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Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:23 am
by LTS TRN 2
Really? Another J Edgar Hoover? Who? When?
Sure, you're thinking Mitch McConnell isn't gay--and he's a dangerous lunatic. Okay. And Jim DeMint hasn't been caught or outed, and he too is a very insane individual. Indeed, you're right. Rusp Limpdick, though displaying obvious signs of repressed homosexuality, has not been confirmed to be gay--and is of course quite demented. And even Bachmann, who is most fervent in desperate opposition to the fact of homosexuality, and given wholly to opposing any civil rights of gays, might not be a repressed queer--and yet is extremely insane.
Hmmm...maybe you're right!
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:33 am
by poptart
LT TARD wrote:Rusp Limpdick, though displaying obvious signs of repressed homosexuality
You, now a self-professed homosexual sleuth, can identify certain signs of hidden homosexuality?
Well, what are they?
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:06 pm
by bradhusker
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Really? Another J Edgar Hoover? Who? When?
Sure, you're thinking Mitch McConnell isn't gay--and he's a dangerous lunatic. Okay. And Jim DeMint hasn't been caught or outed, and he too is a very insane individual. Indeed, you're right. Rusp Limpdick, though displaying obvious signs of repressed homosexuality, has not been confirmed to be gay--and is of course quite demented. And even Bachmann, who is most fervent in desperate opposition to the fact of homosexuality, and given wholly to opposing any civil rights of gays, might not be a repressed queer--and yet is extremely insane.
Hmmm...maybe you're right!
actually, hte left is far far far more dangerous than the right could ever hope to be, the left pretends to be the party of "choice", however, nothing could be further from the truth.
the left uses the word "choice" when abortion is brought up, to make it seem like they are the party of choice, when in reality, the left is the most intolerant and "NAZI" "FACIST" like party ive ever seen.
for instance, the left doesnt want you to have the freedom of choice when it comes to deciding where to send your children to school. The left doesnt want you to have the freedom to decide if you want to sign up for Obamacare or not. OH, but Obama will give waivers to companies like McDonalds, so that their employees dont have to pay for insurance, due to the fact that they employ a lot of minorities, WOW! The left doesnt want free talk radio, in other words, if the left doesnt like what DENNIS MILLER is talking about on his radio show, they want him heavily regulated by the FCC.
GUYS, you had better wake up, because in the near future, if you walk by a gay person, and utter the word, "FAG", you can be arrested, handcuffed, and taken away in the paddy wagon.
now, I dont know about you, but is that a country that you want to live in?
by the way, ive got a thousand more items that the left wants to take away your choice on, scary stuff indeed. :twisted:
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:39 pm
by LTS TRN 2
"Husker," do you even know who J Edgar Hoover was? Obviously not if you're trying to hack out the hairball of Tea Bagger catechism and not seem like a drooling idiot. Oh, too late

Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:04 am
by LTS TRN 2
Dr_Phibes wrote:Your equation is totally bizarre. You're equating closeted homosexuality with national 'calamity'? War, imperial outreach, abuse of power =/= repressed homosexuality?
Sure, Phibes, and let's consider this closeted queer and the trouble he caused..
Adolf Hitler was gay - or so says a sensational new biography on the Nazi dictator due to be published tomorrow.
Eyewitness accounts from Hitler's former lovers, and historical documents that for the first time illuminate rumours that have circulated for over half a century, are disclosed in Hitler's Secret: The Double Life of a Dictator .
The respected German historian Lothar Machtan even claims in his book that Hitler ordered the deaths of several high-ranking Nazis to prevent the secret of his homosexuality from surfacing.
Ernst Röhm, the leader of Hitler's Sturm Abteilung or Storm Troopers, tried to blackmail Hitler by threatening to reveal his sexuality. Röhm, who was also gay, was murdered as a result, according to Machtan, a history teacher at Bremen University.
He refers to scores of historical documents to support his thesis. In 1915, the young Hitler was a dispatch rider at the front in France. Years later, yet before Hitler became infamous, one of his fellow soldiers, Hans Mend, wrote in his memoirs: 'At night, Hitler lay with Schmidl, his male whore.' Schmidl, otherwise known as Ernst Schmidt, and Hitler were 'inseparable lovers' for five years, according to Machtan.
Hitler's service notes read that as a result of the love affair there was reluctance among senior officers to promote him. According to Erich Ebermeier, a lawyer and writer who viewed Hitler's military files years later: 'Despite his bravery towards the enemy, because of his homosexual activity he lost out on a promotion to non-commissioned officer.'
Police reports from Munich after the First World War also suggest that Hitler was pursued by police because of his sexual orientation. 'As a "brown" [fascist] activist, Hitler managed to lure many young men to his side, but not only for political reasons,' says Machtan.
According to a Munich police protocol from the early part of the 20th century, a 22-year-old man called Joseph told the police: 'I spent the whole night with him.' Another, Michael, who was 18, told them: 'I had been unemployed for months, and my mother and my brother were always hungry, so, at his request, I accompanied the man to his home.' Another, a boy called Franz, said: 'He asked me if I'd like to stay with him and he told me his name was Adolf Hitler.'
The police reports were collected by Otto von Lossow, a German army general who took part in suppressing the Hitler putsch in 1923. He kept the Munich police file for years, as, he described it, 'a form of personal life insurance'. If Hitler had attempted to push him aside, he would have blackmailed him with the information, he said. The police documents were published some years ago in Rome by Eugen Dollmann, a close friend of Heinrich Himmler's and also Hitler's interpreter. But because his book never appeared in German, the startling information remained largely overlooked by historians.
Machtan says that Hitler was particularly drawn to Rudolf Hess, his deputy, who was known in party circles as 'black Emma' and with whom he had spent months in Landsberg prison.
Why, then, did the Nazis persecute homosexuals, sending hundreds of thousands of them to their deaths in labour camps and the gas chambers?
'Hitler himself never condemned homosexuality, but he allowed the persecution of gays in order to disguise his own true colours,' Machtan says.
And while the Chimp's charade was not as horrific--oh wait a
was! Complete with a "necessary" act of major treason (Reischtag Fire = New Pearl Harbor Day) and horrific assaults on other nations (Poland = Iraq) and a colossal bend over to industrial cabals. Oh well, at least he didn't burn Atlanta to the ground :wink:
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:31 am
by bradhusker
LTS TRN 2 wrote:"Husker," do you even know who J Edgar Hoover was? Obviously not if you're trying to hack out the hairball of Tea Bagger catechism and not seem like a drooling idiot. Oh, too late

LTS, are u serious? hoover was the director of the FBI, and he had weird sexual practices, SO WHAT?
what the fuck does that have to do with my post?
LIBERALISM is a mental dis-order, or, havent you figured that out yet?
Liberals dont live in a reality based world, once you begin to understand that, then and only then can we begin to have an intelligent conversation.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:49 am
by BSmack
bradhusker wrote:LTS, are u serious? hoover was the director of the CIA, and he had weird sexual practices, SO WHAT? what the fuck does that have to do with my post?
Hoover was the director of the FBI. He was smart enough not to be seen with Elvis when "the king" decided he wanted to offer his services to the Feds in the war against drugs. Yea, I know, kinda like AP leading the charge against granny panty wearing trannies. But hey, that was Elvis in the 70s. Fortunately for Elvis, Nixon was willing to pin a tin badge on The King of Peanut Butter & Banana sandwiches.

Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:05 am
by bradhusker
BSmack wrote:bradhusker wrote:LTS, are u serious? hoover was the director of the CIA, and he had weird sexual practices, SO WHAT? what the fuck does that have to do with my post?
Hoover was the director of the FBI. He was smart enough not to be seen with Elvis when "the king" decided he wanted to offer his services to the Feds in the war against drugs. Yea, I know, kinda like AP leading the charge against granny panty wearing trannies. But hey, that was Elvis in the 70s. Fortunately for Elvis, Nixon was willing to pin a tin badge on The King of Peanut Butter & Banana sandwiches.

sorry its late and I made a typo, but, so what? what the fuck does it have to do with liberals being seriously fucked up individuals?
and, by the way, I know all about that meeting, elvis walked into the white house with two gold plated loaded guns on him, and he wasnt patted down or searched!!! Elvis knew that Nixon also collected guns, so elvis brought a couple of nice guns for the president, BUT, the amazing part of this story was the fact that elvis presley wasnt patted down or searched!! fuckin amazing, ONLY THE KING of rock n roll could get into the white house with two loaded guns on his person!! wow, to this day, I know of NO other person in history who could pull that off!!
see, back then, elvis presley was treated as if he were royalty, in each city or town, police and sheriffs would meet elvis as he got off his jet plane, and give him honorary badges and sometimes they would give him guns too.
Elvis presley was worshiped by law enforcement in every state in this great country, hell, no matter where he went, he was given carte blanche treatment, and the keys to the city as well.
there is NOTHING you can tell me about the KING, that I dont already know. what you need to understand is that elvis was a GOD, women fell down at his feet, they threw their soaking wet panties at him, MEN wanted to be him.
NO other person in history was as reverred as elvis was, not Napoleon, not hitler, not stalin, not atilla the HUN, not lenin, not even alexander the GREAT.
the only person who even comes close, is Ronald Wilson Reagan. :twisted:
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:14 am
by LTS TRN 2
The simple point, "husker" is that you really know nothing of Elvis Presley--or anything else. Nothing. Just the gibbering nonsense of a bagman on the street. So...keep walking. :wink:
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:36 am
by bradhusker
LTS TRN 2 wrote:The simple point, "husker" is that you really know nothing of Elvis Presley--or anything else. Nothing. Just the gibbering nonsense of a bagman on the street. So...keep walking. :wink:
saying that I know nothing about elvis presley, is like saying that LTS knows nothing about the art of fellatio . :twisted:
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:13 am
by Diego in Seattle
Papa Willie wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote:The simple point, "husker" is that you really know nothing of Elvis Presley--or anything else. Nothing. Just the gibbering nonsense of a bagman on the street. So...keep walking. :wink:
Take a look at my sig and then try to get your shit together.
He does have his shit together...packed.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:36 pm
by R-Jack
bradhusker wrote:saying that I know nothing about elvis presley, is like saying that LTS knows nothing about the art of fellatio . :twisted:
Well, He's no Indy.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:25 pm
by bradhusker
ya know, ive been thinking, what the hell could fags possibly know about elvis presley, hell, he is the opposite of everything they stand for, shouldnt fags be commenting on barbara striesand, CHER, or Liza minelli? its no wonder why fags HATE elvis, its because he is the quintessential alpha male, everything they are not. SO, I deplore you , never ever listen to a thing a fag has to say about the KING, they dont know squat.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:41 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
bradhusker wrote:ya know, ive been thinking, what the hell could fags possibly know about elvis presley, hell, he is the opposite of everything they stand for, shouldnt fags be commenting on barbara striesand, CHER, or Liza minelli?
You mean like this fag?
bradhusker wrote:I just lost respect for you, because according to your twisted logic, if you dont write lyrics, you cannot be great?
really? you need to get educated then, cause you could not be more WRONG, my son.
ella fitzgerald wasnt a writer either, nor frank sinatra, nor tony bennett, nor
barbara striesand, nor dean martin/
by the way, ella fitzgerald is one of the GODS of music, ANY kind of music, and if you dont know that, you really are uneducated.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:10 pm
by LTS TRN 2
So...Lincoln, Hitler, the Chimp...all closeted, all dangerous....the bodies stacked as high as the Matterhorn in their twisted wake. And...what's the lesson we've learned in this thread. What are the images which will remain and guide us to more responsible behavior? To a more enlightened world of tolerance and mutual respect? Go forth...with a better mind. Go..
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:03 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
LTS TRN 2 wrote:So...Lincoln, Hitler, the Chimp...all closeted, all dangerous....the bodies stacked as high as the Matterhorn in their twisted wake. And...what's the lesson we've learned in this thread. What are the images which will remain and guide us to more responsible behavior? To a more enlightened world of tolerance and mutual respect? Go forth...with a better mind. Go..
We are far beyond "smack" here. You have deep psychological problems.
Out of pity, I may organize an aid flotilla to bring much needed Xaxax to you. Don't shoot.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:22 pm
by Cuda
Better listen to him, he's pre-med
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:04 pm
by Truman
Martyred wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote:So...Lincoln, Hitler, the Chimp...all closeted, all dangerous....the bodies stacked as high as the Matterhorn in their twisted wake. And...what's the lesson we've learned in this thread. What are the images which will remain and guide us to more responsible behavior? To a more enlightened world of tolerance and mutual respect? Go forth...with a better mind. Go..
We are far beyond "smack" here. You have deep psychological problems.
Out of pity, I may organize an aid flotilla to bring much needed Xaxax to you. Don't shoot.
I think your heart's in the right place, Comrade, but I'm afraid that any attempt at an intervention would prove futile.
L-TARD go out-trooled by a "better" troll in the other thread, and now his head has finally exploded. I mean, just look at this mess....
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:21 am
by bradhusker
LTS TRN 2 wrote:So...Lincoln, Hitler, the Chimp...all closeted, all dangerous....the bodies stacked as high as the Matterhorn in their twisted wake. And...what's the lesson we've learned in this thread. What are the images which will remain and guide us to more responsible behavior? To a more enlightened world of tolerance and mutual respect? Go forth...with a better mind. Go..
tolerance? mutual respect? you are a left wing liberal, therefore you are the most intolerant and backwards individual on the face of the earth.
when are u gonna realize that liberalism is a mental dis-order. :twisted:
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:32 pm
by BSmack
bradhusker wrote:when are u gonna realize that liberalism is a mental dis-order. :twisted:
I see someone has started to listen to Michael Wiener.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:03 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Martyred wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote:So...Lincoln, Hitler, the Chimp...all closeted, all dangerous....the bodies stacked as high as the Matterhorn in their twisted wake. And...what's the lesson we've learned in this thread. What are the images which will remain and guide us to more responsible behavior? To a more enlightened world of tolerance and mutual respect? Go forth...with a better mind. Go..
We are far beyond "smack" here. You have deep psychological problems.
Out of pity, I may organize an aid flotilla to bring much needed Xaxax to you. Don't shoot.
Sorry, you tired old sod, but you've neither the chops nor energy to dispute anything I've raised--or to parry on any sort of equal footing. Sure, launch a

Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:35 am
by poptart
Do the board a favor and off this idiot.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:44 am
by LTS TRN 2
Pupper, as a Christer you are bound by marching orders from Moses himself to abhor, judge, and punish gays. Of course being a cowardly little punk, you wouldn't actually dare even speak impolitely to anyone--in person. You obviously have no worthwhile opinion or any basic knowledge of any subject in this thread, and yet you crawl out to nibble on my ankle? Wow, are you sad.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:25 am
by poptart
poptart wrote:In a FREE society, gays never should have had the liberty to be married taken from them in the first place.
Find a church that will marry you -- and go for it if you want to.
But the government over-stepped their authority and decided to license marriages.
So they set the standard - man/woman.
It's a perfectly logic and rightful standard, yes, but one they ought not have been involved with in the first place.
Mix in lawyers, courts, media, the gay agenda - and the whole thing is now fucked to hell.
Btw, this new Californication law is wonderful.
Categorizing and studying historical figures based on their behavior is a stroke of genius.
Next semester - prominent nose-pickers in American history.
There's my opinion, dicklick.
Page one.
You belong on the Mount Rushmore of message board losers.
In my case, you're scrolled 95% of the time.
The other 5%, you serve as a mere rest stop.
Park, piss, leave.
If you're off'd, it won't be that difficult to find myself another urinal, so don't flatter yourself.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:45 am
by R-Jack
Trying to get back to topic,
Walnut Creek is full of well-meaning college kids who try to get folks to sign petitions for gay marriage rights. Sometime I just fuck with them, but I don't try to be mean, because I'm sure in their idealistic little minds, they are making a difference. When they ask me to sign something to support gay rights, I tell them I want gays to have equal right just like them and ask them to sign my petition for the abolition of marriage. They never figure it out.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:13 am
by LTS TRN 2
No, pupper, yours is a fake attempt at seeming rational--by way of some half baked "libertarian" angle. You suggest a church should necessarily be involved? And while you do the Tea Bagger shuffle on the Government's overreaching behavior, you accept its standard. This means you're lying in your initial train-wreck sentence. Look...
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:17 am
by Screw_Michigan
R-Jack wrote:When they ask me to sign something to support gay rights, I tell them I want gays to have equal right just like them and ask them to sign my petition for the abolition of marriage. They never figure it out.
Bwaha. Nice.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:41 am
by poptart
R-Jack wrote:They never figure it out
LTS TURD wrote:And while you do the Tea Bagger shuffle on the Government's overreaching behavior, you accept its standard.
The standard is correct.
Marriage LONG pre-dates the U.S. legislature.
Having a situation where the legislature comes along and makes law which fundamentally
changes the institution which has existed (in ONE form) LONG before it ---> is senseless.
No real surprise to find
you are IN with senseless.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:17 am
by LTS TRN 2
Like slavery, pupper? ya know, Ayn rand's ONLY philosophical mentor, Aristotle would agree that some are meant for slavery and others meant to rule them. But no need to twist your string anymore. Yer done.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:54 am
by poptart
Some might equate marriage to slavery. lol
But honestly, dickwad, you've K'dYOA again.
I think the gov should do with marriage as they've done with slavery - outlaw their own sanctioning of it.
Since our government's purpose is to protect our God-given liberty, marriage is not an affair that FREE people need for it to be involved in.
Find a mate, find a church (or pastor, or whoever) to marry you, and go for it if you want to.
If two fairies want to call themselves married, I don't care.
But if you want MY government to sanction that blatantly perverted stupidity, uhh... no, fuck off.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:52 am
by Diego in Seattle
poptart wrote:But if you want MY government to sanction that blatantly perverted stupidity, uhh... no, fuck off.
Likewise MY government subsidizing your flying spaghetti monster.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:35 pm
by bradhusker
Diego in Seattle wrote:poptart wrote:But if you want MY government to sanction that blatantly perverted stupidity, uhh... no, fuck off.
Likewise MY government subsidizing your flying spaghetti monster.
no one cares if two sissies or two bull dykes want to be married, I could care less, but, dont kid yoursleves into calling it marriage, when in all reality its really a civil union.
also, society does this from time to time, we all saw this kind of decadence in ROME, ROME started out as a really really nice society, THEN the gays came on the national scene, slowly took over, and they totally ruined everything for everybody.
the whole thing is in ruins now, complete ruins.
im tellin' ya fellas, mark my words, the same things gonna happen over here, give these guys gay marriage, and next thing ya know, NAMBLA will have a national legitimacy. you watch, just wait and see, I'm tellin ya, youll seee, I warned ya. :twisted:
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:56 pm
by poptart
Diego in Seattle wrote:poptart wrote:But if you want MY government to sanction that blatantly perverted stupidity, uhh... no, fuck off.
Likewise MY government subsidizing your flying spaghetti monster.
Do you have some point you'd like to try to articulate?
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:13 pm
by LTS TRN 2
You seem royally confused as to the role of government. You are currently spewing some "libertarian" gibberish while ignoring the fact that our rights are protected by government legislation. That's the operating principle. And with marriage this means specific important legal rights--from such simple decencies as being able to visit a spouse at the hospital, to more areas like property rights, credit and insurance. You seem capable only of twisted half-sentences. Why don't you give it up?
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:37 pm
by bradhusker
LTS TRN 2 wrote:You seem royally confused as to the role of government. You are currently spewing some "libertarian" gibberish while ignoring the fact that our rights are protected by government legislation. That's the operating principle. And with marriage this means specific important legal rights--from such simple decencies as being able to visit a spouse at the hospital, to more areas like property rights, credit and insurance. You seem capable only of twisted half-sentences. Why don't you give it up?
actually LTS, its you who are confused, let me enlighten you, WHEN government gets too big, u know, grows too large, it cant be controlled, kinda like a cock, an angry cock which grows too large, and proceeds to fuckin rape everything in sight, well, its the same thing with out of control government, ya follow? Reagan knew these truths to be self evident, "the bigger the government, the LESS liberty for the individual", wise words indeed. "the BIGGER the cock, well, I'll let you fill in the blanks for that one, after all, ur the resident expert on cock.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:44 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Hey, it's "husker" the lost dog. Shouldn't you be gobbling a gallon of ice cream and passing out--you know, in honor of the King?
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:31 am
by Diego in Seattle
poptart wrote:Diego in Seattle wrote:poptart wrote:But if you want MY government to sanction that blatantly perverted stupidity, uhh... no, fuck off.
Likewise MY government subsidizing your flying spaghetti monster.
Do you have some point you'd like to try to articulate?
Yes, and I did.
Which is as lost on you as singing lesssons for pigs.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:35 am
by poptart
LTS TURD wrote:You seem royally confused as to the role of government. You are currently spewing some "libertarian" gibberish while ignoring the fact that our rights are protected by government legislation. That's the operating principle. And with marriage this means specific important legal rights--from such simple decencies as being able to visit a spouse at the hospital, to more areas like property rights, credit and insurance. You seem capable only of twisted half-sentences. Why don't you give it up?
If the government left the marriage business it wouldn't prevent people (or entities) from
still entering into legal contracts with each other.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:54 am
by LTS TRN 2
Are you ten years old?
The government is required in order to insure the legal rights of anyone to marry. That is, "the government,' IS the law. It IS the protections of basic human rights.
How did you get so fucked up? Not that I care--it's rhetorical..forget it.
Re: Another win for fags.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:09 am
by Dr_Phibes
I'm trying to understand how privatising marriage would result in less... unusual arrangements :?