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Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:00 am
by mvscal
Diego in Seattle wrote:
The five firms that qualify for the breaks are now among the most well-established and profitable companies in the world. Two of them--BP and Royal Dutch Shell--aren't even American companies. Along with the other three--Exxon Mobil, Chevron and ConocoPhillips--the five companies combined earned $116 billion in profits in 2011. If the tax breaks were eliminated and the whole tally came straight out of the bottom line, with no offsetting savings, the total decline in profits would be a paltry 1.8 percent.
Know when to stay down, felchcal.
100% bullshit.
The 1990 Tax Act provided some special tax credits and advantages for small companies and individuals. This tax incentive, known as the "Percentage Depletion Allowance," is specifically intended to encourage participation in oil and gas drilling. This tax benefit is not available to large oil compaines, retail petroleum marketers, or refiners that process more than 50,000 barrels per day. It is also not available for entities owning more than 1,000 barrels of oil (or 6,000,000 cubic feet of gas) average daily production. The "Small Producers Exemption" allows 15% of the Gross Income (not Net Income) from an oil and gas producing property to be tax free.
Now let's talk actual numbers here.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The federal government spent $24 billion on energy subsidies in 2011, with the vast majority going to renewable energy sources, according to a government report.

Renewable energy and energy efficiency accounted for $16 billion of the federal support, according to the Congressional Budget Office, while the fossil-fuel industry received $2.5 billion in tax breaks.

2.5 billion dollars in tax breaks. Considering our annual deficit of 1.5 trillion dollars that adds up to about the equivalent of a fart in a tornado.

Exxon alone pays more than ten times that amount in income tax every year. If you weren't balls deep in a ten year old boy, you might realize that you're being fed a pile of bullshit. Even if you weren't, you're probably too stupid to figure it out anyway.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:04 am
by bradhusker
Martyred wrote:
mvscal wrote:Tax cuts have absolutely nothing to do with the supply of money.
People don't spend money in a "down" economy, nor should they, necessarily (speaking in a strict Austrian sense).


When people don't spend, this creates a surplus.

Commodity surplus - consumption = wage deflation for workers

Wage deflation for workers = commodity shortage

commodity shortage = inflation.

There's you boom/bust/echo in a nutshell. Now run along and play with your tin soldiers like a good little boy.

~pats mvscal on the head~
Marty, the PROBLEM with you is that half of what you say is FALSE. During a down economy, Rich people invest in things, WE NEED THAT. We dont want to raise taxes to discourage this.
MARTY, care to explain why corporate tax rates are lower in other countries? Marty, care to explain why you read Karl Marx?

DONT BOTHER, I already know why you read Karl Marx. Because you are a dellusional smelly turd, who wants so desperately to think that Marx was right on anything. He was proven wrong time and time again. His take on mankind was proven wrong, ONLY weird creepy leftists subscribe to him.

Memo to marty, Marx is only cool if you are a left wing crazy fuck, to anyone with a reality based brain? Marx and his writings are to be used as toilet paper to wipe feces off asses.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:20 am
by bradhusker
Felix wrote:
mvscal wrote:

Nope. You cut spending and get the economy back on track and tax revenues will take care of themselves.

Raising taxes should have been the last item on your list not the first.
yeah the old trickle down economic theory that's been proven time and time again that it doesn't work....Reagan tried it and drove the debt to record levels...but that's when deficits didn't matter..... Bush tried it and we got a recession that was one failed major banking institute away from a full blown depression, still the republicans insisted that deficits didn't matter.....bush cut huge tax breaks for the wealthy and had the worst job creation record of all time....the tax rates are at their all time lowest and yet all of the jobs these tax breaks were supposed to create simply haven't developed....want to take another swing there slugger
Felix, I'll take a swing, First, you are so stupid, its alarming that you are allowed to post.
The deficits Reagan rang up were actually NOTHING compared to our GDP. Thats why just 6 short years after he left office, Republicans and democrats were able to make them go away!

Democrats LIED AND LIED about how Reagan was giving deficits to our kids and grandkids. WRONG, Reagan had it right, he built our economy stronger then it had ever been. A few short years after Reagan left office, his deficits were completely gone.

Obama and his policies are the REAL DANGER to our kids and grandkids, these deficits are for REAL. Obama's deficits are totally unlike Reagan's, in that his deficits are the kind that will ruin our country for good. Obama weakens the country, while Reagan strengthened it. Obama thru his mis-guided policies, makes the USA reliant on other countries for our very survival. As it stands now, the USA is in danger of never recovering.

Felix brings up Reagan and deficits all the time. AND EACH TIME FELIX IS DEAD WRONG.
I bring up the FACT that Reagan's deficits were completely gone by 6 years later when Clinton and Gingrich balanced the national budget. FELIX LOOKS STUPID, yet again.

Obama, on the other hand, looks clueless in comparison. His trillions in spending will indeeed cripple our country. Cripple us to the point that we may never recover. YET felix continues to pimp Obama while trashing Reagan. WOW, this felix guy is a weirdo.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 1:22 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Smackie Chan wrote:
bradhusker wrote:Carson, DID you hear who felix wants to raise taxes on? He said those making between 30K-60K.


Is felix a fuckin idiot? 30K a year? So, felix thinks that a person making 30K a year should pay more taxes. what about a black person working at McDonalds? Want to raise their taxes too??

You are a clueless prick felix. THE ANSWER IS MORE JOBS, putting millions back to work.
THAT ALONE will cut the debt, due to the fact that when you put people back to work, you no longer cut them a free check every week.

Raising taxes on folks who make 30 to 60 grand a year is ABSOLUTELY STUPID you jerk. WHAT? you think 30 grand is a lot of money? You jerk.


True, but . . .

If it were just Brad, we could blame it on Brad's idiocy. But it appears that wasn't the case.
mvscal wrote:Raising taxes should have been the last item on your list not the first.
Carson wrote:Good thing you stated that up front.

It totally discredited the rest of that.
It's amazing to me that no less than three (and in all likelihood, considerably more) posters didn't realize that the entire post was most decidedly tongue-in-cheek, particularly considering the poster's identity. The ideas expressed therein are batshit craziness, plain and simple, particularly the last one (anyone ever hear of the Fourth Amendment?) and Felix himself alluded to it in the seventh point, with his reference to "useless" wars, and wars against nuclear-capable, or at least potentially nuclear-capable, nations.

That people took that post as even being on the level in the slightest shows how far toward the lunatic fringe right the overall politics of this board lies. Frankly, it's a bit disturbing.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:56 pm
by bradhusker
source your info idiot.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:33 am
by Felix
mvscal wrote:
If you knew anything about deficits (and you don't), you would understand that modest, short term deficits are not damaging and can even be beneficial. Long term, structural deficits, OTOH, will destroy your economy. Straight up.
straight up? you don't know jack shit about macro economics based simply on your belief that we "reduce government spending" our way out of the deficit
We can't afford $1.3 trillion dollar plus deficits every year and you can't tax your way out of that hole.
and you can't cost cut your way out of a deficit either you seem to operate under the impression that if we reduce our spending by a trillion dollars, that's going to reduce our deficit by a trillion dollars....I can assure you that's not the case....maybe it's time for you to dust off that untouched macro economics 101 book that you obviously never took the time to read and bone up on what you clearly don't understand....

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:44 am
by bradhusker
Felix wrote:
mvscal wrote:
If you knew anything about deficits (and you don't), you would understand that modest, short term deficits are not damaging and can even be beneficial. Long term, structural deficits, OTOH, will destroy your economy. Straight up.
straight up? you don't know jack shit about macro economics based simply on your belief that we "reduce government spending" our way out of the deficit
We can't afford $1.3 trillion dollar plus deficits every year and you can't tax your way out of that hole.
and you can't cost cut your way out of a deficit either you seem to operate under the impression that if we reduce our spending by a trillion dollars, that's going to reduce our deficit by a trillion dollars....I can assure you that's not the case....maybe it's time for you to dust off that untouched macro economics 101 book that you obviously never took the time to read and bone up on what you clearly don't understand....
I am sick and tired of felix being a lying simpleton.
FACT. Obama's deficits, left unchecked, will destroy the USA.
FACT. Obama is unqualified for the job of POTUS.
This November, the choice couldnt be more clear. GET OUT and VOTE!

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:27 pm
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote: Exxon alone pays more than ten times that amount in income tax every year.
Accorning to Exxon they had a negative 46 million federal tax liability in 2009.
If you weren't balls deep in a ten year old boy, you might realize that you're being fed a pile of bullshit. Even if you weren't, you're probably too stupid to figure it out anyway.
If you were not CONTANTLY fantasizing about pedophilic rape you might realize you are a vapid Racist fuckhole.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:42 pm
by mvscal
Felix wrote:you seem to operate under the impression that if we reduce our spending by a trillion dollars, that's going to reduce our deficit by a trillion dollars
Actually, Feelsdix it isn't an impression. It is a fact. If the federal gov't has a deficit of $1.5 trillion and they reduce spending by $1 trillion, the deficit will be reduced to $500 billion. There is no macroeconomic modeling necessary. It's simple arithmetic, you pin headed dolt.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:40 pm
by Felix
mvscal wrote: It is a fact. If the federal gov't has a deficit of $1.5 trillion and they reduce spending by $1 trillion, the deficit will be reduced to $500 billion.
so there's no interest due?

if a ballooning debt were our only problem, then simply cutting spending might work...unfortunately we are also suffering from decreased demand, depressed investment, and high unemployment....

if you start gutting government spending (which is a significant part of the US GDP), you're going to further hurt consumer confidence which further depresses demand, which causes investors to lose confidence...yeah, that's a real recipe for kick starting our economy

to pay down the deficit, you have to reduce spending AND increase revenues...cutting taxes in the hopes that supply side will right the ship is woefully ignorant and incredibly dangerous.....

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:01 pm
by mvscal
Felix wrote:
mvscal wrote: It is a fact. If the federal gov't has a deficit of $1.5 trillion and they reduce spending by $1 trillion, the deficit will be reduced to $500 billion.
so there's no interest due on that trillion dollars?
A. They have to spend it first, moron.

B. Current bond yields are almost negligible.

Bottom line: You don't pay interest on money you haven't borrowed, dumbfuck. Feel free to check back in once you understand the difference between a deficit and the debt. A quick primer on how our government finances its spending is also indicated by your utter cluelessness.

Until then...fuck off, twat.
government spending (which is a significant part of the US GDP),
This is easily the most retarded statement uttered anywhere, in any format at any time in human history.

Government spending is subtracted from the GDP, you fucking simpleton. Where the fuck do you think they get the money from in the first place?!? Jesus fucking Christ.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:28 pm
by bradhusker
mvscal, your last response to felix is priceless. Not only did you make felix look like a complete retarded faggott. BUT, its becoming clear that felix is trying to push people's buttons here.

Its one thing to be proven stupid, its another thing altogether to be an instigator, a rabble rouser, and a nuisance trouble-maker.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:12 pm
by Cuda
bradhusker wrote:mvscal, your last response to felix is priceless. Not only did you make felix look like a complete retarded faggott. .
mvscal is just an enabler in this case; helping felix do what he would do on his own anyway

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:46 am
by Felix
mvscal wrote:
Government spending is subtracted from the GDP, you fucking simpleton. Where the fuck do you think they get the money from in the first place?!? Jesus fucking Christ.
so the stuff government buys from the private sector (weapons, etc.) don't contribute to the GDP?????

Holy fucking shit dude you better get a hold of every economist in the country because all this time they've had it wrong....

yeah, your right eliminating every fucking entitlement program is definitely the way to prosperity.....because as every one knows, more money in the super rich hands automatically translates into more jobs...of course for the last 12 years that hasn't been the case, but no doubt this time for sure......

but as soon as I can find the article, I'll show you why reducing the debt 5% doesn't all up to 5%, because of course there's reduced spending which in turn reduces tax revenues, which in trun pulls up farther into debt....but you just keep believing we can cut spending our way out of this.....your a tard of the highest caliber

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 3:43 am
by poptart
mvscal, speaking to Foolix wrote:It's simple arithmetic, you pin headed dolt.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:41 pm
by bradhusker
Felix wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Government spending is subtracted from the GDP, you fucking simpleton. Where the fuck do you think they get the money from in the first place?!? Jesus fucking Christ.
so the stuff government buys from the private sector (weapons, etc.) don't contribute to the GDP?????

Holy fucking shit dude you better get a hold of every economist in the country because all this time they've had it wrong....

yeah, your right eliminating every fucking entitlement program is definitely the way to prosperity.....because as every one knows, more money in the super rich hands automatically translates into more jobs...of course for the last 12 years that hasn't been the case, but no doubt this time for sure......

but as soon as I can find the article, I'll show you why reducing the debt 5% doesn't all up to 5%, because of course there's reduced spending which in turn reduces tax revenues, which in trun pulls up farther into debt....but you just keep believing we can cut spending our way out of this.....your a tard of the highest caliber
Here is the big "quagmire". Raising taxes, cutting spending? WONT MATTER!! As long as millions upon millions of americans are unemployed, neither will work.

I am astonnished that felix is taking the cart before the horse here. For someone who believes himself to be so in touch with economic issues, you sure sound clueless Felix. The unemployment rate as told to us by the DEPT of labor, stands at over 8 percent. HOWEVER, any educated person will tell you that due to the people who are no longer looking for work, the REAL unemployment rate is closer to 14-15 percent.

NOW, I dont care if you argue about cutting spending and raising taxes till the cows come home. THERE IS NO COUNTRY on GODS green Earth which can survive with 15 percent of its workforce not working.

AND, with that many millions out of work and collecting free money, you can NEVER put a dent in federal spending. NEVER. So when Felix talks about raising taxes on the people who actually are working and trying to raise families and pay bills, FUCK YOU FELIX!! You fuckin moron.

IMAGINE, Millions upon millions of people are out of work collecting free federal money. Felix has the idea of raising taxes on not only the rich, BUT, on the regular hard-working folks as well. Because everyone knows that raising taxes on just the super rich, DOES NOTHING. Meaning that taxes would indeed be raised on us regular hard-working americans as well.

CRAZY HUH? Felix doesnt realize that this is the ultimate "CATCH 22", the dog constantly chasing his own tail,
As long as millions are collecting free money from the federal government. NOTHING WILL CHANGE.
I AM SHOCKED that felix hasnt yet realized this fact. UNLESS we get back to a healthy and vibrant workforce, this going back and forth about taxes and cutting spending is moot.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 2:28 pm
by R-Jack
Who will be providing the jobs?

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:54 pm
by mvscal
Felix wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Government spending is subtracted from the GDP, you fucking simpleton. Where the fuck do you think they get the money from in the first place?!? Jesus fucking Christ.
so the stuff government buys from the private sector (weapons, etc.) don't contribute to the GDP?????
And where does the government get the money to "buy stuff"?

You remain a pitiful dumbfuck.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:04 pm
by bradhusker
R-Jack wrote:Brad,
Who will be providing the jobs?
Well, this is the million dollar question. If you listen to the liberal left, the government will. CATCH 22. Not gonna get out of debt that way. PRIVATE SRCTOR? Thats my choice, Romney's as well.
Of course you'll always have government jobs for sure, thats a given. BUT it seems to me that a healthy economy is one where the majority of jobs will come from the private sector. Big business, small business, medium size business, BUT be certain, its all about BUSINESS.

The Obama administration and the democratic party keep talking about helping the poor. In REALITY, their policies keeep the poor very poor. Its only when we provide jobs for the poor, that they can lift themselves out of poverty. I find it funny how for the past 50 years, democratic policies have done nothing to lift people out of poverty. Im sick and tired of the liberal left NOT understanding what lifts the poor out of poverty, they CANT seem to grasp basic human psychology.

To the liberal mind, A BIG federal government is the answer to all of our problems. Liberals claim to be progressive, forward thinking modern individuals, HOWEVER, the opposite is true, their thinking is regressive and backwards. Less freedom and liberty goes hand and hand with BIG government, and would take this country backwards for sure.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:35 pm
by R-Jack
So to get America's economy healthy again, the private sector will put people to work, and those jobs will be created in a healthy economy?

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:45 pm
by mvscal
Yes, increasing private sector employment is the only path to economic health. You sound surprised. You should be seriously concerned when bradhusker grasps basic facts of life that you don't seem to understand.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:07 pm
by R-Jack
I grasp the concept as well as you grasp over-reactive "angry white guy" schtick.

If it was as simple as the private sector just......... *poof*........... creating jobs, why didn't they do it back in 2008?

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:02 pm
by R-Jack
Is there enough of a demand for American made goods and services and the elevated price tag that come with it?

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:59 am
by Felix
mvscal wrote:

And where does the government get the money to "buy stuff"?
government spending spends money in the private sector which contributes to the doesn't matter where it comes from, but you're a lying sack of shit if your asserting money from the gubmint doesn't contribute to the GDP....

until you get it though your thick skull that reducing spending simply cannot by it self reduce the deficit, you'll continue to be a clueless fuck tard

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:02 am
by poptart
Felix wrote:it doesn't matter where it comes from, but you're a lying sack of shit if your asserting money from the gubmint doesn't contribute to the GDP....
If "the government" just floated down from the heavens as an entity completely separate from everything else, your point would hold water, Felix.

But "the government" has no money of it's own.
It only has what it SUBTRACTS from people.
Money people don't have is money that absolutely is not put into the economy.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:13 am
by Mikey
Until you learn how to use apostrophe's correctly your opinion carries no weight.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:34 am
by poptart
VERY disappointed in the admins here for not erecting a grammar forum for us.

Much could be learned from the legends.

Hope Van didn't die.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:59 am
by Felix
poptart wrote:

But "the government" has no money of it's own.
It only has what it SUBTRACTS from people.
Money people don't have is money that absolutely is not put into the economy.
that's complete and utter horseshit.....the government doesn't build highways, the government pays private companies to build them for us....the government doesn't build F16 jets, private companies build them and are funded by your and my money....those private companies have employees that are paid with taxpayers money...they in turn buy goods and services which contribute to the economy.....

later on, I'll provide you (and mvscal) the mathematical model that demonstrates that reducing spending by a trillion dollars has a much more substantive effect than you might imagine

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:57 am
by poptart
Felix, if the gov takes $10 from ChargerMike and uses it to build a bridge, that is $10 invested in our economy, yes.
It's also $10 that ChargerMike absolutely will not be putting into the economy.

There is no gain for the economy.
Or if there is, it's very minor.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:24 pm
by bradhusker
poptart wrote:Felix, if the gov takes $10 from ChargerMike and uses it to build a bridge, that is $10 invested in our economy, yes.
It's also $10 that ChargerMike absolutely will not be putting into the economy.

There is no gain for the economy.
Or if there is, it's very minor.
This is why I am so confused by Obama and the democrats dogma. Why do democrats think that in a down economy, its ok to raise taxes on everybody? And when the Bush tax cuts expire, YES, taxes will be raised on middle class folks as well. SO, why does Obama lie and say he will only raise taxes on the super rich?

Someone please explain this to me, cause I cant figure it out on my own.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:20 pm
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote:
Felix wrote:you seem to operate under the impression that if we reduce our spending by a trillion dollars, that's going to reduce our deficit by a trillion dollars
Actually, Feelsdix it isn't an impression. It is a fact. If the federal gov't has a deficit of $1.5 trillion and they reduce spending by $1 trillion, the deficit will be reduced to $500 billion. There is no macroeconomic modeling necessary. It's simple arithmetic, you pin headed dolt.
Nice white flag you black cock swilling cum funnel.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:27 pm
by Moving Sale
It's MY fault he prefers back cock to any other color of cock?
You are pretty stupid if you think that make ME a racist.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:13 pm
by bradhusker
Papa Willie wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:It's MY fault he prefers back cock to any other color of cock?
You are pretty stupid if you think that make ME a racist.

Why couldn't you just call it "cock"?
What difference does it make what the color is? I'm pretty sure that when it's deep down his throat, the color is the LAST thing he's thinking about. He's probably going in and out of conciousness due to lack of air. Why would the color ever come up in casual conversation even?

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:25 pm
by Moving Sale
Sorry, Brad I don't feed trolls.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:30 pm
by Moving Sale
You are a fat stupid POS and you do troll (although not very well) and I don't feed you often but you are right I should stop posting to you because you are about as relevent as brad.
Bye now!

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:26 pm
by bradhusker
Papa Willie wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:You are a fat stupid POS and you do troll (although not very well) and I don't feed you often but you are right I should stop posting to you because you are about as relevent as brad.
Bye now!

What a sophisticated response from the small amblance chaser.

Seriously man - why don't you just try to act like something other than a small thimble of ass pudding? You used to actually be a halfway decent guy. The fuck happened?
Papa, I'll tell you what happened. Thats what happens when you kick someone's ass up and down the street. They get mad, pack up their marbles, call you a troll, and go home.

In here we use "words" to kick someone's ass. Words are like swords, they cut deep. Moving sale just got cut one too many times, he's bleeding profusely and quite frankly, it hurts.

Re: Stay Classy, DemocRats

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:32 pm
by bradhusker
Papa, its kinda like this, You and I are like 95 Nebraska. Moving sale is like prarie view or ANY team of ANY year, it doesnt matter. By halftime, Moving sale is getting pummelled and beat the fuck up, He doesnt want to play anymore, in fact, he probably wont come out for the second half.
Its sad, I know, but what are you gonna do?