NO, of course not, HOWEVER, it seems to me that a certain contingent of scientists are crossing the line between what is scientific fact, and what is scientific theory.Bizzarofelice wrote:bradhusker wrote:wacko scientists
so despite all of their study on the matter, you know better than scientists?
FOR instance, scientists will tell you that the earth goes thru global warming and global cooling, meaning that we have been thru some six ice ages, and, when we come out of those ice ages, the earth goes thru warming periods.
SO, this begs the question? why all the alarmist thinking and fear mongoring from al gore and his ilk?
IF scientists freely admit that we are in a global warming period, then whats the difference from the past six global warmings coming out of ice ages?
It seems to any educated person out there, if the earth is simply going thru its cycles YET AGAIN, why all the fear mongoring from AL GORE? and the thousands of left wing scientists bought and paid for?
From my vantage point, and I like to think of my vantage as a really educated one, we are "Dust in the wind" and cannot do a damm thing to stop the course of our planet and its cycles.
ANYONE who thinks that we humans can do a damm thing to alter ANYTHING this planet and its sun and solar system chooses to do, OR not to do, is severely demented.
The dinosaurs were a lot bigger and more sophisticated then us, and yet they became destroyed by mother nature. You guys saw Jurassic park, didnt you? The raptors were way more sophisticated than us, way way more, and look what happened to them?
BY THE WAY, the musical score for Jurassic park? by the great John williams? great great majestic score!!