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Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:57 pm
by TVO
Papa Willie wrote:Van wrote:'Spray, how did you ever resist the temptation to change Mini's name, in honor of our attorney friend from San Luis Obispo?
????? You mean TVO?

Van should keep his mouth shut, lest I release the information showing him a confirmed homosexual.
Why do you hate California?
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:16 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Sudden Sam wrote:
By the way, the dog in the first photo I posted died 2 weeks ago tomorrow.
RACK it, Sam. That dog was definitely a sweetheart.
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:42 pm
by Python
Hedges is dead. Screw you guys.
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:49 pm
by Atomic Punk
Sudden Sam wrote:
By the way, the dog in the first photo I posted died 2 weeks ago tomorrow. Horrible mess. My wife may never get over the loss of her child. T'was a wonderful critter for 13 years.
That was the Collie right? Sorry to hear about your loss.
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:52 pm
by Dinsdale
Truman wrote:People don't pwn cats; cats pwn people.
Cats don't have "owners" -- they have "staff."
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:46 pm
by indyfrisco
Sudden Sam wrote:I then drove 2 hours to the country and buried her in my wife's family's critter plot.
You shoulda saved some time and money and gone here first and Old Yeller'd the dog like I did (sans the burying part) when he ate his 10th and final sprinkler head.
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:50 pm
by Atomic Punk
Sudden Sam wrote:Atomic Punk wrote:
That was the Collie right? Sorry to hear about your loss.
Thanks. She was actually a larger than normal Sheltie.
In all seriousness, that was a terrible situation for us. That dog was my wife's shadow and the love of her life. When things got so bad, there was no alternative but to have her euthanized, my wife asked me to take her. I didn't think she'd ever let her go when she brought her out to my truck. She seemed more lucid than she'd been in a week (the dog, not my wife) on the way to the vet and while I sat petting with her and talking to her for 20 minutes or so. I still feel terrible about holding her while they put her down. The poor dog was pissing all over herself and had lost the use of her back legs (spine had fused) and had other serious problems by then (she'd been on IVs and my wife was feeding her by syringe for days), but I still get shook up thinking about her trusting me and then doing what we did. I then drove 2 hours to the country and buried her in my wife's family's critter plot.
Shelties are great dogs as I've had a friend that's had them. They are fun to play with.
I had 2 Siamese cats from the same litter. One died 2 weeks before I moved to New Jersey so I buried her at my sister's house and used a Dremel tool to inscribe a stone. The other one stopped eating in July and I was using a syringe to force feed her. She had kidney failure and that infamous ex g/f of mine is a Vet tech. She told me it would be humane to take my cat that lived to be 16 in to be euthanized back in July.
The Vet told me the reason she wasn't eating is because she didn't feel good. Animals can't tell you what's wrong and it was a horrible experience to put my cat down.
The only comfort measure for me was to put her in a burlap sheet and bury her right next to her sister. I bought another stone to use my Dremel on but I'm not ready to do that yet. (Cuda, please don't sign in with one of your horrible shit trolls to respond...TIA)
Did your Sheltie have renal (kidney) failure?
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:55 pm
by Invictus
Python wrote:Hedges is dead. Screw you guys.
This was one Update!, Update!, Update! that I could have gone a long time without getting.
Hedges will always be alive in our hearts, our minds and as long as we have that pic of you and him 69'ing, the laughter will never dissipate!
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:07 pm
by indyfrisco
Python wrote:Hedges is dead. Screw you guys.
Hopefully you donated his body to poptart.
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:29 pm
by Van
Papa Willie wrote:TVO wrote:Papa Willie wrote:????? You mean TVO?

Van should keep his mouth shut, lest I release the information showing him a confirmed homosexual.
Why do you hate California?
Oh - I don't hate Cali at all - just the majority of people who live there. If it makes you feel anybody, I'm pretty much a firm hater of all pint-sized lawyers, so even if you lived in an obscure state like North Dakota, I'd still pretty much have the same lack of respect for you.
'Spray, check the post-count. That ain't the real TVO. Besides, the real TVO doesn't post like that.
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:43 pm
by mvscal
Dinsdale wrote:Cats don't have "owners" -- they have "staff."
More or less. They can even compel you to turn half of your dining room into an elaborate bunker complex made out of cardboard soda containters taped together and draped in fake vegetation for their personal amusement...

Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:46 pm
by Ana Ng
Smackie Chan wrote:
Beagles are super duper.
Dinsdale wrote:Cats don't have "owners" -- they have "staff."
Bwah! Excellent.
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:58 pm
by Ana Ng
mvscal wrote:They can even compel you to turn half of your dining room into an elaborate bunker complex made out of cardboard soda containters taped together and draped in fake vegetation for their personal amusement...

I love it!
Ours made a hammock outta the bottom of our boxspring, and snipes toes when unsuspecting fools walk by.

Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 8:30 pm
by MadRussian
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 8:33 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Ana, I am
very, veeeeeeeerrrrryyyy sorry............................

Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 12:00 am
by Ana Ng
Martyred wrote:

Oh noes! Hahaha!!
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:13 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:59 am
by M Club
IndyFrisco wrote:Awwwwwwwwww fuck it.

bwaaa. the dog is probably named cy.
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:47 am
by Terry in Crapchester
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 2:34 pm
by jiminphilly
Teri, I would think you would know better than to post pictures of your kids on this board, especially in a thread that has decidedly become "post pictures of the animals in your house."

Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 2:39 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
My favourite part of this movie was when Charlton Heston drops to his knees and shouts:
btw ~ this is mvscal

Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 2:42 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Who's that white kid with Terry's children... is he like their zookeeper or something?
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 2:43 pm
by Dinsdale
Fucking beyond tasteless, Marty...
And I'm OK with that.
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 3:14 pm
by R-Jack
Well, shit. If we're throwing kids into the mix.........

Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:23 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
R-Jack wrote:Well, shit. If we're throwing kids into the mix.........
"Great idea! Keep 'em coming! More pics!"

Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:51 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:Who's that white kid with Terry's children... is he like their zookeeper or something?
But since you asked (sort of) . . .
l-r: Daughter, Santa Claus, step-granddaughter (stepdaughter's daughter), son
I'm ugly but my kids are cute. So maybe I have something to take up with the wife, the milkman, or both . . .
jiminphilly wrote:Teri, I would think you would know better than to post pictures of your kids on this board, especially in a thread that has decidedly become "post pictures of the animals in your house."
Sad to say, but those pics work with that theme as well. :doh: :brad:
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:04 pm
by BSmack
Sudden Sam wrote:Atomic Punk wrote:
That was the Collie right? Sorry to hear about your loss.
Thanks. She was actually a larger than normal Sheltie.
In all seriousness, that was a terrible situation for us. That dog was my wife's shadow and the love of her life. When things got so bad, there was no alternative but to have her euthanized, my wife asked me to take her. I didn't think she'd ever let her go when she brought her out to my truck. She seemed more lucid than she'd been in a week (the dog, not my wife) on the way to the vet and while I sat petting with her and talking to her for 20 minutes or so. I still feel terrible about holding her while they put her down. The poor dog was pissing all over herself and had lost the use of her back legs (spine had fused) and had other serious problems by then (she'd been on IVs and my wife was feeding her by syringe for days), but I still get shook up thinking about her trusting me and then doing what we did. I then drove 2 hours to the country and buried her in my wife's family's critter plot.
Dinsdale wrote:
Cats don't have "owners" -- they have "staff."
I had to be there with my Cleo, grandmother's dog, when it was time to put her down. Grandma just couldn't bear to watch and I couldn't let a faithful companion like Cleo die in a room full of strangers. It was a horrible fucking day. I can still see her eye's closing for the last time 20+ years later.
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:17 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
R-Jack wrote:Well, shit. If we're throwing kids into the mix.........

Is that your sister?
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:26 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
BSmack wrote:her eye's.
[Judge Haller]Her eye's...
what?[/Judge Haller]
I swear to God, I am going to retire and teach retards across the country how to pluralize words (see also, NOT word's.)
One retard at a time.
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 3:38 am
by BSmack
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:BSmack wrote:her eye's.
[Judge Haller]Her eye's...
what?[/Judge Haller]
I write a heart wrenching story about putting a dog to sleep and all you can see is one typo to comment on?
Fuck off.
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 3:58 am
by War Wagon
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:I swear to God, I am going to retire and teach retards across the country how to pluralize words.
a worthy aspiration, to be sure.
when I retire, I want to go across the country and teach retard's how to return their shopping cart's to the cart corral.
see what I did there? I invoked the ucant rule... a rule I just made up.
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:11 am
by Screw_Michigan
Nice kids, Terry. Hope you alma mater gets ass raped in Hockey East.
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:21 am
by Ana Ng
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:42 am
by M2
Ana Ng wrote:
Why does your snow something... look drunker than AP on a Wednesday night ???
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:58 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
BSmack wrote:I write a heart wrenching story about putting a dog to sleep and all you can see is one typo to comment on?
Pretty much, yeah. I am sure everyone in here has a similar story about putting a dog down or losing a dog. Heck, I have two stories much worse than yours that would bring many people to tears. That's the thing about getting a know in the back of your mind that one day you're going to have to put the poor fella down. And it
will be awful.
Btw -- it wasn't a typo. Dosg is a typo. Dog's is dumbfuckery.
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:02 pm
by BSmack
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:BSmack wrote:I write a heart wrenching story about putting a dog to sleep and all you can see is one typo to comment on?
Pretty much, yeah. I am sure everyone in here has a similar story about putting a dog down or losing a dog. Heck, I have two stories much worse than yours that would bring many people to tears. That's the thing about getting a know in the back of your mind that one day you're going to have to put the poor fella down. And it
will be awful.
Btw -- it wasn't a typo. Dosg is a typo. Dog's is dumbfuckery.
So now you can read minds? I, as well as everyone else who has even casually read this board for the last 7 years, am PAINFULLY aware of the rules of pluralizing words thanks to tedious twats like yourself. There have been whole threads dedicated to the subject. Were I writing for work or school, I would have carefully examined every last spelling and punctuation to make sure everything was perfect. This board gets (Whew that was close. Almost reached over with the right pinky.) a cursory look through to make sure the point of the post is not lost because of some catastrophic error. Deal with it.
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:39 pm
by Goober McTuber
BSmack wrote:I, as well as everyone else who has even casually read this board for the last 7 years, am PAINFULLY aware of the rules of pluralizing words thanks to tedious twats like yourself.
You had to come here to learn how to pluralize? Doesn't speak well of the New York public school system. Of course, it doesn't seem that we've done a much better job. Damn, there goes our AAU accreditation.
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:43 pm
by Screw_Michigan
BSmack wrote:So now you can read minds? I, as well as everyone else who has even casually read this board for the last 7 years, am PAINFULLY aware of the rules of pluralizing words thanks to tedious twats like yourself. There have been whole threads dedicated to the subject. Were I writing for work or school, I would have carefully examined every last spelling and punctuation to make sure everything was perfect. This board gets (Whew that was close. Almost reached over with the right pinky.) a cursory look through to make sure the point of the post is not lost because of some catastrophic error. Deal with it.
"How can Screwball be a professional writer?"
All the dumbfucks on this board like Spray, Vannie, Kaley, etc.
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:03 am
by titlover
ya like dahgs?
Re: (!)THE T1B "Cutest Pic" CONTEST(!)
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:19 am
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Screw_Michigan wrote:"How can Screwball be a professional writer?"
All the dumbfucks on this board like Spray, Vannie, Kaley, etc.
It's a valid question. Do you think people are saying, "Wow... that Screwball post reads like a Guntslinger death threat taped to the windshield of a tricked out Civic. He's obviousy an accomplished writer."