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Re: Oh, Jesus fuck. C'mon!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:42 am
by mvscal
BSmack wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote: Just curious as to your basis for disqualifying voters
Recipient of public assistance should be an automatic cut. A civics literacy qualification should be the second.
That means all of the current GOP Presidential candidates can't vote. Every one of them is a government beneficiary.
I'm not talking about employees or employee benefits, idiot.

I'm talking about direct assistance, subsidies and the like. Compensation for sevices rendered isn't part of the discussion.

Re: Oh, Jesus fuck. C'mon!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:47 am
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:I'm not talking about employees or employee benefits, idiot.
Why not? Members of Congress voting for themselves? It is an inherent conflict of interest. And government employees obviously will vote for those in favor of maintaining their positions. Another conflict of interest. You do see where this is going. Right?

Once you disenfranchise people, you open the door to disenfranchising more people. Then again, you once posted that you wanted to see America as the Augustine Principate was. So we already know you want to destroy democracy.

Re: Oh, Jesus fuck. C'mon!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:59 am
by mvscal
BSmack wrote:Why not? Members of Congress voting for themselves?
All 435 of them? Doesn't seem like a particularly influential voting bloc considering they're spread out one per district.

No, payment for services rendered is off the table.
You do see where this is going. Right?
It's going nowhere.
Once you disenfranchise people, you open the door to disenfranchising more people. Then again, you once posted that you wanted to see America as the Augustine Principate was. So we already know you want to destroy democracy.
What a complete load of horseshit. Every single democracy and republic in history has placed restrictions on franchise as you well know. Needless to say, America didn't start hitting the skids until we decided that it would be a good idea to let every moron who can drag a pair of knuckles into the booth have a say. People voting to help themselves to other peoples' money is a dead end. There is no avoiding that inevitability.

If you receive welfare from the government as an individual, you should not be voting. If you do not know jackfuckingshit about your own government, you should not be voting for the simple reason that you are unable to make an educated decision.

If you belong to an industry that is subsidized by the government, you may not lobby the government or make political donations of any kind.

This is common sense shit. Don't try to make it more complicated than it is.

Re: Oh, Jesus fuck. C'mon!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:09 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Mall Cop, you are once again faithfully regurgitating the the gibberish you've heard on right-wing radio. And how perfectly stupid and hollow you sound. No surprise, you and the seething ilk of your sullen type have been determined to be officially dense and..uh..challenged. ... 6.abstract

The notion of disenfranchising millions of voters is just another GOP wet dream. Of course you're dead wrong on the fall of our democratic process. It comes officially in the wake of the Citizens United ruling, which has already demonstrated its ghastly effects on elections.

In fact you are not a patriotic American at all, but a cowardly and venomous little creep. In fact you've never actually supported or endorsed any candidate--with the one-time exception of a single tepid positive comment for Tom McClintock, a standard corporate whore GOP congressman of no significant repute.

You have been proven completely dead wrong on virtually every subject upon which you've viciously mounted your piss stream. The only entity which has enjoyed your unwavering support over the years is the coiled and cornered apartheid state currently occupying Palestine--and which is desperately seeking to launch another catastrophic war.

Is it possible to be more of a pathetic punk than you? It's a tough question.

Re: Oh, Jesus fuck. C'mon!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:17 pm
by Derron
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
Is it possible to be more of a pathetic punk than you? It's a tough question. is and you just proved it with more of your inane ramblings.

Re: Oh, Jesus fuck. C'mon!

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:48 am
by LTS TRN 2
Witty stuff, Deron, but no, the post is clear and dreadfully accurate. The utter falsity of these crouched creeps--and yes, that includes you--is the tragedy itself of America's so-called two party system.

Look who shares your views...Palin, Limpdick, Romney, Newt...Rove, Nordquist, the Koch brothers...the list of cranks, criminals, and pathological liars, etc., goes on and on and presents a grotesque testimony as any to the implosion of nothing. It's as though Mall Cop and the GOP have challenged some basic law of physics--a microcosm in human dynamics, as it were, of the "black hole" phenomenon.

So step up, are you hunkered down with Mitt or Newt ( 8) )? because you know you're going to actually vote for one of them. And you're calling who inane?

Re: Oh, Jesus fuck. C'mon!

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:22 am
by Bizzarofelice
88 wrote:knowing the disaster that Obama would be for the country ('sup broke muthafucka's?).

this is why you're dumb

Re: Oh, Jesus fuck. C'mon!

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:19 am
by mvscal
Bizzarofelice wrote:
88 wrote:knowing the disaster that Obama would be for the country ('sup broke muthafucka's?).

this is why you're dumb
By all means lay out the brilliant success story of Hussein Odowngrade. We're all waiting.

Re: Oh, Jesus fuck. C'mon!

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:00 am
by LTS TRN 2
Really? Think you can handle all that complexity? All that mystery? Do you suppose after inhaling all that right-wing sour gas for so many years that you can begin to parse the superstar? I call bullshit. I think you're as bunkered as ever, tense and knowing nothing, pretending to wax authoritatively on matters this and that, tedious diversions mixed with slurptard mouthings in some base self-entertainment. You're a total fake.

If you want the "success" of Barry, consider the alternative. "Barry Or Else"....right? C'mon, admit it. Could you really accept for a second something like Palin or Mitt or Newt? These malignant twisted train wrecks that have come to dominate the GOP? Of course you can't name a single viable candidate--and you haven't. And you won't.

The failures of Barry are many, and each one a bitter surprise to the solid welter of Americans who, for the first time since Clinton curb stomped Bob Dole, actually honestly elected a president. His betrayals are of the progressive policies and ideals upon which he campaigned, not their implementation.

Re: Oh, Jesus fuck. C'mon!

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:57 am
by smackaholic
mvscal wrote:
Bizzarofelice wrote:
88 wrote:knowing the disaster that Obama would be for the country ('sup broke muthafucka's?).

this is why you're dumb
By all means lay out the brilliant success story of Hussein Odowngrade. We're all waiting.
he's running smackaholic apostrophe smack, einstein.

trust me on this one. i've seen it before.