't read enough books. Since I've read a lot of them, the word does show up more oft than not.
I'll make you the same offer I made to Magoo. If you can find any example anywhere of some else using that word in the same way you did, link me up and I'll buy you a beer. I'm not that far away. We can meet up in Tomah.

I'm not convincved that anyone who is as well-read as you claim to be would string together something like this:
Second, I left my plus job in Iowa to marry my wife now, it is better to be happy and have many kids than sitting in the middle of Iowa and look at heifers.

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:36 pm
by Arch Angel
Goober McTuber wrote:
Arch Angel wrote:I guess you don't read enough books. Since I've read a lot of them, the word does show up more oft than not.
I'll make you the same offer I made to Magoo. If you can find any example anywhere of some else using that word in the same way you did, link me up and I'll buy you a beer. I'm not that far away. We can meet up in Tomah.

I'm not convincved that anyone who is as well-read as you claim to be would string together something like this:
Second, I left my plus job in Iowa to marry my wife now, it is better to be happy and have many kids than sitting in the middle of Iowa and look at heifers.
I've read hundreds of books and crossed it many times, and yes some of those are religious books, nevertheless, we can have a beer anyways if I am ever down there. is a great start or you can read Eddings, Brooks or Feist, they've used it many times as well. I read all of those author books and a lot from

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:40 pm
by Mikey
Arch Angel wrote:
First, I do not know the word "massa".
They make tortillas out of it.

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:41 pm
by Goober McTuber
Arch Angel wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:
Arch Angel wrote:I guess you don't read enough books. Since I've read a lot of them, the word does show up more oft than not.
I'll make you the same offer I made to Magoo. If you can find any example anywhere of some else using that word in the same way you did, link me up and I'll buy you a beer. I'm not that far away. We can meet up in Tomah.

I'm not convincved that anyone who is as well-read as you claim to be would string together something like this:
Second, I left my plus job in Iowa to marry my wife now, it is better to be happy and have many kids than sitting in the middle of Iowa and look at heifers.
I've read hundreds of books and crossed it many times, and yes some of those are religious books, nevertheless, we can have a beer anyways if I am ever down there. is a great start or you can read Eddings, Brooks or Feist, they've used it many times as well. I read all of those author books and a lot from
Again, show me where any one of these authors has used the word the way you did. As many times as you say you’ve seen it, it shouldn’t be that hard to provide an example. And yes, we can have a beer, as long as you understand that at this point, you’re buying.

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:39 pm
by Derron
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:If Arch spits it onto the floor, does Screwey then have to clean up after himself? :?
It has been a while since anything in this shithole has been remotely laffable, but this one is pretty good. Rack... :lol: :lol:

Now to explain to the office manager what I am laffing about...probably not ..

But if Arch spits it back on Screwy's face, then he does have to clean himself up right ?

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:06 pm
by Arch Angel
Sorry man, can't help you there. I provided you with authors and a site I read from online. As for getting quotes and links, you are on your own. Google, Bing,, you will come up with something. My part ends here.

As for drinks, I have no problem buying you a few. I do that for friends.

Re: THE OFFICIAL T1B "What ever happened to..." THREAD

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:44 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Derron wrote:But if Arch spits it back on Screwy's face, then he does have to clean himself up right ?
I think at that point, it'd be Arch's responsibility. I would imagine it would be pretty hard to mop up jizz from one's own face... I have a feeling Jon or AP might be more qualified to speak intelligently on this topic. I'll defer to the experts.


Edited for:Scratch that. I don't know WTF jizzing up a mirror has to do with cleaning up jizz. Removing AP from my experts list. My apologies to anyone who read that BS.